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Destiny of the Soul


Resident Lycanthrope
I am sure we have all heard of someone "selling their soul to the devil." If that is possible I am sure that we could almost all agree that one can promise their soul to good forces or Deities as well. Once a promise of soul ownership is made, whether it is sold to the devil, given to a Deity, or lost in a poker game, is it pretty much a done deal? I mean, is there any way to get it back? (No, I didn't do anything bad...I am just curious and figured this would make for a good discussion. I am running behind on my thread starting quota.)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I'm not convinced that our souls are ours to sell. Perhaps they're only on lease...


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Since I see the soul and self as one and the same it would be like saying that I have sold myself. I do not believe in such a thing. You are a free agent and can dedicate yourself to whatever you want but nothing can 'own' you.


Well-Known Member
I am sure we have all heard of someone "selling their soul to the devil." If that is possible I am sure that we could almost all agree that one can promise their soul to good forces or Deities as well. Once a promise of soul ownership is made, whether it is sold to the devil, given to a Deity, or lost in a poker game, is it pretty much a done deal? I mean, is there any way to get it back? (No, I didn't do anything bad...I am just curious and figured this would make for a good discussion. I am running behind on my thread starting quota.)
For me the idea that we are in control of dictating who gets our soul is not based in reality.

For me God determines where a soul goes, and one day if say Satan has it through a poker game, God can still take it away from him.

Your suggestion puts my God on the same power level as all His creations, just isn't going to happen :D


If the Tempt Destiny formula is true, then ones' destiny is of his or her choice. So in this case yes, because choice is not infinite.


consciousness incarnate
I dont believe in devil, however, i think one can turn their soul into a void, disconnect it form the rest of the Unity. Basically, it is like an incarnate being with a dark hole instead of a soul. Usually it happens through conscious effort on a person's part, because surprisingly enough, it is not so easy to murder the Self.
However, a lot of people ignore their soul, too preoccupied with fascinations of material nature and doing their absolute best to avoid any form of aknowlegement of existance of their Self. Like C. Jung said , people would do anything, however absurd, just to not come face to face with their soul.

Super Universe

Defender of God
I am sure we have all heard of someone "selling their soul to the devil." If that is possible I am sure that we could almost all agree that one can promise their soul to good forces or Deities as well. Once a promise of soul ownership is made, whether it is sold to the devil, given to a Deity, or lost in a poker game, is it pretty much a done deal? I mean, is there any way to get it back? (No, I didn't do anything bad...I am just curious and figured this would make for a good discussion. I am running behind on my thread starting quota.)

The destiny of the soul is to return to it's Source. And then realize that it never really left...


Well-Known Member
I am sure we have all heard of someone "selling their soul to the devil." If that is possible I am sure that we could almost all agree that one can promise their soul to good forces or Deities as well. Once a promise of soul ownership is made, whether it is sold to the devil, given to a Deity, or lost in a poker game, is it pretty much a done deal? I mean, is there any way to get it back? (No, I didn't do anything bad...I am just curious and figured this would make for a good discussion. I am running behind on my thread starting quota.)

Considering the amount of times I've sold my soul, I'm going to say it's not a "done deal" :cool:

Honestly I don't believe that the human notion of ownership has much standing on the rest of existence and so a human would only "lose their soul" in the sense that they wouldn't feel like it belonged to them any more.


Well-Known Member
I am sure we have all heard of someone "selling their soul to the devil." If that is possible I am sure that we could almost all agree that one can promise their soul to good forces or Deities as well. Once a promise of soul ownership is made, whether it is sold to the devil, given to a Deity, or lost in a poker game, is it pretty much a done deal? I mean, is there any way to get it back? (No, I didn't do anything bad...I am just curious and figured this would make for a good discussion. I am running behind on my thread starting quota.)

This would come down to what a persons belief pattern was pertaining to Soul, Devil and Deity.

The extremist atheist would say, no such thing exist so you haven't really made a deal at all, just an empty promise.

The extremist theist would say, too late mate, done deal.

The agnostic would say, maybe done some damage, maybe not, could go one way or the other.

Ancient cultures (pagan beliefs) would say, the world is full of many spirits that some may call angels and demons, ghosts, incarnations, yin and yang, good wolf and bad wolf or any other derivation that abounds. Which spirit you let inside of you at any given stage is the spirit which will guide you. That no journey is over till either you reach the end or run out of time.

The rational and logical person would say, I cannot give you an answer at this time, just no evidence to draw a rational and logical conclusion from.
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New Member
What is the Soul? What does the bible say a soul is ? Well the first mention of the soul in the bible is at Gen.2:7: in that scripture it say's that when god blew the breath of life into his nostirils that he became a living soul. Notice that this does not say man was was not given a Soul but that he became a living soul, a living person. As for the " destiny of the soul".we read at Gen. 3:9 " In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return." So the souls destiny woul be death.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I am sure we have all heard of someone "selling their soul to the devil." If that is possible I am sure that we could almost all agree that one can promise their soul to good forces or Deities as well. Once a promise of soul ownership is made, whether it is sold to the devil, given to a Deity, or lost in a poker game, is it pretty much a done deal?
The "soul" is not a possession and so to offer it in such regards is inherently an act of futility. The "soul" is what "you" are, even though we currently have this amusing notion that we are solely our physical bodies. Suffice to say that there is significantly more to the personality of human animals than we dare allow ourselves to think. An important thing to consider though is the beliefs that many hold. If those beliefs allow them to give themselves wholly to another, thereby neutering free will, there may be unexpected consequences. The kicker is how long the individual would allow their delusion to play itself out.

I mean, is there any way to get it back? (No, I didn't do anything bad...I am just curious and figured this would make for a good discussion. I am running behind on my thread starting quota.)
As indicated above, in real terms, such an event cannot actually happen, however that does not mean that some misguided individuals cannot allow themselves to believe that it can happen. I suppose the key to "getting it back" would be realized that the individual never really lost something and that the bargain was tainted by their delusion to begin with. How long it might take for such a realization to come into full force is difficult to say.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
It is interesting that it is a common cliche that you can sell your soul to the Devil, and it is irreversable, but it's not true for the reverse. Who ever heard of selling your soul to God, and never having to worry about it wandering after that?


Veteran Member
What is the Soul? What does the bible say a soul is ? Well the first mention of the soul in the bible is at Gen.2:7: in that scripture it say's that when god blew the breath of life into his nostirils that he became a living soul. Notice that this does not say man was was not given a Soul but that he became a living soul, a living person. As for the " destiny of the soul".we read at Gen. 3:9 " In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For dust you are and to dust you will return." So the souls destiny would be death.

But what about the final or ultimate destiny of souls?


New Member
You are a soul as the scripture in Gen. clearly brings out. The soul is not something seperate from ourselfs.


Its only a Label
Friend enchanted one,

"selling their soul to the devil."

You have asked the question and summed it up nicely too.
Start another thread to complete your quota?
[is there any awards for numbers of threads started too?]:D:D

Love & rgds


Veteran Member
Man ( women ) has no destiny

If men/ women have no destiny, they why say the destiny for a soul is death?

Don't we have a part or role in shaping our destiny (not fate) but choices such as the two choices at Deuteronomy 30:19? Wouldn't those choices alter our destiny?
(Jeremiah 25:5,6; Acts 3:19)


New Member
God created us with the ability to make choices and the choices we make in our lifes course certianly have a bearing on our life course and eventuality