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Critic on Islam


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Dear AhmadSyahir, you need to learn how to use the quote feature; you have me saying your posts and now the poster above has quoted me wrong.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Israel want Hamas to banish right? Why can't Hamas want Israel to be gone?

Wanting is different to commiting acts of aggression ie suicide bombings and random Rocket attacks.

Yes. It sound the same as Bani Israel.


Suicide bombing can be set by anyone. Do you know why it's hard for american army to kill the Taliban? It's because they're dressing like civilian and wearing mask. It's hard to determined which is Taliban and civilian. I also think that they receive support from the locals.

Honestly,what kind of idiot would blow themselves up so we can blame the Taliban,lol what sort of Idiot blows themselves up anyway,of course they are hard to distinguish from civilians,its great camoflage for anyone who wants to creep up on some Women and Children and blow them up.
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Active Member
Honestly,what kind of idiot would blow themselves up so we can blame the Taliban,lol what sort of Idiot blows themselves up anyway,of course they are hard to distinguish from civilians,its great camoflage for anyone who wants to creep up on some Women and Children and blow them up.

I'm not saying blowing yourself for to accuse the Taliban. How about blowing others to accuse the Taliban? A bit threatening will do it. See it's not that hard.
Great camoflage for the Taliban? Yes. Great camoflage for the enemy? yes. You just need to wear mask.


Active Member
It's true that the media and governments hide and cover up stories that they don't want to be seen. But you cannot deny something just because you don't like it or don't agree with it. You cannot deny that there are groups, such as Hamas and the the Taliban, that are nothing more than ruthless murderers using religion to justify their immoral actions. I understand that Muslims in predominantly Muslim nations want to protect their way of life, and they should have the right to do so. However, committing atrocities against other nations and cultures on their own soil is not the way to go about this. Take Israel for example. It's there, and Muslims who don't want it to be there are just going to have to get over it. Muslims should be more worried about themselves than people they don't like or agree with.

I'm not denying. I'm suggesting. Tell me, who will save the life of muslims in Afghanistan and Palestine if there's no Hamas and Taliban? Other muslim country? Even Egypt restricted any support supplies to Palestine.
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New Member
Islam is a religeon and QUARAN ( holy book ) are the literal words of GOD in their original arabic language back 1432 years back .it dictation complete and took about 23 years by archangel Jibril .it is claimed by the followers to be free from all tahrif (error ).now what i want to put question to all -----
1 ) muhammed saheb (PBUH) --- Who got enlightment while he used to go for meditation on mountain - heera ,
2) the founder of islam are the last prophet never did any revolution peace fully as this action is very much reflected in holy book .
3) the last prophet (pbuh ) -- enjoyed his life and manipulated rules many time to full fill his passion and desire as he never belief in making sacrifices .
their are many many questions which none of intelligent muslim ready to answer as it is prohibited to discuss .
islam always propagated with fighting and forcefully .
thanks think 100 times
i dont see rational and any think good in this religeon bec it only deals with one sector and saying any word for cultural / religeous hormany -- thats why it is only intolerable religeon .....<????????????????????????????????????????


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Hello everyone :). I want to hear your critic on Islam. I just want to know what's the image on your mind about it. What ever you thinking of you can write. But always remember to use good word :yes:. For muslim, I hope you will not be offended since I myself is a muslim. This is only for discussion.
In short, it's an astonishingly beautiful faith tradition unfortunately trapped in nostalgia.

Debater Slayer

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In short, it's an astonishingly beautiful faith tradition unfortunately trapped in nostalgia.

I wouldn't call it nostalgia, but rather trying to preserve the faith from being altered and/or tampered with. It's been shown before that there's no way to edit a religion without having to inevitably bear the consequences of it being subject to corruption and false texts.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I wouldn't call it nostalgia, but rather trying to preserve the faith from being altered and/or tampered with. It's been shown before that there's no way to edit a religion without having to inevitably bear the consequences of it being subject to corruption and false texts.
The one is a manifestation of the other, imo.

Humanity progresses. Scientifically, philosophically, politically and morally. Islam's careful guarding of the Qur'an and tradition are good things in one respect, but have led it to resist human progress in others.

This is, from my outsider's perspective, the deadliest pitfall of your path, and it makes me sad. Islam, like every other faith tradition, MUST adapt or die. I don't want to see the latter.


England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I'm not saying blowing yourself for to accuse the Taliban. How about blowing others to accuse the Taliban? A bit threatening will do it. See it's not that hard.

Don't forget that Al Qaeda are present in Afghanistan along with the Taliban,i guess you have to do the math,who is most likely to carry out a bombing,ok you could perhaps point a finger at a corporation but really the conflict in Afghanistan doesn't need any help in continuing so the most likely culprits are the most fanatical,especially when they claim responsibility.

Great camoflage for the Taliban? Yes. Great camoflage for the enemy? yes. You just need to wear mask.

Actually they don't always wear a mask,they just look the same as most tribespeople,the beard and headress,the only difference is that they carry a weapon.

Here is a good example of the mindset of these people:

BBC News - Afghanistan bombs kill 58 in Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif


Active Member
Actually they don't always wear a mask,they just look the same as most tribespeople,the beard and headress,the only difference is that they carry a weapon.

Here is a good example of the mindset of these people:

BBC News - Afghanistan bombs kill 58 in Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif

They wear mask. Most of them. Except for certain high-ranking that have bounty on their head. Taliban wear mask to hide their face... Maybe...

I don't look into news like everyone does. Don't worry, U.S.A will save the day.... like they always did.. right??


Active Member
Islam is a religeon and QUARAN ( holy book ) are the literal words of GOD in their original arabic language back 1432 years back .it dictation complete and took about 23 years by archangel Jibril .it is claimed by the followers to be free from all tahrif (error ).now what i want to put question to all -----
1 ) muhammed saheb (PBUH) --- Who got enlightment while he used to go for meditation on mountain - heera ,
2) the founder of islam are the last prophet never did any revolution peace fully as this action is very much reflected in holy book .
3) the last prophet (pbuh ) -- enjoyed his life and manipulated rules many time to full fill his passion and desire as he never belief in making sacrifices .
their are many many questions which none of intelligent muslim ready to answer as it is prohibited to discuss .
islam always propagated with fighting and forcefully .
thanks think 100 times
i dont see rational and any think good in this religeon bec it only deals with one sector and saying any word for cultural / religeous hormany -- thats why it is only intolerable religeon .....<????????????????????????????????????????

Poor people... Do you think peace mean there shouldn't be any blood shed?? Is it??

Is there any way we can discuss with Mongol to stop during their invasion? No way.

Malaysia for example this time. Only a small amount of group that fight back against the British. Malaysia achieve independence by co-operating with British Empire. Being British's officer, worker and policeman.

That sound like a traitor. Helping others to conquer your own land. How can we expect to have full-reality independence by co-operating with a side that invade our land for no reasons?

Now, how can Muhammad S.A.W did revolution peacefully? By waiting them to kill him? By waiting to be thrown by stone? By co-operating with a side that completely against the good teachings?


Active Member
The one is a manifestation of the other, imo.

Humanity progresses. Scientifically, philosophically, politically and morally. Islam's careful guarding of the Qur'an and tradition are good things in one respect, but have led it to resist human progress in others.

This is, from my outsider's perspective, the deadliest pitfall of your path, and it makes me sad. Islam, like every other faith tradition, MUST adapt or die. I don't want to see the latter.


I always heard that Islam resist human progresses. What you want to explain by that? example?

I don't think that humanity progresses. Yes, we move ahead scientifically and philosophically. But, not politically and morally. We never move ahead politically and morally.

This two aspect change according to the current time and age. It has always affected by many factors.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
They wear mask. Most of them. Except for certain high-ranking that have bounty on their head. Taliban wear mask to hide their face... Maybe...

Yeah maybe,mask or not they sure are ugly,perhaps they should identify themselves with a yellow stripe on their backs.

I don't look into news like everyone does. Don't worry, U.S.A will save the day.... like they always did.. right??

Perhaps you should,i'm sorry to rain on your parade but IMO all the problems that Afghanistan face are because of different versions of your religion,mix that with culture poverty a corrupt and useless Government and an all round lack of Human kindness hey presto,disaster.


Active Member
Perhaps you should,i'm sorry to rain on your parade but IMO all the problems that Afghanistan face are because of different versions of your religion,mix that with culture poverty a corrupt and useless Government and an all round lack of Human kindness hey presto,disaster.

You should stop on different version of religion. There's no such thing.


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Sufism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, it's Wiki, but it's fairly accurate in this case.

Sorry to say it, but the Sunnis are probably the most guilty of "labeling" other Muslims than anyone else (Maliki, Hanafi, Salafi, etc). As a matter of fact, they are also the most guilty of calling everyone else "kuffar" that doesn't follow their thoughts to a "T".

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
That's why I hate it when muslim label themselves. What make a religion is it's basic. If the basic is manipulated, it will no longer belong to the religion.

Can I ask you? What is Sufi? It always bother me.

Thats easy,they are Muslims,from what i know they follow an inner mystical dimension of Islam,there are Sufis on the RF who could explain it far better than i.


Active Member

Sufism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, it's Wiki, but it's fairly accurate in this case.

Sorry to say it, but the Sunnis are probably the most guilty of "labeling" other Muslims than anyone else (Maliki, Hanafi, Salafi, etc). As a matter of fact, they are also the most guilty of calling everyone else "kuffar" that doesn't follow their thoughts to a "T".

Wait a second...who labelled Sunni as Sunni? It's because the presence of people that want to label themselves with other word than 'muslim' that make the people that follow the Sunnah of Rasulullah S.A.W labelled as Sunni.

Maliki, Hanafi, Hanbali, and Shafie' is only madhhab. It became that way for the purpose of discussion; different interpretation(especially on hadith). But all of this madhhab is interpretation of hadith which put all of them under the study of the Sunnah.

Who's labeling other muslim as 'kuffar'? If a 'muslim' accused other muslim to be 'kafir' but the accusation is not true, the word will return back to the mouth of it's owner. As far as I know, it's Shia, Wahhabi and other branches that have problem with Sunni. I'll show you why. First of all, Sunni don't hate any of Sahabah but Shia do. Second, Sunni like stay in moderation but some Wahhabi like to be a little bit extreme(what they consider to be bid'ah will not be tolerated. Qunut for example. They will disturb you even when you're performing Solah if you recite Qunut).

At the end, Sunni has always have no problem with other 'branches'.