I said maybe it comes from the word occult question mark, it was a question. and then I found out it comes from the Latin word for WORSHIP. Why do some people think the KKK, AA and the BP are cults? If the word literally means worship then yes a cult is religious based, unless we are just going to call any group we feel is harmful a cult.
It seems ou are mistakingly equating worship with The God or a god. Anything can be worshipped. Money can be worshipped. It is what some exclusive clubs worship. Maybe the KKK worships the white man.
worship defined - a. The reverent love and devotion accorded a deity, an idol, or a sacred object.
Some people consider the self a sacred object. The KKK considers only the white self a sacred object.
Some people consider the works of Karl Marx sacred. Sacred meaning venerated.
The Governing Body of Jehovah's Wintesses is venerated.
To some Jews the Law is venerated.
The Bible is venerated. People are using the Bible to define what righteousness is. Anyone putting The Bible on high to venerate it is making it their cult.
Any group getting together to venerate any object, person or place and making rules for fear they might not win it are cultish.