The function of the appendix was not previously known and has been a debated topic but today it is accepted that the appendix has an immunoprotective function, acts as a lymphoid organ, and a storage vessel for "good" colonic bacteria.
Here are some facts that shed light on the importance/function of the appendix:
a) The appendix plays the essential role of providing biological redundancy to ensures robustness of living organisms.
b) In humans, it is highly conserved, and malformations are extremely rare.
c) The appendix is a concentrate of lymphoid tissue resembling Peyer's patches and is the primary site for immunoglobulin A production which is crucial to regulate the density and quality of the intestinal flora.
d) Given its shape and position, the Appendix could be a unique niche for commensal bacteria in the body. It is extremely rich in biofilms that continuously shed bacteria into the intestinal lumen.
f) The Appendix contains a microbiota as diverse as that found in the colon and could replenish the large intestine with healthy flora after a diarrhea episode.
g) In conditions of modern medicine hygiene, and people live healthy without their appendix. However, several reports suggest that the effects of appendectomy could be subtler and associated with the development of inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), heart disease but also in less expected disorders such as Parkinson's disease.
h) Lack of an Appendix also predicts a worsen outcome for recurrent Clostridium difficile infection, which is the first nosocomial infection in hospitals.
j) The Appendix might be redundant in its immunological function but
unique as a reservoir of microbiota.
The immunological functions of the Appendix: An example of redundancy? - PubMed (
k) The immune system cells located in the appendix have the function of protecting the good bacteria. The appendix protects us from bad germs by creating and protecting good germs.
The Appendix Protects Us From Germs And Protects Good Bacteria (
View attachment 70646
l) The appendix Could Save our Life and help us recover from serious infections
Your Appendix Could Save Your Life - Scientific American
View attachment 70647