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Well-Known Member
i knew a guy that drank a little each morning and he said it completely removed his arthritis.
I knew a professor who believed a glass of water mixed with blackstrap mollasses and vinegar was healthy.

I was glad he found it palatable for that reason, but it's truly disgusting.



Jedi Master
so you believe that the sponge that was held up to jesus contained enough vinegar to preserve him?

As I said no way.....does anyone realize the amount of embalming fluid it takes to preserve a human being? Far beyond the small quanity that Jesus would have gotten out of that sponge. The Romans at the time were fully capable of utilizing their techniques to mummify Jesus had they been so inclined to do so...The Romans and Greeks were practicing mummification long before the Ancient Egyptians. It was the Ancient Egyptians who took the process to a higher level of technique. Brain death occurs 4 to 6 minutes after death had Jesus came to life after being dead for 3 days with out divine intervention he would have been a complete vegetable. Bodily functions in some organs will continue after death hearing is one. But after 3 days total organ shutdown would have occured.


Miss Independent
I dont know how much of it he drank. I always thought it was a bit cruel to give him vinegar when he said he was thirsty.

There must have been some way for Jesus's body to not undergo decay for three days. And I think the vinegar might have had something to do with preserving the internal organs in some way.

As far as the people who did not have faith that he would be ressurrected. The people that did touch and handle his body after his death, must have believed what Jesus said. Or atleast they were going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Also, Lazarus, was quite a nasty sight I think after three days, and he came out of the tomb not looking like a zombie im sure. And if he did Jesus would have done him a great injustice.

But if whatever they did to bodies those days, were good enough to preserve a body for at least three days, then I guess whatever was done to Jesus's body must have been good enough too.

As the writer of the original post states, it seems like the customs were changed a bit when it came to the balming of the body. Of course I am taking his word for it, but I have no such evidence myself.



Well-Known Member
Also does vinegar not change into alchohol when digested by the stomach? Alchohol is also a preservative.

People with lots of alcohol in their system take longer to decay than other too.

Natural fermented substances turn to vinegar over time when the presence of the alcohol finally kills off the yeast.

I don't know that it transforms to alcohol in the stomach, at least long enough to be absorbed into the blood stream.

I heard of a Japanese gentleman who could nto eat wheat because his body created fermentable compounds and he could literally become drunk from eating soda crackers.

That may, of course, be urban legend.



Well-Known Member
I dont know how much of it he drank. I always thought it was a bit cruel to give him vinegar when he said he was thirsty.

There must have been some way for Jesus's body to not undergo decay for three days. And I think the vinegar might have had something to do with preserving the internal organs in some way.

As far as the people who did not have faith that he would be ressurrected. The people that did touch and handle his body after his death, must have believed what Jesus said. Or atleast they were going to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Also, Lazarus, was quite a nasty sight I think after three days, and he came out of the tomb not looking like a zombie im sure. And if he did Jesus would have done him a great injustice.

But if whatever they did to bodies those days, were good enough to preserve a body for at least three days, then I guess whatever was done to Jesus's body must have been good enough too.

As the writer of the original post states, it seems like the customs were changed a bit when it came to the balming of the body. Of course I am taking his word for it, but I have no such evidence myself.


The purpose of preparing a body in Judaica is the same as in the Baha`i burial preparation.

The body is washed, anointed with oils. It is wrapped in the shroud, occasionally sprinkled with rosewater and the wrapped body is placed in the casket. There is no embalming involved. In fact embalming is distasteful in Jewish burials.



Jedi Master
They never expounded on what was done to the body other than wrapping it in cloth....the spear in Jesus side would have no doubt caused massive internal injuries that would have been hard for even a normal human being to live through.....I can only imagine how painful it was....I read an article a while back on this I wish I had bookmarked it....


Jedi Master
The purpose of preparing a body in Judaica is the same as in the Baha`i burial preparation.

The body is washed, anointed with oils. It is wrapped in the shroud, occasionally sprinkled with rosewater and the wrapped body is placed in the casket. There is no embalming involved. In fact embalming is distasteful in Jewish burials.


Exactly Scott. Islam is the same way. They did not embalm Pope John Paul....traditons change granted.....Embalming did not arrive in the US until the 1850s...sorry to the OP I did not mean to go OT.......


Miss Independent
Just checked on the net. Rosewater is used as a toner for the skin especially for dry skin.
Skin dries out when you die. So then why would they want to hinder the skin becoming dry?

Rosewater must have been used to help preserve the skin and the vinegar could have been a way to preserve the internal organs.

Oh I just used the word embalming as a general term for what people do to dead bodies.

But in hindsight they also did some things to preserve the body. NO?


Well-Known Member
Just checked on the net. Rosewater is used as a toner for the skin especially for dry skin.
Skin dries out when you die. So then why would they want to hinder the skin becoming dry?

Rosewater must have been used to help preserve the skin and the vinegar could have been a way to preserve the internal organs.

Oh I just used the word embalming as a general term for what people do to dead bodies.

But in hindsight they also did some things to preserve the body. NO?

In a word, no.

Preserving the bodey is exaqctly what they do not wishe to do. They want it to go ahead and corrupt. The flesh is dust.

Baha`i's use rosewater because it smells nice. We often use rosewater to commemorate Holy Days because the frragrance is nice. It is also used in cooking in Persia and the Middle East.

From the Jewish Burial Soci9ety website:
We explained earlier that the earth is compared to the womb of a mother preparing a person for life. Similarly, wheat and other plants only start growing after the seeds rot completely into the earth. The earth contains the four basic forces of all life: fire, water, air and earth. From these basic forces emanate the powers of energy, heat, electricity, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. Rot means separating the parts and particles of an object and bringing it back to its source in order to renew its growth. Burning results in destroying and demolishing the parts. Burning the seeds of a plant makes any further growth and reproduction impossible. Fertilizer which comes completely from rot gives a plant the power of growth. However, fertilizer that comes solely from ashes has had all the energy burned out of it. It cannot provide plants with nourishment for growth unless it is mixed with a rot-based fertilizer the essence of which remains intact. So it is with the burial of a persons body in the earth which is necessary preparation for the growth of new life which we will experience at the time of the Revival of the Dead."

Please, do not look for me to provide you with straws to grasp. I find your argument sillly.
Jews at the time of Jesus were njot buried in the earth at all. They were laid to rest with no embalming so the body could go ahead and decompose as expeditiously as possible. When the flesh was truly gone, the bones would be laid away in an ossuary and placed in a mausoleum. In today's world the coffin is supposed to be pierced so that decomposition can be hastened, there is no embalming and the coffin is not air or water tight to hasten decomnposition. In some localities this is not legal and Jewish burial follows the law of the land if it must--with the exception of cremation.



Jedi Master
Jews at the time of Jesus were njot buried in the earth at all. They were laid to rest with no embalming so the body could go ahead and decompose as expeditiously as possible. When the flesh was truly gone, the bones would be laid away in an ossuary and placed in a mausoleum. In today's world the coffin is supposed to be pierced so that decomposition can be hastened, there is no embalming and the coffin is not air or water tight to hasten decomnposition. In some localities this is not legal and Jewish burial follows the law of the land if it must--with the exception of cremation.

Could not have said it better myself good explanation....thats what I been trying to tell him....


Miss Independent
Ok so Jesus's body was just sprinkled with some rose water that probably would not have delayed decomposing in three days.

So what did keep his body preserved then?

How long after death does decomposing start. Straight away I pressume.


I'm your huckleberry.
Why are we looking at this scientifically? Jesus, after he died descened into hell. He then rose again. It is entirely possible that God chose not to have Jesus' body decompose.


Miss Independent
Hello Rheff! Whats up?

Yes you are right of course, but we are looking at scientific proof to back up the theory.

Any ideas how a body can stay 'fresh' so to speak for three days?

I believe that God can do anything but we might be in the minority here. Wink wink.



I'm your huckleberry.
But that's the problem though isn't it? Sometimes science just does not work where God is invovled. How do we know he didn't descend body and soul into hell? He went body and soul into heaven. But, scientifically? What all did he consume at the last supper? Maybe he had more wine than is written thus helping to perserve his body longer. I know I would have to be ****faced if I knew I was going to die later in the day.


Miss Independent
Ok, i get what you are saying, but then Jesuss body was not out of sight until they placed it in the tomb. Do you think his spirit was still in his body when he was placed in the tomb, and then went to hell in that body and with his spirit? How did he get out of the tomb with a natural body?

The body that he recieved after ressurection was tangable yes, but rather different, and that body certainly could have done it.



Well-Known Member
Ok so Jesus's body was just sprinkled with some rose water that probably would not have delayed decomposing in three days.

So what did keep his body preserved then?

How long after death does decomposing start. Straight away I pressume.

Surely if God can resurrect Him from the dead, God can heal the body at the same time?

After all, whateer God decrees IS, is it not"



Jedi Master
Ok so Jesus's body was just sprinkled with some rose water that probably would not have delayed decomposing in three days.

So what did keep his body preserved then?

How long after death does decomposing start. Straight away I pressume.

My, my, my.....decomposition is depend upon numerous factors such as atmospheric conditions, surrounding air temperature, moisture etc....An embalmed body not subjected to the air will decompose slower than one that has been subjected to the elements....now a body that is buried with no embalming will decompose faster because there is no preservative such as embalming fluid in the body. I do not know the conditions of the site where Jesus was laid to rest so I cannot answer that question....Give you an example, President Lincolns body was embalmed so many times in the 8 days between Philadelphia and Illinois that after those two thugs tried to hold the body for ransom they removed the coffin and opened him up and he still look the same a year later.....of course that will not happen agian they encased him in 2 tons of concrete.....the explanation for this can get gruesome and this is no place to go into detail....Jesus suffered one of the most horrible deaths known.He basically died form shock.He sweat profusely, so much so that the blood vessels began to rupture....not only that hanging from a cross is made to make it hard to breathe. Experts say that when the spear pierced Jesus side there was a rush of blood and fluid. They indicate that at this point it is obvious that he was already dead, died from cardiac failure....he was severely dehydrated due to the lack of fluids, he was forced to carry the huge timber that he was evenually to be hung on. This could only have made matters worse in his already weakened condition....nails driven into the hands would have penetrated the medial nerve that would have produced severe pain even when he breathed, nails penetrating the plantar nerve in the feet would have caused the same reaction. Jesus suffered from a severe form of stress, so much so that he actually sweat blood Luke 22:44


Well-Known Member
Sorry6, myrrh was used in Judaic times as an ointment for dead bodies. Chinese medicine prescribed myrrh for several healing purposes, but there were not many Chinese herbalist around Palestine in the first century AD.

Today it islarely used in toothpastes and gargles for gum pain..

You might recall it was one of the gifts of the Magi, valuable in itself for incense and ointments for the dead, along with frankincense (also valuable) it is associated most with burial, and was considered a symbol of the fate of Jesus to die for the sins of others. Gold was a symbol of His nature as King of the Jews.

Myrrh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
