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Demons - Is There Evidence They Exist?


Veteran Member
People ask for evidence of demons.
Is there any evidence? Yes, there is.

First, we must understand what a demon is.
What are demons?

In the Bible, a demon is defined as an angel of God, that is debased. That is, a rebel angel.
An angel, is a higher form of life - a spirit being.
Thus, an angel is a life form, far more intelligent, and far more powerful than anything, known to man.

In another thread, I tried to help an individual grasp that. Was I successful? :D
Reasonableness is required. Let's see how many are. ;)
  1. are unable to be physically detected, since they are invisible, and not affected by matter (Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments)
  2. can affect matter, unknowingly, except one is aware of their design (All galaxies appear to be dominated by [Dark Matter. In] fact, galaxies are thought to form inside immense halos of dark matter)

Simply put... no puny instrument of man can detect a spirit being.
Does that mean, demons do not exist? No more than scientists believe Dark Matter, and Dark Energy are out there.
There are two ways to detect dark matter:
  1. Indirect detection: Scientists use indirect methods to detect dark matter. For example, they look for the effects of dark matter on visible matter, such as the gravitational pull of dark matter on stars and galaxies. Another indirect method is to look for gamma rays, the highest energy form of light, which are released when two dark matter particles collide.
  2. Direct detection: Scientists are also trying to detect dark matter directly. They are looking for the rare occasions when a dark matter particle collides with an atom in a detector on Earth.
Of course, the scientists are not seeing Dark Matter, but looking for what effects indicate the presence of Dark Matter.
The do so, based on their current understanding of how matter would, or should interact... according to their best educated guess.

The same is true of demons, and detecting their presence.
The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
Are they having success? What evidence do we have of their activity?

Recently, in the News... in almost every region, talk has been around the level of increased crime.
Persons say this is due to a range of factors, such as, COVID public health measures such as travel restrictions, school closures, lockdowns, and curfews, COVID sickness and death itself, and less aggressive police practices in response to Black Lives Matter and other organized criticisms of police use of force.

These factors are not applicable in many lands where increasing crime is a problem.
Also, they do not explain the mentality of individuals to commit evil acts on their fellowman.
Appart from this, the world has become increasingly chaotic over the last century.

Bible students recognize the increased lawlessness, and problems as evidence of demonic interference. These are signs they were instructed to expect, and look for.
The Bible says, at Revelation 12.
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.​
12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”​
(Revelation 12:7-12)

So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

Thus, despite what skeptics and unbelievers say, there is evidence of demonic activity.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
People ask for evidence of demons.
Is there any evidence? Yes, there is.

First, we must understand what a demon is.
What are demons?

In the Bible, a demon is defined as an angel of God, that is debased. That is, a rebel angel.
An angel, is a higher form of life - a spirit being.
Thus, an angel is a life form, far more intelligent, and far more powerful than anything, known to man.

In another thread, I tried to help an individual grasp that. Was I successful? :D
Reasonableness is required. Let's see how many are. ;)
  1. are unable to be physically detected, since they are invisible, and not affected by matter (Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments)
  2. can affect matter, unknowingly, except one is aware of their design (All galaxies appear to be dominated by [Dark Matter. In] fact, galaxies are thought to form inside immense halos of dark matter)

Simply put... no puny instrument of man can detect a spirit being.
Does that mean, demons do not exist? No more than scientists believe Dark Matter, and Dark Energy are out there.
There are two ways to detect dark matter:
  1. Indirect detection: Scientists use indirect methods to detect dark matter. For example, they look for the effects of dark matter on visible matter, such as the gravitational pull of dark matter on stars and galaxies. Another indirect method is to look for gamma rays, the highest energy form of light, which are released when two dark matter particles collide.
  2. Direct detection: Scientists are also trying to detect dark matter directly. They are looking for the rare occasions when a dark matter particle collides with an atom in a detector on Earth.
Of course, the scientists are not seeing Dark Matter, but looking for what effects indicate the presence of Dark Matter.
The do so, based on their current understanding of how matter would, or should interact... according to their best educated guess.

The same is true of demons, and detecting their presence.
The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
Are they having success? What evidence do we have of their activity?

Recently, in the News... in almost every region, talk has been around the level of increased crime.
Persons say this is due to a range of factors, such as, COVID public health measures such as travel restrictions, school closures, lockdowns, and curfews, COVID sickness and death itself, and less aggressive police practices in response to Black Lives Matter and other organized criticisms of police use of force.

These factors are not applicable in many lands where increasing crime is a problem.
Also, they do not explain the mentality of individuals to commit evil acts on their fellowman.
Appart from this, the world has become increasingly chaotic over the last century.

Bible students recognize the increased lawlessness, and problems as evidence of demonic interference. These are signs they were instructed to expect, and look for.
The Bible says, at Revelation 12.
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.​
12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”​
(Revelation 12:7-12)

So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

Thus, despite what skeptics and unbelievers say, there is evidence of demonic activity.

I can't say I know that much about dark matter, so I can't address that point. However, there are numerous possible explanations for the increased lawlessness and other problems which you cite as evidence of demonic activity. All of these things could be just as easily the result of humans being left to their own devices, without any outside spiritual presence to cause it. The structure of nature itself and human reactions to it could be enough.

If God exists, it could just as easily be a design flaw - a fault of the Creator, not of any lower-level demons or angels. If humans steal food because they're hungry, then who was it that designed them to be hungry in the first place?


Veteran Member
Prove you aren't a demon.
You just proved you aren't reasonable. Thanks. :)
How can I prove something to someone who doesn't understand what they are asking for proof of?
Does that make sense to you.

Prove you have on shoes.
Um... What's a shoe?


Veteran Member
I can't say I know that much about dark matter, so I can't address that point. However, there are numerous possible explanations for the increased lawlessness and other problems which you cite as evidence of demonic activity. All of these things could be just as easily the result of humans being left to their own devices, without any outside spiritual presence to cause it. The structure of nature itself and human reactions to it could be enough.

If God exists, it could just as easily be a design flaw - a fault of the Creator, not of any lower-level demons or angels. If humans steal food because they're hungry, then who was it that designed them to be hungry in the first place?
I had forgotten to mention... "could be", or "might be", don't cut it.
There could be numerous reasons for the phenomenon of Dark Matter. There is still evidence for Dark Matter.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I had forgotten to mention... "could be", or "might be", don't cut it.
There could be numerous reasons for the phenomenon of Dark Matter. There is still evidence for Dark Matter.

And you're saying that lawlessness and other problems within human society are direct evidence of demonic activity? You're not saying "could be" or "might be," but that it is definitely true, based on the evidence shown?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
People ask for evidence of demons.
Is there any evidence? Yes, there is.

First, we must understand what a demon is.
What are demons?

In the Bible, a demon is defined as an angel of God, that is debased. That is, a rebel angel.
An angel, is a higher form of life - a spirit being.
Thus, an angel is a life form, far more intelligent, and far more powerful than anything, known to man.

In another thread, I tried to help an individual grasp that. Was I successful? :D
Reasonableness is required. Let's see how many are. ;)
  1. are unable to be physically detected, since they are invisible, and not affected by matter (Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments)
  2. can affect matter, unknowingly, except one is aware of their design (All galaxies appear to be dominated by [Dark Matter. In] fact, galaxies are thought to form inside immense halos of dark matter)

Simply put... no puny instrument of man can detect a spirit being.
Does that mean, demons do not exist? No more than scientists believe Dark Matter, and Dark Energy are out there.
There are two ways to detect dark matter:
  1. Indirect detection: Scientists use indirect methods to detect dark matter. For example, they look for the effects of dark matter on visible matter, such as the gravitational pull of dark matter on stars and galaxies. Another indirect method is to look for gamma rays, the highest energy form of light, which are released when two dark matter particles collide.
  2. Direct detection: Scientists are also trying to detect dark matter directly. They are looking for the rare occasions when a dark matter particle collides with an atom in a detector on Earth.
Of course, the scientists are not seeing Dark Matter, but looking for what effects indicate the presence of Dark Matter.
The do so, based on their current understanding of how matter would, or should interact... according to their best educated guess.

The same is true of demons, and detecting their presence.
The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
Are they having success? What evidence do we have of their activity?

Recently, in the News... in almost every region, talk has been around the level of increased crime.
Persons say this is due to a range of factors, such as, COVID public health measures such as travel restrictions, school closures, lockdowns, and curfews, COVID sickness and death itself, and less aggressive police practices in response to Black Lives Matter and other organized criticisms of police use of force.

These factors are not applicable in many lands where increasing crime is a problem.
Also, they do not explain the mentality of individuals to commit evil acts on their fellowman.
Appart from this, the world has become increasingly chaotic over the last century.

Bible students recognize the increased lawlessness, and problems as evidence of demonic interference. These are signs they were instructed to expect, and look for.
The Bible says, at Revelation 12.
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.​
12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”​
(Revelation 12:7-12)

So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

Thus, despite what skeptics and unbelievers say, there is evidence of demonic activity.
No one has provided me with evidence I can use to know if demons exist or are present. I would like to know. But sadly all that claim to know are just claiming and not demonstrating.

All you are saying here is that some people that read the Bible think they know about demons. I don't dispute that.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
You just proved you aren't reasonable. Thanks. :)
How can I prove something to someone who doesn't understand what they are asking for proof of?
Does that make sense to you.

Prove you have on shoes.
Um... What's a shoe?
If you are claiming this is a thread about the evidence for demons, then you are obligated to provide that evidence and an explanation of that evidence to show us all what to look for to know that demons exist.

That some may not believe in demons or know the Bible as well as others doesn't relieve claims about the existence and action of demons from support. I don't see how what others believe has any bearing on the ability of the claimant to support their claims.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Christians demonize the gods that polytheists like myself worship on a routine basis. Our gods are their demons, I guess. It's probably not a good idea to listen to them when wanting to understand our traditions on their own merit, but Christians are certainly free to demonize the gods as they see fit within the context of their own traditions. It makes sense for them to. Monotheism in general is a tenuous thing, given devotion and high regard (aka, worship) of multiple different things tends to come pretty naturally to everybody. Demonization is almost necessary for monotheism to stave off polytheist "backsliding" as they'd view it, along with actively tearing down indigenous and polytheist cultures to suppress their influence as much as possible. Maybe less of a thing in the modern era, but definitely the modus operandi historically and that legacy of control and intolerance carries forward to the present. Alas, this is just one way of telling the story. Disregard as thou wilt.

Since "demon" is largely a monotheist, Christian concept I don't really leverage it in my own religious tradition. There are adversarial gods and spirits, sure, but Paganism generally doesn't expect the universe to be revolving around humans to begin with so the implications are different. Things act in accord with their natures, and if humans get in the way, it is not necessarily an act of malice or intentional sabotage. There are a few outright malevolent gods, but I'm still not sure I would say they are really "demonized" in a polytheist or Pagan context. Infrequently worshiped, sure, but certainly respected for the powerful forces they are. It's interesting to note that many historical Pagan gods coupled maleveolent aspects with benevolent ones, perhaps reflecting the real complexities and paradoxes of the world we inhabit. Ocean, for example - all life was born and bred from tee, but thou also drown and swallow life into murky death.


Veteran Member
And you're saying that lawlessness and other problems within human society are direct evidence of demonic activity? You're not saying "could be" or "might be," but that it is definitely true, based on the evidence shown?
If you read the OP, you would note...
  • First, we must understand what a demon is.
  • The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
  • So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
  • Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

So, the question is, are you looking for what is expected, as evidence, or have you decided to just say, I don't believe?
If I said, I do not believe in any matter that is not what I presently accept, then I will not accept any notion of Dark Matter.
It means, I would not look for what is expected as evidence for such matter.

Are you saying you are not willing to look at what would be expected as evidence for demons?


Veteran Member
You call that evidence? That is like showing evidence of Kryptonite on account of what some believers in Superman say.
I never read that Kryptonite did that.
If I did, and it was presented as more than fiction, I would consider examining what was presented as evidence of its reality.
Would you?

Your bar on what constitute evidence is pretty low, I am afraid. Even ants can jump over it.


- viole
What is evidence, so that I can see what evidence you have in mind?


Veteran Member
Pick any random person on the street and they have asked a poorly based question about something that they didn't understand, then subsequently had clearly explained and demonstrated to them. That is called teaching.
Can you rephrase? I don't understand what you are saying.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
People ask for evidence of demons.
Is there any evidence? Yes, there is.

First, we must understand what a demon is.
What are demons?

In the Bible, a demon is defined as an angel of God, that is debased. That is, a rebel angel.
An angel, is a higher form of life - a spirit being.
Thus, an angel is a life form, far more intelligent, and far more powerful than anything, known to man.

In another thread, I tried to help an individual grasp that. Was I successful? :D
Reasonableness is required. Let's see how many are. ;)
  1. are unable to be physically detected, since they are invisible, and not affected by matter (Scientists have not yet observed dark matter directly. It doesn't interact with baryonic matter and it's completely invisible to light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, making dark matter impossible to detect with current instruments)
  2. can affect matter, unknowingly, except one is aware of their design (All galaxies appear to be dominated by [Dark Matter. In] fact, galaxies are thought to form inside immense halos of dark matter)

Simply put... no puny instrument of man can detect a spirit being.
Does that mean, demons do not exist? No more than scientists believe Dark Matter, and Dark Energy are out there.
There are two ways to detect dark matter:
  1. Indirect detection: Scientists use indirect methods to detect dark matter. For example, they look for the effects of dark matter on visible matter, such as the gravitational pull of dark matter on stars and galaxies. Another indirect method is to look for gamma rays, the highest energy form of light, which are released when two dark matter particles collide.
  2. Direct detection: Scientists are also trying to detect dark matter directly. They are looking for the rare occasions when a dark matter particle collides with an atom in a detector on Earth.
Of course, the scientists are not seeing Dark Matter, but looking for what effects indicate the presence of Dark Matter.
The do so, based on their current understanding of how matter would, or should interact... according to their best educated guess.

The same is true of demons, and detecting their presence.
The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
Are they having success? What evidence do we have of their activity?

Recently, in the News... in almost every region, talk has been around the level of increased crime.
Persons say this is due to a range of factors, such as, COVID public health measures such as travel restrictions, school closures, lockdowns, and curfews, COVID sickness and death itself, and less aggressive police practices in response to Black Lives Matter and other organized criticisms of police use of force.

These factors are not applicable in many lands where increasing crime is a problem.
Also, they do not explain the mentality of individuals to commit evil acts on their fellowman.
Appart from this, the world has become increasingly chaotic over the last century.

Bible students recognize the increased lawlessness, and problems as evidence of demonic interference. These are signs they were instructed to expect, and look for.
The Bible says, at Revelation 12.
7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him.​
12 On this account be glad, you heavens and you who reside in them! Woe for the earth and for the sea, because the Devil has come down to you, having great anger, knowing that he has a short period of time.”​
(Revelation 12:7-12)

So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

Thus, despite what skeptics and unbelievers say, there is evidence of demonic activity.
It's odd, though, isn't it, that violent crime in the US, while tipping up slightly, is very much lower than in previous decades. Should we take this to indicate that all the US demons were on holiday for 30 years or so?

And I think we might ask ourselves if there are many other sociological explanations for an increase. For example, when I was born, the world population was 2.5 billion, and is now over 8.0 billion. That's a massive change, and bound to be a stressor. Technology is massively greater than it was when I was born, too.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
If you read the OP, you would note...
  • First, we must understand what a demon is.
  • The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
  • So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
  • Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

So, the question is, are you looking for what is expected, as evidence, or have you decided to just say, I don't believe?
If I said, I do not believe in any matter that is not what I presently accept, then I will not accept any notion of Dark Matter.
It means, I would not look for what is expected as evidence for such matter.

Are you saying you are not willing to look at what would be expected as evidence for demons?
Then tell us what there is to know. That is what an argument is for. To give people the grounds to consider the conclusions valid and to use that information to test for themselves. What you know about the Bible may or may not be laudable, but that isn't the evidence for demons.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
If you read the OP, you would note...
  • First, we must understand what a demon is.
  • The Bible reveals knowledge about demons. It tells us, they are in opposition to God, and seeking to lead mankind in opposition to God.
  • So, it's a matter of knowing what to look for. If you aren't a scientist with knowledge of what to look for, you would never consider any notion of Dark Matter.
  • Likewise, if you are not a Bible student, and don't know what to look for, you would never give thought to the presence or influence of demons.

So, the question is, are you looking for what is expected, as evidence, or have you decided to just say, I don't believe?
If I said, I do not believe in any matter that is not what I presently accept, then I will not accept any notion of Dark Matter.
It means, I would not look for what is expected as evidence for such matter.

Are you saying you are not willing to look at what would be expected as evidence for demons?

Well, I would first question whether or not the Bible actual "reveals knowledge" about demons or anything else for that matter. As I said, I don't know enough about Dark Matter to be able to know what to look for. One thing I do know is that, with scientists, if they don't know something, they're not afraid to admit it.

By the same token, I don't know that demons exist, nor do I know that they don't exist. If someone tells me they know that demons exist, then my first question is "How do you know?"

I'm not saying that I'm not willing to look at the evidence, or even what one would expect as evidence. I'm not necessarily a "Bible student," but I do consider myself a student of history, which is also a history of human societies, human behavior, and how humans generally are. Our main struggle has been to try to adapt and survive under harsh natural conditions. Much of the story of human civilization has been to try to tame nature, both the nature around us and the primal inner nature of humans which might also be the source of our "inner demons," as some might call it. I don't see it as something coming from outside, but something more internal and intrinsic to our nature.


Veteran Member
"An angel is a life form ..."

Is it? What exactly is required for us to determine the presence of "life"? I believe that criteria is mostly going to be physical. Yet Angels have no physical presence. At least not in any way that we would recognize and physical.

Also, an angel is a "form"? An angel is an idea, surely, but a "form"? Consisting of what, exactly? Not of matter, apparently. Maybe consisting of energy? Like lightening is an "energy form"? But we can detect energy forms. Or at least some of them. Not angels, though, apparently.

I think the only way they exist that we can be sure of is as an idea. And it's as an idea that they can "fall" and become demons. Also, it seems to be only as an idea that they can have any measurable effect on us.


Veteran Member
It's odd, though, isn't it, that violent crime in the US, while tipping up slightly, is very much lower than in previous decades. Should we take this to indicate that all the US demons were on holiday for 30 years or so?
Actually, if you focussed on US, you would think the demons are not only sleeping, but partial.

2Papua New Guinea80.419.6
5South Africa75.524.5
7Trinidad And Tobago70.829.2
21El Salvador62.137.9
23Puerto Rico61.738.3
24Us Virgin Islands61.238.8
25Dominican Republic61.138.9
33Ivory Coast57.542.5
42Costa Rica53.746.3
52North Korea50.749.3
57United States49.250.8

Worldwide, the increasing crime is a problem.
Some lands had never experienced crime, other than "petty" theft, but no more.
However, the seesaw motion does not give us the real picture.
Go to this website, and scrub through the interactive graph, from 1990 to 2021.
It's possible to find data, for earlier years.

The world crime rate increased by 0.74% from 2019 to 20201. According to the Global Crime Index 2022, crime rates continue to rise worldwide, with no signs of slowing down2. In fact, the number of people victimized by crimes has doubled.

And I think we might ask ourselves if there are many other sociological explanations for an increase. For example, when I was born, the world population was 2.5 billion, and is now over 8.0 billion. That's a massive change, and bound to be a stressor. Technology is massively greater than it was when I was born, too. View attachment 80365
When I was a boy, we used to leave our door opened.
We heard our parents relate how they went away and left their houses unlocked... even at night.

Now, people have double locks and chains on their doors, iron bars, on doors and windows, as if they are in prison.
Persons even lament on how church buildings that once remained opened are now usually closed, and to gain access one needs to have a key, or request entry.
You think this is due to population growth.
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