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Daily Hindu Wisdom

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Longing is like the rosy dawn. After the dawn out comes the sun. Longing is followed by the vision of God.


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
By honest conduct one achieves honorable eminence,
While corrupt conduct brings one nothing but blame.

Good conduct is the seed in virtue's field;
Wicked conduct's harvest is never-ending sorrow.

-Tirukkural 14:137-138

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
He is pure of heart,
He knows the whole world is only the Self.

So who can stop him
From doing as he wishes?

-Ashtavakra Gita 4:4

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Worshipping this Self in the world of Brahman, the gods obtained all worlds and all desires. Those who know this Self and realize this Self obtain all worlds and all desires.

-Chandogya Upanishad

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Arjuna: Of those steadfast devotees who love you and those who seek you as the eternal formless Reality, who are the more established in yoga?

Sri Krishna: Those who set their hearts on me and worship me with unfailing devotion and faith are more established in yoga.

-Bhagavad Gita 12:1-2

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
This is the gist of all worship: to be pure and to do good to others. He who sees Shiva in the poor, in the weak, and in the diseased, really worships Shiva. And if he sees Shiva only in the image, his worship is but preliminary. He who has served and helped one poor man seeing Shiva in him, without thinking of his caste or creed or race or anything, with him Shiva is more pleased than with the man who sees Him only in temples.


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
You are pure.
Nothing touches you.
What is there to renounce?

Let it all go,
The body and the mind.

Let yourself dissolve.

-Ashtavakra Gita 5:1

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
When help is rendered by weighing the receiver's need and not the donor's reward, its goodness grows greater than the sea.

-Tirukkural 11:103

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Said Uddalaka to Shvetaketu:
"In the beginning was only Being,
One without a second.
Out of himself he brought forth the cosmos
And entered into everything in it.
There is nothing that does not come from him.
Of everything he is the inmost Self.
He is the truth; he is the Self supreme.
You are that, Shvetaketu; you are that."

-Chandogya Upanishad

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Arjuna: O Krishna, it is right that the world delights and rejoices in your praise, that all the saints and sages bow down to you and all evil flees before you to the far corners of the universe.

How could they not worship you, O Lord? You are the eternal spirit, who existed before Brahman the Creator and who will never cease to be. Lord of the gods, you are the abode of the universe. Changeless, you are what is and what is not, and beyond the duality of existence and nonexistence.

-Bhagavad Gita 11:36-37

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The content of worthy speech binds friends more closely,
And its eloquence draws even enemies to listen.

-Tirukkural 65:643

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Om Sarve Bhavanthu Sukhina
Sarve Santhu Nira Maya
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyanthu
Ma Kashchith Dukkha Bhaag Bhaveth

[Oh Lord, may all of mankind be safe,
Let no one experience pain or suffering.]

-Hindu mantra

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
My Child,
You may read or discuss scripture
As much as you like.

But until you forget everything,
You will never live in your heart.

-Ashtavakra Gita 16:1

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
It is but few who hear about the Self
Fewer still dedicate their lives to its
Realization. Wonderful is the one
Who speaks about the Self; rare are they
Who make it the supreme goal of their lives.

-Katha Upanishad

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
This supreme Goddess, Word, inspired by Brahman,
by which the awe-inspiring is created,
through her to us be peace!

-Atharva Veda

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
It is but few who hear about the Self
Fewer still dedicate their lives to its
Realization. Wonderful is the one
Who speaks about the Self; rare are they
Who make it the supreme goal of their lives.

-Katha Upanishad

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Judge the nature of your listeners and speak accordingly.
There is nothing more virtuous or valuable than this.

-Tirukkural 65:644

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
It is all the same to him.
Man or woman,
Good fortune or bad,
Happiness or sorrow.

It makes no difference.
He is serene.

-Ashtavakra Gita 17:15

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. But I believe that non-violence is infinitely superior to violence, forgiveness is more manly than punishment. Forgiveness adorns the soldier.

-Mahatma Ghandi


Veteran Member
Maize said:
I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence. But I believe that non-violence is infinitely superior to violence, forgiveness is more manly than punishment. Forgiveness adorns the soldier.
-Mahatma Ghandi
What makes this Gandhi qoute interesting is that many people say that about wars in the world...(if you don't know Gandhi was a pacifist) and use it as a justification for such. I would contend for many wars that have been wages, punches thown and other acts of aggression the aggressor felt that the only options were fighting or one other option that was in their mind a non-option. I would contend that anyone with a pacifitic agenda should be goal oriented in finding those reasonable options that are not violence driven cause many times the proponets of violence are at times in a state of tunnel vision and the presenting of other options on a small scale is what it takes to avert physical force. Nothing can be lost by attempting.

When I was a lot younger I use to study Jujutsu downtown years ago and one of my teachers was a night manager at a pizza place. One day while it was close to closing am man came in with two knives, one in each hand and demanded all the money in the register. My teacher gave him the money. He asked for the money in the safe and told my teacher (the manager to get all the employees to lie down on the floor). At this point my teacher wasn't cooperative anymore cause he was afraid this guy was going to hurt someone. My old teacher was 6 3 and 195ish no fat and had studied maritial arts since he was a child --over 20 years. He was a certified aikdio instructer, jujutsu teacher, ex karate student amauter kickboxer and amatuer judo player (not competitivly). So he hopped the counter and slid over to where the thief was with the two knives balancing a cash register on his two forearms. He saw the door leading out of the store was open but that he was blocking the exit to the door by his postioning. So he circled which caused the thief to circle and when the theif got near the door he bolted out and ran away.

My teacher assumed that from the beginning which is why he circled away from the door. He told us the story in class the next and tacted on the moral to the story and motive for his actions that night. He said parapharased "When you are about to be involved in a conflict many times you can avoid it by giving the other guy a way out."
That could mean letting him save face or phyically giving him access to an escape route.

Petyton Quinn, who is a philospher I love to read and a martial arts instructor in Boulder Colorado told a story in his book, "A Bouncers Guide to Brawlroom Brawling" He said once he was in a tavern in a forgien city on a biker run. (He has a harley). A guy in the bar was hassling from across the room calling him names and such. He said, "Hey you come here" pointing his finger at the guy and the guy realzing that if he his buddies would think he was a wuss. So he did. In a lowered voice Peyton Quinn cut him a deal. He said, "Here is what is gonna happen. If you go over there and stop insulting me I will go over to the table and apoligize to your friends for my earlier comment." (allowing him to save face to avoid conflict). Than I will leave. If you dont' you and I will have problems."

Two things he said from that incident.

1) allow the other to save face to avoid conflict
2) Male Machoism is artificial. Someone sold us that line along time ago. If you don't have control of your macho emotions and hot buttons somebody else will. Which is how he talked the guy into coming over....the guy 's buttons was being percieved as a sissy by his friends. Quinn says find your own buttons and disarm them before time.

The point of that long-winded post is that many times people feel that violence is the only choice or one of two with the other being unacceptable and wheather you are on the recieving end or a 3rd party creating less drastic options can be a social skil worth investing learning time into.