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Democrats take the house!!!

Are you happy with the results of the election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • Maybe so

    Votes: 8 27.6%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I guess it's good to counter-act the power of the Republicans. But that's about it. They're just as evil as Republiacns.


Well-Known Member
Ody said:
LIEBERMAN WINS???!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!


Pfft. He'll lobby the Democrats for reacceptance or get bought out by the Republicans. I truly believe he'll do anything to get a position within the Senate. What will he achieve remaining an Independant. He's certainly not a Green or Libertarian idealist.


Well-Known Member
I just noticed the poll.

I'm not happy with the result of the elections. Here is why.

I see little difference between Republicans and Democrats. Especially terms in expanding government. Both parties seem too willing to keep abusing their power to pass ridiculous laws wasting money on programs which routinely fail in their objective and become a titanic endeavor to end. Once a new bureaucratic branch is created within that government it usually becomes the prime focus of that branch to do what it takes to stay viable regardless of its effectiveness. We will see no change in this regard.

Second, I see absolutely nothing in this election in regards to restoring basic liberties which we have lost over the past few decades thanks to the efforts of both parties. Minorities in this country still remain disenfranchised because of a combination of voting laws regarding felons and drug laws. Despite the efforts of the Democratic party in maintaining its civil rights stance I have never seen any action to rectify this situation by the Democrats.

A few recent Supreme Court cases of particular relevance to the Libertarian and Green parties will receive scant attention from either party with the Kelo case being the only exception. Republicans seem to have taken up this case along with many Democrats and ballot measures across the country are attempting to limit the use of eminent domain. However, if most of them are anything like Georgia's, I don't really expect much more than the effort made by politicians to pacify a disgruntled public than actually doing anything about the issue.

Last, the most important issue in this nation aside from our current military actions, the continual drug war with its vast reach into so many avenues of political, economic and social affairs will not change at all. The Democrats, while in control under Clinton, failed miserably in this regard.

Actually, this is the last reason. I'm a pessimist.

Bah! That's enough of the elections for me tonight. Another two years will pass to see if the third parties will ever gain any ground.


Active Member
The absolute best news about all of this is:

Sen. Rick Santorum is GONE BABY, GONE!

: hamster : :monkey: : hamster :



It is cause for celebration and further evidence that Bush is not a tyrant, but a President of the United States that must listen to the people of the United States through their elected representatives.

We woke up this morning to a renewed country, with a critical voice now able to speak powerfully on our behalf.


Capt. Haddock said:
What???!!!??? No more Man-on-dog sex?!?!?!

It just won't be any more fun keeping up with political news.

I know his wife is no looker, but I still think that was rude of him to say. ;)


Well-Known Member
gnomon said:
I just noticed the poll.

I'm not happy with the result of the elections. Here is why.

I see little difference between Republicans and Democrats. Especially terms in expanding government. Both parties seem too willing to keep abusing their power to pass ridiculous laws wasting money on programs which routinely fail in their objective and become a titanic endeavor to end. Once a new bureaucratic branch is created within that government it usually becomes the prime focus of that branch to do what it takes to stay viable regardless of its effectiveness. We will see no change in this regard.

Second, I see absolutely nothing in this election in regards to restoring basic liberties which we have lost over the past few decades thanks to the efforts of both parties. Minorities in this country still remain disenfranchised because of a combination of voting laws regarding felons and drug laws. Despite the efforts of the Democratic party in maintaining its civil rights stance I have never seen any action to rectify this situation by the Democrats.

A few recent Supreme Court cases of particular relevance to the Libertarian and Green parties will receive scant attention from either party with the Kelo case being the only exception. Republicans seem to have taken up this case along with many Democrats and ballot measures across the country are attempting to limit the use of eminent domain. However, if most of them are anything like Georgia's, I don't really expect much more than the effort made by politicians to pacify a disgruntled public than actually doing anything about the issue.

Last, the most important issue in this nation aside from our current military actions, the continual drug war with its vast reach into so many avenues of political, economic and social affairs will not change at all. The Democrats, while in control under Clinton, failed miserably in this regard.

Actually, this is the last reason. I'm a pessimist.

Bah! That's enough of the elections for me tonight. Another two years will pass to see if the third parties will ever gain any ground.

actually, i agree 100%, to me the Dems and the Reps are the same party, they only have different people voting for them. however i think this election might be slightly better than what would have happened if reps would have kept it---and it also sends a peed off message to bush.

i really wish we could get democracy right and have many parties with more than a snowflakes chance in heck to win. like the socialist party.


RevOxley_501 said:
to me the Dems and the Reps are the same party, they only have different people voting for them.



RevOxley_501 said:
is that a "what an idiot" :rolleyes:

Don't worry... the only way to completely refrain from writing/saying anything stupid is to not say/write anything at all.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
gnomon said:
I see little difference between Republicans and Democrats. Especially terms in expanding government.
Astute. There are differences, but they lie mainly in which programs they want to dump endless taxpayer money into and how each would choose to expand the reach of the government. The only programs that have made any progress in recent years are the ones that continue pushing us toward statism. It's a bi-partisan effort.

Another two years will pass to see if the third parties will ever gain any ground.
It's a vicious cycle. People are afraid to vote third because thirds never win. Thirds never win because people don't vote for them. I'm seeing more dissatisfaction with both parties than ever in my life, but it's not enough for people to vote for real change in any significant numbers. I wonder whether the '92 and '96 presidential elections left people even more scared to leave their comfort zones. It's no wonder many of the founders had a profound dislike for political parties.


Well-Known Member
angellous_evangellous said:
Don't worry... the only way to completely refrain from writing/saying anything stupid is to not say/write anything at all.


well let me clarify then:


If you look at it, the issues in the US are very very trivial, compared to those of other countries with a democratic process: ie, abortion, gay marriage, etc etc----other countries vote on whether or not to be socialist or capitalist---stuff like that---huge stuff---and not to belittle the caues of abortion or gay marriage, but in the big picture it really is a miniscule thing to outsiders.

we know that nothing major is gonna change in this country---no matter who gets it---we might get out of a war, we might kill more babies, we might have some homosexuals marry (lets hope )---but we arent adopting socialism

also: if you think about the subject in regards to the world elite and the illuminati---in which i ALWAYS do, you see that NO ONE ever gets power unless it is allowed by you know who


Well-Known Member
i figured something like that had to exist evangelou---

did anyone ever tell you you were schitzophrenic?

im not saying you are...just asking a question


RevOxley_501 said:
i figured something like that had to exist evangelou---

did anyone ever tell you you were schitzophrenic?

im not saying you are...just asking a question

You mean an identity disorder?

A schitzo would think that the world (eg, though the elite or illuminadi) is out to get them.

The two are often confused as per the wiki:

Despite its etymology, schizophrenia is not synonymous with dissociative identity disorder, also known as multiple personality disorder or "split personality"; in popular culture the two are often confused.


Well-Known Member
angellous_evangellous said:
You mean bipolar?

A schitzo would think that the world (eg, though the elite or illuminadi) is out to get them.

The two are often confused as per the wiki:



RevOxley_501 said:
no you wouldnt qualify as bipoler---you fit the DID criteria quite well...i say schitzo because you post your freakish ways on this forum---which makes me think you are paranoid (an analysis)

Like Nietzsche, I write only for my readers.