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Democrats take the house!!!

Are you happy with the results of the election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 10 34.5%
  • Maybe so

    Votes: 8 27.6%

  • Total voters


Oldest Heretic
we in the uk have trouble getting our minds round all this.
In the uk the prime minister and cabinet is with in and part of parliament.
If he loses hismajority either in an election or by simple votes of parliament of his measures he resigns.
Your president and executive is out side your two houses, and carries on regardless even if he can get nothing passed by those houses.
Looks to me like a lameduck situation built in to the system.


Well-Known Member
Good job America (for the most part). South Dakota surprised me by shooting down their stupid abortion ban, so kudos to them for that. And a round of applause to Arizona for making English the official language.

I'm pretty happy with the California results too. "Parental notification of abortion" can suck it!

While I'm still skeptical about both parties of course and their corporate sponsors, the GOP has been absolutely terrible for this country, so I look forward to some positive changes.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
I voted NO because while I'm happy that the Democrats are breaking up the Republican's stranglehold on America, I cannot say I am happy with the results because the hate-filled, mean-spirited, bigotry-laced, discriminatory, so-called marriage amendment in VA was not defeated.

Virginia is NOT for lovers.


Religious Zionist
Maize said:

Virginia is NOT for lovers.

it is...so long as you're straight and understand you have no choice but to get married.

i really don't know how i feel about the democrats taking power in the House, and possibly in the Senate...on some things i'm happy for it...on others, i'm more troubled.


Through the Looking Glass
At this point anything that brings about transparency is very, very good, given the track record of the Bush admin. I'm not a Democrat, but I supported them so that there will be hearings on Dick Cheney's energy policy meetings, domestic surveillance, no bid contracting, pollution and global warming, house ethics violators (both parties), etc. More information is good and this at least opens the door to some meaningful public hearings.


I don't believe this is a change of ideologies, but rather republicans, independents, etc. upset at the Bush administration for X reason.

All the trash talk annoys me beyond belief. Both sides are a bunch of kids when it comes to this. Can people win without making the otherside look bad?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I think this is going to be a major test for the Democrats. America has handed her the political football, now let's see if they score touch-downs or just fumble the ball.

I dunno for sure, but as long as the two major parties are controlled by special interest groups, not much is going to change. Now let's see if the Dems can resist the Siren's song.


Faint said:
Good job America (for the most part). South Dakota surprised me by shooting down their stupid abortion ban, so kudos to them for that. And a round of applause to Arizona for making English the official language.

I'm pretty happy with the California results too. "Parental notification of abortion" can suck it!

While I'm still skeptical about both parties of course and their corporate sponsors, the GOP has been absolutely terrible for this country, so I look forward to some positive changes.

California actually won more republican seats then years past. That is hard to do in such a large blue state as California.


Deviled Hen
gnomon said:
Pfft. He'll lobby the Democrats for reacceptance or get bought out by the Republicans. I truly believe he'll do anything to get a position within the Senate. What will he achieve remaining an Independant. He's certainly not a Green or Libertarian idealist.

Lieberman has made a campaign promise to caucus with the Dems. If he breaks that, he's toast in his own state.

He'll also caucus with the Dems because he's a politican that can smell which way the wind is blowing, and it's not blowing in the GOP's direction at the moment.

Bernie Sanders of VT who is a Socialist, will also caucus with the Dems, because he always does.


Deviled Hen
angellous_evangellous said:
We woke up this morning to a renewed country, with a critical voice now able to speak powerfully on our behalf.

I can't be this optimistic about it, AE. We woke up this morning that is just as bought and paid for as the last one. Our representatives speak for lobbyists, who in this day and age don't just influence legislation -- they write it.

That hasn't changed.

I'm not unhappy with the news, because I prefer divided gov't, as it tends to be less extreme, and I'm the yellow line on the middle of the road, but it's nothing more than a bandaid on a patient with massive lacerations.

Partisan politics is no longer able to move us ahead as a nation, and over time I expect the situation not to improve, but to worsen.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Booko said:
I'm not unhappy with the news, because I prefer divided gov't, as it tends to be less extreme
I think there's something to the 'gridlock is good' theory that as long as they are busy fighting each other, they won't be passing more stupid laws. The country may well be better off that way.


Deviled Hen
Terrywoodenpic said:
we in the uk have trouble getting our minds round all this.
In the uk the prime minister and cabinet is with in and part of parliament.
If he loses hismajority either in an election or by simple votes of parliament of his measures he resigns.
Your president and executive is out side your two houses, and carries on regardless even if he can get nothing passed by those houses.
Looks to me like a lameduck situation built in to the system.

Essentially. In the US, I often hear comments looking down on parlimentary systems as too subject to changes in the political wind.

Our gov't was, after all, founded on mistrust of gov'ts. Small wonder if we've done many things to tie gov'ts' hands, given that foundational mistrust.


Well-Known Member
Victor said:
California actually won more republican seats then years past. That is hard to do in such a large blue state as California.
True, but for the right causes. I know Angelides was a dem, but I could not stomach his "let's be friends with Vicente Fox" pro-illegals policy.


Steel Magnolia
Personally, I think that this is just awful. The democrats have the house, and i bet they'll get the senate. It's the end of life as we know it!!! *begins hyperventilating* We discussed this in American History today, and the whole class was fighting about it and stuff. I've decided that I'm definantly a moderate-conservative, but probably not a Republican. I think I'm more of an independant...? Cause I don't like the democrats, and I'm not to fond of the Republicans right now, either. Though I would much rather have them in control than the liberals. But whatever. Maybe everything won't be blamed on Bush anymore.


Faint said:
True, but for the right causes. I know Angelides was a dem, but I could not stomach his "let's be friends with Vicente Fox" pro-illegals policy.

I was having a hard time voting for either of them personally.


User of Aspercreme
I am conflicted on this question actually. On one hand, I would have liked to see my party win, but on the other hand they would have just blown it by forgetting their principles and just spending more money. But, it is an opportunity for the American people to see the democrats true liberal colors. That will be interesting. I feel the most sorry for small businesses whose taxes are about to raised, and our military who are about to lose their support from our federal government, will be pulled out of Iraq prematurely, and will feel as though they have fought and died for nothing.

Mercy Not Sacrifice

Well-Known Member
Yes there's worry that the Democrats will cave into special interests.
Yes there's concern that they won't do all they could do.
Yes there's a chance they'll swing Right just to look good.

But I am glad as hell that we can even have that discussion in the first place.

Seriously, I feel like that finally there's some semblance of sanity returning to our national government. We've taken back the House; it's only a question of by how much. At worst the Senate is a tie-goes-to-the-GOP. Rumsfeld is out. Man has it been a good last 24 hours. : hamster :

Oh, and electronic voting did NOT stop the Democratic tide, including two big races in Ohio. I was really worried that this would happen, and so far, it looks like it has not. :yes:

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Anade said:
Personally, I think that this is just awful.
Me too. Hatred, lies, and bigotry allowed anti-gay amendments to be passed in all but one state that had it on their ballots. This discrimination and punishment by the government is digusting and must stop! Who is the Christian majority going to go after next??

I want to know what the Democrats are going to do about it now that they are in charge. I fear I already know the answer.