I came across this today....its a Flower Mantis.....beautifully designed to be camouflaged on the flowers it lives on.
Science would describe how this just evolved with no intelligent direction at all.
Believers would see an exquisitely crafted creature designed by an intelligent Creator to be invisible to predators but facilitating catching prey of its own.
This creature is as beautiful as the flowers that it walks on.....so what makes the most sense....deliberate and thoughtful creation....or just an accident of nature?
What about this one...
Who could imagine that such beauty could be hidden under a living leaf?
Or this guy who just perfectly blends in with his surroundings....?
How about a bit of floating seaweed?
Spot the owl...
Chameleons are just incredible...
Did nature just fluke these? Or was this camouflage clever and deliberate creation?
I see what you mean.
But I take issue with the term "fluke" because it's used in the singular.
Now were it plural, then you'd be on to something...how I see things.
Analogy time....
Let's consider another system, but simple for illustration purposes:
A big tank of air. And the tank is flexible.
It has trillions of gas molecules, all bouncing off of each other & the
inner walls of our tank. In the blink of an eye, there are gazillions
of such collisions....or "flukes" as it were.
It's just a gas molecule moving in a direction until it bounces off
of something (the tank wall or another molecule) & then moves
in a different direction.
We observe a strange thing...the appearance that they all act together
toward some goal. If we pump more air into the tank, it expands.
All the molecules act together so that....
Pressure x Volume = Some unchanging number....call it X.
In short....
P x V = X
This elegant relationship is called an "emergent property" of gases (Boyle's Law).
It can be fully explained from simple mechanical interaction of gas molecules
(although the physics involves some math I've long since forgotten).
Nothing needs to guide the molecules to explain this emergent property.
(This is actually just part of a more elaborate & elegant property involving
temperature & other factors.)
Now back to evolution, & a simple definition our system (life)....
1) Gazillions of organism interactions over many years...millions & even billions.
2) Some organisms are more successful than others, eg, live longer, are healthier.
3) Successful ones tend to pass on their genes more often than the losers.
4) Random changes to genes happen now & then.
5) A small percentage of these changes make an organism more successful.
Analyzing this system would explain the emergent property of evolution.
As with our simple gas system, I'd expect this more complex system to
yield elegant emergent properties. And they'ed be far more varied,
as your pictures of diverse adaptions show.
Of course, this doesn't say anything about a supreme being.
Evolution should occur whether gods exist or not.
For those who believe in them, I advise considering that they
set up the universe & laws of physics such that evolution would
occur, ie, it is one of their tools.