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Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Darwinism Has Led To The Holocaust And Genocide Of Blacks


Well-Known Member
This thread is not for the faint of heart. I can't believe that scientific racism promoted itself to being acceptable from false scientific ideas proposed by Charles Darwin to social Darwinism and Eugenics to systematic extermination by the Nazis and Planned Parenthood.

Briefly, we know that Darwin's ideas of natural selection started with his book, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life." In it, Darwin proposed that animal and plant populations evolve throughout the course of several generations by the mechanism of natural selection. He proposed that the diversity of life came about through pressures on different animal and plant species through the survival of the fittest mechanisms (term adopted from fifth printing) and common descent. Darwin meant by "fittest," those species that could best pass along their genes to future generations. In Victorian England, Darwin's society had already held the belief that some races were superior to others based on the science of the day. They also had black slaves imported to do their menial work. These slaves were not treated as people, but considered property. The science was scientific racism which a few scientists theorized that blacks and aboriginies were lesser breeds of humans or savages. In Darwin's second book, The Descent of Man, "that "the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world".

Darwin's ideas were taken by social Darwinists and promoted to eradicate the weak and unfit. Social Darwinism "states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and unfit should be allowed to die."

Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, was a strong proponent "of the role of heredity in variations between individuals and groups, his championing of "nature" versus "nurture" was developed in the 1869 book 'Hereditary Genius' and then via the study of twins. In 1883, he coined the word "eugenics", and advocated strategies for improving human stock to give "the more suitable races or strains of blood" a better chance of success. His idea of "negative eugenics", designed to restrict the reproduction of less "fit" populations, would eventually feed into the policies of sterilisation followed by many from Nazi Germany to Social Democratic Sweden."

Did Charles Darwin believe in racial inequality?

"But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing."

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

In the United States, the Civil War started fueled by the ideas of equality of humans. One of the reasons was the South wanted to keep slavery while the expansion to the western new territories by the Northerners did not want slavery (due to victory in the Mexican War 1846-48). It became the war over States Rights vs the Federal Government. It was led by President Abraham Lincoln and his Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment to eradicate slavery. The 14th Amendment after the war started civil rights for all.

However, after the war, the idea of eugenics led to the founding of Planned Parenthood by Margaret Sanger. She "believed she was ‘working in accord with the universal law of evolution’. She maintained that the brains of Australian Aborigines were only one step more evolved than chimpanzees and just under blacks, Jews and Italians. When arguing for eugenics, Sanger quoted Darwin as an authority when discussing ‘natural checks’ of the population, such as war, which helped to reduce the population. Her magazine even argued for ‘state-sponsored sterilization programs’, forcibly sterilizing the ‘less capable’. She won many academics and scientists to her cause, including Harvard University sociologists E. M. East, University of Michigan President Clarence C. Little and Johns Hopkins psychiatrist Alfred Meyer."

Margaret Sanger Darwinian eugenicist - creation.com

‘"Civil rights’ doesn’t mean anything without a right to life!" declared Hunter. He and the other marchers were protesting the disproportionately high number of abortions in the black community. The high number is no accident. Many Americans–black and white–are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Sanger created this program in 1939, after the organization changed its name from the American Birth Control League (ABCL) to the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA).

The aim of the program was to restrict–many believe exterminate–the black population. Under the pretense of "better health" and "family planning," Sanger cleverly implemented her plan. What’s more shocking is Sanger’s beguilement of black America’s créme de la créme–those prominent, well educated and well-to-do–into executing her scheme. Some within the black elite saw birth control as a means to attain economic empowerment, elevate the race and garner the respect of whites.

The Negro Project has had lasting repercussions in the black community: "We have become victims of genocide by our own hands," cried Hunter at the "Say So" march."

BlackGenocide.org | The Negro Project

Thus, Darwin's ToE ideas led to the Holocaust and black genocide.

Right... because prior to Darwin no one believed that certain races were inferior to others. Without Darwin Hitler would never of dreamed of being so mean to the Jews. Without Darwin black people in this country would never have been made slaves... oh wait, wasn't slavery around LONG before Darwin was even born?

Okay, you're right... it's pretty moronic to blame Darwin's theory for human racists attitudes that have been around since the beginning of humanity.


Well-Known Member
This thread is not for the faint of heart. I can't believe that scientific racism promoted itself to being acceptable from false scientific ideas proposed by Charles Darwin to social Darwinism and Eugenics to systematic extermination by the Nazis and Planned Parenthood.

Briefly, we know that Darwin's ideas of natural selection started with his book, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life." In it, Darwin proposed that animal and plant populations evolve throughout the course of several generations by the mechanism of natural selection. He proposed that the diversity of life came about through pressures on different animal and plant species through the survival of the fittest mechanisms (term adopted from fifth printing) and common descent. Darwin meant by "fittest," those species that could best pass along their genes to future generations. In Victorian England, Darwin's society had already held the belief that some races were superior to others based on the science of the day. They also had black slaves imported to do their menial work. These slaves were not treated as people, but considered property. The science was scientific racism which a few scientists theorized that blacks and aboriginies were lesser breeds of humans or savages. In Darwin's second book, The Descent of Man, "that "the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world".

Darwin's ideas were taken by social Darwinists and promoted to eradicate the weak and unfit. Social Darwinism "states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and unfit should be allowed to die."

Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, was a strong proponent "of the role of heredity in variations between individuals and groups, his championing of "nature" versus "nurture" was developed in the 1869 book 'Hereditary Genius' and then via the study of twins. In 1883, he coined the word "eugenics", and advocated strategies for improving human stock to give "the more suitable races or strains of blood" a better chance of success. His idea of "negative eugenics", designed to restrict the reproduction of less "fit" populations, would eventually feed into the policies of sterilisation followed by many from Nazi Germany to Social Democratic Sweden."

Did Charles Darwin believe in racial inequality?

"But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing."

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

In the United States, the Civil War started fueled by the ideas of equality of humans. One of the reasons was the South wanted to keep slavery while the expansion to the western new territories by the Northerners did not want slavery (due to victory in the Mexican War 1846-48). It became the war over States Rights vs the Federal Government. It was led by President Abraham Lincoln and his Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment to eradicate slavery. The 14th Amendment after the war started civil rights for all.

However, after the war, the idea of eugenics led to the founding of Planned Parenthood by Margaret Sanger. She "believed she was ‘working in accord with the universal law of evolution’. She maintained that the brains of Australian Aborigines were only one step more evolved than chimpanzees and just under blacks, Jews and Italians. When arguing for eugenics, Sanger quoted Darwin as an authority when discussing ‘natural checks’ of the population, such as war, which helped to reduce the population. Her magazine even argued for ‘state-sponsored sterilization programs’, forcibly sterilizing the ‘less capable’. She won many academics and scientists to her cause, including Harvard University sociologists E. M. East, University of Michigan President Clarence C. Little and Johns Hopkins psychiatrist Alfred Meyer."

Margaret Sanger Darwinian eugenicist - creation.com

‘"Civil rights’ doesn’t mean anything without a right to life!" declared Hunter. He and the other marchers were protesting the disproportionately high number of abortions in the black community. The high number is no accident. Many Americans–black and white–are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Sanger created this program in 1939, after the organization changed its name from the American Birth Control League (ABCL) to the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA).

The aim of the program was to restrict–many believe exterminate–the black population. Under the pretense of "better health" and "family planning," Sanger cleverly implemented her plan. What’s more shocking is Sanger’s beguilement of black America’s créme de la créme–those prominent, well educated and well-to-do–into executing her scheme. Some within the black elite saw birth control as a means to attain economic empowerment, elevate the race and garner the respect of whites.

The Negro Project has had lasting repercussions in the black community: "We have become victims of genocide by our own hands," cried Hunter at the "Say So" march."

BlackGenocide.org | The Negro Project

Thus, Darwin's ToE ideas led to the Holocaust and black genocide.
actually I would question ALL your thoughts on evolution and SCIENCE:
With one statement.
Why are gay people allowed to marry before me? I'm mean it's about survival of the fittest correct, how is that? Or I'm casted off to an immigrant, who from his religious system cant handle or deal with that?
You'll have to look religious systems for the answer.
I'm living proof of it.


Hitler was anti-Darwinism and a creationist: "The fox is always a fox, the goose a goose, the tiger a tiger, etc., and the difference can lie at most in the varying measure of force, strength, intelligence, dexterity, endurance, etc., of the individual specimens." - Mein Kamph, Volume One - A Reckoning, Chapter XI: Nation and Race
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As opposed to what?
The right who are now explaining why liberty and democracy need to be curtailed in a post 9/11 world because terrorism?

You tell us this while the Left is strangling free speech on every university campus where they can get away with it, and political correctness does the same in the media. Isn't freedom of speech always the first right to fall?


You tell us this while the Left is strangling free speech on every university campus where they can get away with it, and political correctness does the same in the media. Isn't freedom of speech always the first right to fall?
I disagree with preventing speakers on campuses, except for special occasions like graduations where those being honored should have some say, but let's not pretend that informal and unofficial "prevention" of free speech is the same thing as the institutionalized and government sponsored form.


Well-Known Member
the Left is strangling free speech on every university campus where they can get away with it
What is it with you and Universities? Did you have a grant application turned down or a paper rejected for publication or something? Whatever it is, you seem to have a persecution complex about academia and this mysterious "Left" who are responsible for every evil in the entire world that comes out as an off-topic topic in almost any topic no matter what the topic. Odd. Decidedly odd!


Wish I could change this to AUD
What is it with you and Universities? Did you have a grant application turned down or a paper rejected for publication or something? Whatever it is, you seem to have a persecution complex about academia and this mysterious "Left" who are responsible for every evil in the entire world that comes out as an off-topic topic in almost any topic no matter what the topic. Odd. Decidedly odd!
Yeah, it is strange. I have degrees from 3 different Universities on 2 continents and they treated my research fairly. That reseach is open for all to see and replicate.


I disagree with preventing speakers on campuses, except for special occasions like graduations where those being honored should have some say, but let's not pretend that informal and unofficial "prevention" of free speech is the same thing as the institutionalized and government sponsored form.

Disorderly or violent disruptions to which school officials turn a blind eye defeats freedom of speech. And the pleas to stifle/fire/outlaw those with opposing views, especially noticeable with climate change advocates (e.g. the Weather Channel), isn't free speech at all. For the most part, the Left has to resort to those obstructive tactics because they can't actually defend their positions reasonably.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Disorderly or violent disruptions to which school officials turn a blind eye defeats freedom of speech. And the pleas to stifle/fire/outlaw those with opposing views, especially noticeable with climate change advocates (e.g. the Weather Channel), isn't free speech at all. For the most part, the Left has to resort to those obstructive tactics because they can't actually defend their positions reasonably.

Free speech is a wonderful idea in a healthy, open society with a well informed and critically thinking electorate. It becomes increasingly dangerous as that electorate becomes increasingly easy to manipulate. In America, conservative political commentary is having a toxic effect on the nation's moral and intellectual health.

Speech became freer when this was repealed, and the consequences have been devastating:

"The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was — in the Commission's view — honest, equitable, and balanced."

Free speech includes fake news as well.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
This thread is not for the faint of heart. I can't believe that scientific racism promoted itself to being acceptable from false scientific ideas proposed by Charles Darwin to social Darwinism and Eugenics to systematic extermination by the Nazis and Planned Parenthood.

Briefly, we know that Darwin's ideas of natural selection started with his book, "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life." In it, Darwin proposed that animal and plant populations evolve throughout the course of several generations by the mechanism of natural selection. He proposed that the diversity of life came about through pressures on different animal and plant species through the survival of the fittest mechanisms (term adopted from fifth printing) and common descent. Darwin meant by "fittest," those species that could best pass along their genes to future generations. In Victorian England, Darwin's society had already held the belief that some races were superior to others based on the science of the day. They also had black slaves imported to do their menial work. These slaves were not treated as people, but considered property. The science was scientific racism which a few scientists theorized that blacks and aboriginies were lesser breeds of humans or savages. In Darwin's second book, The Descent of Man, "that "the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world".

Darwin's ideas were taken by social Darwinists and promoted to eradicate the weak and unfit. Social Darwinism "states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and unfit should be allowed to die."

Darwin's cousin, Francis Galton, was a strong proponent "of the role of heredity in variations between individuals and groups, his championing of "nature" versus "nurture" was developed in the 1869 book 'Hereditary Genius' and then via the study of twins. In 1883, he coined the word "eugenics", and advocated strategies for improving human stock to give "the more suitable races or strains of blood" a better chance of success. His idea of "negative eugenics", designed to restrict the reproduction of less "fit" populations, would eventually feed into the policies of sterilisation followed by many from Nazi Germany to Social Democratic Sweden."

Did Charles Darwin believe in racial inequality?

"But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing."

The Horrifying American Roots of Nazi Eugenics

In the United States, the Civil War started fueled by the ideas of equality of humans. One of the reasons was the South wanted to keep slavery while the expansion to the western new territories by the Northerners did not want slavery (due to victory in the Mexican War 1846-48). It became the war over States Rights vs the Federal Government. It was led by President Abraham Lincoln and his Emancipation Proclamation and the 13th Amendment to eradicate slavery. The 14th Amendment after the war started civil rights for all.

However, after the war, the idea of eugenics led to the founding of Planned Parenthood by Margaret Sanger. She "believed she was ‘working in accord with the universal law of evolution’. She maintained that the brains of Australian Aborigines were only one step more evolved than chimpanzees and just under blacks, Jews and Italians. When arguing for eugenics, Sanger quoted Darwin as an authority when discussing ‘natural checks’ of the population, such as war, which helped to reduce the population. Her magazine even argued for ‘state-sponsored sterilization programs’, forcibly sterilizing the ‘less capable’. She won many academics and scientists to her cause, including Harvard University sociologists E. M. East, University of Michigan President Clarence C. Little and Johns Hopkins psychiatrist Alfred Meyer."

Margaret Sanger Darwinian eugenicist - creation.com

‘"Civil rights’ doesn’t mean anything without a right to life!" declared Hunter. He and the other marchers were protesting the disproportionately high number of abortions in the black community. The high number is no accident. Many Americans–black and white–are unaware of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project. Sanger created this program in 1939, after the organization changed its name from the American Birth Control League (ABCL) to the Birth Control Federation of America (BCFA).

The aim of the program was to restrict–many believe exterminate–the black population. Under the pretense of "better health" and "family planning," Sanger cleverly implemented her plan. What’s more shocking is Sanger’s beguilement of black America’s créme de la créme–those prominent, well educated and well-to-do–into executing her scheme. Some within the black elite saw birth control as a means to attain economic empowerment, elevate the race and garner the respect of whites.

The Negro Project has had lasting repercussions in the black community: "We have become victims of genocide by our own hands," cried Hunter at the "Say So" march."

BlackGenocide.org | The Negro Project

Thus, Darwin's ToE ideas led to the Holocaust and black genocide.

Even if that nonsense were true. How does that disprove evolution by natural selection?


- viole


Woke gremlin
I don't think the OP (or any of JB's previous threads that are similar) goes far enough. While we're at it, here's a list of other things we should totally blame evolution for:

- The great depression
- 9/11
- The burning of the library of Alexandria
- The Kennedy assassination
- Idi Amin
- Smallpox
- The crucifixion of Jesus Christ
- The end of the enlightenment
- McDonald's
- The massacre at wounded knee
- Always-on DRM
- Justin Bieber
- The red wedding
- The Columbia space shuttle disaster
- Fake news
- Dan Brown
- North Korea
- American cheese
- My friend's broken iPone case
- The Spanish Inquisition
- Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice
- Alan Rickman's death
- The Westboro Baptist church
- Pancakes that are a bit too thick and syrup makes them go all mushy
- Antisemitism
- Pockets with holes in
- Rampant misogyny
- Ornstein and Smough
- The inexplicable success of the "Fifty Shades" series
- Cous cous
- The murders of Harold Shipman
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- People who don't wash their hands after using the toilet at a barbecue
- Firefly being cancelled

I'm sure there's lots more stuff we can throw at it!


yawn <ignore> yawn
I'm sure there's lots more stuff we can throw at it!
Yesterday, my Doug wanted me to take a pic of him and Belle(our dog) outside with his new phone. Just as I got them in a good pose with the light just right, I dropped the phone which shattered the screen on the sidewalk.

Damn that Evilution!


Well-Known Member
Disorderly or violent disruptions to which school officials turn a blind eye defeats freedom of speech. And the pleas to stifle/fire/outlaw those with opposing views, especially noticeable with climate change advocates (e.g. the Weather Channel), isn't free speech at all. For the most part, the Left has to resort to those obstructive tactics because they can't actually defend their positions reasonably.
WTF? So Darwin's apparent racially motivated support of slavery and the Weather Channel's stifling/firing/outlawing of a climate change denialist is all part of the same conspiracy of "the Left" that corrupts students prompting them to protest occasionally and denies the rights of academics of a certain political persuasion to obtain research grants and publish papers containing nothing but asinine absurdity? Which 'alternative fact' universe did all this happen in? TPT - I think you should take a sabbatical - may I suggest somewhere on planet earth.
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
You tell us this while the Left is strangling free speech on every university campus where they can get away with it, and political correctness does the same in the media. Isn't freedom of speech always the first right to fall?

Are the left not entitled to speak or is freedom of speech solely the right of the right, your right?


WTF? So Darwin's apparent racially motivated support of slavery and the Weather Channel's stifling/firing/outlawing of a climate change denialist is all part of the same conspiracy of "the Left" that corrupts students prompting them to protest occasionally and denies the rights of academics of a certain political persuasion to obtain research grants and publish papers containing nothing but asinine absurdity? Which 'alternative fact' universe did all this happen in? TPT - I think you should take a sabbatical - may I suggest somewhere on planet earth.

What Darwin support of slavery? (The rest of your post is denial and name calling.

Are the left not entitled to speak or is freedom of speech solely the right of the right, your right?

The Left has controlled the median and academia and, until recently, Congress and the White House. And since political correctness is the most insidious method for stifling freedom of speech, I can only wonder what you're talking about, except that you throw this stuff out there knowing better.


Free speech is a wonderful idea in a healthy, open society with a well informed and critically thinking electorate. It becomes increasingly dangerous as that electorate becomes increasingly easy to manipulate. In America, conservative political commentary is having a toxic effect on the nation's moral and intellectual health.

Yeah, except that the vastly least informed are those who sell their votes for government handouts.

"The Fairness Doctrine was a policy of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was — in the Commission's view — honest, equitable, and balanced."

That's wonderful except that it's the government who sets itself up to decide what's "honest, equitable and balanced".

Free speech includes fake news as well.

Well....so you admit that you're defending fake news, and that disorderly and violent intrusions is part of fairness when it comes to freedom of speech. BTW, fake news is news which is broadcast knowing its a lie.
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