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Demons - Is There Evidence They Exist?


Well-Known Member
As per eastern religious philosophy, the demonic are those who have very strong desires(raag-dvesh) in the form of cravings and aversions manifesting as lust, greed, hatred and which can over-ride or overcome the inner sense of morality and virtuous conduct, resulting in corresponding crimes.

Such souls , when not having a physical body of their own due to death, are still vicious and upon getting a new body upon reincarnation can manifest the same inner vices.

Hence capital punishment is not the answer for such criminals, and only exposing them to a culture and philosophy/methodology enabling them to gain self-knowledge and consciously remove their inner defilement's will an appropriate corrective measure be implemented and true justice be served.


Veteran Member
If I find a hundred dollar bill under my house, I have no evidence for that. In fact, according to @HonestJoe the moment you say you have evidence, you're stepping in to scope of science and logic, and should operate on that basis, so nothing is evidence unless you can prove to scientists that you actually found a hundred dollar bill.
That's how it works for these guys.

It does not work that way for people who don't see any evidence for scientists claims.
It's evidence for claims, even when it's not. Unless you can clearly disprove it. Only then do they admit they had no evidence for the claim. It was just a belief.
The evidence of a hundred dollar bill under your house is ... the hundred dollar bill under your house. Have you got something like that for demons?


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
So what do you think is the reason for the increase of lawlessness in the world? Or do you think perhaps there is no increase of lawlessness in these days?
I come from Scandinavia. Very atheistic society.
What lawlessness are you talking about?

If you allow me, there seems to be a strong correlation between violence, worship for weapons and all, and religiosity levels of that country.

Therefore, the only advice I can give to you, in case you feel like you are living in a very lawless society, is that you move to a strongly secular country. You can thank me later.


- viole


Veteran Member
So science cannot disprove God meaning, according to science, it’s possible He exists.
It has been repeated here quite often that science does not prove nor disprove anything... nor does it try to.
So, the people who are crying "There is no evidence. There is no evidence for the supernatural." can continue to do so until every cell of their body meshes with the dirt under our feet.

The fact is, evidence is not evidence only when the scientific community calls it such.
Every one of these posters on this thread who are crying, know that.
I'm not moved by the whining. :D

Would you say a chair moving around a kitchen floor in a defined pattern with no observable means of control is evidence of something?
Let me refer you to what I referenced earlier.

Evidence, broadly construed, is anything presented in support of an assertion. This support may be strong or weak. The strongest type of evidence is that which provides direct proof of the truth of an assertion. At the other extreme is evidence that is merely consistent with an assertion but does not rule out other, contradictory assertions, as in circumstantial evidence.
Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly - i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference.
On its own, circumstantial evidence allows for more than one explanation. Different pieces of circumstantial evidence may be required, so that each corroborates the conclusions drawn from the others. Together, they may more strongly support one particular inference over another. An explanation involving circumstantial evidence becomes more likely once alternative explanations have been ruled out.
Circumstantial evidence allows a trier of fact to infer that a fact exists.
Inferences are steps in reasoning, moving from premises to logical consequences.
When we make an inference, we draw a conclusion based on the evidence that we have available.
inferred evidence
to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence.

Well, there, you have my answer.
They know it as well. So don't let the whining fool you. It's a distraction.
They do it to avoid addressing the actual meat put out there for them. It's too hard for them to chew. Solid, you see.

It's not like the regular meat.


Veteran Member
Even if someone told you, I strongly doubt you would accept the truthfulness of that.
You're right. It's a repeat... again.

The evidence of a hundred dollar bill under your house is ... the hundred dollar bill under your house. Have you got something like that for demons?
Seems you have a short memory. Did you forget again? Or is this the evidence you make false claims regularly? I think the latter.

How is the hundred dollar bill evidence, when you haven't seen it? Aha! Gotcha!
No one has seen it but me... and those who I show it to.
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Veteran Member
I come from Scandinavia. Very atheistic society.
What lawlessness are you talking about?

If you allow me, there seems to be a strong correlation between violence, worship for weapons and all, and religiosity levels of that country.

Therefore, the only advice I can give to you, in case you feel like you are living in a very lawless society, is that you move to a strongly secular country. You can thank me later.


- viole
It may be safer. You are one of the fortunate ones :) but...
Scandinavia crime rates are low compared to the global average, but vary depending on the type and location of crime12. Scandinavian countries typically average less than one murder per 100,000 people in a given year, which is much lower than the USA2. However, violent crimes in Scandinavia are 11% higher than the national average, and some cities are safer than others1. Crime in Scandinavia has increased by 2% in the last year1.

It has not escaped the increase of lawlessness.
11% higher than the NATIONAL AVERAGE. :confounded:
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Veteran Member
You're right. It's a repeat... again.

Seems you have a short memory. Did you forget again? Or is this the evidence you make false claims regularly? I think the latter.
Ah, another attempt to call me an habitual liar. You don't do that though, right? :rolleyes:
How is the hundred dollar bill evidence, when you haven't seen it? Aha! Gotcha!
No one has seen it but me... and those who I show it to.
If you've seen it, you've got your evidence.

If you haven't seen it, and you have no reason to believe it's there, or you won't produce it, then you don't have evidence for it.
If you have a hundred dollar bill that you claim you found under your house but you won't show it to me, then I have no reason to believe you.
If you have a hundred dollar bill that you claim you found under your house, and you produce it for me and it's all covered in dirt and grass and stuff, then I have a reason to believe your claim.


Veteran Member
So what do you think is the reason for the increase of lawlessness in the world? Or do you think perhaps there is no increase of lawlessness in these days?
You know how we have this saying, "those who can't see it, would have to be blind."?
Maybe @viole don't read the news much.

Crime in Sweden - statistics & facts

Over the past decades, the number of reported crimes in Sweden generally increased, which can be explained by several factors: a significant increase in the Swedish population, which naturally results in more crime and convicted criminals, as well as a new culture of reporting crimes to the authorities. Considering the last 10 years, the total number of reported crimes increased slightly from 2015 to 2020, but the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitant remained relatively stable. Despite this, Sweden has received increased international attention due to increasing gang violence in its biggest cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. A quick look at the number of shootings over the past six years shows that the number of fatalities in shootings reached a new record in 2022. Moreover, a report published by the Swedish national council for crime prevention in 2021 found that Sweden was the only European country in which the number of fatal shootings per 100,000 inhabitant increased since 2000.


Veteran Member
Ah, another attempt to call me an habitual liar. You don't do that though, right? :rolleyes:

If you've seen it, you've got your evidence.

If you haven't seen it, and you have no reason to believe it's there, or you won't produce it, then you don't have evidence for it.
If you have a hundred dollar bill that you claim you found under your house but you won't show it to me, then I have no reason to believe you.
If you have a hundred dollar bill that you claim you found under your house, and you produce it for me and it's all covered in dirt and grass and stuff, then I have a reason to believe your claim.
I don't need to show it to you. Even if I did, you could claim all sorts of things, like how I took it from my wallet and rubbed it in dirt, and put grass in it...

Wait a minute. There no grass under my house.
You see, it really makes no difference what evidence you get. That's why it really doesn't matter what skeptics believe.
You can believe anything you want... or not. It doesn't matter.


Veteran Member
I don't need to show it to you. Even if I did, you could claim all sorts of things, like how I took it from my wallet and rubbed it in dirt, and put grass in it...

Wait a minute. There no grass under my house.
You see, it really makes no difference what evidence you get. That's why it really doesn't matter what skeptics believe.
It does, in fact, make a difference what evidence I get. Or if I get any at all.
You can believe anything you want... or not. It doesn't matter.
I don't want to believe anything I want. As I told you before, I want to believe in as many true things as possible while not believing in as many false things as possible. Do you? Last time I said that you called me a liar. Let's see what you do this time.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
It has been repeated here quite often that science does not prove nor disprove anything... nor does it try to.
Proof is not a standard of science. Conclusions and theories are contingent on the discovery of new EVIDENCE that would overturn or modify those theories and conclusions. However, there are some theories, like the theory of evolution, that have so much evidence that it would take extraordinary evidence to upset it.
So, the people who are crying "There is no evidence. There is no evidence for the supernatural." can continue to do so until every cell of their body meshes with the dirt under our feet.
I don't think anyone is "crying". I haven't seen it. Your choice of words and phrasing isn't unexpected, but it is telling. The statement that there is no valid evidence for the supernatural is a legitimate statement. There is no evidence that would lead to a reasonable conclusion that the supernatural has been demonstrated. Certainly nothing you have done.
The fact is, evidence is not evidence only when the scientific community calls it such.
I'm not sure why you are bringing the scientific community into this,. But you are correct, the scientific community doesn't arbitrarily establish what is and isn't evidence. Evidence is also not evidence just because some person claiming a literalist religious position says it is.
Every one of these posters on this thread who are crying, know that.
Again, I'm not aware of anyone on this thread is crying. Why do you keep saying that?
I'm not moved by the whining. :D
Well, I disagree over the direction that whining seems to be coming from, but what you are not moved by, based on the evidence, is reason and evidence. I haven't seen anyone that is asking for the evidence do any whining. I'm really not sure why you are taking that position. Is that the sort of witness that you are wanting to establish for yourself?
Let me refer you to what I referenced earlier.

Evidence, broadly construed, is anything presented in support of an assertion. This support may be strong or weak. The strongest type of evidence is that which provides direct proof of the truth of an assertion. At the other extreme is evidence that is merely consistent with an assertion but does not rule out other, contradictory assertions, as in circumstantial evidence.
Circumstantial evidence is evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact—like a fingerprint at the scene of a crime. By contrast, direct evidence supports the truth of an assertion directly - i.e., without need for any additional evidence or inference.
On its own, circumstantial evidence allows for more than one explanation. Different pieces of circumstantial evidence may be required, so that each corroborates the conclusions drawn from the others. Together, they may more strongly support one particular inference over another. An explanation involving circumstantial evidence becomes more likely once alternative explanations have been ruled out.
Circumstantial evidence allows a trier of fact to infer that a fact exists.
Inferences are steps in reasoning, moving from premises to logical consequences.
When we make an inference, we draw a conclusion based on the evidence that we have available.
inferred evidence
to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises or evidence.
You should read this and compare it with what has been offered as evidence on here an how it doesn't meet the criteria that you have here.

The opening attempt in the OP to compare demons to "dark energy" and "dark matter" was an attempt to argue on logic that failed. It was a false equivalence fallacy. This has been pointed out several times and well-established as a refutation of that poorly constructed argument. Dark energy and matter are placeholders in physics for observations that have no other explanation and is backed by the established knowledge of physics. Demons is a claim that isn't supported by any evidence or a body of understanding.

The claim that 10's, 100's or 1000's of reports and video documentation exist demonstrating demons isn't evidence either. It is a claim of evidence not in evidence with nothing to support that it even exists, let alone supports what it is claimed to. There are no studies offered in support of the claim to establish the existence of these reports and video, explain them and validate them. That is a legitimate criticism and not whining or crying. Without any corroboration, the claim is just hearsay at best. A claim of evidence is not evidence.

Your straw man argument about evidence and derogatory references to the opposition is not evidence. It isn't even good Christian ethics from my point of view. I really take issue with that entire effort to malign others that don't agree with you. Even if it is passive aggressive and not directed to anyone specifically. You are saying that anyone that has asked you for evidence is crying and whining. In fact, the tone of the style of your posting has an arrogant sense of superiority in my opinion. One that I can't reconcile existing given you haven't done anything.

I think that most of those asking for evidence would agree confidently that you believe that demons exist and you may even believe you have seen them or their work. But that you believe is not evidence. That anyone believes in something is not evidence for that something. If you deny the existence of other gods that some people claim exist, you've just defeated the entire basis for pursuing your belief as supporting evidence for what you believe.
Well, there, you have my answer.
They know it as well. So don't let the whining fool you.
See what I mean about the tone of superiority that I see in your statements. There's been no whining that I'm aware of and I haven't seen anything that you've done that would encourage anyone to see your position as superior here. Accusations like that can cause problems and certainly do not stimulate good relations, discussion or debate.
It's a distraction.
You consider people asking you to support your claims is a distraction? What are you doing in a debate then?
They do it to avoid addressing the actual meat put out there for them. It's too hard for them to chew. Solid, you see.
There you go again. People demand evidence to evaluate, draw conclusions and learn from. That you cannot provide it is your fault and responsibility and not that of those asking for it. Demeaning them for legitimate requests seems your way of avoiding the entire dining room.
It's not like the regular meat.
Do you think this gif helps support your position or undermine it? It isn't evidence for demons. It doesn't reflect anything I've seen here. It doesn't promote the debate. Seems superfluous and gratuitous. Do you consider it an example of good witness?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
It does, in fact, make a difference what evidence I get.
The quality of the evidence and whether it is evidence for what is claimed or of something else that is irrelevant to the discussion is important.
Or if I get any at all.
That is the problem here. Getting any at all.
I don't want to believe anything I want. As I told you before, I want to believe in as many true things as possible while not believing in as many false things as possible. Do you? Last time I said that you called me a liar. Let's see what you do this time.
The problem I see here isn't about what a person might believe, but the evidence to get others to believe it the same way and trying to use measures that don't measure up to what they are claimed to.

If a person claims to have evidence for something that will demonstrate that something and convince others, I expect them to present it and explain how it is evidence for their position.

There has been nothing like that offered on this thread.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
If I find a hundred dollar bill under my house, I have no evidence for that.
You have the $100 bill. It may have traces of the soil and whatever else might be buried under your house. The bill has serial numbers and other information on it that can be used to establish the date, possibly even more that may lend credibility to your claim. You could also photograph it and the location where it was found.
In fact, according to @HonestJoe the moment you say you have evidence, you're stepping in to scope of science and logic, and should operate on that basis, so nothing is evidence unless you can prove to scientists that you actually found a hundred dollar bill.
Not prove. Proof isn't the standard that you should be aiming for. You can't prove to me that you even have a house. But you could provide evidence that you do and that it is yours.
That's how it works for these guys.
Sarcasm and exaggerated silliness isn't unexpected, but it isn't a fair summary of what I have seen others try to explain to you either.
It does not work that way for people who don't see any evidence for scientists claims.
From experience with you and others, it isn't that you don't get presented with evidence supporting science or that there is none offered. The evidence is ignored, denied, or turned into some misrepresentative nonsense like fish still being fish or birds with half a wing.
It's evidence for claims, even when it's not. Unless you can clearly disprove it. Only then do they admit they had no evidence for the claim. It was just a belief.
The evidence used to support scientific claims is available to anyone that wants to review it. Willfully ignoring it or denying it doesn't eliminate it as evidence or make it go away.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
From experience with you and others, it isn't that you don't get presented with evidence supporting science or that there is none offered. The evidence is ignored, denied, or turned into some misrepresentative nonsense like fish still being fish or birds with half a wing.

This thread has turned out to be like the previous one, in which a few Christians claimed that demons exist but provided no irrefutable empirical evidence to sufficiently support their claim. That, however, does not surprise me. It's just what I expected. I've seen the same strategy in a few newer threads lately.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
This thread has turned out to be like the previous one, in which a few Christians claimed that demons exist but provided no irrefutable empirical evidence to sufficiently support their claim. That, however, does not surprise me. It's just what I expected. I've seen the same strategy in a few newer threads lately.
Agreed. Without much variation, it followed the direction I anticipated and using familiar methods.

I was sort of curious what the creationist response would be if demons were substituted with Thor. After a little reading it turns out that there is still a small population of worshipers that exist today. Perhaps they have claims of eyewitness accounts, claims of evidence and can make a logical argument for Thor using false equivalence with dark matter. I won't stoop to the level of calling people that demand evidence for Thor crying and whining, but I bet they would demand evidence for a claim of Thor existing. It did seem like an interesting twist to the idea. A double standard. If Thor is not accepted to exist for lack of evidence, then why are demons claimed to exist with the same available evidence?
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I don't need to show it to you. Even if I did, you could claim all sorts of things, like how I took it from my wallet and rubbed it in dirt, and put grass in it...

Wait a minute. There no grass under my house.
You see, it really makes no difference what evidence you get. That's why it really doesn't matter what skeptics believe.
You can believe anything you want... or not. It doesn't matter.
Yes, Jesus told his disciples to pray for God's kingdom to come to the earth. That famous prayer is often called the Lord's prayer.


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
You know how we have this saying, "those who can't see it, would have to be blind."?
Maybe @viole don't read the news much.

Crime in Sweden - statistics & facts

Over the past decades, the number of reported crimes in Sweden generally increased, which can be explained by several factors: a significant increase in the Swedish population, which naturally results in more crime and convicted criminals, as well as a new culture of reporting crimes to the authorities. Considering the last 10 years, the total number of reported crimes increased slightly from 2015 to 2020, but the number of crimes per 100,000 inhabitant remained relatively stable. Despite this, Sweden has received increased international attention due to increasing gang violence in its biggest cities Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. A quick look at the number of shootings over the past six years shows that the number of fatalities in shootings reached a new record in 2022. Moreover, a report published by the Swedish national council for crime prevention in 2021 found that Sweden was the only European country in which the number of fatal shootings per 100,000 inhabitant increased since 2000.
Oh yes, I read it.

That is what happens when you are too tolerant with immigrants. Denmark is doing a much work with that.


- viole