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Critic on Islam


Well-Known Member
It's hard for me to disagree when opponents of Islam argue that Islam is a religion that causes many atrocities. Islamic doctrines influence Muslims one way or the other, ultra-orthodox Muslims tend to be more violent than their moderate / liberal counterparts. I totally cannot understand why killing is justifiable for apostasy, homosexuality and adultery. In Malaysia last year, there was a case when a Muslim boy posted on youtube that he's gay as part of 'it gets better' project to help to reduce suicide rates among gay teens. The boy received so many death threats from other Muslims that eventually the video was taken down for his own safety.


The same can be said of many 'religions/ways of life'. If you read history then it will be crystal-clear that all kinds of 'ways of life' have been used as an excuse for all kinds of bad things.

Take a look here for the social changes that originally Islam brought about. The wheel of time has turned now, but that doesn't mean that the original idea of Islam (maybe it has only theoretical significance for you, but it is what I am talking of here) is a cause of bad things.

I think in most cases involving major religions it is not themselves that are the real issue but the attitude of the people following it which is the determining factor for its affects.



The Creator
I am not saying there are entirely wrong but there may be more then religious reasons behind them.

A-ManESL, in case of pakistan what is your opinion? they have everything in common with India except religion, being one and only surviving hindu nation india did not fear to adopt a highest form of democracy and secularism, while in pakistan it is quite the opposite.
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Well-Known Member
A-ManESL, in case of pakistan what is your opinion? they have everything in common with India except religion, being one and only surviving hindu nation india did not fear to adopt a highest form of democracy and secularism, while in pakistan it is quite the opposite.

I believe that the idea of Pakistan was a foolish idea but that has nothing to do with point I am raising. If you are trying to correlate the fact that Pakistan couldn't progress because it has Muslims I will disagree. Behind Pakistan's failure there are a large number of politico-social factors. It persisted and still is persisting with feudalism whereas India didn't, it adopted a 'hate-India' policy which India didn't reciprocate (at least to a large extent amongst common people), and at times it supported wrong people and adopted wrong methods to further its cause as a nation. Such things they dont have common with India to a large extent. So its not that they have everything in common with India.


Strange Paradox
When I think of Islam I think of the religion itself and it's Golden Age during the middle ages. I choose to think about the advances made by Muslim scholars in astronomy, sailing, mathematics, chemistry, weaponry, etc.


The Creator
sorry if my previous post was off-topic.

If you are trying to correlate the fact that Pakistan couldn't progress because it has Muslims I will disagree.
nope, thats not i was talking about. What i did mean is, there were/is no respect and tolerance towards people of others religions in muslim populated states. In case of pakistan, bangladesh, kashmir, also afghanistan, the same thing repeats.

Of course, lack of progress in pakistan is an issue, but equality is the major issue as far as im concerned.
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Well-Known Member
If there isn't an egalitarian society it is against the principles taught by Muhammad(pbuh). The Muslim countries which are showing intolerance are not following these principles. Similar is the case was Christianity long back. For centuries Jews were discriminated against in Christian lands. Mihirakula used to worship Shiva, and he destroyed Buddhist monasteries. The fault lies in those who practice, not in the religions.


After reading through this thread I've concluded that it was a complete disaster. A lot of Ahmad's points just deserve a :facepalm:


Shi'ah Ali
After reading through this thread I've concluded that it was a complete disaster. A lot of Ahmad's points just deserve a :facepalm:

You revived a thread a year old just to take a shot at someone who seems to not really post here anymore? How nice.


You revived a thread a year old just to take a shot at someone who seems to not really post here anymore? How nice.

It wasn't a shot. It was based off of what I had read and observed throughout this dialouge. I already knew he hadn't posted on here in a while when I clicked on his profile. I just felt like commenting on this topic.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone :). I want to hear your critic on Islam. I just want to know what's the image on your mind about it. What ever you thinking of you can write. But always remember to use good word :yes:. For muslim, I hope you will not be offended since I myself is a muslim. This is only for discussion.

Well i don't like the concept of the god in Islam, he just seems to be so distant, not to mention he also divides the human race into believers and non believers.

to me that is not a divine being.