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Darwin's Illusion


Veteran Member
Then that would be an irrational belief. You might think that it is ten mile walk to a destination because of how tired you were when you arrived, but you could be surprised that when reliably measured it is only six miles. Especially when one has no training in an area one's "gut" will almost always lead to wrong answers. You should be trying to understand how various groups got their numbers.
Then that would be an irrational belief. You might think that it is ten mile walk to a destination because of how tired you were when you arrived, but you could be surprised that when reliably measured it is only six miles. Especially when one has no training in an area one's "gut" will almost always lead to wrong answers. You should be trying to understand how various groups got their numbers.
everybody’s afraid they’ll look ‘coo coo’


Veteran Member
Then that would be an irrational belief. You might think that it is ten mile walk to a destination because of how tired you were when you arrived, but you could be surprised that when reliably measured it is only six miles. Especially when one has no training in an area one's "gut" will almost always lead to wrong answers. You should be trying to understand how various groups got their numbers.
Then that would be an irrational belief. You might think that it is ten mile walk to a destination because of how tired you were when you arrived, but you could be surprised that when reliably measured it is only six miles. Especially when one has no training in an area one's "gut" will almost always lead to wrong answers. You should be trying to understand how various groups got their numbers.
everybody’s afraid they’ll look ‘coo coo’
For you it really does not matter how old the Earth is. For others, especially those in certain fields of science that you do rely on it does matter a bit. Oil and Flat Earth or Young Earth beliefs simply do not go together. There is no "science" from those beliefs that allow us to find oil reliably. To find oil one must not only be able to spot the proper underground sedimentary traps, one also has to know that one is drilling in strata of appropriate ages.

Not a very good joke. That would only make you look a bit foolish. And of course, if you rely on what others that do have to know during your life more than a bit hypocritical.
i love science. What’s your point?


Veteran Member
That’s what everyone posts here to dig at what I believe. It’s all good. Atleast I don’t speak in riddles or hide behide terms like heaven afterlife armageddon resurrection in a book etc. I asked myself how we got here and how it will all end 15 years ago and my answers came. I’ve believed them ever since.
I’m not insinuating people hide behind books I’m saying that’s how I’d feel if I were to be a Christian for instance.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Yes only one life. My next life will be only one life as well. And on and on and on.
That is, of course, a personal assumption. Everlasting life is not something that happens over and over again. It is what it is. Everlasting life. And it will be wonderful to keep learning and exploring. With God's help, of course. (Can't do it by ourselves.)


Veteran Member
That is, of course, a personal assumption. Everlasting life is not something that happens over and over again. It is what it is. Everlasting life. And it will be wonderful to keep learning and exploring. With God's help, of course. (Can't do it by ourselves.)
Our definitions differ. But all in all it’s only one life


Well-Known Member
That was a response to, "Try this. Basically, you have a series of extinct creatures ranging in age from older forms that more closely resemble furry creatures that walked on all fours to newer, more whalelike forms. No other mechanism that could account for that apart from natural selection acting on genetic variation has ever been suggested. Creationism doesn't predict or explain finding ancient, extinct forms."

I don't see how your response relates to mine. In fact, I can't tell that you read my comment. You asked for evidence of whale evolution and I gave you a link and explained the fossil evidence suggested, and that it wasn't accounted for by evolution's only alternative, a deceptive intelligent designer. There's the answer. If you'd care to tell me what part of that is in error and why, we can discuss our differences of opinion and perhaps resolve them, but answers like that one don't help.

You said "no other mechanism can account for the change". Not only have I already proven this statement is false but other posters in this very thread have done the same. Your argument is like Egyptologists who say "they mustta used ramps". Despite proving there are far easier and far better evidenced means they still sing in unison "they mustta used ramps". This is very simple; all experiment and all evidence says species change suddenly at bottlenecks because of their behavior. This IS just ONE MORE possible explanation and that it is ignored is irrelevant to its veracity.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to narrow anything down to a single possibility because there are infinite possibilities for every event and process. You can not put constraints on reality such as Sherlock Holmes did. In real life there is no magic and no single possibility. Only believers in Evolution see a single possibility. Real scientists often model change in species similarly to Darwin's beliefs but they do not BELIEVE in Evolution. Some real scientists model change in species similarly to my own models.

I am saying that consilience supports the theory.

I understand that and even agree, HOWEVER, all experiment applies and the current paradigm is not supported by all experiment. Fossil record reading is a kind of magic. It's voodoo.

Species change because genomes and habitats change. Also, such a genetically homogeneous species would be eliminated by disease.

My theory predicts all this as well.

Your hypothesis explains and predicts nothing. If you disagree, please rebut. If you think the comment is wrong for a reason, you shouldbe able to produce the argument that falsifies it.

I've been doing this over three or four threads since I got here but my argument is ignored and then I'm accused of repeating myself. Hmmm, have you ever heard me say "all individuals are fit" or "Reductionistic science can not study what it can not define". "Since consciousness lies at the heart of change in species science can not study it". Stop me if you've heard any of this before. I've also provided evidence,. logic, and the means to see a new paradigm. It's all ignored.

I could be wrong but odd that only I can be wrong. Everyone else knows everything and believers in science are the holiest than thou.

Perhaps not in your estimation, but there are countless ideas that are demonstrably correct and for which no serious dissent exists in the field.

Of course. But even this doesn't mean our knowledge of anything at all is complete.

Opinions from outside the field aren't relevant.

Here you are just wrong. Just as most advancement in medicine has come from outside medicine most work in metaphysics comes from outside of "science". The bottom line is Peers and all of their opinions are no more relevant to reality or science than the opinion of a ditch digger. Peers by definition share an opinion and in the long run that opinion will probably be found to be wrong. Just because a reasonable person says the acceleration due to gravity on the earths surface is 32'/s/s does not mean anyone understands the nature of gravity or if it's faster or slower than light. You can calculate the number of water molecules lifted in the tide caused by Titan but you can't predict how many fish will be included or the short term effects of lifting all this water. Expert opinions on things that really matter are invariably irrelevant. What do I care what an economist, a love doctor, or a physicist thinks would be my best marriage partner?

All thought, all ideas, all innovation comes from individuals. every idea comes from individuals. Science is only applicable to and practiced by the individual. Of course the Church of Science and Scientism and practitioners of Look and See Science may not agree. All life is individual and life is consciousness (except for homo omnisciencis).

Are you saying that creationism predicts finding ancient, extinct creatures? If not, you aren't disagreeing with me.

I doubt it but I'm sure I don't know. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that God took some highly roundabout way to create us in such a way as to stimulate our imaginations and left clues as to the logic of reality so that by finding reality we can find Him. I don't know. I've arranged my models to see anomalies and ask questions. I am almost completely ignorant because I try to expunge every belief.

The world is very different than what I once believed.

As long as we've been talking about science fiction I read one story where the protagonist saw it was raining at the back of his house and not the front coming to understand it was all faked. Now I think we've each created our own fake reality. We create a reality defined by what we believe and never realizing that much of this separate reality is imparted not through our parents and teachers but through language and what we believe about consciousness. We tend to just not notice how vastly different we each are. We have eight billion different languages and eight billion distinct religions.


Veteran Member
You said "no other mechanism can account for the change". Not only have I already proven this statement is false but other posters in this very thread have done the same. Your argument is like Egyptologists who say "they mustta used ramps". Despite proving there are far easier and far better evidenced means they still sing in unison "they mustta used ramps". This is very simple; all experiment and all evidence says species change suddenly at bottlenecks because of their behavior. This IS just ONE MORE possible explanation and that it is ignored is irrelevant to its veracity.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to narrow anything down to a single possibility because there are infinite possibilities for every event and process. You can not put constraints on reality such as Sherlock Holmes did. In real life there is no magic and no single possibility. Only believers in Evolution see a single possibility. Real scientists often model change in species similarly to Darwin's beliefs but they do not BELIEVE in Evolution. Some real scientists model change in species similarly to my own models.

I understand that and even agree, HOWEVER, all experiment applies and the current paradigm is not supported by all experiment. Fossil record reading is a kind of magic. It's voodoo.

My theory predicts all this as well.

I've been doing this over three or four threads since I got here but my argument is ignored and then I'm accused of repeating myself. Hmmm, have you ever heard me say "all individuals are fit" or "Reductionistic science can not study what it can not define". "Since consciousness lies at the heart of change in species science can not study it". Stop me if you've heard any of this before. I've also provided evidence,. logic, and the means to see a new paradigm. It's all ignored.

I could be wrong but odd that only I can be wrong. Everyone else knows everything and believers in science are the holiest than thou.

Of course. But even this doesn't mean our knowledge of anything at all is complete.

Here you are just wrong. Just as most advancement in medicine has come from outside medicine most work in metaphysics comes from outside of "science". The bottom line is Peers and all of their opinions are no more relevant to reality or science than the opinion of a ditch digger. Peers by definition share an opinion and in the long run that opinion will probably be found to be wrong. Just because a reasonable person says the acceleration due to gravity on the earths surface is 32'/s/s does not mean anyone understands the nature of gravity or if it's faster or slower than light. You can calculate the number of water molecules lifted in the tide caused by Titan but you can't predict how many fish will be included or the short term effects of lifting all this water. Expert opinions on things that really matter are invariably irrelevant. What do I care what an economist, a love doctor, or a physicist thinks would be my best marriage partner?

All thought, all ideas, all innovation comes from individuals. every idea comes from individuals. Science is only applicable to and practiced by the individual. Of course the Church of Science and Scientism and practitioners of Look and See Science may not agree. All life is individual and life is consciousness (except for homo omnisciencis).

I doubt it but I'm sure I don't know. I wouldn't rule out the possibility that God took some highly roundabout way to create us in such a way as to stimulate our imaginations and left clues as to the logic of reality so that by finding reality we can find Him. I don't know. I've arranged my models to see anomalies and ask questions. I am almost completely ignorant because I try to expunge every belief.

The world is very different than what I once believed.

As long as we've been talking about science fiction I read one story where the protagonist saw it was raining at the back of his house and not the front coming to understand it was all faked. Now I think we've each created our own fake reality. We create a reality defined by what we believe and never realizing that much of this separate reality is imparted not through our parents and teachers but through language and what we believe about consciousness. We tend to just not notice how vastly different we each are. We have eight billion different languages and eight billion distinct religions.
There’s only one possibility when it comes to the end of all things


Well-Known Member
There’s only one possibility when it comes to the end of all things

Some ancient literature seems to suggest we'll all be judged at Khafre's Pyramid and Revelations can be interpreted in this way.

I sure don't know but I suspect humans could survive the expansion of the universe and witness the next (nearby) big bang.

But only if we don't all kill one another in the next century or at Tower of Babel 2.0

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
That’s what everyone posts here to dig at what I believe. It’s all good. Atleast I don’t speak in riddles or hide behide terms like heaven afterlife armageddon resurrection in a book etc. I asked myself how we got here and how it will all end 15 years ago and my answers came. I’ve believed them ever since.
I don't really know what you believe.