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Designing a New Religion


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

Considering that all major religions predict the end of an era and the coming of a new prophet and further considering that we are fast approaching the ultimate carrying capacity of the Earth it seems reasonable to me that a major new religion or philosophy could very well be on the horizon.

IOV it's already here (for the past 165 years), and is called the Baha'i Faith! :)

Would your religion have one God, many Gods or no God at all?[/quote]

One God.

And what about rituals and institutions?

Minimum ritual: only five, and no more to be added.

Should there be priests or religious professionals?]/quote]
No: they're no longer needed.

And what about things like marriage?

Recommended, and heterosexual.

Should there be any religious articles such as rosaries, the Mormon's undergarments, the Sikh's combs and daggers?

Not with us.

Any dietary restrictions?


So if you're looking around, you may want to check us out! :)

You can find us, among other places, at: [I'm trying this again without letting the system alter them: simply prefix them with www. and they should work fine.]


And I wish you good hunting!

Best regards, :)

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chardi kla
there is MUCH demand of SIKH DAGGER here ,

Sikhs wish good luck to this Religion and its PROPHETs .

we are very happy to contribute ( Dagger) to this beautiful religion ,and look for more contribution !

I love it :)

i too love it , but i am still not keeping it .but one day i will ,i know !

few picture of KHALSA S ( ARMY OF AKAAL ), WHICH IS BECOMING RARE DAY BY DAY i want to share




Hostis humani generis
Actually Gursikh, I must ask.

If a person joins Khalsa and then shaves off his beard.. what would happen? :)


Its only a Label
Friend Odion,

If a person joins Khalsa and then shaves off his beard.. what would happen?

Personally feel One should be ONE IN SPIRIT with the objective.
The reasons for growing hair, beard keeping comb, dagger and wearing loincloth were basically when India was been invaded by muslims from mid-east region and at this time the gurus developed this tribe to protect the country from invaders. As the objective was defense of the country rather than personality development and so as not to waste time in shaving etc.
Now the situation no ore remains that and so rules should change with changing time; is a personal view only.
Love & rgds


chardi kla
Friend Odion,

Personally feel One should be ONE IN SPIRIT with the objective.
The reasons for growing hair, beard keeping comb, dagger and wearing loincloth were basically when India was been invaded by muslims from mid-east region and at this time the gurus developed this tribe to protect the country from invaders. As the objective was defense of the country rather than personality development and so as not to waste time in shaving etc.
Now the situation no ore remains that and so rules should change with changing time; is a personal view only.
Love & rgds

dear ZEN KHALSA was created to defend the defenseless ,you know that due to centuries of SLAVERY UNDER MUGULS ,the condition of Indian s was miserable , thei0r sisters , wifes mothers , place of worship was not secure and forced converstion s were going on .


""I will turn Jackals into Lions, I will make the servants fight the Kings
I will make sparrows break falcons,
I will make 1 fight 125000, then my name shall be Gobind Singh"

and tenth NANAK GURU GOBIND SINGH JI gave the identity of "SAINT -SOLDIER "to Khalsa .

Guru gave the name SINGH means LION to Khalsa MEN and KAUR means PRINCESS to females .

IT IS NOT FAIR TO SAY that Khalsa keep beard to save time for fight because if it was so then why Khalsa don TURBAN , as it take more time .
only rulers at that time used to keep beard and tie TUBAN and GURU GAVE A ROYAL LOOK TO KHALSA .

and also BEARD/KESH is related to sprituality as you know majority of PROPHETS may it be JESUS , MOHAMMAD , BUDDHA , BAHAI PROPHET ,JEWS ,AND GREAT ZEN MASTER , a most logical spriritual PERSON of century OSHO keep a long beard , nobel loureatte RABINDRA NATH TAGORE AND MANY MORE ...


MOREOVER it is not compulsory for a Sikh to join as Khalsa , it is free will , i m still not KHALSA . BUT I WILL

waheguru ji ka khalsa , (KHALSA belongs to GOD )
waheguru ji ki fateh ( VICTORY BELONGS TO GOD )
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In general I am very impressed with the responses to this topic. It might interest you all to know that I posted the exact same thing at interfaith.org but the responses were much more cynical and less enthusiastic.

This is a good forum.

PS - Dear Gursikh, Do you ever worry that you are going to give Sikhs a bad name with overbearing nature of your posts? If I didn't think better I might imagine that you were a Muslim or a Christian posing as a Sikh just to make Sikhism look bad.


chardi kla
PS - Dear Gursikh, Do you ever worry that you are going to give Sikhs a bad name with overbearing nature of your posts? If I didn't think better I might imagine that you were a Muslim or a Christian posing as a Sikh just to make Sikhism look bad.



non-existential luminary
:eek:: Gursikh is Don Penguin!?
:D: That is against the 10 comandments! (Forum Rules)
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chardi kla
The tenents of my submission:

1. God does not play dice with the universe

Nothing surpasses the holiness of those who have learnt perfect acceptance of everything that is.

In the game of cards called life one plays the had one is dealt to the best of one's ability.

Those who insist on playing, not the hand they were given but the one they insist they should have been dealt
-these are life's failures.

We are not asked if we will play. That is not an option. Play we must
The option is how.

[SIZE=+1]In this way, throw the dice, O brothers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Let righteous actions be your gameboard, and let the truth be your dice.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]WIN sexual desire, anger, greed and worldly attachment; only such a game as this is dear to the Lord. ||2||[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1] True Guru will assist you, even on your most difficult moves; you shall reach your true home in celestial peace and poise. ||3||[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]The Lord Himself plays, and He Himself watches; the Lord Himself created the creation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]O servant Nanak, that person who plays this game as Gurmukh, wins the game of life, and returns to his true home. ||4||1||19||[/SIZE]


non-existential luminary
The tenents of my submission:

1. God does not play dice with the universe

Nothing surpasses the holiness of those who have learnt perfect acceptance of everything that is.

In the game of cards called life one plays the had one is dealt to the best of one's ability.

Those who insist on playing, not the hand they were given but the one they insist they should have been dealt
-these are life's failures.

We are not asked if we will play. That is not an option. Play we must
The option is: how?

2. What do we know?

A Guru promised a scholar a revelation of greater consequence than anything contained in the scriptures.
When the scholar eagerly asked for it, the Guru said, “Go out into the rain and raise your head and arms heavenward. That will bring you the first revelation.”
The next day the scholar came to report: “I followed your advice and water flowed down my neck—and I felt like a perfect fool!”
“Well,” said the Guru, “for the first day that’s quite a revelation, isn’t it?”

3. All is speculation

A man got into a bus and found himself sitting next to a youngster who was obviously a hippy. He was wearing only one shoe.
"You've evidently lost a shoe, son."
"No man," came the reply, "I found one."

-it is evident to me
that does not mean it is true.

4. Progress leads to realization

The Sufi Bayazid Bistami describes his progress in the art of prayer: "The first time i visited the Kaaba at Mecca, i saw the Kaaba. The second time i saw the Lord of the Kaaba. The third time i saw neither the Kaaba nor the Lord of the Kaaba."

5. Certainty is the culprit

All the philosophers, divines, and doctors of the law were assembled in court for the trial of Mullah Nasruddin. The accusation was a serious one; he had been going from town to town saying, “Your so-called religious leaders are ignorant and confused!” So he was charged with heresy, the penalty for which was death.
“You may speak first,” said the Caliph.
The Mullah was perfectly self-possessed. “Have paper and pens brought in,” he said, “and give them to the ten wisest men in this august assembly.”
To Nasruddin’s amusement, a great squabble broke out among the holy men as to who was the wisest among them. When the contention died down and each of the chosen ten was equipped with paper and pen, the Mullah said, “Have each of them write down the answer to the following question: WHAT IS MATTER MADE OF?”
The answers were written down and handed to the Caliph who read them out. One said, “It is made of nothing.” Another said, “Molecules.” Yet another, “Energy.” Others, “Light,” “I do not know,” “Metaphysical Being” and so on.
Said Nasruddin to the Caliph, “When they come to an agreement on what matter is, they will be fit to judge questions of the spirit. Is it not strange that they cannot agree on something that they themselves are made of, yet they shall be unanimous in their verdict that I am a heretic?”

-It is not the diversity of our dogmas
but our dogmatism itself
that does the damage.
Thus, if each of us did what we are firmly persuaded
is the will of God
the result would be utter chaos.
Certainty is the culprit.
The spiritual person knows uncertainty-
A state of mind unknown to the religious fanatic.

6. Dharma

A woman in a coma was dying. She suddenly had a feeling that she was taken up to heaven and stood before the Judgment Seat.
“Who are you?” a voice said to her.
She said her name.
“I did not ask you for your name but who you are,” The voice responded.
“I’m the wife of the mayor,” she replied.
“I did not ask you whose wife you are, but who you are.”
“I’m the mother of four children.”
“I did not ask you whose mother you are, but who you are.”
“I’m a schoolteacher.”
“I did not ask what your profession is, but who you are.”
And so it went. No matter what she replied, she did not seem to give a satisfactory answer to the question, “who are you?’
“I’m a Christian.”
“I did not ask what your religion is, but who you are.”
“I’m the one who went to church every day and always helped the poor and needy.”
“I did not ask you what you did, but who you are.”
She evidently failed the examination for she was sent back to earth. When she recovered from her illness she determined to find out who she was. And that made all the difference.
-Your duty is to be. Not to be somebody, not to be nobody
For therein lies greed and ambition.
Not to be this or that (and thus become conditioned), but just to be.

7. The Self

-To know things is to be learned
-To know others is to be wise.
-To know the self is to be enlightened.
Yet you are merely your conditioning.