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Did Jesus say he was God???


Active Member
You think Jesus prayed to himself? Please tell us you're joking!
Obviously he prayed to God to open a communication link with him-
Jesus said- "I say nothing of my own accord, i only say what my father tells me to say.." (John 12:49)

And to get a power download-
"After Jesus spent the night in prayer, everybody tried to touch him because power was coming from him" (Luke 6:12-19)
Interesting thoughts.

Imo, God is experienced subjectively from different points of view...
1st person: "the kingdom of God is within you." (Is prayer asking God and ourselves to do what we can?)
2nd person: praying to, and directly addressing God/higher power-bypassing our carnal/ego nature
3rd person: love others as yourself; God is love
Omniscient: God is objective, all-encompassing truth
I believe the Body of Jesus is not God and is temporal but the everlasting Spirit of God resides in Jesus and becomes the identifying person in Jesus.

I believe He does know but He is speaking of experiencing which He will not. For instance I know my wife because I experience her but if someone had just told me about her I would have known her only by the telling. (This was the case when I first met her someone else told me where to find her and what her name was.)

I believe God can pray to Himself and I should know but you have no evidence to the contrary.

I believe secondly Jesus is not just God but also flesh with a mind of flesh which can ask to be delivered because the flesh does not like to die or be in pain. In the end the Spirit of God will overrule the flesh and say Thy will be done.

I believe ther are things that people believe prove that but they actually don't.

I believe it is quite appropriate for God to view the flesh as in subjection but that does not mean that God is any less God for doing so.
Jesus is not God in the flesh.Jesus is the Son of God the Almighty.God would never pray to Himself.That makes no sense at all.Prayer is something humans and only humans do.Angels never prayed to God.Prayers are for petitions and supplications.To ask things from God.Why would God need to ask Himself for something?


Jesus is not God in the flesh.Jesus is the Son of God the Almighty.God would never pray to Himself.That makes no sense at all.Prayer is something humans and only humans do.Angels never prayed to God.Prayers are for petitions and supplications.To ask things from God.Why would God need to ask Himself for something?

Actually, I believe prayer is a form of communication. According what I believe is the biblical perspective the Word became flesh so Jesus was fully human and often spoke in prayer to His Father from this position of His humanity. Along with that, I believe the Persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been speaking and communing with one another from eternity. God is love and this loving relationship has existed for eternity. Why would the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit not communicate? Does not every loving relationship involve communication?
Actually, I believe prayer is a form of communication. According what I believe is the biblical perspective the Word became flesh so Jesus was fully human and often spoke in prayer to His Father from this position of His humanity. Along with that, I believe the Persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been speaking and communing with one another from eternity. God is love and this loving relationship has existed for eternity. Why would the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit not communicate? Does not every loving relationship involve communication?
According to the holy scriptures prayer is something that is only done by humans.You will never find any passages where God is praying, nor angels.It is only and always humans.Prayer is only and always directed to God and no one else ever.It is for the purpose of making petitions and supplications, by humans, to God.It is to ask of God.Ask, make request, petition, entreat, supplicate, plead, beseech, beg, implore favor, seek, inquire of, as well as to praise, thank, and bless.


According to the holy scriptures prayer is something that is only done by humans.
You will never find any passages where God is praying, nor angels.
It is only and always humans.
Prayer is only and always directed to God and no one else ever.
It is for the purpose of making petitions and supplications, by humans, to God.
It is to ask of God.
Ask, make request, petition, entreat, supplicate, plead, beseech, beg, implore favor, seek, inquire of, as well as to praise, thank, and bless.
If you understand the meaning of John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh” then you will understand that when the Lord Jesus Christ was praying to God, His Father [“and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father” –Matthew 26:39], He was still in the flesh narrated in the four gospels, then you should be able to figure out that He was God in the flesh or the Word/God became flesh –John 1:14. Not an “a God" but God with definite article or The Word that became flesh.

Evidence that The Word/God became flesh is the crucifixion so when The Word/God became flesh, and that is, The Lord Jesus Christ, He went and died on the cross as human and not as God because God cannot die.

Therefore, when The Lord Jesus Christ was praying to God, He was praying, or communicating to His Father while He was in the flesh but His relationship to His Father is as the Son of God from eternity even while He was still the flesh. “I and the Father are ONE” –John 10:30

Therefore God in the flesh can pray to God His Father, and it doesn’t mean that God the Son, in the flesh or not, cannot pray to God the Father, because you said
You will never find any passages where God is praying
The same thing you cannot find a verse that says God the Son cannot pray to God the Father.

IOW, you could provide verses from the four gospels that The Lord Jesus Christ was praying to God and argue that He is not God because He was praying to God because as you say “You will never find any passages where God is praying” The same thing you cannot find a verse that says God the Son cannot pray to God the Father.
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You think Jesus prayed to himself? Please tell us you're joking!
Obviously he prayed to God to open a communication link with him-
Jesus said- "I say nothing of my own accord, i only say what my father tells me to say.." (John 12:49)

And to get a power download-
"After Jesus spent the night in prayer, everybody tried to touch him because power was coming from him" (Luke 6:12-19)
Jesus had several roles while on earth. A primary role was as an example to us as to how we should behave. He did many things which were not necessary but as object lessons. In many cases he performed miracles in his own name calling on no help from any other. It is questionable whether Jesus was God, it is uncontestable that he was not a mere man as we are.


Premium Member
The same thing you cannot find a verse that says God the Son cannot pray to God the Father.
We find verses that indeed, the son can pray to the father. However prayer is for communication, the son has nothing to communicate to the father about since they are one. That doesn't make Jesus his own father mind you.

Jesus says this is how you pray, "OUR FATHER....."


However prayer is for communication, the son has nothing to communicate to the father about since they are one.
what do you call this?
“and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father” –Matthew 26:39


Just old
Premium Member
I always wonder about the genes represented in this scenario.
What sexual attribute is 'God' and what is Jesus ?
How did 'God' get his semen to Mary, I know by who, or what, but in what container ?
I know, I know....he willed it to be so....what was that angel's name...
was it Gabriel...I forgot...but he whispered into Mary's ear...why whisper ?
Anyway....about those genes....explain that to me again.....
I haven't read any of that for a while...maybe a Jewish version !
Did Paul write that part...I forgot...Who did write that part ?
Sorry...I'm rambling on again...just ignore me...I'm sure you will.


I always wonder about the genes represented in this scenario.
What sexual attribute is 'God' and what is Jesus ?
How did 'God' get his semen to Mary, I know by who, or what, but in what container ?
I know, I know....he willed it to be so....what was that angel's name...
was it Gabriel...I forgot...but he whispered into Mary's ear...why whisper ?
Anyway....about those genes....explain that to me again.....
I haven't read any of that for a while...maybe a Jewish version !
Did Paul write that part...I forgot...Who did write that part ?
Sorry...I'm rambling on again...just ignore me...I'm sure you will.

It’s easy to argue from ignorance because you don’t need any knowledge at all. All you need is your own ignorance sufficient enough to make a fool out of yourself. Confucius said: “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance” but how is that going to work for you if you don’t have any knowledge at all? I guess it will just breed more ignorance from ignorance.


Just old
Premium Member
And a fool represents oneself as a fool when one knows his own foolishness.
If one doesn't have answers to questions asked, one should keep one's mouth shut.
When one doesn't ignore another's queries, then one should find the answers.
Does one have any answers, or just insults and critique ?
Go away junior, you're bothersome !


And a fool represents oneself as a fool when one knows his own foolishness.
You are right, only a fool flatters himself from his own ignorance.

If one doesn't have answers to questions asked, one should keep one's mouth shut.
A fool becomes wise only when he shuts his mouth.

When one doesn't ignore another's queries, then one should find the answers.
If one asked a foolish question, one should give a wiser answer, to shut one’s foolish mouth.

Does one have any answers, or just insults and critique ?
Not today!

Go away junior, you're bothersome !

Me stayin


Just old
Premium Member
A cute bit of turnabout...with no answers yet.
Insulting critique, belittling mirrors of smoke, and nothing to prove validity.
I'm amazed by your intolerence of my being on these threads!
'Me stayin' also, live with it!.....or not, it's your choice, not mine.


..a fool represents oneself as a fool when one knows his own foolishness..

Look at it another way mate-
"The great secret of the successful fool is that he's no fool at all" - Isaac Asimov
"The true fool knows that the only insanity is to regard the world as rational" - Guide to Lear
"Become a fool by the worlds standards in order to become wise" (Bible, 1 Cor 3:18 )



A cute bit of turnabout...with no answers yet.
Answers are for the questions only.
Insulting critique, belittling mirrors of smoke, and nothing to prove validity.
One’s insulting queries proves the validity of one’s deceptions.
I'm amazed by your intolerence of my being on these threads!
Not really, it’s an open forum means anyone can participate to debate properly. Clowns belongs to a circus.
'Me stayin' also, live with it!.....or not, it's your choice, not mine.
Choose wisely then, or foolishly, and live with it….or not, it’s your choice, not mine.


Just old
Premium Member
OH cheeeeeese.....on and on with another's hurt feelings.
In someone's mirrored vaporous reflection lies the inability of seeking gnosis.
I've forgotten more than you've ever known, and your contempt of me is curiously interesting.
But I don't see the need for this charade to continue.
In short hand.....blow it up your craw.
I'm done with you, find another playmate!
P.S.: You might answer just one question. What's your damned problem ?