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Darwin's Illusion


Well-Known Member
But they aren't really symbols at all because they are representative and they are merely part of the language.

I think this is what you are still missing. These are not sentences or even vocabulary lists. They are part of a language not language itself any more than a dictionary is language itself. You might call sentences and paragraphs "language" but these are not sentences. Writing was invented in 3200 BC for a SPECIFIC purpose. You believe people finally got intelligent enough to invent writing but that's not how it works. There was no reason to write when there existed a language that couldn't be misunderstood. There was no need for writing. Since theory had names they could always jot down the specific theories in which some missive was expressed so that it could be repeated "verbatim". Or they could choose their own words without any substantial change in meaning. Writing was invented for the pidgin languages which began sprouting up all over the world as more and more otherwise normal people couldn't learn Ancient Language. There was still a need for them to communicate with one another and for the state to communicate with them. Since meaning drifts (chinese telephone) it was necessary to write stuff down. Today we write it in a foreign language called "legalese" specifically so it can be continually reinterpreted to fit the needs of the moment. The more things change the more they stay the same.


Well-Known Member
It is exactly because those claims are baseless that they are rejected and don't pass review.

Peers will review no hypothesis, no experiment, and no conclusions that don't adhere to every assumption, definition, and axiom of the current paradigm. The preceding sentence is true across the board however it is much less true in the hard sciences like chemistry and far more true in the soft "sciences" like linguistics or anthropology.

This means that researchers can get no funding except to promote the current paradigm. Since current paradigms in many areas are false promoting them means there has been no progress in some "sciences" for over a century.

All science depends on all other science just as all science is necessary to understand reality. These errors in science (like Darwin) reverberate all through modern science impeding progress and causing errors in interpretation.


The Lost One
The exact same "symbols" appear in caves all over the world. How do you propose this could come about without the symbols being innate to those who drew them or part of a single language? I simply propose they are both.

But they aren't really symbols at all because they are representative and they are merely part of the language. If we could "translate" them they would be "gods" like Thor, Osiris, or Pan. But to the people 40,000 years ago there were no "gods". What we mistake as "gods" were actually "theory"; specific theory. They were part of entire pantheons of "gods" which is aggregate described all of reality in HUMAN terms. Did I ever mention we don't think like homo sapiens? If we did think like them we wouldn't believe in Evolution or that experts can perform Look and See Science. If one individual had all the expertise in the world that individual still couldn't perform Look and See Science. It's a mirage and Darwin was just another crackpot. No amount of evidence can create theory because it is founded in experiment.

You can ignore this but it remains how science works.

Again, with the blah, blah, blah...

You have no idea what those symbols mean, so all you are doing is making assumption of language of some sorts, but that IT IS ALL YOU CAN DO IS MAKE A BUNCH OF ASSUMPTIONS.

Unless you can translate it in some ways, you have no way of knowing the context of the symbols.

Plus you bring up another strawman to attack.

I didn't say anything about those symbols have to do with any god.

I AM NOT THE ONE PRETENDING TO KNOW WHAT THOSE SYMBOLS MEAN...you have been the one pretending to know what it mean.

I certainly don't think it have to with any science or metaphysics, and I don't think it had to do with any gods.

That you would assume that I thought it meant gods, is just another example of strawman fallacy from you.

And please, don't bring Darwin into this, because he had nothing to with your delusion of 40,000 years old LANGUAGE of SCIENCE, because that your crackpot, not Darwin's.

Your claims of language of science and homo omnisciensis, is a bad joke, and old joke, since you started this Ancient Reality thread in 2018.

So unless you can provide actual translation of the those symbols, you don't have case that it is a Paleolithic language and science. You are only making up imaginary language that you think you are a prophet of.


Well-Known Member
Unless you can translate it in some ways, you have no way of knowing the context of the symbols.

This simply is not true.

If you understood metaphysics then you might see the flaw in your "reasoning".

Metaphysics is a tool and the specific characteristics of every tool determines exactly what jobs it is best suited to do. A heavy weight with a handle makes an excellent hammer but a very poor saw. By understanding ancient metaphysics (remember Ancient Language IS ancient metaphysics) it is possible to directly deduce the characteristics and features of the tool. Of course additionally there are drawings of these tools in the form of men with snake heads etc to aid in these deductions. Knowing what they were able to learn also aids in the deductions. Seeing the cultural context shows more clues to help in deducing what they learned and how they learned it. Just as every experiment applies to all of reality, everything observable about ancient science aids in the deduction of their science which also helps to interpret the metaphysics. It's a cascade effect.

This is exactly the same as our understanding of reality is a cascade effect from experiment. No one experiment amounts to a hill of beans but all taken together tells us a great deal about many things.

By knowing what cavemen knew I can make deductions about what each "symbol" means. Deduction is the chief means (for most science and most individuals) to make scientific progress through the invention and interpretation of experiment. No Peer review and no voting on anything and no induction or Look and See Science can create progress. These are a cause or an effect of beliefs.

Plus you bring up another strawman to attack.


You've slipped.

That you would assume that I thought it meant gods, is just another example of strawman fallacy from you.


Read it again. I said IF WE COULD TRANSLATE IT WE WOULD MISTAKE THE WRITING FOR "GODS". "We" can't translate it. I can.

And please, don't bring Darwin into this, because he had nothing to with your delusion of 40,000 years old LANGUAGE of SCIENCE, because that your crackpot, not Darwin's.

Darwin was wrong. Homo sapiens arose 40,000 years ago through a mutation tying the speech center to higher brain functions and then became extinct at the "tower of babel" because the language became too complex. Darwin was wrong about everything despite having a scientific perspective.

So unless you can provide actual translation of the those symbols, you don't have case that it is a Paleolithic language and science.

I've done so several times before. It is a work in progress and more data and more context will be required to understand all of them. "A work in progress" has always described all of science but almost all scientists (especially Darwin) want to skip ahead to the final answer by making unfounded assumptions. The fact that so many people believe Peers are infallible shows that our educational system has been destroyed. It does not show experts can determine reality through ballot or Looking and Seeing.


The Lost One
Metaphysics is a tool and the specific characteristics of every tool determines exactly what jobs it is best suited to do. A heavy weight with a handle makes an excellent hammer but a very poor saw.

I was talking about the symbols that you assume to be a language, symbols that haven’t been translated.

You have no idea of what the contents of any of these symbols mean.

If they are a language than what do those symbols say?

Translation is important if these symbols were written in a language. You haven’t presented any translation, no transliteration and no transcript of these translated symbols.

So how you citing a source that offer translation of the 40,000 year old symbols?

You don’t have any do you?

So all you really are doing is making excuses to justify your personal belief WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT THOSE SYMBOLS ACTUALLY SAY...

...that if, they have anything to say at all.

So, until you present real translation to those cave-inscribed symbols, then you all you really doing is blowing winds.

As to the Metaphysics.

Metaphysics isn’t a tool, and it isn’t science.

Metaphysics is just talk of reality & origin, based on some ultimate principles, THAT REQUIRE NO TESTING, therefore there are no need for evidence & experiments...experiments and evidence are not important in Metaphysics.

You keep stressing the importance of experiments in science over evidence, and yet where are experiments in those symbols.

All you are doing is just more blah, blah, blah...talking gibberish with your hammer-and-saw analogy...a faulty scenario that doesn’t Metaphysics at all.

You want to convince us about those 40,000 symbols, then for dozens of times, PRESENT THE TRANSLATION OF THOSE BLOODY SYMBOLS.

No more talk from you, no more excuses. Present translation or cite a source that provide translation. Otherwise you are just making quacking noises.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
How is that moving the goalposts? Earlier quotes and the latest one are all by Eldredge and Gould. All quotes are about the same fact that the fossil record offers no support for gradual change.
Sheesh, did you even bother to read what you allegedly are replying to? To repeat: Earlier you were trying to quote Gould as saying there are no transitional fossils at all, but now you've moved to him saying that a "degree of gradualism" isn't present in the fossil record. Those are two very different things.

Whether the alleged evolution model assumes continual interbreeding of a species or branching species “cladogenesis”, it doesn’t change the fundamental assumption that the transformation of one species into different one is a gradual process that necessitates numerous numbers of transitional forms. Real world observations of the fossil record do not support the assumed gradualism.
Actually, both are observed in the fossil record.

Gradualism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Punctuated equilibrium is in contrast with phyletic gradualism but both predict numerous transitional forms to the contrary of real world observations of the fossil record.
Your own source, S.J. Gould, said transitional fossils are "abundant" and anyone who tries to quote him as saying otherwise is either doing so out of stupidity or deceit.

Are you now disagreeing with your own source on the very topic in which you cite him as an expert?

Selection is supposed be a slow and gradual process, per the ToE, endless purposeless random mutations would continuously emerge and for every successful transitional form that was filtered/kept by selection, we should find endless other unsuccessful forms that were eliminated by selection. In fact, real world observations of the fossil record neither show numerous successful transitional forms nor the endless unsuccessful forms that were eliminated.

See above. We do have examples of gradualism in the fossil record.

Considering the number of genes in a genome and possible combinations that can be randomly produced in nature for each single species, there wouldn't be enough material or time in the whole universe for nature to try out all the possible interactions (both the successful and unsuccessful ones) even for a single species. (Especially the number of alleged random unsuccessful mutations that got eliminated by selection would be unimaginable)

The human genome alone includes 30,000 genes; number of possible interactions gets to be so unimaginable (ten to the seventy thousand). Imagine the number of possible interactions for every single species on the planet. This is totally ridiculous; we don’t see that in nature neither the enormous number of transitional forms nor the unimaginable number of unsuccessful life forms that supposedly got eliminated by selection.

Those are interesting claims. Let's see your calculations.

In his book “What Makes Biology Unique?” Ernst Mayr proposed that evolutionary biology is different than the so-called "exact" sciences and that the basic principles of the scientific method are simply not applicable to evolutionary biology.

He stated that evolutionary biology developed its own methodology of historical narratives, where experiments are inappropriate and definitely acknowledged the similarity with the Geisteswissenschaften when he said “Indeed evolutionary biology, as a science, in many respects is more similar to the Geisteswissenschaften than to the exact sciences.". He proposed that evolutionary biology is “Autonomous” and as such is allowed to break free beyond the restrictions of the scientific method. He said:

“The earliest fossils of Homo, Homo rudolfensis and Homo erectus, are separated from Australopithecus by a large, unbridged gap. How can we explain this seeming saltation? Not having any fossils that can serve as missing links, we have to fall back on the time-honored method of historical science, the construction of a historical narrative.”

“Evolutionary biology has developed its own methodology, that of historical narratives, to obtain its answers, particularly in cases where experiments are inappropriate.”

However biology is in many respects a very different science from the so-called exact sciences. Perhaps the most pronounced difference is that biology, in part, is a historical science. In this part of biology, evolutionary biology, the method of historical narratives is the most heuristic approach.”

“For instance, how do species multiply? However, as we will see, to obtain its answers, particularly in cases in which experiments are inappropriate, evolutionary biology has developed its own methodology, that of historical narratives"

“This revealed that some of the basic principles of the physical sciences are simply not applicable to biology. They had to be eliminated and replaced by principles pertinent to biology”
Um....all you're doing is ignoring what I posted and repeating your original false claim. As I showed, Mayr was criticizing categorizing evolution as Geisteswissenschaften.

Please try and debate ethically.

No, you are refereeing to the adaptation ability of organisms as driven by directed mutation see #1245. If the process is random as the ToE assumed, we wouldn’t expect same results to repeat but we do know for a fact that microorganisms do develop antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In fact, latest finds of molecular biology is what disproved all central assumptions of the modern synthesis. See #753 & #781
Sorry, but none of those posts support your claims. The fact remains, organisms such as bacteria evolve resistance to our antibiotics, and understanding how they do so is extremely important in medicine. You're just trying to unilaterally relabel evolution as "adaptation" and hope others go along with it.

You are certainly no authority to do that sort of thing.

It's not about primary or secondary mode, these are contradicting modes in contrast with each other as evident in the statements of the critics on each end, and neither of them explain the unbridged gap of the fossil record.
Um....what? You're actually arguing that PE, which was proposed as way to explain the patterns in the fossil record, doesn't explain the fossil record?

Again, you certainly are not qualified to make that sort of claim and expect others to go along with it.

“Critics such as Scott, Richard Dawkins, and Daniel Dennett have concerns that the theory (punctuated equilibrium) has gained undeserved credence among non-scientists because of Gould's rhetorical skills.” This is definitely not an argument about a primary mode.

Punctuated equilibrium - Wikipedia
So? Some evolutionary biologists expressing concerns about Gould being persuasive mostly because of his writing skills is not mutually exclusive with them also disagreeing with its accuracy. Are you not aware that both can be true?

In fact, the rejection of steady gradualism is necessarily a rejection of theory of evolution itself even if not declared as such, that is why the proponents of gradualism were aware of this issue and were very critical of punctuated equilibrium.
Again, things are not so simply because you say so.

Christianity neither supports that the Aryan race is the master race, nor that the Jews should be exterminated.

Nazi Germany racial ideology was driven by evolutionary biology at its core. See the links below.

Nazi eugenics
Nazi eugenics refers to the social policies of eugenics in Nazi Germany. The racial ideology of Nazism placed the biological improvement of the German people by selective breeding of "Nordic" or "Aryan" traits at its center.

Nazi eugenics - Wikipedia

Racial hygiene
The term racial hygiene was used to describe an approach to eugenics in the early 20th century, which found its most extensive implementation in Nazi Germany (Nazi eugenics). It was marked by efforts to avoid miscegenation, analogous to an animal breeder seeking purebred animals.

Racial hygiene - Wikipedia
So just as the Nazis misappropriated evolution to justify their atrocities, they misappropriated religion to justify their atrocities. Pol Pot misappropriated agrarianism to justify his atrocities. ISIS and Al Qaeda misappropriated Islam to justify their atrocities.

Perhaps this is a news flash for you, but people misappropriate all sorts of things to justify their actions all the time.

So, that influence proves the point of the specific damaging impact of the the ToE on humanity which totally has nothing to do with the influence of religions or any other ideology.
The question now is, are you simply unable to understand how the argument you're trying to make against evolution also applies to Islam, or is it that you understand but are trying to wave it away.

Again, this is a separate irrelevant argument that has nothing to do with the influence of the ToE.
It looks like you're trying to wave it away. The fact that the same argument you're trying to make against evolution also applies to Islam is pretty inconvenient for you, isn't it? So rather than deal with it directly, just wave it away and hope it disappears.

The problem for you is, it isn't going away.

Not true, the benefits were driven by scientific advancement of epigenetics, physiology, genomics, population genetics, microbiology and systems biology.
LOL....if all you have as a rebuttal is "Nuh uh", I'll just let that speak for itself. Would you like to see a specific example of how relative evolutionary relatedness directly helped with discerning genetic function?

In fact, the ToE assumption of random mutation is misleading, contradicts observations and was disproved by latest finds of molecular biology. “Molecular biology can now be seen to have systematically deconstructed its own dogmas” See#781
We've been over this and you're just ignoring what we covered and repeating yourself.

With respect to its influence, indeed it’s damaging to humanity.
And by the same reasoning, so is Islam.

With respect to its refutation, it’s driven by latest 21st century scientific finds of molecular biology, which disproved all the fundamental assumptions of the Modern Synthesis.
Again, things are not so simply because you say they are.


Well-Known Member
I was talking about the symbols that you assume to be a language, symbols that haven’t been translated.

And I repeat; they are not symbols and I can translate them.

If they are a language than what do those symbols say?

Well... ...the hand means "present". Of course Ancient Language can not really be translated so "the hand" means more something like "the ability of myself to create exists here at this time". English is context dependent, Ancient Language was not.

So how you citing a source that offer translation of the 40,000 year old symbols?

Many things are not understood by science so they are glossed over. This is one of those things Peers ignore.

Metaphysics isn’t a tool, and it isn’t science.

I already heard you slip. It took over 100 posts to get you to understand the word and now you've decided not to.

Now we'll have to start at square one to understand why Darwin's assumptions led inexorably to his erroneous conclusions. without understanding metaphysics (how science works and what it is) you can't understand how you and he are engaging in circular reasoning. Spoiler alert; the bolded section above is the definition of "metaphysics". Let me know when you got it again.

You keep stressing the importance of experiments in science over evidence, and yet where are experiments in those symbols.

There are countless experiments. Theory demands that Ancient Language remained unchanged in its formatting until it collapsed at the tower of babel.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
If the statements of scientist of the highest caliber in these international conferences concerning the latest in the field and with the provided lectures supported by acknowledgments and references, are not credible, then what is?

I would value their statements as credible reference over your opinion. They’re not simply "someone", you are. That said, I'm not suggesting to blindly accept anything they say, you may verify the facts for yourself.
It's not a question of credibility. You claimed that those advocating for EES are in the majority, yet you've offered zero support for the claim. If you don't have any, then your claim can be dismissed.

You said “some regions”. It’s not some regions but rather very specifically the regions of the genome with the most vital genes essential for survival. It’s not merely “some regions”, is it?

Good to hear but it's not only DNA repair, also mutations are directed away from most vital genes essential for survival. Also these mutations are not random in the sense that it benefits the organism.
Another empty assertion.

No, it’s not. See # 1245
Yes, we're aware of Noble's claims. We're also aware that they have have largely been rejected by evolutionary biologists and the paradigm remains that mutations occur randomly. We've been over this already.

In fact, possible random interactions or combinations that can be randomly produced in nature is totally unimaginable as explained above.
Except it's what we see occur.

For every mutation that happened to be advantageous, there should be millions of random non-advantageous mutations that got eliminated by selection.

Again, in the real world, we neither see the enormous number of gradual transitional forms nor the unimaginable number of unsuccessful mutations/life forms that supposedly got eliminated by selection.

You're merely repeating yourself. We've been over this.

Harvard University experiment showed multiple non-random successive mutations. The mutation happened repeatedly at each band till the accumulating successive mutations adapted to over 1000 fold resistance level against antibiotics in 11 days. The fast adaptation response was driven by the threat to the survival of the bacteria. The experiment showed repeated (predictable) directed mutation. The process is neither random nor gradual.

Scientists reveal the frightening speed at which bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance (smh.com.au)
Sigh....once again you cite an article that doesn't say what you claim. There's not one thing in there about mutations occurring non-randomly.

Are you doing this on purpose, hoping others won't bother to check your sources, or are you not even bothering to read your own sources?

Organisms don’t develop millions of random irrelevant changes to be purified by selection but rather develop specific purposeful/directed changes to address the variables within its environment.
I'm curious....do you believe a god is directing mutations? Do you believe a god is deliberately providing bacteria the means to avoid our antibiotics?

This is your mere opinion
LOL...no, it's a fact. You keep claiming that EES is a majority view among evolutionary biologists, but not one of the sources you cite support that claim. If you disagree, then show where they do (i.e., by quoting from them).

but as I said before, the discussion by these scientists in such conferences are not mere opinions, it’s about the latest in the field whether you accept it or not. That’s what it is.

The article said, “This cannot be dismissed as a minority view but rather a widespread feeling among scientists”. see #911
We've been over this and your just repeating yourself.


Well-Known Member
I'm curious....do you believe a god is directing mutations? Do you believe a god is deliberately providing bacteria the means to avoid our antibiotics?

You want to name the unnamable. Life is synchronous. Reality itself is synchronous. Life is consciousness.

By resonating with other life all individuals begin resonating with reality so reality becomes synchronous with consciousness.

There are numerous identifiable reasons this happens and probably thousands more we can't see. Who's to say why or how this exists? We still have a long way to go to be formulating proper questions.


The Lost One
Well... ...the hand means "present". Of course Ancient Language can not really be translated so "the hand" means more something like "the ability of myself to create exists here at this time". English is context dependent, Ancient Language was not.


The symbol of the hand could just a “hand”, it could be more to it, because there are possibly dozens of interpretations as to what the hand symbol mean.

And that’s all you are doing, interpreting based on what you believe, but without more symbols link to the hand symbol, you have no idea as to what the hand represents, contextually.

You are simply putting your own meaning: “the ability of myself to create exists here at this time".

But I doubt that is what the person who drew meant.

What you are doing (your silly interpretation) is no better than an astrologer making up some nonsenses predictions about a naive person’s horoscope, using the planetary alignment to the star sign.

Seriously you don’t understand languages at all.

Written language require more than one character or glyph, or one word, to make a language. Language require more than one symbol to understand the context.

It is laughable to think you believe the hand symbol - a single symbol - would mean “the ability of myself to create exists here at this time".

Were there more symbols associated with hand symbol? Something that makes a complete sentence?


Well-Known Member
And that’s all you are doing, interpreting based on what you believe, but without more symbols link to the hand symbol, you have no idea as to what the hand represents, contextually.

And every one of my sentences you interpret in accordance of what YOU believe and my words have no bearing on that.

You simply refuse to parse them as intended even after I define every word in the sentence for you.

Ancient Language could not be parsed and its meaning could not be butchered or cast into strawmen.


Well-Known Member
“the ability of myself to create exists here at this time".

And you still think "metaphysics" means "magic" and you refuse to recognize any of the many definitions I've provided.

I do know what word the hand is in Egyptian. It is a tiny extrapolation to believe it means the same thing. I don't know what you think any of the words in this post mean (other than metaphysics) but the odds are good that when you parse them they'll end up nonsense because you refuse to consider any non-Peer reviewed thought. I'm sure you'll see some religious conspiracy and God standing at the ready to smite non-believers even though you know there is no such thing as any God.

No wonder you think science is magic that runs on the intelligence of Peers and Peer reviewed evidence and that's as much definitions and axioms as it needs. Most modern day understanding of science is highly superstitious. Not so much among scientists but among the faithful.


The Lost One
And you still think "metaphysics" means "magic" and you refuse to recognize any of the many definitions I've provided.
No, that’s not what I have said.

I have been saying Metaphysics is ALL TALK, with no substances.

Talk that requires no testing, no observations, no evidence and no experiments.

Magic is another strawman you have brought up, not me.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
No, that’s not what I have said.

I have been saying Metaphysics is ALL TALK, with no substances.

Talk that requires no testing, no observations, no evidence and no experiments.

Magic is another strawman you have brought up, not me.
Have there been definitions provided? I mean from anyone other than the science side of this thread.


The Lost One
Peers will review no hypothesis, no experiment, and no conclusions that don't adhere to every assumption, definition, and axiom of the current paradigm. The preceding sentence is true across the board however it is much less true in the hard sciences like chemistry and far more true in the soft "sciences" like linguistics or anthropology.

This means that researchers can get no funding except to promote the current paradigm. Since current paradigms in many areas are false promoting them means there has been no progress in some "sciences" for over a century.

All science depends on all other science just as all science is necessary to understand reality. These errors in science (like Darwin) reverberate all through modern science impeding progress and causing errors in interpretation.
More ignorance and conspiracy theory (including false claims) about “what you believe” Peer Review do.

Actually, not “more”.

It is the same - repeat & recycled ignorance and conspiracy theory.

You are still making up things that Peer Review don’t do. The “making-false-claims” should be your middle name.

Not too long ago, you admitted you have no qualifications and no experience in the fields you argue against, eg biology (particularly evolution), cosmology, linguistics/philology, archaeology, and you claiming that you more than people who do have expertises in these areas/fields, believing that your personal opinions are facts.

Perhaps “I-have-a-superiority-complex” would be better a middle name for you?


Well-Known Member
I have been saying Metaphysics is ALL TALK, with no substances.

All words are all talk and no substance. This is the definition of "word".

Talk that requires no testing, no observations, no evidence and no experiments.

No. "Metaphysics" is symbolic of all experiment and observation. It is your magical definition of "science" that requires no experiment.

Magic is another strawman you have brought up, not me.

When you define something like "science" in magical terms as YOU DO, then "science" comes to symbolize a kind of magic but only to you.

You believe in the magic of "evidence" and the magic of Darwin's assumptions. These are all on YOU, not on real science which is founded on metaphysics and NOT magic.

How ironic you believe "metaphysics" is magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
More ignorance and conspiracy theory (including false claims) about “what you believe” Peer Review do.

And another lie. I believe in no conspiracy.

You are still making up things that Peer Review don’t do. The “making-false-claims” should be your middle name.

Do you deny that Peers define what is science and what is not?

If you do not then you believe in magic: A strange contorted magic where a few individuals define reality and our understanding of it. You believe in a reality that comes from Harvard and applies to the entire cosmos. You believe in "natural laws" which apply to all reality and can only be found through intelligence, evidence, and anyone with letters after their names. You believe in Look and See Science that manifests everywhere a Peer peers. You have no clue how weird your beliefs really are.

Science is based in metaphysics which holds that observation is required to hypothesize, invent, and interpret experiment, but you don't need no stinkin' experiment and neither did Darwin or his supporters.

Perhaps “I-have-a-superiority-complex” would be better a middle name for you?

You're forgetting one little thing. Unlike you I don't even believe in "intelligence" and I know I'm perfectly ignorant. I am a common joe and metaphysician who just happened to stumble on the means by which species change and the formatting of Ancient Language and, perhaps, reality itself. You merely believe you know Evolution because like all people you are product of your place and time. In this place and time education jumped the shark and few people know what they know and even when they do the interpretation of many experiments may still be wrong.

Why do you not respond to what I say instead of creating strawmen? Why don't we talk a little about how and why science works? Why won't you talk about the experiments that support your beliefs in Evolution? Why will, once again, none of these questions be addressed?

I address every single question and believers in science address none of them OR MY ANSWERS TO THEIR QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited:


The Lost One
All words are all talk and no substance. This is the definition of "word".

No. "Metaphysics" is symbolic of all experiment and observation. It is your magical definition of "science" that requires no experiment.

When you define something like "science" in magical terms as YOU DO, then "science" comes to symbolize a kind of magic but only to you.

You believe in the magic of "evidence" and the magic of Darwin's assumptions. These are all on YOU, not on real science which is founded on metaphysics and NOT magic.

How ironic you believe "metaphysics" is magic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are still making up lies. I didn’t say magic in Metaphysics definition, I only said I don’t respect philosophies that just talk.

You are the one who keep saying to ignore all evidence...what you seem to forget that experiment is a form of observing and a form of evidence, just confined mainly in the laboratory.

The irony is that you don’t understand that the symbols discovered in some of the caves around the world that you keep harping on and on about, “are evidence”, not experiments.

You don’t even understand what a experiment is and what an evidence is. You are also have no understanding of basic biology, so it is really laughable (and foolish) to think you are expert in biology.


Well-Known Member
You are still making up lies. I didn’t say magic in Metaphysics definition, I only said I don’t respect philosophies that just talk.

You're still doing it.

You believe everything but science is just words, but science is some megalithic creature that lives through Peers and feeds on religion.

Your understanding of science and how it works is nonsense and I believe in no conspiracies.

If your definitions are magical then your thinking is magical as well.

You are the one who keep saying to ignore all evidence..

No. I'm the one who keeps saying evidence and deductive logic are the best tools for inventing experiment and it is experiment that can glimpse reality.

The irony is that you don’t understand that the symbols discovered in some of the caves around the world that you keep harping on and on about, “are evidence”, not experiments.

Yes these representations are mere evidence. And they are evidence that strongly support my theory that there was a single human language that failed at the "tower of babel".

You are also have no understanding of basic biology, so it is really laughable (and foolish) to think you are expert in biology.

I'm fully aware that the parts of all living things are quite small and that it is individual consciousness that makes them unique. I am also fully aware that all the evidence supports my theory that all change in life is sudden and most probably determined by consciousness as expressed through behavior.

Some times things have to be stripped to the bare bones to be seen at all. This is what I see based on evidence, deductive reasoning and centuries of experiments.