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Darwin's Illusion


The Lost One
So a beautiful spring day and vaccines are made possible by scientists and heat, covid, and storms come from God (from pure chance).

There are numbers of problems I have with your opening sentence.

A) Yes, scientists do create vaccines for viruses, because they study the effects of viruses, not just just to health of people, but how the infections occurred, and how to counter such infection.

That’s not claim, vaccines do work to some extents, but every human bodies are different in some physical ways, so the vaccines might not be effective for some patients, especially if the vaccines don’t kick-start body’s immune system.

It is the same with every other diseases (eg cancers), where treatments can work for majority of population, but there may be some minorities that are ineffective. Each person’s immunity system may be different to the next person, and that one treatment might not work for some groups of people. This doesn’t mean you give up, it just mean scientists need to try another treatment that might work for the minority of people.

B) The part about scientists, they can make predictions and forecasts to the weather or climate, based on the local and surrounding regions, based on temperature, humidity, aerial or satellite mappings of wind patterns, rain clouds, etc.

However, scientists don’t actually create the weather itself. There are differences between weather predictions and making weathers. The later is a claim, and false claim as to what you think scientists do.

C) And here, where you wrote: “and heat, covid, and storms come from God”, that a bunch of superstitions.

Contributing anything to supernatural being, God, is a superstition, whether it be causing diseases or causing thunderstorms.

Here, your claim showed that you are the who is thinking a “sun-addled, stinky-footed bumpkin”, a favorite insult you like to use - a strawman that you like to direct against scientists.


Well-Known Member
However, scientists don’t actually create the weather itself. There are differences between weather predictions and making weathers.

I'm sorry. You know less about how reality works than I imagined.

Harmonic motion accounts for less than half of reality and occurs only with an odd number of variables.

But unlike reductionistic science you can't take reality apart and look at part of it at a time because all things affect all other things.

I'm very sorry reality is so complex and Darwin is so very wrong. Reality, life, consciousness, all things occur as a series of events that unfold harmonically and chaotically from initial conditions in a perfectly logical manner and wholly and absolutely interconnected and interdependent. Just like change in species all things are sudden; they occur as events. This is the only correct interpretation of the fossil record and every experiment ever performed by man (homo omnisciencis).


Well-Known Member
Contributing anything to supernatural being, God, is a superstition, whether it be causing diseases or causing thunderstorms.

But you're perfectly comfortable attributing it to the laws of nature, random chance, or a host of other such terms that are undefined and/ or have no referent. You choose your superstitions when you choose what to believe. You believe in species, fitness. gradual change, and evidence. I believe people make sense and real science depends from experiment.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
So a beautiful spring day and vaccines are made possible by scientists and heat, covid, and storms come from God (from pure chance).
Please stop clowning around. The fact is, through science we understand more and more about the weather, and modern weather forecasting is a scientific triumph.
You see what you believe. You believe science works through "empirical evidence" therefore a "scientist" is the one who is best at seeing such "evidence".
I believe that before you can draw a conclusion based on objective evidence, it's a very good idea to look at that evidence for the purpose of finding it, describing it and drawing conclusions from it.

You appear to favor the alternative, that is, to dream things up, even if you don't know what you mean by them ─ your term "consciousness", for example.

Look and See Science" rules the earth and believers simply don't understand how real science works.
No, from the human point of view, humans rule the earth and science is one of their tools in doing so ─ microorganisms, were they able to think, might draw a different conclusion about who rules the earth, of course, as might insects &c.

I dare say you can no more define this "real science" you speak of than you can define "consciousness", but feel free to prove me wrong.


The Lost One
Harmonic motion accounts for less than half of reality and occurs only with an odd number of variables.

But unlike reductionistic science you can't take reality apart and look at part of it at a time because all things affect all other things.

You do know that the butterfly in China or Brazil causing hurricane or tornado somewhere else, is just a metaphor for the Chaos Theory.

I have noticed that you have been posting this metaphor recently. You have this strange tendency to focus on something that have no bearing to the topic.

You aren't meant to take metaphor LITERALLY, cladking.

Metaphors were never meant to be factual, because a person who use metaphors, is to compare the metaphors to something else that only have passing superficial resemblances.

Weather forecasting don't rely on observing butterfly, as to what the weather be like, tomorrow, 2 days from now, or next week. Meteorology observe everything from past results to satellite mapping of atmosphere in that the location (plus using statistics and probabilities) - everything but the butterfly.

When are you give up using this stupid metaphor, and actually talk of the actual methodology in forecasting the weather.

And if you have forgotten, this thread is about evolution vs creationism, not about predicting the weather or in your case, not about butterfly's wings causing hurricane.


Well-Known Member
Then how does it differ from science as practiced in the Western world in 2023? Be specific. Give clear examples.

Most of what people call science today is actually technology or statistics. Computer modeling is not science. It's a very useful tool but is not science.

You do know that the butterfly in China or Brazil causing hurricane or tornado somewhere else, is just a metaphor for the Chaos Theory.

No. You are mistaken. All evidence and logic suggest that even the tiniest events reverberate through time. All things are interrelated and interconnected. Even Darwin's belief in survival of the fittest is still killing people.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Most of what people call science today is actually technology or statistics. Computer modeling is not science. It's a very useful tool but is not science.

No. You are mistaken. All evidence and logic suggest that even the tiniest events reverberate through time. All things are interrelated and interconnected. Even Darwin's belief in survival of the fittest is still killing people.
But tiny, distant events have tiny, statistically irrelevant effects. We can predict the effects of major variables pretty accurately, in many cases. Butterfly effects are too small to measure.


Well-Known Member
But tiny, distant events have tiny, statistically irrelevant effects. We can predict the effects of major variables pretty accurately, in many cases. Butterfly effects are too small to measure.

The best way to think of 'butterfly effect" is as a tiny little domino that pushes over a slightly less tiny domino which in turn pushes over a still less tiny domino. This simply continues as time goes by. After a few trillion years or less the entire universe is affected by the butterfly.

In very real way the butterfly affects all of existence even in the here and now. Just because it is too insignificant to measure farther than a few feet away it is still part of all reality, moves the air, and has gravity. In the here and now it is less than trivial except to the lifeforms living on it or a particle of dust that is blown off the twig but ALL events are predicated on logic and ALL previous events which form the initial condition for all of reality and its unfolding. Reality is far more complex than any concept of infinity which doesn't even exist in reality. Reality is a series of events.

All of Darwin's assumptions were in error. Darwin's assumption came not from science or experiment but from language handed down on his parents' laps. We see all of our world in terms of our beliefs and color in between them. Darwin could see a lion pick out the weakest from a herd and assumed that this caused speciation. Just because this strikes a chord with our inductive reasoning does not make it so. Just because it's a scientific perspective applied to life for the first time does not make it right. "Scientific perspective" is important to individuals but it does not lead to seeing reality or truth. It might lead to proper hypothesis and then appropriate experiment. One does not have to have "scientific perspective" to see reality or arrive at truth but if you want to use science you must do it properly and Darwin did not. "Scientific perspective" makes one learned, not right. Peers can not Look and See reality because all homo omnisciencis see their belief.


Well-Known Member
Darwin could see a lion pick out the weakest from a herd and assumed that this caused speciation

He assumed that animals were not really conscious and that consciousness need not be defined nor applied to speciation. He assumed everything that applied to change in species could be reduced to simple scientific observation. Everything he believed was wrong. He had a 19th century mindset. He believed in a clockwork reality beholden to physical law.

He couldn't have been more wrong and our tenacious hold on survival of the fittest is the second most destructive force in modern society. It is blinding us to reality. All observed change is sudden and springs from bottlenecks caused by the elimination of most of the genes in a species' gene pool.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
What beats me though is why they then come and try to argue about it, with people that have learnt about it, when all they can bring to the table is pure, stubborn, willful ignorance. What do they hope to achieve by doing that?
This was discussed on this thread about nine days ago. The discussion was about creationists, but applies here as well I think. What do you think?:

An interesting phenomenon of creationist apologetics is the failure of the apologist to recognize that his arguments only work on other faith-based thinkers, such as those reading creationist websites. He never seems to notice that when he brings these same arguments to those well trained in the sciences and in critical thinking, that they in every case tell him that his argument is incomplete and/or fallacious, or if he does, attributes it to intellectual dishonesty on the part of his critics rather than that his arguments just don't cut it with the knowledgeable.​
Here, those arguments are counterproductive to the apologist. Here, his errors are cited. It seems to me that there is zero hope of advancing the creationist agenda in a mixed venue like this one. The creationists routinely are shown their errors and dismissed as unqualified to discuss the science.​
Or maybe the creationist knows this and doesn't care. Perhaps he sees himself as a martyr in the lions' den doing what he thinks he is commanded to do by his God even in the face of adversity and rejection, which are described as a virtue. It's a common theme in evangelism.​
science is right because it's science and the best answer. Around and round it goes. Start with the assumptions and go around and around mowing everything in your path. You see what you believe. You believe science works through "empirical evidence" therefore a "scientist" is the one who is best at seeing such "evidence."
We know that science is "right" - it fundamental assumptions valid - because it works. The sine qua non of a correct idea or system of idea is [1] it cannot be successfully rebutted and [2] it can be used successfully to predict outcomes not predicted as well without it. The stunning success of science is smoking gun validation of its methods.
Everything [Darwin] believed was wrong.
Then you should be able to falsify those ideas, which goes beyond dissent with or without deflection and/or offering alternate opinions. It involves showing a belief to be wrong, also called rebuttal. Remember, one quality of a correct statement is that it cannot be successfully rebutted, because one cannot prove incorrect what can demonstrably and repeatedly be shown to be correct.
But you're perfectly comfortable attributing it to the laws of nature, random chance, or a host of other such terms that are undefined and/ or have no referent.
The term "the laws of nature" is well defined, and each law has a physical referent from which it was abstracted (induced).
Most of what people call science today is actually technology or statistics.
STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (including statistics). They all exist and are all related but distinct.
Computer modeling is not science.
It's mathematics that can be a part of scientific investigation. Astrophysicists models of supernovae had them not exploding. With a little tweaking, the models not only exploded, but exploded the way supernovae do, photons following neutrinos, just like supernova 1987A, where neutrino detection preceded visible light detection. Computer models of colliding galaxies look just like the photos.
Even Darwin's belief in survival of the fittest is still killing people.
That's a bold claim. You say still, so you can't mean people he might have killed with that belief on The Beagle. Who did Darwin or his beliefs kill since his death, and in what manner?
Harmonic motion accounts for less than half of reality and occurs only with an odd number of variables.
I think I got that in a fortune cookie recently. I didn't understand what it meant then, either, but I still added "in bed" to its end:


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Well-Known Member
We know that science is "right" - it fundamental assumptions valid - because it works.

I've already explained why science "works'. Science reality and math are all based in logic. Any logical system applied to the study of anything at all will have correspondences and correlations to reality. "Technology" is merely a parlour trick of every scientific system caused by the ability of understanding to be applied to the real world. Agriculture was applied ancient science for instance.

Of course modern science doesn't really "work" anyway or we could make predictions. Any understanding in perfect agreement with reality would generate no anomalies. Even though our brains work in such a way as to not even see anomalies there are still many.

"Science" isn't right but logic, mathematics, and experiment are.


Well-Known Member
Then you should be able to falsify those ideas, which goes beyond dissent with or without deflection and/or offering alternate opinions. It involves showing a belief to be wrong, also called rebuttal. Remember, one quality of a correct statement is that it cannot be successfully rebutted, because one cannot prove incorrect what can demonstrably and repeatedly be shown to be correct.

It is simply being ignored, gainsaid, or greeted with semantics.

The term "the laws of nature" is well defined, and each law has a physical referent from which it was abstracted (induced).

Induction is not real. it is based on beliefs. Why does no one ever engage me in these things when they arise?

STEM = science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (including statistics). They all exist and are all related but distinct.

Of course they are related. This is why we shouldn't confuse them by assuming when trains run on time science is correct.

It's mathematics that can a part of scientific investigation.


Science, all real science is founded in experiment.

Who did Darwin or his beliefs kill since his death, and in what manner?

Probably every genocide since Origin of Species was inspired by making the world safe for the fit.

I think I got that in a fortune cookie recently.

All of reality is composed of both harmonic and chaotic process. Science reduces harmonic processes to experiment.


Well-Known Member
The sine qua non of a correct idea or system of idea is [1] it cannot be successfully rebutted and [2] it can be used successfully to predict outcomes not predicted as well without it. The stunning success of science is smoking gun validation of its methods.

A FAR better method of judging whether an understanding is accurate and complete is that it agrees with all known science and creates no anomalies. An even FAR better means than this is its ability to make predictions. Ancient people call this "prophesy" but the term has been confused since the tower of babel. They called those who could prophesize "seers" and their "peers" were called "chiefs of seers". Modern science is wholly lacking in its ability to make prediction. Where it fails it is indicative of a total lack of understanding.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
modern science doesn't really "work" anyway or we could make predictions.
We can and do.
Induction is not real. it is based on beliefs.
It works for me.
Probably every genocide since Origin of Species was inspired by making the world safe for the fit.
That's not Darwin's or science's concern. They concern themselves with describing how nature works.
A FAR better method of judging whether an understanding is accurate and complete is that it agrees with all known science and creates no anomalies.
I'm content with science accurately anticipating outcomes as my standard for its correctness.


Premium Member
A FAR better method of judging whether an understanding is accurate and complete is that it agrees with all known science and creates no anomalies.

Anomalies simply exist. Science does not 'create' anomalies(?)
An even FAR better means than this is its ability to make predictions.

The falsification of theories and hypothesis is based on successful predictions ever since science began,

Ancient people call this "prophesy" but the term has been confused since the tower of babel. They called those who could prophesize "seers" and their "peers" were called "chiefs of seers". Modern science is wholly lacking in its ability to make prediction. Where it fails it is indicative of a total lack of understanding.

Planes fly and computers work based on the ability of science to make predictions. The history of the sciences involved with evolution is based on the ability to make successful predictions as with all science. Most of the knowledge of evolution is based on successful predictions.

Unfortunately the prophecies of ancient tribal scriptures are notoriously inaccurate, variable, and over the millennia disagreed between Jewish, Christian and Islam believers and so-called seers and the priesthood. and among the many sects and divisions of these religions.
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