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Daily philosophy


Quran & Sunnah
"Don't ask about that which didn't happen. You already have enough to deal with, be practical, deal with immediate problems not the future of the unseen"
Omar Ibn al-Kattab


Disciple of Light
A taoist parable:

there was once a lowly stonecutter. although he was very good at what he did (cutting stone), he always wanted more. one day while he was working, he looked at his boss ordering the other workers about. now, this lowly stonecutter wished to himself "oh, how i wish i could be the boss! just look at the power HE has!"
instantly, our stonecutter finds himself -quite literally- in the boss's shoes!
"wow!" he thinks. "i'm the BOSS! not just some lowly stonecutter".
then, he sees a prince walking by with the usual assortments of guards, courtiers and the like.
"i wish..." and WHAM! he was the prince. "now this is real power" he thought. "more than a lowly stonecutter, or even the boss".
but after a time, a great storm came. lightning, hail and great winds began tearing the village apart.
"why, that storm is even more powerful than a prince!" he thought. "just imagine if i was that storm, the power i would hold!"
and he became the storm. with lightning, hail, and great winds he destroyed the village - all the while revelling in his newfound power.
but when the winds had stilled, he looked down...and saw that something had not been destroyed by his strength. the rocks!
"these rocks can endure anything" he thought. "surely this is true power!"
so he became the rocks.
but he wondered if he had really found true power...surely there was nothing stronger than he was now? why, if a great storm could not subdue him, then who could?

and then he remembered a lowly stonecutter...


Quran & Sunnah
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR LIFE. We sometimes allow ourselves to let other people, circumstances, or pains in the past to rule our lives. So we become very unhappy and very bitter because we live blaming others on who we are, where we're at, or how we should be. It's an exhausting process because you'll forever be blaming other people. Don't be bothered by what others think who you are or the standards they set. Take responsibility for your life.


Disciple of Light
It is not hard to despise human comfort, when we have divine. it is a great thing yea, very great, to be able to want both human and divine comfort.

--Thomas A` Kempis, a Christian Mystic, in The Imitation of Christ


Quran & Sunnah
LEARN TO LET GO AND TRUST YOURSELF. To be happy means learning to let go of expectations from yourself or from other people. You can't always have your way. At work, you can't always be sure your strategies will work or your plans will happen. But before you let go,have a deeper trust in yourself.


Quran & Sunnah
What if Allah didn’t bless us today because we couldn’t take the time to thank Him yesterday?


Quran & Sunnah
LEARN TO RECEIVE BLESSINGS. Think of the little things that make you happy or the people that give you assurance where you're good at. This is called receiving. Most of us have reasons to be happy,only that we don't see them or we take them for granted. We need to have little eyes and little hearts too, and realize that all things that make us happy have been there all along.

Clinical psychologists believe that happiness is a product of realization. One must allow himself to go through a process to feel happiness.


Quran & Sunnah
BE HOPEFUL. Hoping is better than being optimistic since it's whole and real. Because sometimes, one's optimism can be a denial of hardship . It's easy to be optimistic about things, but inside you,you're anxious about them. Hoping is deeper. It's something you look forward to even when you recognize the difficulties and pains. The more hopeful a person is, the more he recognizes how bad the situation is, and lets himself to bear it. In the end, he knows it will bear good results. You don't deny difficulties. You're touching ground instead.


Quran & Sunnah
DISCOVER THE BEST FRIEND IN YOU. We can all change for the better. You can be happy even with yourself by discovering the best friend in you. Get real. Don't be hard on yourself with those high, unattainable goals. It's time you don't look for happiness outside you.


Quran & Sunnah
KEEP THE FAITH ALIVE. There'll be points in your life when you can't handle problems alone. Think about SOMEONE who's more powerful,and who loves you dearly to take care of you. Having faith in GOD will give you hope.