Macro-evolution is evolution on the level of speciation and above. So if you agree speciation happens, then you agree macro-evolution happens. Micro-evolution refers to changes within a single species
The only difference between both is thus the amount of accumulation that happens.
They are not different processes. Which I'm sure has been explained to you countless times before as well.
It's yet another one of those strawmen that you refuse to correct, because it doesn't suit your argument to correct it.
I do not.
First of all, not "novel" in the sense you mean it. Every single species that evolved during the cambrian explosion, was a modified version of its ancestors. There are not "novel" in the sense that they didn't have any precursers.
Secondly, if you wish to call the evolution of species over the course of 40 tot 80
million years "abrupt", go right ahead. You're somewhat correc that it is "abrupt", but only when seen from the perspective of
geological time, in which 60 million years is a relatively small amount of time.
But not exactly "abrupt" in the sense of overnight...
All species that have ever evolved have done so in gradual manner, which is to say: through the gradual accumulation of micro-changes over generations.
This is true for all species that evolved in all ages.
Sounds like you are once again arguing a strawman.
Darwin predicted the existance of a mechanism by which traits are inherited by off spring AND which is able to pass on
modified versions of those traits. That happens to be
exactly what DNA is.
So no, it wouldn't have caused him to think evolution is wrong. Instead, the discovery of DNA and the workings thereof, provided
exactly that which the theory was missing for all those decades AND that which theory predicted that must exist: a system of inheritance of (potentially modified) traits.
EXACTLY what DNA is.
So no, DNA does not falsify evolution. Instead, it triumphally validates it in ways that Darwin himself never could have imagined.
Funny how creationists succeed in getting everything completely backwards.
And off course
@Deeje liked your post as well. He too is, off course, a fan of arguing massive strawman and being willfully ignorant. And yes, I get to say you're willfully ignorant because I know for a FACT that every single strawman mentioned here by you (and
@Deeje ) has been mentioned by you both in the past AND torn apart and correct by
countless other members - myself included.
Why do you two so insist on getting it wrong and arguing strawman?
Do you really think you are going to score points with such behaviour? Really?