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Designing a New Religion


Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet and further considering that we are fast approaching the ultimate carrying capacity of the Earth it seems reasonable to me that a major new religion or philosophy could very well be on the horizon.

If you were charged by God, the Universe, the people, the Illuminati or who/whatever to design a new religion for the whole Earth and all of mankind taking into account modern scientific knowledge and comparative religious study what would your new religion look like?

Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?

And what about rituals and institutions? Would there baptism, monastic communities, etc.? Should there be priests or religious professionals?

And what about things like marriage? Same sex marriage? Polygamy? Monogamy?

Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?

Any dietary restrictions?

I have some ideas myself that draw from Buddhism, Christianity, Mormonism and Sikhism among others but I get fuzzy when it comes to how to draw lines around God and the Universe.


Active Member
i like the thread

Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet and further considering that we are fast approaching the ultimate carrying capacity of the Earth it seems reasonable to me that a major new religion or philosophy could very well be on the horizon.

If you were charged by God, the Universe, the people, the Illuminati or who/whatever to design a new religion for the whole Earth and all of mankind taking into account modern scientific knowledge and comparative religious study what would your new religion look like?
having the purpose of conveying the knowledge pure to existence over beliefs. That is the only 'organizational aspect'.

Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?
God (would be observed) as all of existence. Such as the beginning and ending, the creator of life, etc etc etc...... but not like zeus on a thrown holding a bolt of lightning

And what about rituals and institutions?
gone.... rituals are a waste of time, homage is the same; chanting is simply to humble the mind from self, praying in a church is like begging

the institutions must be for conveying knowledge, not beliefs

for example: would god prefer you spending an hour a day planting trees, or on your knees asking for forgiveness?

Would there baptism, monastic communities, etc.? Should there be priests or religious professionals?
teachers, professors, professionals? absolutely

but with responsibility to their actions; such as when we hire a policeman, we expect absolute integrity and to me, if a person representing the public, harms others for selfish purpose, their penalty is far worse than a one on one arena.

to me, when a person represents the 'total' (we the people) they must be as close to absolute as possible, because people are relying on them for the truth.

And what about things like marriage? Same sex marriage? Polygamy? Monogamy?
compassion rules the game;

the total is the priority not the 'rights' of a few (equality does not mean a few can make the majority 'change' because if the intent is not for the good of mankind as a whole, then it is not good for mankind/existence)

such that if in the closet people want to freak, that is there business, but to be in public where children and other can be damaged based on the selfishness of a few; ouch...... not gonna happen!

Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?

not saying, everyone drop their drawers, it means with 'truth' none can claim that 'god wants it that way' ............. ever again. (god makes life naked if you want to get technical, so if any want to say 'how God want's it', they best be honest)

Any dietary restrictions?
yes, follow natures example!

Look at it this way; inuits are still with us and healthy within god's natural world.

which shares the environment governs what is consumed, rather than opinions suggesting 'god wants it X way'

I have some ideas myself that draw from Buddhism, Christianity, Mormonism and Sikhism among others but I get fuzzy when it comes to how to draw lines around God and the Universe.

The universe as a whole is God and man over time has been trying to get to know him (the evolving knowledge over time).............. we as human being are purely

mass comprehending its existence

we are gods kids learning about itself

that could be an award winning 'creed' for the honest one

'we are God's children learning about ourselves'

thanx be to God

(we can appreciate being alive)
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Agnostic Pantheist
Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet and further considering that we are fast approaching the ultimate carrying capacity of the Earth it seems reasonable to me that a major new religion or philosophy could very well be on the horizon.

If you were charged by God, the Universe, the people, the Illuminati or who/whatever to design a new religion for the whole Earth and all of mankind taking into account modern scientific knowledge and comparative religious study what would your new religion look like?
A new religion from my point of view and from my self expression would be a more naturalistic Faith, with a sentiment to the humble connection of the family of humanity to the cosmos. humanity would shift from being central in some kind of theological creation, into more of a species which evolved into a position which demands us to take the role of care takers and stewards of this planet. humanity would be emphasized via logic and solidarity, and deification would gradually move to the realm of past superstition.
This new Faith would also be highly syncretistic, it will harmonize humanistic themes of the major world religions, from Zen to [Universal] Sufism, from Judeo-Christian cultural integrity to Hinduism's enduring pluralism. this Faith will also value the historical cultural religious/mythological background of each individual nation.
Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?
God will exist in the realm of conceptualism, unless of course such a force will decide to make a connection with a more responsible human society. as people have such different takes of God in our current age, the new Faith would not presume to represent any divine authority, but would be based on human abillity and integrity.
And what about rituals and institutions? Would there baptism, monastic communities, etc.? Should there be priests or religious professionals?
I believe rituals and institutions might wane off with time and will make way for the responsibility of the common man to interact with society via normal social means.
And what about things like marriage? Same sex marriage? Polygamy? Monogamy?
Same sex marriage would probably have to take place, but that would be a step before the entire institution of marriage would be become more civil, of course people would be free to choose a marriage ceremony to their liking, Christian, Jewish, Pagan.
Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?
Symbolism can be beautiful and carry personal significance.

Any dietary restrictions?
Yes: Dont drink and drive.
I have some ideas myself that draw from Buddhism, Christianity, Mormonism and Sikhism among others but I get fuzzy when it comes to how to draw lines around God and the Universe.
After articulating such an OP, I'd like to hear your vision.
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Hostis humani generis
I actually have been working on a constructed religion, for a bit of fun. :D

It's mostly Sikhism and Islam mixed in. It's meant to be believable and like an ancient religion. I don't think anyone is interested though :D


Agnostic Pantheist
I actually have been working on a constructed religion, for a bit of fun. :D

It's mostly Sikhism and Islam mixed in. It's meant to be believable and like an ancient religion. I don't think anyone is interested though :D
Eh! common Odion, you cant arouse us like that then pour a bucket of cold water over us.


Hostis humani generis
Eh! common Odion, you cant arouse us like that then pour a bucket of cold water over us.
I can and will! .... Fine, you've twisted my arm. :D

It's not complete, but if an ignoramous looked at what I've got, they'd probably think it's a real religion. :)

These are the "ten creeds". :D

  1. Monotheism
  2. Prophethoods
  3. Siblinghood of humans
  4. Spiritual Beings
  5. Last Day
  6. Traditions
  7. Holy Book
  8. Prayer
  9. Evangelism
  10. Struggles

An additional one, which does not conform to an article of faith, but nonetheless is called "the hidden creed" is:​

1. Cleanliness

I've got dietary restrictions and everything. It's not completely developed yet though. :) I need pictures. Currently it's only for entertainment purpose, and pictures I have are all off net, seriously infringing copyright laws. :D


Agnostic Pantheist
It's not complete, but if an ignoramous looked at what I've got, they'd probably think it's a real religion. :)
These are the "ten creeds". :D

  1. Monotheism
  2. Prophethoods
  3. Siblinghood of humans
  4. Spiritual Beings
  5. Last Day
  6. Traditions
  7. Holy Book
  8. Prayer
  9. Evangelism
  10. Struggles

An additional one, which does not conform to an article of faith, but nonetheless is called "the hidden creed" is:​

1. Cleanliness
Maybe you can expand on the different creeds


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet and further considering that we are fast approaching the ultimate carrying capacity of the Earth it seems reasonable to me that a major new religion or philosophy could very well be on the horizon.

If you were charged by God, the Universe, the people, the Illuminati or who/whatever to design a new religion for the whole Earth and all of mankind taking into account modern scientific knowledge and comparative religious study what would your new religion look like?
Central tenet: We're ALL wrong, so stop squabbling.

Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?
Only one relevant. Also, many deities (for which I should come up with a better word), but they're not God.

And what about rituals and institutions? Would there baptism, monastic communities, etc.?
No baptism. But yeah, lots of rituals: birth, coming of age, all sorts of milestones. I think we need them. Yes to monastic comunities.

Should there be priests or religious professionals?

And what about things like marriage? Same sex marriage? Polygamy? Monogamy?
Same sex marriage and polygamy permitted.

Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?
I'm neutral on that.

Any dietary restrictions?

I have some ideas myself that draw from Buddhism, Christianity, Mormonism and Sikhism among others but I get fuzzy when it comes to how to draw lines around God and the Universe.
Heh, that's the easy part for me. :D


non-existential luminary
If you were charged by God, the Universe, the people, the Illuminati or who/whatever to design a new religion for the whole Earth and all of mankind taking into account modern scientific knowledge and comparative religious study what would your new religion look like?

Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?
Who knows?

And what about rituals and institutions? Would there baptism, monastic communities, etc.? Should there be priests or religious professionals?
Going to school, learning, birthday celebrations, focus on family and community, we are all our brother's keeper.
And what about things like marriage? Same sex marriage? Polygamy? Monogamy?
make unions however you like; exept need unilateral consent from those involved. all decisions on under age 21 unions are unilateral by family. divorses are legal and need only one consent.

Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?
books and weapons.
Any dietary restrictions?
eat whatever is legal

I have some ideas myself that draw from Buddhism, Christianity, Mormonism and Sikhism among others but I get fuzzy when it comes to how to draw lines around God and the Universe.
Draw from Buddhism, science, legalism, confusianism, spiritualism. etc.
God/higher beings is an unknown and the universe will be understood through science.

the embulem is the jar of aquarius puring knowledge down from heaven.
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Hostis humani generis
Hmm. Monotheism is pretty self-explanatory, but I'll elaborate:

1. Monotheism

One God. No gender. Personal, trans-personal, the ultimate reality. Known as 'He' if 'It' doesn't sound right in the language. All non-members ultimately pray to this God (inclusivism).

2. Prophethood
Prophets - Moses, Jesus, etc. Haven't made any yet though. :D

3. Siblinghood of Humanity
Males, females, the rich, the poor, kings, queens, etc. Black, white, blue, all are equal. Even other alien species would fit into this (so if the Greys come down, they'd be classed as equals :D)

4. Spiritual beings
Angels, demons, jinn, ghosts, etc. Because I like them.

5. Last Day
Kind of a Christian-esque end-times, where the good will live and the evil will be destroyed and will never exist. But this will not be on earth. No physical resurrection on an Earthly paradise.

6. Traditions
Keeping traditions that you've been given, to stop people from tearing at the fabric of the religion - yet moderation is allowed. Ultra-conseratism and ultra-liberalism would both be frowned on as religion has to grow and change. These involve lots of festivals and stuff and coming of age ceremonies, too.

7. Holy Book
Haven't worked on this. :D Too difficult. It's to be written in a constructed language, which I've been working on a bit which is based on Simplified Hebrew with some Arabic leanings. I doubt I'll ever bother with it though.

8. Prayer
Have to pray 3-7 times a day. Some prayers require prostration, others do not.

9. Door-to-door, leaflets, pamphlets, community helping, etc.

10. Being ready to accept that life sucks sometimes :D

11. I have OCD, so I brought it into the religion. ;)


Agnostic Pantheist
4. Spiritual beings
Angels, demons, jinn, ghosts, etc. Because I like them.
Aye ;)

6. Traditions
Keeping traditions that you've been given, to stop people from tearing at the fabric of the religion - yet moderation is allowed.
7. Holy Book
Haven't worked on this. :D Too difficult. It's to be written in a constructed language, which I've been working on a bit which is based on Simplified Hebrew with some Arabic leanings. I doubt I'll ever bother with it though.
Fascinating. I primarily use Hebrew, but I spice it up with a few Arabic (and Yiddish) words here and there.
8. Prayer
Have to pray 3-7 times a day. Some prayers require prostration, others do not.
what necessitates a compulsion of numerous prayers a day?
9. Door-to-door, leaflets, pamphlets, community helping, etc.
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Hostis humani generis
Fascinating. I primarily use Hebrew, but I spice it up with a few Arabic (and Yiddish) words here and there.
Nice. :D I was going to try and like, combine Arabic and Hebrew. But I don't know many Hebrew speakers, really. :help:

For example, "ane" for "I" (ana, ani), "wey" for "and" (ve, wa), "shelam (though I might make it "shalam".. but shalam sounds a bit daft. :D I've got rid of things like, difference of verbs, haven't made a "dual" numeric system (but may add), etc.

what necessitates a compulsion of numerous prayers a day?
How close you want to get to God. :) But you can only perform general prayer (like sujud, ritualistic prayer) a maximum of seven times - though you can communicate with God and meditate as often as you like. I've added meditation as well. I'm not sure about chanting, though, not really being a very...audical (???? :D) person myself. :)

Pamphlets like through your door, "Who is Jesus", and leaflets like "An Introduction to Christianity" on the street :p

Little Joe Gould

Seeking God
I think the most important thing for any new universal religion would be its capacity to realize that all human beings are different and have different cultural backgrounds, so it would have to be a malleable religion of some sort; a one-size-fits-all, if you will. I think it would be necessary to find the things that all the major religions of the world agree on and start building your basis up from that knowledge.

For example, you can start as simple as realizing that virtue should triumph over evil, and that within every human being there is a struggle to attain righteousness and the overall feeling of being happy.

I also think a central tenet should be based on a biological outlook for morality. By this I mean that humanity recognizes the fact that we all need the basic necessities for life to thrive and for us to achieve happiness. Firstly, what I believe is something that many modern religious traditions do not stress enough and is also something that definitely needs to be stressed more is the environment. Without our environment, humanity is doomed.

A new world religion needs to respect the environment, it needs to be primarily focused on attaining righteousness through the study of ethics and morality. I would devout entire monastic communities to studying morality and ethics in an attempt to determine what is perfectly acceptable behavior and what is not. They would be our experts in the study of righteousness that the laity would learn from.

I think that celebrations for every milestone in life is essential, but because the world is so vast and has so many cultural differences, people should be united under one creed, but have the freedom to celebrate said creed in any fashion that they choose.

It would be the religion of religious freedom, if you will. That's my take on the matter. I would have to think about it much more in depth to have any real concrete structure, however.