Veteran Member
I had assumed we all made assumptions that we hadn’t fully questioned. Of course that could be just another unquestioned assumption on my part lol.
A strength of RF is we are exposed to different perspectives that causes us to reflect on our own.
Acts of the apostles 28:1-6 records the story of Paul being shipwrecked on an island later thought to be the island of Malta. As you quite rightly point out there are no poisonous snakes on Malta, nor are there any records of such.
I include links from a sceptic and Christian denomination (Catholic) that address the issue. For me it is not a deal breaker but provides a good opportunity to consider the authorship of Acts, when it was written and the likely sources of information.
St. Paul and the Malta Snakes | Catholic Answers
Baha’is and Christians both believe in the God of Abraham and His capacity to perform miracles.
There are of course limitations as to credibility of course.
Literal interpretation of genesis to conclude a young earth goes against all the accepted science that strongly argues the earth to be over 4 billion years old. Therefore a more credible explanation is necessary.
There is much allegory and symbolism in the bible so even what appears to be historical narrative may not be.
The link is from an outfit that unquestioningly assumes
the story is true, and explores different ways to make it true.
The non exidtence of "vipers" there is only one
of several of the details that make for a phony
If you look at it from the pov of the stoty being a complete
fake, what does that say about "paul"?