Not really. It's incredibly more likely that they are all works made up by people. From their mind. No supernatural deity involved.
The Bible, Quran and some Hindu Scripture actually say the others are wrong. So in that sense , yes they could all be correct.
So the Israelites "way" is to rewrite Mesopotamian and Egyptian stories. Then incorporate Persian theology during the 2nd Temple Period and in the NT borrow Hellenistic theology?
Again, much more likely these are just another of the thousands of fictional mythologies, except this was one that made it to a nation that ruled the world and was extremely good at evangelizing through stories, law, forced conversion and any other way.
I don't know who you are talking about? I believe things that have good evidence, as you probably also do (mostly).
You also don't believe in Hindu deities, Zeus, Inanna, and so on. For good reason. Here you admit you have no good reason to believe any of them.
"Faith" is also the main tenant of Jehova's Witness, Mormons and many others who know from their personal relationship that they are saved and you will go to hell.
So I'll ask again, by what methodology to do tell which version of faith is correct? Or is it a random dice throw. Which makes it not worthy of belief.
But a bigger problem is the lie that "faith" is a good thing. You never use faith, you use evidence. Anything you believe or do has some amount of evidence attached.
If someone said they prayed to God and an angel came down and gave them revelations about how to build a new type of airplane, never been flown, all new ideas and construction. But their special relationship with Jesus would never let them down, are you going to fly in it or are you going to wonder if they just have a delusion and take a pass.
Mormons, JW and many others also have faith. But they are not correct. I can say I have faith men are better than women. I can have faith in race superiority. I don't need proof or evidence, the proof is I have faith. How circular is that? It's 100% circular.
So why is it used for a belief in a supernatural deity? Who never actually speaks to anyone. Who will NEVER give you actual information you could verify.
I have a 14 digit number from pi. Ask God to tell you the digits and write them down.
Doesn't work that way? It's just "feelings". You mean the things already in your mind that are easily manipulated, especially if you believe there is an invisible magic being you communicate with.
Christianity is 1/3 of all religious believers. So 2/3 of religious believers have faith but they are wrong? So faith is a terrible path to truth.
"Faith plays a crucial role within Hinduism, underpinning all assumptions, beliefs, and inferences. Within Hinduism, having faith means one maintains trust in god, scriptures, dharma, and the path of liberation (
[2] The
Brihadranyaka Upanishad (3.9.21) states that "the resting ground of faith is the heart", emphasising that to have faith is to follow ones heart and intuition."
Humans followed heart and intuition for about 200,000 years. Turns out they were wrong about almost everything external.