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Daily Hindu Wisdom

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
That through which one enjoys form,
Taste, smell, sound,
Touch, and sexual union is the Self.
Can there be anything not known to That
Who is the One in all? Know One, know all.
That through which one enjoys the waking
And sleeping states is the Self. To know That
As consciousness is to go beyond sorrow.

-Katha Upanishad

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I am neither the mind, the intellect, nor the silent voice within;
Neither the eyes, the ears, the nose, nor the mouth.
I am not water, fire, earth, nor ether—
I am Consciousness and Bliss.
I am Shiva! I am Shiva!


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The wise grieve neither for the living nor for the dead. There has never been a time when you and I and the kings gathered here have not existed, nor will there be a time when we will cease to exist. As the same person inhabits the body through childhood, youth, and old age, so too at the time of death he attains another body. The wise are not deluded by these changes.

-Bhagavad Gita 2:12-13

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The life of the man who daily cares for those who
Come to him will never suffer poverty's painful ruin.

Wealth's goddess dwells in the hospitable home
Of those who host guests with a smiling face.

-Tirukkural 9:83-84

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
He is free of duality.

Wealth or pleasure,
Duty or discrimination
Mean nothing to him.

What does he care
What is accomplished or neglected?

-Ashtavakra Gita 18:12

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Then Bhargava approached the sage and asked:
"Master, what powers support this body?
Which of them are manifested in it?
And among them all, which is the greatest?"

The sage replied: "The powers are space, air, fire,
Water, earth, speech, mind, vision, and hearing.
All these boasted, 'We support this body.'
But prana, vital energy, supreme
Over them all, said, 'Don't deceive yourselves.
It is I, dividing myself fourfold,
Who hold this body together.'"

-Prashna Upanishad

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Out of Supreme love
they swallow up each other
But separate again
for the joy of being two.

They are not completely the same
but neither are they different.
No one can tell exactly what they are.

-Jnaneshwar (also known as Jnanadeva)

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
In this world there are two orders of being: the perishable, separate creature and the changeless spirit. But beyond these there is another, the supreme Self, the eternal Lord, who enters into the entire cosmos and supports it from within.

-Bhagavad Gita 15:16-17

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
For fair-faced maidens virtue's modesty brings bashfulness,
But the deeper modesty shies away from wrongful deeds.

-Tirukkural 102:1011

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
For I have no bounds.

I am Shiva.

Nothing arises in me,
In whom nothing is single,
Nothing is double.

Nothing is,
Nothing is not.

What more is there to say?

-Ashtavakra Gita 20:14

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
A man who is advancing (spiritually) will begin to enjoy the deeper beatitude whether he is at work or not. While his hands are in society, he keeps his head cool in solitude.

-Ramana Maharshi

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Just as a reservoir is of little use when the whole countryside is flooded, scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman who sees the Lord everywhere.

-Bhagavad Gita 2:46

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Virtue yields heaven's honor and earth's wealth.
What is there then that is more fruitful for a man?

There is nothing more rewarding than virtue,
Nor anything more ruinous than its neglect.

-Tirukkural 4:31-32

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
O Krishna,
Charmer of hearts,
Lifter of mountains,
I hear your flute calling me—
Shall I come by the secret path
through the tall grass?


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The Lord is enshrined in the hearts of all.
The Lord is the supreme Reality.
Rejoice in him through renunciation.
Covet nothing. All belongs to the Lord.
Thus working may you live a hundred years.
Thus alone will you work in real freedom.

-Isha Upanishad

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Even among those who meditate, that man or woman who worships me with perfect faith, completely absorbed in me, is the most firmly established in yoga.

-Bhagavad Gita 6:47

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Whenever darkness comes, assert the reality and everything adverse must vanish. For, after all, it is but a dream. Mountain high though the difficulties appear, terrible and gloomy though all things seem, they are but maya. Fear not—it is banished. Crush it and it vanishes. Stamp upon it and it dies. Be not afraid. Think not how many times you fail. Never mind—time is infinite. Go forward. Assert yourself again and again and light must come.



Veteran Member
I got two things out of that.

1) it advocates denial
2) time is not a factor

I am not liking this advice too much.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
To speak so listeners long to hear more and to listen
So others' meaning is grasped are the ideals of the impeccably great.

-Tirukkural 65:646