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Differentiation between the light and the dark?


Well-Known Member
You teke science seriously, because it does NOT have the truth. The knowledge of science changes when new objective verifiable evidence is found to improve science.
I think real science has truth. Real science makes observations that can be seen to be true.
. . What independent criteria would you propose to believe one over the others when you lack verifiable evidence, only subjective claims that your version is more true than others?
I believe what the Bible tells, because it shows knowledge that I don't think humans would have without God. For example how continents were formed and also how it was said Jews will be scattered and later gathered back, as it can be seen happening in our time. I also think Bible tells the truth about humans, which is for me one reason to take it seriously.

And about the others, it depends on what they say. Can you give one example?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
For example truth is that it is wrong to murder. And person who murders and doesn't repent that is evil.
It's always "wrong" to "murder" because "murder" only applies to wrongful killings.

The question is whether it's always wrong to kill another human. If the bible is any guide, no, it's fine, you can massacre the populations of cities that have surrendered (keeping the virgins for distribution among the soldiers) and those are God's clear instructions.

You can also offer God human sacrifices eg Jephthah's daughter in Judges 11 or the seven descendants of Saul in 2 Samuel 21 or of course Jesus, though the argument is available that the latter was a suicide, the accomplishment of a mission to get killed.

(The commandment "Thou shalt not kill" is a very poor piece of law-drafting, giving no guide to killings by armies, by the state, in self defense, as the result of insanity, or of improper influence or deceit, or in duels, or in crimes of passion, or or honor, and more, and no clear-cut rules to determine whether the alleged crime is in the second degree (manslaughter) or third degree (negligence) and so on.)


Premium Member
I think real science has truth. Real science makes observations that can be seen to be true.

I believe what the Bible tells, because it shows knowledge that I don't think humans would have without God. For example how continents were formed and also how it was said Jews will be scattered and later gathered back, as it can be seen happening in our time. I also think Bible tells the truth about humans, which is for me one reason to take it seriously.
This represents outrageous physically impossible assertions as in the Noah Flood without science. The text of the Bible cannot justify itself because it is without provenance of authorship and origin of text,

I requested . . .. . What independent criteria would you propose to believe one over the others when you lack verifiable evidence, only subjective claims that your version is more true than others?

I requested independent sources, still waiting.
And about the others, it depends on what they say. Can you give one example?

Your contorted impossible view of the Noah Flood as opposed to science.

Yes independent objective sources to support your assertions.
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Premium Member
For example truth is that it is wrong to murder. And person who murders and doesn't repent that is evil.
This simply a social/cultural law that id common to all cultures in the history of humanity, and does not remotely demonstrate your claim of 'truth' over beliefs.

It is simply true that all cultures have moral and statute laws against wrongful death (ie murder). The issue at hand is subjective religious claims of 'truth' as one religion is considered to represent the 'truth' and others are false.
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Veteran Member
For example truth is that it is wrong to murder.
That is basic evolved morality. Do you think it was murder when Christians of the 17th century Europe murdered about 30,000 people (about 480,000 today) for witchcraft? Or was that allowable through an interpretation of the Bible (that became obsolete because more and more people disagreed that witches exist)?

I notice you aren't claiming Judaism as having the "truth" about this.
And person who murders and doesn't repent that is evil.
Do you consider serial killers with mental illness to be evil?
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Well-Known Member
We differ from the gods by existing in reality, instead of only as a concept or thing imagined in an individual brain, which is the only way gods are known to exist.
Julius Caesar (Divus) was declared a god by the Senate, and he had absolute authority over the people for 42 months (Revelation 13:5), and after his assassination, his heirs inherited that role as Augustus Caesars. If he wanted someone dead, they were dead. That was the "reality" of the god Caesar and his subjects. Of course, Caesar got his authority from the "dragon"/Satan/devil (Rev 13:4), who was described as the sun god, Apollo/Bel/Sol Invictus/Satan, depending on the timing. Today, the "individual brained" Progressives, the humanist, worship Satan, and his notion of what is right and wrong/wicked. Of course, the hell that is portended, is shown with respect to the Progressive cities of Baltimore, Saint Louis, New Orleans, Los Angelos, Chicago, Washington D.C., etc. Today, the decrees of Caesar/dictator, such as Obama and his son Joe Biden, were made law via a pen and cell phone. Caesar was assassinated by Brutus during the ides of March, today, Caesar's reign will begin its ending on the election during the period of the ides of March, but this Caesar has a son, but a son who will not pick up the reigns of his father. That raises the blood pressure of the Progressives, and along with their decreased immunity, due to taking their covid shots, does not bode well for them. Add that to the fact that their EVs will not work well in cold weather, they have an uphill battle for each breath. As is noted in Ecclesiastes 7:17, why be too "wicked"/foolish, and die before your time. There are two "messages", the message of light, and the message of darkness (Mt 13:24-42). The Progressive have chosen the left road, the road of darkness, a time when as such in California, the governor will tell you not to charge your EV, because the grid will not sustain you driving your EV.


Well-Known Member
This simply a social/cultural law that id common to all cultures in the history of humanity, and does not remotely demonstrate your claim of 'truth' over beliefs.
The cultural truth/law of the Marxist/Communist Mao was that it was well within his cultural law to kill 40 to 80 million people, the same can be said of the Progressive/Marxist Stalin. Humanism/Marxism/Atheism is a religion unto itself, with a high death rate due to their "social laws". Most religions in whole, are guilty of a multiple of crimes and falsehoods, but Marx is probably the author of the largest number of deaths, or at least among the foremost. The best refuge today for Marxist and Progressives, is Cuba and Venezuela, at least until the present leadership dies.


Premium Member
Julius Caesar (Divus) was declared a god by the Senate, and he had absolute authority over the people for 42 months (Revelation 13:5), and after his assassination, his heirs inherited that role as Augustus Caesars. If he wanted someone dead, they were dead. That was the "reality" of the god Caesar and his subjects. Of course, Caesar got his authority from the "dragon"/Satan/devil (Rev 13:4), who was described as the sun god, Apollo/Bel/Sol Invictus/Satan, depending on the timing. Today, the "individual brained" Progressives, the humanist, worship Satan, and his notion of what is right and wrong/wicked. Of course, the hell that is portended, is shown with respect to the Progressive cities of Baltimore, Saint Louis, New Orleans, Los Angelos, Chicago, Washington D.C., etc. Today, the decrees of Caesar/dictator, such as Obama and his son Joe Biden, were made law via a pen and cell phone. Caesar was assassinated by Brutus during the ides of March, today, Caesar's reign will begin its ending on the election during the period of the ides of March, but this Caesar has a son, but a son who will not pick up the reigns of his father. That raises the blood pressure of the Progressives, and along with their decreased immunity, due to taking their covid shots, does not bode well for them. Add that to the fact that their EVs will not work well in cold weather, they have an uphill battle for each breath. As is noted in Ecclesiastes 7:17, why be too "wicked"/foolish, and die before your time. There are two "messages", the message of light, and the message of darkness (Mt 13:24-42). The Progressive have chosen the left road, the road of darkness, a time when as such in California, the governor will tell you not to charge your EV, because the grid will not sustain you driving your EV.
You show a very imaginative approach to the interpretation of the Book of Revelation, One of many conflicting subjective stretch of interpretations that do not agree. None of the above is specifically predicted in the Book of Revelation.


Premium Member
Mr. Fauci is consistent, in that he is a liar, and even lied to Congress about funding the covid virus research being done in China, and told the public that masks did not work, and then reversed himself with no evidence, to say they did work, when in actuality, they don't work against a virus. The 6' distancing was made up out of thin air, with no evidence provided. The public was told that if they received the vaccine that they would not get the virus, which was a lie born out with time and reality. The public was told that the vaccine was safe, but time and reality say differently, and one vaccine product was prohibited in Europe due to the harm it caused. Now, "scientists" are coming out against getting a shot because of problems, such as death by stroke, etc.. As for "science", the father of science, Isaac Newton, wrote more books on the bible, then he did on science, and his book on mathematics was done to show that there is a creator. Newton looked to the bible for the source code of creation. Creationist, and their atheist followers, have come up against roadblocks, when confronted with recent science discoveries, and many of their leaders seem to be crumbling in their stances. If you look at recent podcasts about Sam Harris, a foremost atheist, you can see that Sam is going off the deep end. Like most Progressives, he has apparently a bad case of Trump syndrome, and condoned anything with respect to taking Trump down, which includes suspending democratic process, and the promotion of false narratives. Sam described Trump as a rogue meteor coming from space, in which no action should be prohibited in keeping Trump from being elected. Of course, he is right with respect to the Progressives being completely undermined by such an election. But that is "good", not "bad", with respect to those who view it from the "right", whereas the "left" disagree.

It is assumed that you reject science upfront, therefore everything is conspiracy based on an ancient agenda. None of the above rant is fact based.

It reflects a deep deep love of the Qanon conspiracies.


Premium Member
The cultural truth/law of the Marxist/Communist Mao was that it was well within his cultural law to kill 40 to 80 million people, the same can be said of the Progressive/Marxist Stalin. Humanism/Marxism/Atheism is a religion unto itself, with a high death rate due to their "social laws". Most religions in whole, are guilty of a multiple of crimes and falsehoods,

This NOT a response to my requests to you to describe: . . What independent criteria would you propose to believe one over the others when you lack verifiable evidence, only subjective claims that your version is more true than others?

Your criticism of other beliefs is not the issue. Please respond to the specific question.

Nonetheless is relevant to your one sided claim of who is responsible for the crimes against humanity, and attempts to ethic cleanse non-believers.

Such as millennia of Jewish, Christian and Islamic brutality against those who believe differently.

over six million Jews were ethnically cleansed by Hitler following the recommendations of MArtin Luther. You must realize that Christian all over Europe enthusiastically supported Hitler's 'final solution.' Persecution and attempts of ethnic cleansing of JEws by Christians has a long history. The 'Passion Plays' of Europe inspired widespread violence against Jews for Millennia.

The persecution of Jews has been a major event in Jewish history, prompting shifting waves of refugees and the formation of diaspora communities. As early as 605 BCE, Jews who lived in the Neo-Babylonian Empire were persecuted and deported. Antisemitism was also practiced by the governments of many different empires (Roman empire) and the adherents of many different religions (Christianity), and it was also widespread in many different regions of the world (Middle East and Islamic).

Jews were commonly used as scapegoats for tragedies and disasters such as in the Black Death Persecutions, the 1066 Granada Massacre, the Massacre of 1391 in Spain, the many Pogroms in the Russian Empire, and the tenets of Nazism prior to and during World War II, which led to The Holocaust and the murder of six million Jews.

In the Middle Ages, antisemitism in Europe was religious. Many Christians, including members of the clergy, held the Jewish people collectively responsible for the killing of Jesus. As stated in the Boston College Guide to Passion Plays, "Over the course of time, Christians began to accept … that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for killing Jesus. According to this interpretation, both the Jews present at Jesus Christ's death and the Jewish people collectively and for all time, have committed the sin of deicide, or 'god-killing'. For 1900 years of Christian-Jewish history, the charge of deicide has led to hatred, violence against and murder of Jews in Europe and America."[8]

During the High Middle Ages in Europe, there was full-scale persecution of Jews in many places, with blood libels, expulsions, forced conversions and massacres. The persecution reached its first peak during the Crusades. In the First Crusade (1096), flourishing communities on the Rhine and the Danube were utterly destroyed, a prime example being the Rhineland massacres.[9]

In the Second Crusade (1147), Jews in France were subject to frequent massacres. The Jews were also subjected to attacks by the Shepherds' Crusades of 1251 and 1320. The Crusades were followed by expulsions. All English Jews were banished in 1290. 100,000 Jews were expelled from France in 1396. In 1421, thousands were expelled from Austria. Many of the expelled Jews fled to Poland.[9]

As the Black Death epidemics devastated Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating more than half of the population, Jews were taken as scapegoats. Rumors spread that they caused the disease by deliberately poisoning wells. Hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed by violence in the Black Death persecutions. Although Pope Clement VI tried to protect them by papal bull on July 6, 1348 - with another following later in 1348 - several months afterwards, 900 Jews were burnt alive in Strasbourg, where the plague hadn't yet affected the city.[10]

One study finds that persecutions and expulsions of Jews increased with negative economic shocks and climatic variations in Europe during the period from 1100 to 1600.[11] The authors of the study argue that this stems from people blaming Jews for misfortunes and weak rulers going after Jewish wealth in times of fiscal crisis. The authors propose several explanations for why Jewish persecutions significantly declined after 1600:

  • (1) there were simply fewer Jewish communities to persecute by the 17th century;
  • (2) improved agricultural productivity, or, better-integrated markets may have reduced vulnerability to temperature shocks;
  • (3) the rise of stronger states may have led to more robust protection for religious and ethnic minorities;
  • (4) there were fewer negative temperature shocks.
By the way antisemitism and violence against Jews is prevalent and increasing in America today as it has been in USA history.,

  • (5) the impact of the Reformation and the Enlightenment may have reduced anti-semitic attitudes.
Christian history has a very long and brutal "Dark side."
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Well-Known Member
This NOT a response to my requests to you to describe: . . What independent criteria would you propose to believe one over the others when you lack verifiable evidence, only subjective claims that your version is more true than others?

Your criticism of other beliefs is not the issue. Please respond to the specific question.

Nonetheless is relevant to your one sided claim of who is responsible for the crimes against humanity, and attempts to ethic cleanse non-believers.

Such as millennia of Jewish, Christian and Islamic brutality against those who believe differently.

over six million Jews were ethnically cleansed by Hitler following the recommendations of MArtin Luther. You must realize that Christian all over Europe enthusiastically supported Hitler's 'final solution.' Persecution and attempts of ethnic cleansing of JEws by Christians has a long history. The 'Passion Plays' of Europe inspired widespread violence against Jews for Millennia.

The persecution of Jews has been a major event in Jewish history, prompting shifting waves of refugees and the formation of diaspora communities. As early as 605 BCE, Jews who lived in the Neo-Babylonian Empire were persecuted and deported. Antisemitism was also practiced by the governments of many different empires (Roman empire) and the adherents of many different religions (Christianity), and it was also widespread in many different regions of the world (Middle East and Islamic).

Jews were commonly used as scapegoats for tragedies and disasters such as in the Black Death Persecutions, the 1066 Granada Massacre, the Massacre of 1391 in Spain, the many Pogroms in the Russian Empire, and the tenets of Nazism prior to and during World War II, which led to The Holocaust and the murder of six million Jews.

In the Middle Ages, antisemitism in Europe was religious. Many Christians, including members of the clergy, held the Jewish people collectively responsible for the killing of Jesus. As stated in the Boston College Guide to Passion Plays, "Over the course of time, Christians began to accept … that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for killing Jesus. According to this interpretation, both the Jews present at Jesus Christ's death and the Jewish people collectively and for all time, have committed the sin of deicide, or 'god-killing'. For 1900 years of Christian-Jewish history, the charge of deicide has led to hatred, violence against and murder of Jews in Europe and America."[8]

During the High Middle Ages in Europe, there was full-scale persecution of Jews in many places, with blood libels, expulsions, forced conversions and massacres. The persecution reached its first peak during the Crusades. In the First Crusade (1096), flourishing communities on the Rhine and the Danube were utterly destroyed, a prime example being the Rhineland massacres.[9]

In the Second Crusade (1147), Jews in France were subject to frequent massacres. The Jews were also subjected to attacks by the Shepherds' Crusades of 1251 and 1320. The Crusades were followed by expulsions. All English Jews were banished in 1290. 100,000 Jews were expelled from France in 1396. In 1421, thousands were expelled from Austria. Many of the expelled Jews fled to Poland.[9]

As the Black Death epidemics devastated Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating more than half of the population, Jews were taken as scapegoats. Rumors spread that they caused the disease by deliberately poisoning wells. Hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed by violence in the Black Death persecutions. Although Pope Clement VI tried to protect them by papal bull on July 6, 1348 - with another following later in 1348 - several months afterwards, 900 Jews were burnt alive in Strasbourg, where the plague hadn't yet affected the city.[10]

One study finds that persecutions and expulsions of Jews increased with negative economic shocks and climatic variations in Europe during the period from 1100 to 1600.[11] The authors of the study argue that this stems from people blaming Jews for misfortunes and weak rulers going after Jewish wealth in times of fiscal crisis. The authors propose several explanations for why Jewish persecutions significantly declined after 1600:

  • (1) there were simply fewer Jewish communities to persecute by the 17th century;
  • (2) improved agricultural productivity, or, better-integrated markets may have reduced vulnerability to temperature shocks;
  • (3) the rise of stronger states may have led to more robust protection for religious and ethnic minorities;
  • (4) there were fewer negative temperature shocks.
By the way antisemitism and violence against Jews is prevalent and increasing in America today as it has been in USA history.,

  • (5) the impact of the Reformation and the Enlightenment may have reduced anti-semitic attitudes.
Christian history has a very long and brutal "Dark side."
You have apparently not read what I have written with respect to the "Christians" being under the influence of the false prophets, and therefore being numbered among the "wicked"/"lawless" as shown in Matthew 13:24-42. That would include the Muslims, etc. With respect to Martin Luther, his protestant church is simply a daughter of her mother church, the Roman church, which is the product of the "beast with two horns like a lamb", the Roman emperor (Caesar) Constantine. As for Judah, the Jews, and Israel, Ephraim, they are being torn apart by the LORD due to their crimes, exampled as a person moving a corner stone (Hosea 5 & 6), and they will not be revived until after 2 days (2000 years). Their revival is assured, but their refining fire is also assured (Malachi 3:3). It is the LORD who tears apart Judah, the Jews, and their Progressive/leftist leanings will have to be burned/refined out of them. It is the Progressive left who you will find in the streets persecuting the Jews, who have supported the Progressives, and holding aloft the killers Hamas. Put then again, it is Babylon, the Greeks, and the Romans who have been the medium of the LORD to tear Judah apart (Hosea 5:14). According to Daniel 2, all will be destroyed at one time, just before the kingdom is set up. The "verifiable evidence" is history and the current news cycle.

Hosea 5:11-15
11Ephraim is oppressed, crushed in judgment,
Because he was determined to follow man’s command.
12Therefore I am like a moth to Ephraim
And like rottenness to the house of Judah.

13When Ephraim saw his sickness,
And Judah his wound,
Then Ephraim went to Assyria
And sent to King Jareb.
But he is unable to heal you,
Or to cure you of your wound.

14For I will be like a lion to Ephraim
And like a young lion to the house of Judah.
I, even I, will tear to pieces and go away,
I will carry away, and there will be none to deliver.

15I will go away and return to My place
Until they acknowledge their guilt and seek My face;
In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Julius Caesar (Divus) was declared a god by the Senate, and he had absolute authority over the people for 42 months (Revelation 13:5), and after his assassination, his heirs inherited that role as Augustus Caesars.
Does Big Julie fit your concept of a supernatural being?

If he wanted someone dead, they were dead.
But not from metaphysical causes, as far as I'm aware.

Caesar got his authority from the "dragon"/Satan/devil (Rev 13:4), who was described as the sun god, Apollo/Bel/Sol Invictus/Satan, depending on the timing.
Caesar got his authority from his place in Roman society and his military capacities. I'd be somewhat surprised if he'd every heard of Satan, who, rather than being a sun god, appears in the Tanakh as a courtier in Yahweh's court ─ you'll recall the bet he made with Yahweh that led to the latter gratuitously tormenting Job and murdering Job's family.

Today, the "individual brained" Progressives, the humanist, worship Satan, and his notion of what is right and wrong/wicked.
I notice that the chief sin in your book seems to be the sin of disagreeing with you. My own view is that regardless of our religious beliefs or lack of them, we should try our best to do no harm and to treat others with decency, respect, inclusion and common sense.


Premium Member
I think real science has truth. Real science makes observations that can be seen to be true.

I believe what the Bible tells, because it shows knowledge that I don't think humans would have without God. For example how continents were formed and also how it was said Jews will be scattered and later gathered back, as it can be seen happening in our time. I also think Bible tells the truth about humans, which is for me one reason to take it seriously.

And about the others, it depends on what they say. Can you give one example?
You have given an example here as before as to your impossible justification of the myth Noah's Flood. You do not have any objective independent evidence that would justify the violations of the REAL SCIENCE of basic physics to justify a literal interpretation of Noah's Flood,


Well-Known Member
That is basic evolved morality.
Evolved morality? I have no intelligent reason to believe that.
Do you think it was murder when Christians of the 17th century Europe murdered about 30,000 people (about 480,000 today) for witchcraft? Or was that allowable through an interpretation of the Bible (that became obsolete because more and more people disagreed that witches exist)?
By what I know, nowadays more people identify as witches than long time before. And I think death penalty is not the same as murder. However, I think Christians should should not kill others, for example because:

Don't judge, so that you won't be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.
Matt. 7:1-2

Do you consider serial killers with mental illness to be evil?
I am not convinced of any mental illness, and I think anyone who thinks it is ok to murder, is evil.


Well-Known Member
This represents outrageous physically impossible assertions ...
No good reason to think it is impossible, if one understands it correctly.
The text of the Bible cannot justify itself because it is without provenance of authorship and origin of text,
To me greater thing and the reason to believe is that things go as told in the Bible.
I requested . . .. . What independent criteria would you propose to believe one over the others when you lack verifiable evidence, only subjective claims that your version is more true than others?
It depends on what is the claim. There is no general answer for all claims.


Well-Known Member
Does Big Julie fit your concept of a supernatural being?
He was a "supernatural being" upon his death with respect to the viewpoint of Roman culture. According to Revelation 13:4, he was simply a "beast"/king whose authority came from the "dragon"/devil. The devil/Satan is the spiritual being, ruling men from demonic spirits (Revelation 16:13), which increase in demonic spirits of today, explains the crazy actions and imaginations of today's news cycle.


Well-Known Member
Those of the light go to the light, and those of the dark go to the dark.
John 3:20 For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light, so that his deeds will not be exposed.

What is the "light"? Is it the Word of God, the Law and the prophets, who will return to rule the nations/Gentiles with a rod of iron (Revelation 19:15)? Is it the encapsulated in the Commandments as the way to enter into life (Mt 19:17-18). Are the Progressives who lust after someone else's wife or some else's ox or ***, or his house/goods, or willing to make false witnesses against their neighbor, and steal whatever he can get away with, willing to abide with in the Law? If one actually believes in the "Word", the Law and the prophets, are they able to be swayed toward lawlessness. Apparently, even the "elect" can be deceived (Mt 24:14), but to regain their health, escape the "plagues" of "her", the daughters of Babylon, they will have to "come out of her" (Revelation 18:4). No one dies for the iniquities of another (Jeremiah 31:30). Making sacrifice of a son of man, nor of an unblemished sheep, does not heals one, nor does it make them whole and become healthy. If you don't believe that, go to your local hospital and or morgue. "Every one dies for their own iniquities" (Jeremiah 31:30). Everyone will die. It is best to believe in the message of the son of man, and keep the Law, and forgo the "message" of the "enemy"/"devil" (Matthew 13:25), which are both planted in the same "field" (NT).

Matthew 13:24 Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25“But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away.
Light Waves Light is an electromagnetic wave. - ppt download

Until people learn what light is, the abuse of the term continues.


Veteran Member
Evolved morality? I have no intelligent reason to believe that.
Given the bulk of your posts you are poorly informed on what science reports, so your belief would be flawed. I suggest you study.
By what I know, nowadays more people identify as witches than long time before.
And they can do so without the threat of being killed by Christians. Do you reject what the Bible says about what to do to witches? Should they not be killed?
And I think death penalty is not the same as murder.
So you disagree with the Christians executing witches in the 17th century? Were they morally correct and just doing God's will as they claimed?
However, I think Christians should should not kill others, for example because:

Don't judge, so that you won't be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you.
Matt. 7:1-2
So why do you think Christians think it is justified by reading the Bible? Christians defended slavery, the Southern Baptists. And they claimed they could own these people becuase of the Bible. They could also whip and rape slaves. So is reading and interpreting the Bible in any way protection from damnation, even if from immoral acts like this?

Do you think the Christians who committed the Holocaust are in heaven? They are saved by the sacrifice of Jesus, yes?
I am not convinced of any mental illness,
And there you go with a poor education being a liability for you. It's a fact that mental illness exists.
and I think anyone who thinks it is ok to murder, is evil.
This is overly simplistic. Do you think a Christian is capable of being evil? Or does belief in Jesus make a person clean even if they kill people?


Well-Known Member
Caesar got his authority from his place in Roman society and his military capacities. I'd be somewhat surprised if he'd every heard of Satan, who, rather than being a sun god, appears in the Tanakh as a courtier in Yahweh's court ─ you'll recall the bet he made with Yahweh that led to the latter gratuitously tormenting Job and murdering Job's family.
With respect to Job, Satan was associated as being a son of God. As being a creation of God, with respect to having to fulfilling the law of opposition to create matter (universe). Rome's role and Caeser's role, along with his heirs (life after death in the form of Augustus Caesars), was foretold in Daniel 7:19-23.