Fair enough. My point was that people getting preachy and superior is not conducive to a good discussion, or to learning new things.
Yes, it is not at all conducive to good discussion. But, you know that, people who is preachy won't be ready for discussion itself and won't be interested to learn things. Let them be preachy and poke in their nose. We just stand aside from them and watch their enjoyment. That's the highest thing we can do to them by compassion, but not stopping their enjoyment. Right?
Anyway. I'm interested in your comments about the Mandukya Upanishad, but not sure I understand what you're saying.
In my translation, the sixth sloka refers to prajna, and the seventh sloka refers to turiya/Atman.
So are you saying that Advaitans interpret prajna (deep sleep?) as being Nirguna Brahman?
It's very good to know you're interest in this. Let's dive and swim in Mandukya.
Yes. They interpret Prajna as Nirguna Brahman. To say rightly, they take "Chit" as Nirguna Brahman. In my profile pic, the Saguna Brahman is Prajna, and it is the reclining Vishnu in Anantasesha in each bubbles. The Bubbles are the Saguna Brahman/Chit/Pure-Consciousness/Witness-Consciousness. The Prajna, from it everything arises and settles. It is called as Causal Body.
The "Chit" or "Pure Consciousness" or "Bubbles" is like a pond, in which water plays. The "Nirguna Brahman", that is we/me/you, is beyond the bubbles, an endless water/ocean. It is the silence/peace beyond "AUM". Without Bubbles/Appearances/Maya/Saguna Brahman, it cannot be said as 'existent' nor 'non-existent'.
Swami Sarvapriyananda, keeps on saying, "From our own experiences, we can acknowledge witness-consciousness". But, he is wrong. We have only three experiences, waking, dreaming and deep sleep. Silence is beyond experiences, beyond time - and the three states are bound to time. When he says, "It is the witness-consciousness witnessing the waking state", he is indicating only "Vaishvanara" mistaking it as "Nirguna Brahman". Again, when he says, "It is the witness-consciousness witnessing the dreaming state", he is indicating only "Taijasa", but not the witness-consciousness. In deep-sleep, we have no memory. In that 'no memory' experience, he says the 'witness-consciousness' only "Prajna".
In all the above, the "ME" is not at all present. "ME" as the 'Nirguna Brahman', witness through Consciousness/Chit/Pond, all the Mind/Body.
"Prajna" is the outer sheath, or causal body, or "Brahman with Maya" or "Saguna Brahman" or "Siva with Sakthi" or "Bliss". They indicate this "Bliss"/Ananda experienced through "Chit" by "Prajna", as "Sat-Chit-Ananda" - but it is not the "Nirguna Brahman". From that causal body/Bliss, the other four sheaths - the other two states (waking and dreaming) - the psych and physic, comes and goes..
In deep sleep, we have no mind and so we see no things, no memory of it on waking. But, time runs. How did we wake up?? Because the other four sheaths, or mind and senses, wakes up. Why it wakes up?? - It's still a mystery. Some say, "it's a sin". Some say, "it's Karma". Some say, "Mind and senses have life, so it wakes up the individual". Many and Many theories surrounding it, but no answer to it, and it is Maya.
Okay, How come/Why the "Nirguna Brahman" limits itself as "Saguna Brahman"?. It's also a Mystery. there is no reason for that. Some may call it "Play". Some may call it "Brahman wants to experience itself". Some may call it "Never ending process". Some may call it "Ignorance",etc.. And it is Maya.
The Bubbles are the cave in the right heart from where the "I" thought arises, and all other four sheaths are experienced from the "I" thought. The "I" thought is the Bliss. To reside in "I" thought is blissful and is Moksha, the deep-sleep, the "prajna". Prajna is called Consciousness. Some may call this "I" thought as "Krishna Consciousness". Some may call it "Jesus". Some may call it "Ma Durga". Some may call it "Arunachala". Some may call it "Ishvara". Some may call it "Omniscience". Some may call it "Oneness". Some may call it "Allah". All points to this "Prajna" or "Bliss". This Bliss, is also limited, and vanishes when "I" thought, i.e. the Pond/Consciousness disappears, and one gets merged in "ME" without thought beyond time/etc.. Religions point beyond time as Bliss. But, that is not true and it's just a motivation to attain Moksha and remain blissful. Wherever movement, there is time. Wherever time, there is experience. But Me/You/Nirguna Brahman, is beyond time beyond movement beyond experience, and assume itself in three names in three states.
You may try it now. Keep on saying "I-I-I-I-I-I". When you say it, the eyes will shut automatically, you feel bliss and you go to sleep.
In Sleeping state, there is only Bliss sheath. In Dreams, there is three, Bliss-Vijnana-Mano. In waking, there is five, you know. In all three states, we can remain "Blissful" and witness. That is witness-consciousness. That is Sat-Chit-Ananda. It's like "Shiva and Parvati or Vishnu and Laxmi or Brahma and Saraswati or Rudra and Durga" witnessing the whole happening in the Bubbles residing in it. Intelligence acts in Blissful remaining, and Compassion/Love spreads... When one falls away from Bliss, Life comes in Earth and death-life-death-life until desires vanishes, and again one goes to Bliss, and that is called as Moksha, no rebirth. In some Vishnu puranas, Rudra gets fallen away from Bliss due to Ahankara, and Vishnu preaches him. In some Shiva puranas, Vishnu gets fallen away from Bliss due to Ignorance, and Rudra preaches him.
Vishnu and Rudra are the gods of 'demi-gods'. They do their duty. Also, Ma Durga and Laxmi and Yama and etc.. They are like normal people like us in previous Bubbles/Universe, but got into the topmost rank in this Bubble/Universe, and do. Even, Indra and Asuras are also normal people like us, got the second highest rank as 'demi-gods' from their past deeds. They do their duty, and nothing different from them and us, except the Gods remain Blissful always without ignorance but not we. Though we may understand everything, ignorance arises and immediately vanishes when we soon understand things. When no Ignorance arises, it is called as Jivan Mukti. When the gross body itself vanishes/comes to death, it is called as Videha Mukti. For me, I'm not both, but it happens or not I'm not desired/interested, and let pleasure-pain-Bliss, everything is my appearance, nothing to seek to leave other behind. Let whatever happens, happens.
You, when experience these three states, being called in three names "AUM". But, when you go silence/peace, no witnessing/experience, nothing to describe, you go beyond the bubbles and reside in you. That is "atma". That is "Chathurtam". That is to be known.