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Darwin's Illusion


Well-Known Member
What are the experiments in astronomy?

Every experiment can be extrapolated to outer space. When we send a man to the moon it is perfectly reasonable to assume that he sees what he believes and if he were on a distant planet he still would. By the same token all experiments in the lab can be assumed to apply everywhere. Indeed, this is one of the ways I keep saying was causative of Darwin's errors; he did not have access to the many experiments that show he is wrong and, of course, he misinterpreted the ones he did have. It is logical to assume what we can see in space is real. We mustn't doubt the existence of the sun because we've never palpated it.

All experiment applies everywhere simultaneously just as all of reality affects all of reality simultaneously. Reality occurs as a series of events unfolding from a continuing changing initial condition. The lack of understanding of these simple truisms is the greatest weakness in many many practitioners of reductionistic science and it is a first step toward reassembling reality from experiment. This is another defining characteristic of consciousness. There are more but people can't seem to get past "pattern recognition" so why delineate more than the eight or twelve I already have? Other species know that all reality is interrelated. Humans are thick because we experience thought and total knowledge rather than consciousness and total ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think I started with that assumption? My opinion of the ancients is based upon what I know about them from their writings and from archeological excavations.

How could anyone start with any other opinion!! Even religious people believe things not in the Bible is mostly superstitious claptrap. We are taught from an early age that people used to be ignorant and superstitious but we're all better now. When I started this project in 2006 I knew for a fact that the ancient writing was nonsense. But unlike EVERYONE who had ever studied it before I also knew that the authors all made perfect sense in terms of their premises. I wasn't seeking any sense at all of any type, I was seeking their premises.

NOBODY could be more surprised to find their words were literal and agreed with what you call the "laws of nature". NOBODY could be more surprised to find their words bore a mathematical relationship one to another. NOBODY could be more surprised to find their words truly were the "Representations of Nature" which is exactly and literally what they themselves called them.

The only thing more surprising than finding ancient scientists was finding people today are incapable of understanding the term "metaphysical language".

Much of my theory and the way I express it is and was developed to explain how everyone could have missed this and how it's possible that they can't even consider it. Despite being able to show the 19th century scientists were all wrong they still lead every list of et als.

According to common wisdom there are many stripes of sun addled bumpkins. They all spent too much time in the sun and became addled in many different ways. But the worst were the stinky footed bumpkins who were beaten, coerced, and fooled into dragging tombs up ramps for their entire lifetimes. Yes, you started reading all ancient literature with the belief that the authors were less evolved, less civilized, and less knowledgeable than almost anyone alive today but especially less than anyone who is educated.

You would have never guessed any more than I would that there was a massive devolution that occurred that we know only as the "tower of babel".


Well-Known Member
But neither of hieroglyphs, yours (with rainbow) or mine, are indicated or translated to having "no mother", cladking.

You keep bringing up Utterance 534, "thou has no mother", except that you are ignoring the hieroglyphs have nothing to do with mother or no mother.

I do not understand your point.

Do you understand that ancient people could say anything they wanted exactly as we do? The way they said things looks odd to us because meaning was literal but when we parse it we get an entirely different meaning. Don't parse it.


The Lost One
You come from a human man and woman. Way, way back, according to the theory, male and female fish evolved going through stages to become humans. Seems hard for some to say.

Well, you believe in Genesis 2, where man was created directly and INSTANTLY from LIFELESS dust or soil.

So, Adam, biologically wasn’t born through reproduction of father and mother. Not only that...Adam was created as a fully-grown adult, with no infancy, no childhood, no need to grow to maturity, and be able to speak and understand language without learning.

That’s even more impossible.

Another impossibility, is the the creation of Eve from Adam’s rib, with instant adulthood and with knowledge without learning.

The creation story of Adam and Eve requires believe in supernatural being (eg God, Creator) using supernatural magic.

Nothing in Abiogenesis and Evolution proposed anything supernatural; in the case of Evolution, the entire process of evolution required natural processes via reproduction and understanding of genetic variation of populations through natural mechanisms, eg mechanisms such as Natural Selection or Mutations, or Genetic Drift, or etc.

As to Abiogenesis, this too would occur naturally. We know that organic compounds can form naturally through chemical reactions, compounds such as chains of amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, 6 to 7 organic molecules to make up a single nucleotide of nucleic acids, of either RNA or DNA, the many types of carbohydrates that are essential for life, and the different types of lipids.

But unlike Evolution, Abiogenesis is still a work-in-progress “working hypothesis”...

...meaning they are actively researching HOW these compounds to form into a living cell. That’s what scientists are hoping to learn, to understand HOW cells form. But to understand this, they needs to understand the origins of these biological compounds or macromolecules, and how they would work together.

Every organisms on Earth are made of cells, even single-celled microbes, eg species of Bacteria or species of Archaea.

A great deal of Abiogenesis involved understanding chemistry, eg molecules and chemical reactions, which are natural, not supernatural; there are no magic involved in Abiogenesis.

Genesis provide no understanding and no explanation as to how biology & chemistry work. Things just magically poof into existence, because “God did it”.

“God did it” is a claim that require belief in supernatural. “God did it” is a claim, not an explanation. The Genesis Creation explains nothing.
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Well-Known Member
I think that there is a tendency by many to impute knowledge and abilities to the ancients that they didn't have.

Humans are still conscious even today. Consciousness is largely subsumed by thought.

People see patterns and they see the impossibility of the facile explanations offered by archaeologists et al. Ancient people could not have survived with the ascribed attributes. But even if they could have they could not have left the evidence they did.

Ancient people were as real as a heart attack: It's the facile explanations that have to go.


The Lost One
I do not understand your point.

Do you understand that ancient people could say anything they wanted exactly as we do? The way they said things looks odd to us because meaning was literal but when we parse it we get an entirely different meaning.

Nothing in Thoth’s name in hieroglyphs, make any mention of mother, and nothing in his name indicated he had no mother.

I think the utterance that you keep quoting, comes from a myth that Thoth was born from Ra’s lips. I had read it somewhere, but can’t remember which text it had come from.

But this myth is not unique to Thoth. Ra’s other children have no mother.

There are several versions about the twins Shu & Tefnut, the most common one was, they were born from Ra’s spits. In Pyramid Texts 527, it was through masturbation...in either case, they had no mother.

Hathor, Sekhmet, Bastet, as well as Shu & Tefnut were all born from the eye(s) of Ra, in different myths.

Utterance 534 have nothing to do with Thoth’s name. The meaning of dhwty have to do with ibis, not “no mother”. The meaning of dhwty is most likely “he is who like the ibis”.

dhwty also have nothing to do with “science” or “logic”, as you had claimed in your earlier replies.

Clearly, the ibis have significant meaning to Thoth.

I don’t think you understand Egyptian hieroglyphs as well as you believe you do. And you certainly don’t know how to interpret and understand your frequent quote of utterance 534.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Every experiment can be extrapolated to outer space. When we send a man to the moon it is perfectly reasonable to assume that he sees what he believes and if he were on a distant planet he still would. By the same token all experiments in the lab can be assumed to apply everywhere.
I asked, "What are the experiments in astronomy?" And paleontology and anatomy, and exchemist added geology. I didn't see an answer there. This is the same problem we've been discussing - your lack of specifics. You generalize like this rendering your comment useless for further discussion on the topic.

Since you can't or won't address the questions asked with actual experiments (like I did with Newton and Galileo), there is nothing more to say except that you didn't make your case that "There can be no modern science outside experiment. By definition!" That comment was falsified with examples of observational sciences, and you came back with the above, which is not counter-rebuttal, but merely dissent and unsupported assertions of what you believe instead. That makes this subthread over according to academic standards of debate, where the last plausible, unrebutted claim stands while others fall. These are the values in peer review.

And these are the values in a courtroom. Suppose that the defense claims that pings from the defendant's phone off of a cell tower an hour away from the scene of the crime at the time of the crime exonerate him. Suppose the defense can't produce the records and wants hearsay admitted. The jury should acquit. But suppose those records are produced and can't be rebutted. Now, they should acquit. Suppose further that a photo of the driver driving his car in the area of the crime at the time of the crime were produced to impeach the ping data to indicate where the phone owner was when his phone was pinging in the next county - perhaps a traffic camera or a camera at a bridge crossing - now they convict again.

The last plausible, unrebutted claim carries the day if the jury is intelligent enough to understand and apply these principles. Right now, that's mine, that your definition of science is incorrect. This is the consequence of failing to rebut, and it's based in the idea that correct ideas cannot be successfully rebutted - you can't falsify a correct idea - so, ideas that cannot be successfully rebutted are provisionally considered correct until and unless they are falsified.
Reality occurs as a series of events unfolding from a continuing changing initial condition. The lack of understanding of these simple truisms is the greatest weakness in many many practitioners of reductionistic science and it is a first step toward reassembling reality from experiment.
When you make a criticism, you ought to identify a problem that you think justifies your criticism. What problem do you think that "lack of understanding" led to? Is it slowing up abiogenesis research? Is it causing satellites to crash to earth?

I'm really trying to get through to you, but I need your help. I need you to consider that my words might be valuable to you, and that you could benefit by being more specific following making broad claims, but you don't seem to be aware that that is what I want form you, or you are uninterested. Either way, an explicit statement affirming your position would be helpful - either you don't understand what is being requested, you were unaware anything was being requested, or you are aware and understand but choose to not cooperate.

This is what I call tapping the glass - experimenting with language trying to get through to others. I'm looking to see if there are any words I can write that will lead to you understanding me and trying to cooperate (I do not assume that you are trolling or being deliberately obstinate), or explaining why you won't. So far, I can't.
How could anyone start with any other opinion!!
Easily. If he is trained in critical thinking, he knows how to evaluate data dispassionately and open-mindedly.
We are taught from an early age that people used to be ignorant and superstitious but we're all better now.
Maybe, but you seem to think that once somebody has heard that idea, it becomes a permanent part of their thinking. If so, I disagree based in personal experience. Much of what I was told as a child and which was believed uncritically has been replaced by better ideas. That, too, is among the powers conferred by critical thought. Once one learns that skill, he spends the next part of his life reviewing what he believes and why he believes it. Isn't that why many of the denominations and their adherents don't want their children in public schools or going to universities? The often come home freethinkers.
Yes, you started reading all ancient literature with the belief that the authors were less evolved, less civilized, and less knowledgeable than almost anyone alive today but especially less than anyone who is educated.
Perhaps - I don't recall any more - but as I explained, my present position is based in critical analysis of the facts available. They were on average less evolved and less knowledgeable than the average Westerner. We see where modern thought began (ancient Greece), when the smartest Greeks were speculating about nature while the people around them were still sacrificing animals to imaginary gods and describing their problems in terms of punishment from a god, like the Tower of Babel story to which you so frequently refer, which explains existence of the family of mutually unintelligible languages in terms of sinning against an angry god. Most of us are much better informed than that now thanks to skepticism, empiricism, and modern scholarship.

And we see evidence of the (cultural) evolution of moral and intellectual development since, especially with the emergence of humanism as a social force. Many kings and dictators have being supplanted by democracies. The world is learning that slavery, misogyny, homophobia, and atheophobia are primitive, irrational thought, also thanks to the humanistic principles of tolerance and reason.
Humans are still conscious even today.
I doubt that anybody knows what you mean by that. You can't possibly mean what I would mean by that, which would be too trivial an observation to make.
Ancient people were as real as a heart attack
Or that. Once again, the apparent meaning is too trivial to mention. Of course they were real. And conscious. Nobody would dispute either of those as commonly understood, so I can't guess why you posted them.
Consciousness is largely subsumed by thought.
Or that, although this time, not because the apparent meaning seems trivial, but because I don't think anybody can paraphrase that into a meaningful and plausible sentence without injecting assumptions. I can't.

What I'd say instead is that consciousness is required for thought, not "subsumed" by it, whatever that means to you. In your opinion, does your comment contradict mine? Do you think it amplifies it?


Well-Known Member
I asked, "What are the experiments in astronomy?" And paleontology and anatomy, and exchemist added geology. I didn't see an answer there. This is the same problem we've been discussing - your lack of specifics. You generalize like this rendering your comment useless for further discussion on the topic.

What is so complex about every experiment applying to all of reality and all theory??? When a student rolls a little car down an inclined plane to map its acceleration this applies to astronomy. It applies to all sciences both modern and all other species.


Well-Known Member
Since you can't or won't address the questions asked with actual experiments (like I did with Newton and Galileo), there is nothing more to say except that you didn't make your case that "There can be no modern science outside experiment. By definition!" That comment was falsified with examples of observational sciences, and you came back with the above, which is not counter-rebuttal, but merely dissent and unsupported assertions of what you believe instead.

No! It was not. Galileo wasn't stranded on some desert island and invented the internet. He stood on the shoulders of giants and had the benefit of experiment from even before he was born. There is no such thing as "intelligence". Science doesn't operate on genius or even ideas. It operates solely on experiment but people are just rejecting every experiment except the one they believe show they are right.


The Lost One

The best known birth of Thoth, come from the story of “The Contendings Of Horus and Seth” from the Papyrus Chester Beatty 1”, dated 20th dynasty (New Kingdom period).

As they vyed to rule Egypt, Horus masturbated on to Seth’s garden, spraying semen on his uncle’s favorite vegetable, cabbages. When Seth ate his cabbage for supper, Horus sperm impregnated Seth, and Thoth was born when a flower opened up on Seth’s forehead.

There are more 1 version of Thoth’s origin.


Well-Known Member
This is the consequence of failing to rebut,

My points are not being addressed.

My questions go unanswered.

My responses go unseen because they lie outside your experience. You see experiment one at a time and color in everything you see with your beliefs and models.

It is you faiing to rebut.

When you make a criticism, you ought to identify a problem that you think justifies your criticism. What problem do you think that "lack of understanding" led to? Is it slowing up abiogenesis research? Is it causing satellites to crash to earth?

It is impossible to see the big picture staring at the cosmos through a microscope. Some day it might work but in the here and now people are missing the big picture. Ironically the religious have a leg up on formatting reality because they have much of the benefit of ancient science which was not reductionistic in nature and studied all of reality simultaneously coming to the correct conclusion that change in species is related to consciousness, not fitness.

I'm really trying to get through to you, but I need your help. I need you to consider that my words might be valuable to you, and that you could benefit by being more specific following making broad claims, but you don't seem to be aware that that is what I want form you, or you are uninterested. Either way, an explicit statement affirming your position would be helpful - either you don't understand what is being requested, you were unaware anything was being requested, or you are aware and understand but choose to not cooperate.

I understand your words and often agree but many of your points are irrelevant to this discussion because I seriously doubt the communication failure is my fault. It is chiefly the fault of language and the inability of people to hold their assumptions aside. A few are intentionally not understanding and some of what appears to be word games is a manifestation of this.

How do you not see the flaws in your argument that you ascribe to me? Why are none of my questions ever answered, points addressed, or definitions honored? Why should I have to write out a 500 word essay to say the "sky is blue" or 10,000 to observe that it often is not blue? Why won't people parse my words as I intend them to be parsed. I could write them in Ancient Language but it wouldn't help.

They were on average less evolved and less knowledgeable than the average Westerner.

And this belief makes it impossible to know that the pyramid builders held that thot had no mother. When less evolved people are speaking their words will be parsed accordingly.

This belief also led Darwin to conclude that the fit survive and the fossil record shows gradual change.

We are each a product of our beliefs. I had to change many of my beliefs to follow the evidence in the light of all experiment. I have far more experience changing beliefs than most people. Most people can't do it at all which is why science changes one funeral at a time.

I doubt that anybody knows what you mean by that. You can't possibly mean what I would mean by that, which would be too trivial an observation to make.

I already said in the same paragraph that human consciousness is subsumed by our thoughts driven by our beliefs. Other species don't think. The people at babel could not think. All species are conscious but homo omnisciencis consciousness is largely buried under layers of thought.

All of my words apply to all of my theory simultaneously.

Or that. Once again, the apparent meaning is too trivial to mention. Of course they were real. And conscious. Nobody would dispute either of those as commonly understood, so I can't guess why you posted them.

You'd be surprised what people think. Take this from a "mind" reader.

Or that, although this time, not because the apparent meaning seems trivial, but because I don't think anybody can paraphrase that into a meaningful and plausible sentence without injecting assumptions. I can't.

What I'd say instead is that consciousness is required for thought, not "subsumed" by it, whatever that means to you. In your opinion, does your comment contradict mine? Do you think it amplifies it?

Yes! I understand your objection. But it is largely because you are not keeping in mind the many definitions that I have applied to "consciousness". You also must remember that thought and consciousness are not in the least the same thing. A man in a coma is conscious but he probably isn't "thinking" at all. An acorn is conscious but it highly limited in its ability to understand reality. It understands only what a living acorn needs to. A stone isn't conscious but it still falls downhill if nothing supports it.
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Well-Known Member

The best known birth of Thoth, come from the story of “The Contendings Of Horus and Seth” from the Papyrus Chester Beatty 1”, dated 20th dynasty (New Kingdom period).

As they vyed to rule Egypt, Horus masturbated on to Seth’s garden, spraying semen on his uncle’s favorite vegetable, cabbages. When Seth ate his cabbage for supper, Horus sperm impregnated Seth, and Thoth was born when a flower opened up on Seth’s forehead.

There are more 1 version of Thoth’s origin.


This is a myth and like all myths it sprang from a misinterpretation of ancient history.

If I explain the original story you can't understand it because you can't believe it. There was no "sex" in Ancient Language. "Sex" and "gods" are confusions of ancient thought. All things including theory were either masculine or feminine and the first derivatives of theory (not corollaries) were their "children and second derivatives grandchildren. All of reality was anthropomorphized and ascribed attributes of man and beast. This is simply how every species other than homo omnisciencis perceives reality. They have no abstractions, no taxonomies, and no thought. They each singly and collectively are a force of nature wired with the logic of reality itself. Behavior is the expression of this wiring and of learning and this determines how species suddenly change.

This is what ancient people "believed". This is the very heart of the consciousness of the now extinct homo sapien (Nephilim).

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
What is so complex about every experiment applying to all of reality and all theory??? When a student rolls a little car down an inclined plane to map its acceleration this applies to astronomy. It applies to all sciences both modern and all other species.
I still don't see a specific answer to my question about the experiments you say define even the observational sciences, nor a statement that you have none, nor even one acknowledging the request. I never will, will I? And it's that which fascinates me here. Why is that? Surely you must be able to understand the words. You seem to want to cooperate and communicate. I can't even speculate why this is. If I rule out malice and trolling - and I accuse you of neither - I can't think of a single reason why this is happening.

Maybe if you shared some things about yourself and your life, like your age, education level, marital status and living arrangements, any physical or mental health issues, and occupation if any. I hate to ask, and don't mind of you decline. I'm not looking to offend or embarrass you - just to understand you better. And I will answer the same questions for you if you like. I tried to PM this to you, but your profile is blank and I couldn't find a way to do that. If you care to answer privately, you can message me through RF. You can trust me - I'm a physician (did I just hear you chuckling?). I mean you no harm.
Galileo wasn't stranded on some desert island and invented the internet. He stood on the shoulders of giants and had the benefit of experiment from even before he was born.
But you still haven't answered my question about him. What experiment was he doing when he looked through a telescope and reported and interpreted his findings. Let's skip to the chase: none, ergo not all science is experimental.
There is no such thing as "intelligence". Science doesn't operate on genius or even ideas.
You keep inviting me to "parse" your words. OK, let's try. Intelligence must not be intelligence as I mean the word, since that clearly exists, so let me guess what you meant. How about ESP? Did you mean that there is no such thing as extrasensory perception.

Science doesn't operate on ideas, so science must be some unconscious pursuit or a catatonic state.
My responses go unseen because they lie outside your experience.
Your responses are seen as I normally use the word, which is why I answer them. Whatever could you mean? Do you mean not understood? If so, say so.
It is you failing to rebut.
I haven't been accused of that before.
I seriously doubt the communication failure is my fault. It is chiefly the fault of language and the inability of people to hold their assumptions aside.
You have sufficient evidence to conclude that problem with communication comes from you. Nobody else here is being told what you are being told about being inscrutable, but you read it continually about yourself.
Why won't people parse my words as I intend them to be parsed.
Why should you ask them to guess what you mean and to translate it from cladkingese to plain speaking? Your problem is that you don't know what others need to know to understand you. You've been asked to be more specific and to use language as others do, but you won't, and until you do, you can't be understood. It might comfort you to know that. Why continue to be frustrated trying in vain using methods that don't work? I'd amend them or stop posting them if all I ever got from the gallery was what you get.

But then, maybe I'm as hopeless as you seem to be. I keep tapping the glass in the hope of breaking through after years of failure as if I were Annie Sullivan expecting to hear "Wattah" in deaf speech some day.
I already said in the same paragraph that human consciousness is subsumed by our thoughts driven by our beliefs.
Yes, and I already told you that I don't know what you meant by that.
Other species don't think.
Once again, you must have a private definition of that word, because they obviously think. Maybe by think you mean using symbols (words), but I don't suspect that most people mean that. What do you suppose this guy is thinking now? Nothing?



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Well-Known Member
Since you can't or won't address the questions asked with actual experiments (like I did with Newton and Galileo), there is nothing more to say except that you didn't make your case that "There can be no modern science outside experiment. By definition!" That comment was falsified with examples of observational sciences, and you came back with the above, which is not counter-rebuttal, but merely dissent and unsupported assertions of what you believe instead.

This is simply not true.

The reality is that science stands only because of experiment and not because of yet undead scientists who are incapable of changing their beliefs and models. No theory really "stands" simply because science has reached no conclusions. it's all tentative and is merely the best explanation we have within the current paradigms.

Many people believe that science is settled or that Peer agreement means that they see reality. This is not science. It is mysticism. And when a new paradigm arises and everyone comes to know that change in species is sudden and caused by consciousness that will be mysticism as well. It might not even be really correct from the broadest possible perspective; it will merely be belief and settled science because our species is homo omnisciencis (hear us brag) and by then we really will know everything just like today.


Well-Known Member
I still don't see a specific answer to my question about the experiments you say define even the observational sciences, nor a statement that you have none, nor even one acknowledging the request.

You've never see the first year physics experiment rolling objects down inclined planes??!! Even when performed by a six year old this experiment applies. THEY ALL APPLY.


Active Member
I am referring to the fact that fossils absorb soil and dating of artifacts and fossils do not seem to represent the object itself.
No, they do not. Most fossils are deposited at the same time as the sedimentary rocks (not soils) that contain them, and the ages of these sedimentary rocks are determined by interpolation between the radiometric ages of volcanic rocks (including ash beds) above and below them.


Well-Known Member
I can't think of a single reason why this is happening.

Your premises are that different. You believe reality exists as you see it and can't imagine you can't see it. You believe that science has opened your eyes to all of reality. You never thought much about metaphysics because like all scientists you were being trained to specialize instead of understanding what was known and what really could be seen. I went a different way. I am a generalist and use only deduction (mostly) intuitively. I don't think like you or hold any of the assumptions you've lived with your entire life starting when you acquired language.

I don't consider personal information relevant. But will say I generally describe myself as a disabled ditchdigger who had a few interesting careers transforming industries et al through technology and new thinking. I am a bull in a china shop and tolerated only because I never break anything. My memories go back virtually to birth. I had little formal education but had myself for a teacher. I am a scientist but moreso I am a metaphysician. I know two metaphysics and two sciences and find new things in their comparison. My family including older siblings who were prodigies and always had access to the best teachers and Encyclopedia Britannicas dating back to 1890. I have studied consciousness since before my third birthday. If I had any self motivation and money I mightta gotten an education and done something with my life. I learned programming in the '60's, can't understand computers, and am somewhat older than you.

I've never really made a clean fit in any category at all. I might be becoming a curmudgeon.

Intelligence must not be intelligence as I mean the word, since that clearly exists, so let me guess what you meant.

Good try. But, no. What we call intelligent is really an event rather than a condition. If you could see it in nature (you probably can't) it would look a lot like ESP. To our way of thinking metaphysics is a sort of magic. In reality it is merely the unseen way in which science operates. No magic. There may be no magic except in a young girl's eyes.

Do you mean not understood?


Why should you ask them to guess what you mean and to translate it from cladkingese to plain speaking?

There are no words that can express the abstraction of the word "abstraction". I'm using words literally because it must be so to explain something outside of what you believe when you believe what you believe is reality itself. You nor any of our species experience reality but every individual sees all, knows all, and colors in between with extrapolation and interpolation. How would you say this to someone who refuses to parse "metaphysics" as "basis of science"? I speak plainly, people hear creationism and nonsense.

I'd wager nearly half the posters here don't even know what the referent is to "parse". Nobody can understand any sentence without parsing it, parsing it as intended, and knowing every referent. People don't understand their own consciousness, their own language, and the nature of thought and they want me to just hand it to them in a beribboned box without the need to change assumptions or perspectives. NOBODY can do more than define the terms and show where, why, and how science went wrong.

If this were complex I couldn't have done it. There's no such thing as "intelligence" so I'd be as in the dark as the very first human being.

Why continue to be frustrated trying in vain using methods that don't work? I'd amend them or stop posting them if all I ever got from the gallery was what you get.

I see progress on many fronts. Ideas drive human progress just like in every species and many of these ideas are "new". People take them and run with them. Egyptology and archaeology are imploding from within. As beliefs change it makes more of what I say visible. As people come up with new ideas I adopt those too and run with them. Reality (as applies to living things) runs on consciousness.

Truth usually prevails.

Once again, you must have a private definition of that word, because they obviously think. Maybe by think you mean using symbols (words), but I don't suspect that most people mean that.

Yeah, nailed it. I wouldn't say it this way but that's it.

Monkeys have words but they ae representative not symbolic.