Cows do not appear to be the products of "ancient science" At least there is not evidence that I know of for such and since you never support your claims I sincerely doubt that you will support this one either.
The very existence of cow, the very fact they exist shows there was ancient science just as beaver farming shows there is such a thing as "beaver science". The waggle dance is "bee science" because in nature all science is natural science based on metaphysical language. We are confused so it's impossible for us to use natural science. We always reason in circles unless science (experiment) blocks it. Bees, beavers, and
homo omnisciencis were not confused. They are (were) able to use metaphysical language which reflects the wiring of the brain with scientific observation to discern the nature of reality and to use this knowledge to their own ends. This gets to the very root of consciousness/ life/ free will.
But we (
homo omnisciencis) have no choice but to use words that are symbolic, analog, and have no concrete relationship to the real world where abstractions do not exist. We parse words and we don't ever parse them exactly as intended and sometimes don't even try. Even our thinking is affected because we use induction which is often little more than relationships between words and definitions. We have no choice but we don't see these realities because we think we know everything including what the other guy is saying and our own thought processes which often are astray from reality due to words or reasoning in circles. We must use experiment to understand reality but instead it is often merely opinion and appearances presented as "science", "truth", or "reality". If a model or belief isn't firmly rooted in experiment it can only be true through coincidence.
Ancient man invented cows and dogs by some means. The question is what was their metaphysics. it OBVIOUSLY was not experiment and it apparently was language itself. Human language; one single language all humans shared just like a set of genes. Obviously this language no longer exists and all we have are stories about the language becoming confused. We have assumptions about human intelligence, instinct, and trial > error. We have assumptions imparted by language and old wives tales rather than experiment. We have vast confusion that causes the economy to barely run at all.