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Dating ,romance and sexism and men journal


Well-Known Member
Ok my top 3 favorite movies The Breakfast Club Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Sound of Music. I have seen specials about the real family Trap. The real Maria was a nun. On the topic of the Captain Von Trap; He was a captain in the Austrian military. The movie said they escaped from Hitler and the 3rd Riech. by climbed the mountains into the wilderness.

The real story is Hitler. asked him to join and he gave no answer: and started moving around Austria and avoided Hitler. Then they all got on a bus and came to America and opened up a vacation retreat where they taught people to folk dance.
I talked about this on another forum. I was criticized because they said Captain Von Trap was not brave all they did was get on a train and come to America.

The thing is usually people never said no to Hitler they were afraid of him, The Captain Von Trap said no to Hitler and refused to join him.I think he was brave to travel to another country and say no to Hitler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So anyway, I have not slept much the past week. I had to pay 600 for my mobile dentists to pull my teeth. So, I could not buy my cbd. My restless leg syndrome came back with a vengeance. My legs have been painful all night some nights.so I've had to stay up all night and sleep in the daytime, so my days and nights are mixed up. I have been on and off my food plan. I am going to weigh tomorrow. So, if I gained, I would have to face it. Sense I had an off and on tummy virus I have no idea if I gained or lost.


Well-Known Member
Well I gained three pounds . I just got to start over And get on the ball. I've been drinking too many coats. I need to start drinking more water. But I think I might go back to drinking both cherry and raspberry ice The carbonated water with the cherry flavor I c e d Those are good .
So i'm back to needle poin T .
But it helps to go to support groups. And maidens to keep me from being lonely.

I'm really enjoying the psychiatric group or psychological group that I belong to We talked a lot about being bipolar and depression and are mad, but it's very informational So I like it very well and I get to talk to people In zoom.


Well-Known Member
Well, I've been on my food plan for the last three days. It's not going to work if I keep it up the way I have been. I love fish. I eat a lot of it a lot of catfish. But I have not been weighing it out. I have not been measuring out my rice either and so I think I got too much. Today I told her just to fry out four or five pieces of catfish and I think that did alright. But unless you are weighing out and measuring out your feet it's not going 2 do any good. But I can get the shrimp cocktail at Kroger.

And if you count out the shrimp to 9 then that's the right amount for one serving 9 shrimp. So, I may get my shrimp cocktail at Kroger's but then get the TV dinners for nighttime. That way I can count my calories pretty easily and I know what I'm eating and not eating I can count my fat grams and my calories. Then I'd be sure that I had one serving for lunch and one serving for dinner. I might get the low-fat Turkey and egg white biscuit from Jimmy Deans those are good and low fat and low calorie too,


Well-Known Member
WELL AS YO I suspected I have dropped my guy friend and new mental health group.

My sister's didn't like him because he was so much younger tnen me
But when they questioned me about him I questioned the group I was in.I think he was trying to sell me on that group truthfully I'm not sure I agreed with their mentality of diet and exercise everyday,they seemed to be pushing certain diet plans for the mentally ill.

I let go of my 12 step groups except OA too.


Well-Known Member
So my sister is upset because I slept and didn't sleep for 4 days straight because I was itching and scratching. But sometimes when the weather changes to fall or spring my allergies torture me to death. Especially if I don't have allergy meds. But I also have had ants under my couch because.
I have been eating at the couch instead of the table the past year and a half and she thinks I had an allergic reaction to the ants. It is possible so now I have to eat on the wooden chairs. I am using a blanket for now because if I don't the wood strips my skin off. I may eventually find a better alternative to that.


Well-Known Member
This is GLEES version of Saturday Night Fever lol I'll put the real thing up after.

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Well-Known Member
So got a sexual cultural rant here. So I have watched a few episodes from 90-day Fiancé Other Way Around when folks who get married and move to another country to marry their fiancé. So here it is for people who want to live in a hard country like India or Asian countries, etc, They get over there and the lady who is from AMerica is moving to India. The Fiances parents are trying to set him up with women the parents want him to marry.
His friend who is really his fiancé in secret is telling his parents. she was excited to move to India and come learn about their culture and way of life.

His parents later said they were suspicious that he was involved with her because why else would she want to move to India. They asked why would she want anything to do with us or our country when she lives in the United States? LOL that's what I think. These crazy people who move to a 3rd world country to be with their fiancé and learn the language and culture then wonder why they hate it when they get their, the no electricity different language custom maybe the men are sexist. No way do I ever want to mov from America I am way too spoiled.


Well-Known Member
Anyways what I was getting at was that sometimes it's easy to romanticize about different cultures and what it's like to live outside the Usa. I think some of it is healthy. I have lived in Dallas my whole life and except for Hola and Bueno don't speak Spanish. I would like to learn. I think it's good to learn different languages and cultural ideas especially the religions.

However, when you travel to another country you are talking about another lifestyle, if it's a 3rd or 2 nd world country things like loss of air and heating and electricity could be a big barrier. tasting water and even the food can be very different. There could be
a big difference in the roles of men and women. It's an issue. with the folks on the reality tv show. I would have a big issue with it coming from a Pentecostal. background for 9 years of my life it is a big big issue even in AMerica.

If I were going to another country and I would like to Visit Canada and learn to speak French.


Well-Known Member
I have been on my food plan for 2 days. Today I had a peanut butter sandwich and a frozen burrito and 2 cokes. It is less then it was but still too much coke .I do not know if I have gained or lost. I will weigh on Saturday. The last crazy week and a half dealing with my allergy attack I have had days I slept through and almost ate nothing and then binged for a couple of days after so I could have gained but it could be a loss. I will see.

I did a little bit of walking and I will step up the pace this week. I saw a special and old documentary from like 10 years ago Fattest man in the UK. They Drs said once someone becomes bedbound or housebound from obesity they can die soon. So I see exercise as my way out.Who knows I might pick up and start dancing again .I not good at it but I loved it in my teens love to dance.

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Well-Known Member
So, I have had a chance to talk to one guy friend from OA who is really nice. But as my sister put it. it is not a relationship; we are just chat buddies.
So y'all can respond to this if you want. So, my sister was talking to me the other day about getting chat buddies. She said why don't you get woman friends from a bible study group to be your friend that way you won't be lonely.

I get her point, I do want to bond with women this year. But I need my hat buddies guy friends too. She said your just the type of woman who has to have male friends or male chat buddies admit it.

I said yes I do but I can find nice guys to be friends with me in OA. But I see her point. Sometimes I think maybe I should reach out to women more. But the way she said it made me feel like she was speaking of someone with a bad reputation, and if having guy friend's even if its clean no funny stuff going on: gives me a bad reputation; sounds like I might not ever get into a relationship because of my reputation with having male friends.
So that's another thing I have to worry about.


Well-Known Member
I was watching an interview with a few who were Is analyzing What's love got to do with that movie about tina turner. 1 film critic Said that I turner reminded him of his dad with his Creepy mannerisms I'm just the way he talked and carried himself.

I have never been abused by any of the men that I went out with or any of my bosses. However I know what he's talking about. My.old. Tell a marketing boss East to use some of the same words to it's creepy.
I knew how to sell his music. But my old bosses used to say now that's what i'm talking about right there. Oh god it was just like that that is so creepy.

Anyways, I walked four minutes today and i'm gonna try to start walking tomorrow. I'm gonna start walking ten minutes today hopefully. I figured if I could sit down and do some sit down
A e r o b I c s That would help too maybe some sit down yoga too.


Well-Known Member
Well I did better today on my feed plan but not really. I just but I just ate junk but less of it today smaller amount . So it was a better day even though I junk. Tomorrow I plan on being back on my food plan. I got sandwiches this week. I have been sleeping a lot through the week again but it's in part because of my leg pain and restless leg syndrome.

But my pain reliever from C BD is coming tomorrow. So hopefully I can go back to getting sleep and pain relief for my legs. I'd like to get up and walk some tomorrow if my legs aren't hurting. I got my hair cut today into a short Bob cut I like it.


Well-Known Member
Well I tell mondoctor that I still had problems with pain in my knEeS. He said I needed to go to pain managemen T He can't change my pain relievers. So I'll just have to take my c b d and be happy with it. I guess I'm okay with that.

But my doctor Said I needed to go to pain management I told him I can't do it. I can't get out of the house and he said I needed to call 911.

It said physical therapy should be doing a better job with me. And he's sitting my pet touched my nurse or the home health Agency. I'm Already might get rid of them.

All I do is walk with him. But I still need him to get me therapy. I'm gonna have to start walking this week since I've got my Pain relievers.


Well-Known Member
Ok well i have been looking at craigslist community. It has folks looking for activity partners, groups which many times are religious,general community classes events rants and raves, missed connections. I like Mised connections because it has people placing ads to meet people they met in public and wanted their phone number laugh out loud.

I doubt that many people respond to that. But I think they're interesting so I like to read them I also like to read groups. Groups many times have religious groups. This time they had a big o Sabbath Day Baptist Church advertising in my area of Dallas Fort Worth. I thought that was interesting because they've had the 7th day Adventist Church in this area for a long time or at least I used to.

I wonder if the 7th day Adventists to switch to the Baptist Church or if the 7th day Baptist formed on their own without any help from the Adventists. I'm not interested in going to church there's just interesting to me because I used to go to the 7th day Adventist. It's all very interesting though.


Well-Known Member
I lost 5 pounds the past 4 weeks. YAY ME! I finally weighed today.dm I worked hard this week. I used small porrtions; Yesterday I just had a peanut butter sandwich and 2 cokes.
I will try to eat 3 meals today.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
I lost 5 pounds the past 4 weeks. YAY ME! I finally weighed today.dm I worked hard this week. I used small porrtions; Yesterday I just had a peanut butter sandwich and 2 cokes.
I will try to eat 3 meals today.
Congrats! Good work!

I seem to be dropping weight, too! I'm just about to what I weighed before I had my youngest son...

It wasn't intentional, but I made some minor dietary habit changes that seemed to do that.


Well-Known Member
Congrats! Good work!

I seem to be dropping weight, too! I'm just about to what I weighed before I had my youngest son...

It wasn't intentional, but I made some minor dietary habit changes that seemed to do that.
Congratulations. I have been eating junk food, however I am working on getting sweets and cokes out of my diet. IT's hsrd nut Im not pledging to any other restrictions from food. hard enough to get the seets nd coke out of my diet.


Well-Known Member
Heres An 80s groups, technically 70s and 80s. My sister threw away my album and broke it because she said these guys were devil worshippers. That was in the days of my sisters going to church on the rock and listening to Bob Larsen.