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Deep and Serious Debate Addressing Complex Ideas with Important Implications


Coincidentia oppositorum
northern Denmark? You're mistaking my philosophical school. I am more of the First Philosophical School of Finland, in terms of argumentative style.
It's more impactful now you know that, I bet!
Personally, my philosophical approach is more of antique Swedish style of debate, with an ax in one hand, and a mug of mead in the other.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Personally, my philosophical approach is more of antique Swedish style of debate, with an ax in one hand, and a mug of mead in the other.

Apologies, but with all due, undue, and fondue respect, Vikings, and all things Viking, are not to come within 100 yards of a thread of this illustrious and sophisticated nature. Giant, half-witted barbarians have their time and place, but this exclusive thread of the highest caliber is most certainly not it. Now, if you must insist on bringing Sweden into the conversation, the only acceptable subject, as masterfully argued by Camus on his deathbed, is IKEA, regarding which he famously stated, ""I believe in good quality furniture, but I will purchase cheap, modular furniture before good quality furniture any day of the week."


Veteran Member
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Well met. I see someone is finally giving this thread the serious intellectual respect and treatment it so rightly deserves - nay, demands. And although I can see the epistemological, ontological, and funkimological merits put forth in your arguments, they fall short of true greatness due to your failure to even mention the neo-proto-aboriginal philosophical treatises of the middle-late-Homeric era. This grevious error cannot be overlooked, and, in fact, invalidates anything you ever said or thought, as well as anything you, or your offspring, will ever say or think for the rest of eternity.
First I'd like to apologize for not responding to your post in a timely manner. In my defence I have been delayed by numerous other less important duties, all of which could have been avoided. Nevertheless I have given some thought to your comments and have decided to nominate you for initiation into full membership in the new sacred secret ecclesiastical order of the dead beaten horse.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
First I'd like to apologize for not responding to your post in a timely manner. In my defence I have been delayed by numerous other less important duties, all of which could have been avoided. Nevertheless I have given some thought to your comments and have decided to nominate you for initiation into full membership in the new sacred secret ecclesiastical order of the dead beaten horse.

No doubt a revered and respected accolade feverishly pursued by throngs of wide-eyed, amateur students of the philosophical arts on at least two of the three continents that matter. However, with all required respect and consideration, I find such institutions to be so far below my consideration, as to appear to me as flattened pieces of old gum stuck to the sidewalk, such is the dizzying altitudes that my lofty intellect soars through. Therefore, I must decline your offer of inclusion in the aforementioned organization, so that I may ensure that I can spend the whole of my time thinking great and deep thoughts, which are far beyond the limited capabilities of the muck of humanity to ever hope to grasp.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
To be sure, and just so you all know, I would have responded earlier to this debate, but I have instead refused to rush hastily into such a weighty matter before completing my epistemological and linguistic study, which will be published in June, and is to be called, "Prolegomenom to the Problem of Threads Debating Deep and Serious Topics Addressing Complex Ideas with Important Implications" (11 Volumes, leather bound).


Veteran Member
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I must be careful what I say for I am, like the groundhog, a sign of times and events and a game changer. My thoughts shake the scientific and scholarly industries in profound ways. I change the fluttering of very important butterflies which create winds of change that no one should ignore. It all has to do with the profound ideas that I meditate on and my ability to see into the heart of even the most complex issues. I'm humble however and live side by side with normal everyday people, such as yourselves. You folks are just fantastic and your cute antics buoy me up when I am lifting the weight of the world.
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Cosmic Vagabond
This thread should have just stayed dead. These most recent few posts are obvious hyperbolic, pedantic schlock; none of you have even addressed the thread topic, i.e. the OP. Now, granted, hyperbole has a valid role in certain situations, such as online blogs accompanied by purposefully, poorly-drawn cartoon frames, (by the way, for those who aren't aware, it's pronounced haɪˈpɜː.bəl.i, not hyper-bowl :rolleyes:) but in debate and discussion, such as this one here, involving important ideas like these, which tend to have pretty important implications, there is jut no place for it. For starters, it just gums up the page with tons of tl;dr text walls without proper indentations for different paragraphs (which are used to distinguish when you are changing subjects, btw) and even just poorly wrong put stuff in places they aren't supposed to be in, like you could just read the post whole thing, skimming, and try paying attention and no understand like they're not type things right just because too much text to read and no one wants to do that your posts is just gonna get skipped over. And then people dont use sentences right so you think you know what they are saying but you aren't sure, then you respond the wrong way and get made the bad guy and things just go down the drain :facepalm:

Obviously, and unfortunately, most people here seem to lack a proper understanding of the process and methodology of writing good posts thereby facilitating a good, healthy debate or discussion and promoting a strong sense of community through the sharing and adoption of ideas proven through proper exchange and debate.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
To be sure, and just so you all know, I would have responded earlier to this debate, but I have instead refused to rush hastily into such a weighty matter before completing my epistemological and linguistic study, which will be published in June, and is to be called, "Prolegomenom to the Problem of Threads Debating Deep and Serious Topics Addressing Complex Ideas with Important Implications" (11 Volumes, leather bound).

I see we are now blessed with the presence of a true scholar in our little thread discussing only the most serious matters in the most deep and erudite manner. I wish you luck in the pursuit of your goal of completing such an intellectually lofty and seminal work, and I look forward to purchasing it and placing the beautiful, leatherbound volumes on my bookshelves, along with the host of other tomes with impressive sounding titles that I've never read. Of course, I will review a brief synopsis of your magnum opus and formulate hasty, yet absolute, conclusions and opinions regarding the entire text.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
So is anyone going to address the points I brought up in post #273?

No, of course not. What a surprise. :rolleyes:


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
I already did, several times. You keep ignoring my replies, because you don't understand them.

I did. Are you going to act like it's not even there?

I was speaking metaphocially! I mean, you really didn't get that from the way I didn't dot any of the "W"s? Or are you both just trying to call attention away from the fact that I decimated your arguments in post #328?


Veteran Member
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The metaphocial unlocks the bohemoth power of the system. It doesn't mean that you know what it means. Don't lump me in with 4con. Lets move on anyway.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
The metaphocial unlocks the bohemoth power of the system. It doesn't mean that you know what it means. Don't lump me in with 4con. Lets move on anyway.

I don't want to move on anyway, I would like to move on in a particular way. I don't care which way, as long as it's metaphorically sound (or at least metaphorically sounding). That way whatever the metaphor is for will foreshadow the meaning of whichever way is met, or mean't to be met, by foreseeable metaphysical formatting as has heretofore been formulated aforehand by former, yet formidable, forces forecasting formations of asymmetrical metamorphism.

And that goes for you too, Foreconsideration.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
I don't want to move on anyway, I would like to move on in a particular way. I don't care which way, as long as it's metaphorically sound (or at least metaphorically sounding). That way whatever the metaphor is for will foreshadow the meaning of whichever way is met, or mean't to be met, by foreseeable metaphysical formatting as has heretofore been formulated aforehand by former, yet formidable, forces forecasting formations of asymmetrical metamorphism.

And that goes for you too, Foreconsideration.
You aren't even trying, and you've completely forgotten the metaphocial. I appreciate what you are saying though.


Cosmic Vagabond
I don't want to move on anyway, I would like to move on in a particular way. I don't care which way, as long as it's metaphorically sound (or at least metaphorically sounding). That way whatever the metaphor is for will foreshadow the meaning of whichever way is met, or mean't to be met, by foreseeable metaphysical formatting as has heretofore been formulated aforehand by former, yet formidable, forces forecasting formations of asymmetrical metamorphism.

And that goes for you too, Foreconsideration.

Well you might think its forthright to just go in a particular direction, but I think you direction is not particular enough, it might as well be a tangential side line in some games/jokes/stories thread about friend sex. You wouldn't have to talk about their lack of following a forthright forray into discussion if you weren't in the position of being wrong and totally without standing in this discussion.

Obviously, you are just covering up your own mistakes :rolleyes:


Premium Member
I was speaking metaphocially! I mean, you really didn't get that from the way I didn't dot any of the "W"s? Or are you both just trying to call attention away from the fact that I decimated your arguments in post #328?

Ad hominem!

You didn't decimate my argument. You danced around my argument like a prima donna in a ballet. It was beautiful, I'll give you that -- but the only point you made in that post was with your toes, while you were presenting your own spin!


Cosmic Vagabond
Ad hominem!

You didn't decimate my argument. You danced around my argument like a prima donna in a ballet. It was beautiful, I'll give you that -- but the only point you made in that post was with your toes, while you were presenting your own spin!

And here you are attacking ad hominem with ad hominem! How hominimium!

We need to get back on track and leave these petty arguments to middle school, where they belong.

Now, if I were to suggest an alternative to the presupposition, would that not be proposing of a new, certain way of thinking? If the bromhidrosis of ideas is or has occurred and this is the problem, then it's plain to see that the crux of the biscuit is the apostrophe :shrug: Now, rather or as it were, would it not be appropriate to presuppose and, in turn, suppose that such outcomes are, in theory, ideal to the state of the argument/discussion?