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Democrats want Trump 'killed' according warning by legal analyst Alan Dershowitz.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Alan Dershowitz is irrelevant and was one of Epstein's clients. He's a typical "analyst" on Fox.
No one cares what he has to say.
Nope you're completely wrong. Pretty much half the country, if not more, really does care what he has to say

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This is America. When we Americans have an ideological problem with someone, our go-to solution is complete and absolute annihilation. We don't want to work out a compromise or agree to disagree or accept any kind of subjugation. We want them erased from existence. With extreme prejudice ... for daring to countermand our will. And our 'righteousness'.

So Dershowitz is probably at least somewhat right. Anywhere else, anyone else would just want Trump to shut the hell up and go away. But not in the U.S.,. Here, we will want far more then that. We will want him erased from existence, for all eternity. And as an American, I can empathize. It would be best for everyone if that were to happen. (From my keyboard to God's ears.)

But sadly, Trump is not the real problem. And making him go away will not resolve the real problem. And it does not appear that Americans, and certainly not American politicians, are willing to face the real problem. So it will persist with or without Trump.
Hope the secret service dosent pay you a visit.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Well let's hope Trump doesn't die before the election or when he takes the inauguration.
I hope he does. Saying he's going to prosecute political foes, the whole thing about assassinating political opponents, saying he wants to be a dictator and budying up to them, treason amd insurrection and broadcasting military secrets of the US amd allies he is just far dangerous to be president.
He's old, he doesn't exercise and his diet is poor. Yes, I hope a stroke, heart attack or whatever else claims him soon.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I hope he does. Saying he's going to prosecute political foes, the whole thing about assassinating political opponents, saying he wants to be a dictator and budying up to them, treason amd insurrection and broadcasting military secrets of the US amd allies he is just far dangerous to be president.

Oh my! It looks like the secret service is going to be busy this year!

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I've been saying I hope he dies for years now. Secret Service has not visited me.
I hope you realize I was just making jokes here.

The Secret Service only visits those who present a direct threat of doing bodily harm usually by vocalizing their own intent or plan to kill somebody publicly.


Veteran Member
Hope the secret service dosent pay you a visit.
If anyone knows what a total human turd Donald Trump is, its the Secret Service. So I'm not worried.

If I were the new legally invincible president right now, I'd be ordering the Secret Service to confine Trump to Mara Lago and bar him from speaking to or through the press until after the election on the grounds that he is not eligible for public office as he is a flagrant liar, criminal, and a convicted felon. I would also order them to remove Justices Thomas and Alito from the bench and detain them under house arrest on the grounds that they have been taking bribes. I'd then appoint two very qualified, non-partisan temporary judges to fill their seats, and I'd order the court to revisit all the cases that Thomas and Alito participated in while they were taking bribes.

Then I would remove myself as a candidate for president and retire from politics as the hero that saved American democracy.

Biden won't do any of these things, of course, because he is a life-long political hack that has exhibited neither wisdom nor courage. But history is blessing him with one last chance to be a real hero, in his 80s. What in God's name would he have to lose???

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
If anyone knows what a total human turd Donald Trump is, its the Secret Service. So I'm not worried.

If I were the new legally invincible president right now, I'd be ordering the Secret Service to confine Trump to Mara Lago and bar him from speaking to or through the press until after the election on the grounds that he is not eligible for public office as he is a flagrant liar, criminal, and a convicted felon. I would also order them to remove Justices Thomas and Alito from the bench and detain them under house arrest on the grounds that they have been taking bribes. I'd then appoint two very qualified, non-partisan temporary judges to fill their seats, and I'd order the court to revisit all the cases that Thomas and Alito participated in while they were taking bribes.

Then I would remove myself as a candidate for president and retire from politics as the hero that saved American democracy.

Biden won't do any of these things, of course, because he is a life-long political hack that has exhibited neither wisdom nor courage. But history is blessing him with one last chance to be a real hero, in his 80s. What in God's name would he have to lose???
The late Tom Clancy would be proud of you.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Then I would remove myself as a candidate for president and retire from politics as the hero that saved American democracy.
Youd be the only one who'd think if yourself that way because there's still the other lunatics running amok in the GOP.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You would think with those kind of stats we have a third party by now. I'm still wondering what the hell happened to the Forward Party.
Americans are too tied to and attached to tradition. It's not always been Reps vs Dems, but it has essentially being Primary Party A vs Primary Party B. A few shake ups, but those are the exceptions and far.from the rule.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Americans are too tied to and attached to tradition. It's not always been Reps vs Dems, but it has essentially being Primary Party A vs Primary Party B. A few shake ups, but those are the exceptions and far.from the rule.
The Forward Party is a big tent endeavor.

And I'm pretty certain that there are disgruntled Republicans and Democrats who are getting tired of the division and finally getting together under one label to face off with the Democrats and the Republicans.

It seems however it hasn't gone much past being a political committee seeking to form a Centrist political party.


Veteran Member
Youd be the only one who'd think if yourself that way because there's still the other lunatics running amok in the GOP.
But if I'm going to remove their lunatic hero from the running, I should remove myself from the running, too. And to be honest, I think the American people would be VERY, VERY, pleased to have BOTH of us out of the running.

Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!

All I can say about it , is let's hope Alan Dershowitz is wrong.
Some on the far left are having wet dreams over their fantasies of killing Trump and arresting republicans etc. Of course the immunity decision does not allow for this but the far left loves authoritarianism. Now they think they have a way to become dictators. These people need to be defeated politically.
