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Deep and Serious Debate Addressing Complex Ideas with Important Implications

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I am thoroughly willing to actively and fastidiously engage in such loquacious logorrhea; yet, I cannot help puzzling about the potential surreptitious and likely sardonic motivations that underlie this post: Is this deviation from the banausic brutality of your oft fescennine quips merely another clandestine show of schadenfreude? Or simply a vernacular exercise of our cerebral lexicon manifest via self-deprecating jest? For, we all, at times, exhibit pleonastic tendencies or excrete cacologies. Do we not?

Thus, if you endeavor to mock the inherent character existing within us all, then by all means let us masquerade in our grandiose verbiage and challenge our wordsmith abilities while issuing forth raspberries toward those serious facades we oft proudly trumpet as ourselves. However, if this is a grandiloquent gesture of haughtiness pointed at those who fumble yet strive towards more complete self expression-so you and/or others can dismiss such posters as jejune gobemouche- then I care not to partake in such epicaricacy; And, I shall let you continue in your tete-a-tete with whomever gets the esoteric jeer.

Yeah, well you're a poopy-face, doo-doo head.


Coincidentia oppositorum
Why is it that peoples farts smell different even when they've eaten the same food?
Because there's a part of every person's soul in the fart. We're all unique and individual in mind and thought, hence different smelling farts. At least that's the scientific explanation I've read in a book once. It was very accurate. It also talked about why dogs sniff their own and other dogs' butts... it smells better than their mouths.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Booty-licious has nothing to do with 'Puffed up'.

Engaging my immense intellectual abilities and utilizing my endless stores of knowledge, the only rational conclusion that can be formed after reading your anemic musings, is that you are sadly booty-deficient and, tragically, don't have even a single leg to stand on when it comes to opining on how puffed-up, or unpuffed-up, anything of significance may, or may not, be. If you were at all familiar with the seminal works of the incomparable Wittgenstein, then you obviously would not be displaying such pathetic ignorance of all things booty-licious. As that great scion of logical profundity revealed to us, "if the crack in one's booty was positioned horizontally, instead of the standard vertical configuration, then one's booty would go 'pblt-blt-blt-blt-blt-blt' when one engaged in the activity of using a playground slide.'"


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Gentlemen (and ladies,) I humbly assert that you are not all fully equipped to handle such a lofty conversation such as this. I will try to help.

**Brings in a cart laden with high-browed microbrewed ales, single-malt Scotch, soma, and my personal favorite, mondo-go-go juice.**

Now you are properly equipped.

I'd like to see Chuang Tzu slap Plato silly now, if you would be so kind. :flirt:

Thank you.


Premium Member
But it's all not valid unless supported by scripture. Please quote related scripture in future. Only then will your arguments entertain any idea beyond futility.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I propose that we engage in a serious discussion and debate about sophisticated topics with far-reaching consequences for all of humanity. Furthermore, we should be as verbose, pedantic, and obfuscatory as possible in order to clearly convey our deep knowledge and masterful understanding of these complex and weighty concepts.

A few pointers and guidelines for engaging in this lofty and erudite conversation:

- Never use one word where a dozen will work. Being clear and concise opens your ideas up to direct challenge. Verbosity and vagueness are the keys to giving yourself as many ways out as possible.

- Liberally jump from one idea, or context, to another in order to display your mental dexterity and quickness. Lead your pursuer on a spirited chase through obfuscation until they eventually realize your amazing argumentative powers and give up.

- Reference great thinkers of the past as often as possible. Be sure to refer to them only by their last name. This casual association with astounding thinkers clearly expresses how thoroughly familiar you are with their thoughts, thereby displaying your mental greatness. Anyone who disagrees with you can be safely mocked, as they have no right to argue with Immortals.

- If you must resort to insults, be sure to accuse your opponent of insulting you first. This will provide you with enough self-righteous indignation to justify your own personal attacks when confronted with an argument you don't feel like countering rationally.

Let's get one thing straight. I came to RF for the beer and the chicks. So I could care less about "verbose" this and "obfuscation" that. I slept my way to the top and then partied with the good looking people in the back VIP room in the Staff Lounge.

Nerds. I swear.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Let's get one thing straight. I came to RF for the beer and the chicks. So I could care less about "verbose" this and "obfuscation" that. I slept my way to the top and then partied with the good looking people in the back VIP room in the Staff Lounge.

Nerds. I swear.

**passes MysticSang'ha a microbrew laced with mondo go-go juice and soma**

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Wow this is a fine gathering of intelligent people...so I have a question: Why is it that peoples farts smell different even when they've eaten the same food?

I propose that you initiate a detailed, long-term study in order to unmask the mystery behind this enigmatic puzzle. I suggest placing your nose firmly between the butt cheeks of as many people as possible while they repeatedly expel flatulation into your nasal cavity. Return here after several years of intense research and report your full results and analyses for our perusal. I wish you luck and success in your new intellectual endeavor.


Well-Known Member
But it's all not valid unless supported by scripture. Please quote related scripture in future. Only then will your arguments entertain any idea beyond futility.

When his life was ruined, his family killed, his farm destroyed, Job knelt down on the ground and yelled up to the heavens, "Why god? Why me?" and the thundering voice of God answered, There's just something about you that ****** me off.
—— Actual Words of God.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Gentlemen (and ladies,) I humbly assert that you are not all fully equipped to handle such a lofty conversation such as this. I will try to help.

**Brings in a cart laden with high-browed microbrewed ales, single-malt Scotch, soma, and my personal favorite, mondo-go-go juice.**

Now you are properly equipped.

I'd like to see Chuang Tzu slap Plato silly now, if you would be so kind. :flirt:

Thank you.

I suppose getting all the thread participants inebriated couldn't make the current level of discourse any more banal or absent of substance. Perhaps many of our esteemed members require a state of drunkeness in order to interact with the world on any meaningful level. A vile and low-brow habit, yet I am willing to allow even the most base of lurid behaviors if it brings forth even a modicum of intelligent discussion and high-brow debating.


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
I suppose getting all the thread participants inebriated couldn't make the current level of discourse any more banal or absent of substance. Perhaps many of our esteemed members require a state of drunkeness in order to interact with the world on any meaningful level. A vile and low-brow habit, yet I am willing to allow even the most base of lurid behaviors if it brings forth even a modicum of intelligent discussion and high-brow debating.
The mondo go-go juice is quite effective at propagating verbosity from all orifices. :yes:


Coincidentia oppositorum
The mondo go-go juice is quite effective at propagating verbosity from all orifices. :yes:

Don't forget we need something to chew on at the party, like wieners and potstickers or such. Maybe some nuts too. As in the famous words of Dana Carvey, "Tiny wieners and tiny nuts."


LHP Mercuræn Feminist Heretic Bully ☿
Premium Member
Don't forget we need something to chew on at the party, like wieners and potstickers or such. Maybe some nuts too. As in the famous words of Dana Carvey, "Tiny wieners and tiny nuts."
One cannot expound profound verbosity and profundity {emphasis on the fundi} when ones mouth is full.... :no:

{Besides, you look perfectly happy chewing on yer tail}