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Critic on Islam


Active Member
The young woman whose name is Aisha lives in Afghanistan.
Afghan girl whose nose was cut off meets with local doctors, prepares for treatment - latimes.com The picture worth a thousand words.
Her nose and ears cut off for running away(!!)
I'm sorry, I will not watch anything that claims the Taliban is humane. The Taliban make Islam look like a barbaric religion needing to be discarded. The Taliban give Islam a bad name and no women thrive under the Taliban.

I also watched on TV in this 21st century the Taliban shoot a woman in the head in the street(!) Live. On TV. You can't deny that. it happened. I will never "Unsee" it. Nor will any other woman who saw it. Why would a woman voluntarily consign herself to the possibility of such harm coming to her under the LAW of the Taliban, supposedly okay with Allah(SWT)?

Also a 'little stoning' for adultery, a 'flogging by sandal only' I saw a switch not a sandal flogging that woman. I saw a gunshot to a woman's head-not a sandal-claiming to be gently violent is like saying a woman is a only a 'little pregnant'. It's either okay to hit women or it isn't -under Islam. Stoning people for adultery is more wrong than the adultery itself. The punishment does not fit the crime.

I agree with all the moral and social ramifications of adultery. I don't agree with the response justified under Allah's(swt); God's name.

Yes there are Christian, Protestant Jewish, religious persons who hit women, kill women, all using God as their reasoning,God as their rationale.-BUT- it is not LAW. That is my whole point. That my friend makes ALL the difference.

That is why persons do not see Islam as a governing body they would want to live under. Aisha was beloved by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh), correct? It was sadder yet to see this young woman named after Aisha so violated.

As it stands right now Islam is a religion for men. Men get all the benefits of being Muslim. Women do not. They get to live in fear of male reprisals. Even at the hands of their own family-that is the hardest cut of all. To be betrayed by your own brothers and father simply because one is a woman. IF a woman is not safe in her own home, with her own family-then where?

As I have said, I love reading the Holy Qur'an. I admire the Muslim beliefs of community life.
It is man's interpretation of the Holy Qur'an I do not agree with.

Of course this happens under all religions I address Islam because the OP is about first impressions of Islam.

What is it about women that men are so afraid of that they need to blame God; Allah(swt) for their child like reactions; THEIR male temper tantrums?
As you said all humans benefit from moderation. Let the laws reflect this moderation. Assalamu alaikum ~~peace~~

I see. So, those afghans has given Islam a bad name. Like I just said, there's no such penalty for running away from home in Al-Quran. The doing of them is
not according to Islamic Law. You can't hate Islam because of some people that call themselves a muslim but disobeying the Islamic Law. It's unfair for us that you judge Islam for it's follower that against their own religion. Same goes to other religion. For example, I can make chaos by the name of Christianity and people will judge Christianity for it's follower that doing against the teaching of that particular religion.

I can confirm you that there's no such Law like cutting nose and ears. I think it's a Tribal Law in their community.

I hope you don't mention the doing of muslim that act according to their will and not according to the teaching of Islam. It's like blaming the 'School' because your 'Son' did not done well in examination and test.

Adultery in other hand, is a big crime in Islam.
1.Married person- Public stoning to death.
2.Unmarried person- 100x hit. Not more than 90 degree angle. Muhammad
S.A.W himself used only his sandals. Lastly, the person will be expelled from
the place they lived for a year. *the reason for the expulsion is to start a
new life and prepare yourself to face your community.

Islam is the religion for men? You're so wrong in this context. Do you know how the Arabian in Mecca before Islam? You have no idea how they're treated.

Arabian before Islam kill their own daughter. They treat women as a slave. They treat slave like animal. If Islam promotes all the Arabian evil deed, what makes people convert to Islam doing that time?

Islam put all creature in high place.

Taliban: You westerner must be tired hearing about Taliban's suicide bombing, bombing and another series of bombing. You must be thinking how is their life and why can they be so cruel like they was potrayed in the media.

Believe me, you can't even imagine what they look like in reality. The video is a 26 min documentary of 'Taliban: Behind the mask'. The title itself explain that the video is something big. I can't even believe that the bombing is done by them after watching the video.

Do me a favor, will you? Watch that video until the end and you can hate them for the rest of your life if you want. The video is about the real Taliban.


Active Member
FreeTHinker4eva, I watch a news about afghans supporting the Taliban. They make banners and there were plenty of supporters. If Taliban is really brutal, the
community will give 100% of support to Americans Army by telling them the member of Taliban and their hideout. Taliban dressed like locals and I think most of them are locals and join the Taliban. With no doubt, the locals know where, and who is the Taliban. The commander of Taliban in the video is a former volleyball player if i'm not mistaken. They all have a good life before but turn to be a warrior to free their land from infidel.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
FreeTHinker4eva, I watch a news about afghans supporting the Taliban. They make banners and there were plenty of supporters. If Taliban is really brutal, the
community will give 100% of support to Americans Army by telling them the member of Taliban and their hideout. Taliban dressed like locals and I think most of them are locals and join the Taliban. With no doubt, the locals know where, and who is the Taliban. The commander of Taliban in the video is a former volleyball player if i'm not mistaken. They all have a good life before but turn to be a warrior to free their land from infidel.

I would make a banner for the Taliban if they pointed an AK at my head,really the Taliban are a poor advert for Islam,you can throw "no compulsion in religion" out for starters swiftly followed by education and healthcare.

The Taliban remind me of a Movie called The Horseman,set in Afghanistan its the story of a Muslim Horseman,in the story he breaks a leg but refuses modern medical care and instead wraps a page of the Qur'an around it,unfortunately this becomes gangerinous (spl) and has to be amputated.


Active Member
I would make a banner for the Taliban if they pointed an AK at my head,really the Taliban are a poor advert for Islam,you can throw "no compulsion in religion" out for starters swiftly followed by education and healthcare.

The Taliban remind me of a Movie called The Horseman,set in Afghanistan its the story of a Muslim Horseman,in the story he breaks a leg but refuses modern medical care and instead wraps a page of the Qur'an around it,unfortunately this becomes gangerinous (spl) and has to be amputated.

That mean you 'hate' the Taliban because of their image in western media. Watch the video first and you will not believe how they actually look like.

Their member is locals. Their commander in the video is a former volleyball player. A rich man. They were like your father that work as a clerk and turn into a soldier to defend their land.

One of the objective of the media to 'merrily' publish the story of Taliban is to make the way for the militant to conquer the land in the name of 'justice'.


Hostis humani generis
That mean you 'hate' the Taliban because of their image in western media.
They do have an image problem.


With acts like this, I'm not surprised that is the case.

I'm curious; why do you defend them and say it's an image problem from the West, then in your opinion, why do India and Iran also denounce the Taliban, as do many Muslims, because they feel they are following a distortion of Islam?


Active Member
They do have an image problem.


With acts like this, I'm not surprised that is the case.

I'm curious; why do you defend them and say it's an image problem from the West, then in your opinion, why do India and Iran also denounce the Taliban, as do many Muslims, because they feel they are following a distortion of Islam?

I'm not surprised by the picture because I have saw it many times. What make me very surprised is Taliban:Behind the mask. It will be more surprising than any other image of Taliban you had ever see.

Reality can be moulded into fake and fake can be made into reality by the media. Whether it's true or not is not yet confirmed and we can't jump into a conclusion. I have saw a fake news in my country that made to look very alive by those who don't know the story behind it.

Taliban in general can be used by everyone. It just a term used for afghans fighter. People can label them as 'terrorist' even if they're not.

9/11 has give Islam a bad name,Really? Who actually made the bombing is not clear. I don't believe that United State's government cannot detect a crazy aeroplane that fly low in the air of a modern city. It doesn't make sense that the aeroplane can fly in the middle of a city without being detected first by a country that have a great military facility.

Who is Bin Laden? He is a rich man. What will he get if he fight for nothing? He have everything and left everything. There must be something that he fight for. Money? of course not. He gain no benefits from his action.

My point is, not to jump a conclusion until we know for sure.

I'll post this link one more time.
LiveLeak.com - Taliban - Behind the Masks

Go through the video and leave me a comment. I'll reply after Sunday.
*I have to attend a course
I see. So, those afghans has given Islam a bad name. Like I just said, there's no such penalty for running away from home in Al-Quran. The doing of them is
not according to Islamic Law. You can't hate Islam because of some people that call themselves a muslim but disobeying the Islamic Law. It's unfair for us that you judge Islam for it's follower that against their own religion. Same goes to other religion. For example, I can make chaos by the name of Christianity and people will judge Christianity for it's follower that doing against the teaching of that particular religion.

I can confirm you that there's no such Law like cutting nose and ears. I think it's a Tribal Law in their community.

I hope you don't mention the doing of muslim that act according to their will and not according to the teaching of Islam. It's like blaming the 'School' because your 'Son' did not done well in examination and test.

Adultery in other hand, is a big crime in Islam.
1.Married person- Public stoning to death.
2.Unmarried person- 100x hit. Not more than 90 degree angle. Muhammad
S.A.W himself used only his sandals. Lastly, the person will be expelled from
the place they lived for a year. *the reason for the expulsion is to start a
new life and prepare yourself to face your community.

Islam is the religion for men? You're so wrong in this context. Do you know how the Arabian in Mecca before Islam? You have no idea how they're treated.

Arabian before Islam kill their own daughter. They treat women as a slave. They treat slave like animal. If Islam promotes all the Arabian evil deed, what makes people convert to Islam doing that time?

Islam put all creature in high place.

Taliban: You westerner must be tired hearing about Taliban's suicide bombing, bombing and another series of bombing. You must be thinking how is their life and why can they be so cruel like they was prtrayed in the media.

Believe me, you can't even imagine what they look like in reality. The video is a 26 min documentary of 'Taliban: Behind the mask'. The title itself explain that the video is something big. I can't even believe that the bombing is done by them after watching the video.

Do me a favor, will you? Watch that video until the end and you can hate them for the rest of your life if you want. The video is about the real Taliban.
I do not hate. Hatred is Spiritual Poison. Please, lets get that clear.
I do not hate Islam. Many Muslim women are professionals, and thrive as Muslims. It is men's interpretations I contend with. I am a woman. If I was a Muslim woman born into the wrong place where Tribal law rules-She/I am the person discriminated against under Allah's name(swt). In my experience Muslim women I have known are wonderful to talk with. So are the Arabic people(s)<-yes-as the media portrays them well. We 'westerners' have no problems with Muslims-nor with the Holy Qu'ran as sacred text for Muslims. I respect the rights of all to believe as they will. As is written, Rain falls on the just and the unjust.

To me all Organized Religions beg this question: If I as a mere human can live by a nobler truth[most of the time], rather than by the lowest common denominator of humans-the falsehoods of fear; of discrimination-Why do humans then also think God;Allah(swt) would be less, act less, than our highest human Truth including even Jesus(saws),even Prophet Muhamad(pbuh)?
Why must God; Allah(swt) most merciful, be only viewed from one group's way as the only way-or dire consequence even unto death?<- IS this our highest human truth?..Do you ever wonder that?
One God for millions of people=Unity of purpose=/=uniformity of thought. imho ~~Peace~~

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
That mean you 'hate' the Taliban because of their image in western media. Watch the video first and you will not believe how they actually look like.

You really think it matters what they look like?,their public image is correct if thats what you mean,they kill their supposed brother Muslims including Women whom they beat for even talking,they impose their version of a very strict Sharia and even Kite flying along with TV and the internet were and would be banned if they ever regained power.

I do not hate the Taliban but i can't believe these people can be so gullible as to believe the rubbish they learn in the Madrassas and then strap a bomb to themselves,blow themselves up along with any innocent people in the vicinity thinking they will reach paradise so i don't hate them i just think they are stupid,Taliban means student,pity they never learned anything worthwhile.

Their member is locals.
Their commander in the video is a former volleyball player. A rich man. They were like your father that work as a clerk and turn into a soldier to defend their land.

My Father wasn't a Clerk for a start and he didn't beat or murder Women,as for the Volleyball playing murderer how is killing other Muslims defending their land?

One of the objective of the media to 'merrily' publish the story of Taliban is to make the way for the militant to conquer the land in the name of 'justice'.

I think the best the West could do would be to pull out of Afghanistan and let the Pakistan Government deal with their Children,really its pointless to expect people so dumb to connect with their brains,its childishly simple,if they want the coalition out of Afghanistan all they need do is stop killing people and form a political party and let people vote to see if people want to live in a backward dump.


Active Member
I do not hate. Hatred is Spiritual Poison. Please, lets get that clear.
I do not hate Islam. Many Muslim women are professionals, and thrive as Muslims. It is men's interpretations I contend with. I am a woman. If I was a Muslim woman born into the wrong place where Tribal law rules-She/I am the person discriminated against under Allah's name(swt). In my experience Muslim women I have known are wonderful to talk with. So are the Arabic people(s)<-yes-as the media portrays them well. We 'westerners' have no problems with Muslims-nor with the Holy Qu'ran as sacred text for Muslims. I respect the rights of all to believe as they will. As is written, Rain falls on the just and the unjust.

To me all Organized Religions beg this question: If I as a mere human can live by a nobler truth[most of the time], rather than by the lowest common denominator of humans-the falsehoods of fear; of discrimination-Why do humans then also think God;Allah(swt) would be less, act less, than our highest human Truth including even Jesus(saws),even Prophet Muhamad(pbuh)?
Why must God; Allah(swt) most merciful, be only viewed from one group's way as the only way-or dire consequence even unto death?<- IS this our highest human truth?..Do you ever wonder that?
One God for millions of people=Unity of purpose=/=uniformity of thought. imho ~~Peace~~

First, there's no problem in treatment of creature in Islam. It's our fault that we cannot advice our fellow muslim that treat other muslim in a bad manners but if they we're our neighbour, we will insya'allah give advice to them and take some action if needed. Maybe those people don't understand Islam by heart.

Can you simplify your meaning in the second paragraph? I have problem to understand the long-form.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
You're wrong. Bin Laden is borned in a rich family but choose to leave everything for something. He don't have to do all of the hard work for money as he is already a millionaire.

Too bad he couldn't use his millions to bribe the SEAL team that splattered his diseased brain all over his bedroom.


Active Member
I think the best the West could do would be to pull out of Afghanistan and let the Pakistan Government deal with their Children,really its pointless to expect people so dumb to connect with their brains,its childishly simple,if they want the coalition out of Afghanistan all they need do is stop killing people and form a political party and let people vote to see if people want to live in a backward dump.

The real you. If I call you a fanatic hater, you will deny it. You will deny it anyway as I have mention it.

Do watch the video. Hate them if you want after you've watched the video. Don't leave any comment on Taliban anymore until you have gone through the whole video.

Women abuse is always related to the Taliban. Just because of the doing of some people that claimed themselves to be a Taliban doesn't make them bad.

My country did well in faking the truth and I think other countries is better than my mine.


Active Member
Too bad he couldn't use his millions to bribe the SEAL team that splattered his diseased brain all over his bedroom.

Yeah. He is not like me,you and everyone else. He have his own purpose. He can live in luxury but choose not to for a great reason. He's actually a real fighter for some people.

I wish i can be brave and tough enough to face the reality of life and fulfilling my purpose just like he did.

He is once very popular in my country. Many people wear t-shirt with Bin Laden's face on them.

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
The real you. If I call you a fanatic hater, you will deny it. You will deny it anyway as I have mention it.

The real me doesn't have time for hate,people who hate are blinded by it and end up losing.

Do watch the video. Hate them if you want after you've watched the video. Don't leave any comment on Taliban anymore until you have gone through the whole video.

The Taliban suck,hey i defied you

Women abuse is always related to the Taliban. Just because of the doing of some people that claimed themselves to be a Taliban doesn't make them bad.

Some Muslims kill other Muslims does that make them bad?
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Active Member
The real you. If I call you a fanatic hater, you will deny it. You will deny it anyway as I have mention it.

The real me doesn't have time for hate,people who hate are blinded by it and end up losing.

Do watch the video. Hate them if you want after you've watched the video. Don't leave any comment on Taliban anymore until you have gone through the whole video.

The Taliban suck,hey i defied you

Women abuse is always related to the Taliban. Just because of the doing of some people that claimed themselves to be a Taliban doesn't make them bad.

Some Muslims kill other Muslims does that make them bad?

Watch the video first....

Just because of the doing of some people that claimed themselves to be a Taliban doesn't make them bad.

keyword: some people, claim themselves as,
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England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Watch the video first....

Just because of the doing of some people that claimed themselves to be a Taliban doesn't make them bad.

keyword: some people, claim themselves as,

OK how about this,when the Taliban were in Government what did they achieve,of course i'm assuming a Taliban Government are really Taliban.
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