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Differentiation between the light and the dark?

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Hebrew version of the commandment is "murder". My English version of the Commandment is "kill". Two different words and two different meanings. Murder, would be the Progressive killing of innocent children under the description of free choice.
That doesn't address the problems of definition that I mentioned. Is it murder to kill in self-defense? In a duel? When insane? When insanity is due to voluntary intoxication? What of crimes of passion, honor killings, death caused by negligence? ─ and so on.

Do you long to own a few slaves (strictly according to the bible's rules for slave-owning, of course, like how to sell your daughter)? You no doubt approve the rule in Exodus 21:20 that if your slave dies as a result of your beating him or her with a rod, you'll only be punished if he or she dies within a day or two; otherwise you're fine.

And what are we to make of divine commands to slaughter people for no better reason than that they're other? For example, God's command

Deuteronomy 7:1-2 “When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations...then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them and show them no mercy." (and again at 20:16)​
Deuteronomy 20:10 "When you draw near to a city to fight against it, offer terms of peace to it. 11 And if its answer to you is peace and it opens to you, then all the people who are found in it shall do forced labor for you and shall serve you. 12 But if it makes no peace with you, but makes war against you, then you shall besiege it; 13 and when the LORD your God gives it into your hand you shall put all its males to the sword, 14 but the women and the little ones, the cattle, and everything else in the city, all its spoil, you shall take as booty for yourselves; and you shall enjoy the spoil of your enemies, which the LORD your God has given you. 15 Thus you shall do to all the cities which are very far from you, which are not cities of the nations here.​

What do you make of the massacres and mass rapes which God orders in Numbers 31:9-17? Does that all sound fair, right and just to you?

How about Jephthah's human sacrifice of his daughter to God, after which God made him Judge of Israel (Judges 11:29-39)? How about the death by impalement of the seven descendants of Saul (although each was personally innocent) as a condition of God lifting the famine in 2 Samuel 21?

And so on and so on.

No one died for your sins so you could think you would be healed. You have not been healed, nor will anyone escape dying.
I won't escape dying, but neither will anyone else. I've never understood the desire to live forever, with no purpose, no direction, no point to it all. How do you plan to celebrate your five billionth birthday? Singing "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam"? Taking a tour of hell to watch the souls in torment, especially of people you didn't like in life, all of them as bored as you?

Elijah healed the sick and raised the dead, simply through the prayer of the righteous.
And Superman can fly ─ I saw him myself in the movies.


Well-Known Member
That doesn't address the problems of definition that I mentioned. Is it murder to kill in self-defense? In a duel? When insane? When insanity is due to voluntary intoxication? What of crimes of passion, honor killings, death caused by negligence? ─ and so on.
It is not "murder" to "kill in self-defense". "Murder" is unjustifiable killing. My English bible reads "thou shalt not kill", which is a perversion of the original language. On the other hand, as an add on, I just watched the great white hope of the Liberal left, Bill Maher, on a podcast, who appeared to be 3 sheets in the wind, try and justify Biden and Newsome, and he wasn't able to get a coherent response to the question. It was like he was in an earthquake, and he saw the earth open under his feat. Lately, he has been like a ping pong, being driven by the wind whatever way it chose. But the left can't be happy with his new verbal stance on covid vaccination. To keep his sanity, he will have to leave the left, or seek sanity in a nice off grid hospital.


Well-Known Member
And Superman can fly ─ I saw him myself in the movies.
Your conceptions seem to be born of unreal narratives, whether from comic books, or from the Progressive left. I think the original superman died from a bullet in the head. Apparently, he couldn't fly faster than a speeding bullet.


Well-Known Member
Your paranoid intentionally ignorant view of science extends to your outrageous conspiracy theories concerning covid replete with unreliable sources on the science of covid.
My "ignorant view of science" got me a BS in civil engineering, and an accompanying occupation as a civil engineer, which is based on using basic science, and not based on living according to steered Progressive narratives. Raised on a farm, getting a good education, working around the world, owning a business, makes my view not only wide but well thought out. My neighbors got your vaccine, then got covid. I did not get a vaccine, freely interacted with my neighbors, with no mask or vaccine and did not get covid. They regret getting poked, yet I am happy that I did not. I think that is not an uncommon circumstance.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Your conceptions seem to be born of unreal narratives, whether from comic books, or from the Progressive left. I think the original superman died from a bullet in the head. Apparently, he couldn't fly faster than a speeding bullet.
Interesting. You just shrug off, or avert your gaze, as it were, from the atrocities God ordains in the bible. Is that because you approve of them because God does them? Or because they appeal to you personally? How does that work, exactly?


Premium Member
My "ignorant view of science" got me a BS in civil engineering, and an accompanying occupation as a civil engineer, which is based on using basic science, and not based on living according to steered Progressive narratives. Raised on a farm, getting a good education, working around the world, owning a business, makes my view not only wide but well thought out. My neighbors got your vaccine, then got covid. I did not get a vaccine, freely interacted with my neighbors, with no mask or vaccine and did not get covid. They regret getting poked, yet I am happy that I did not. I think that is not an uncommon circumstance.
Your basic education must have included physics, and biology, which apparently did not help yout intentional ignorance on science based on clinging to an ancient tribal world view. All the education in the world is of little use unless you think and use it objectively without an agenda.

This is compounded by your anti-science conspiracy theories which makes you dumb as a stump.


Well-Known Member
What's wrong with it?
For example it is against what is said in the Bible. But, it is also not reasonable.
Notice you are judging witches. But then you write:
What judgment I gave to them?
So do you think it was wrong for Christians to put witches on trial and judge them guilty, and then tortured and executed?
I think it was against what Jesus taught.
You're judging witches, but how about your judgment of Christians who murdered these people?
I think it is also wrong to judge in a way that is against rules in the Bible.
Yet you don't seem to have a problem with judging others.
I don't think I have judged anyone.
What you say here is gving yourself an excuse to judge. If you tell yourself your judging is righteous, well then, you get away with it, regardless of what jesus said. If a believer doesn't have a good moral sense then they can do things like commit the Holocaust and still believe they are righteous and saved. Killing Jews is righteous. Owning slaves is righteous. This is the history of Christianity, and they all justified their actions by reading the Bible. Can you admit the Bible is not a reliable source for morality?
There is no problem in the Bible. The problem is in that people cherry pick lines that are useful for them and ignore the parts that show they are evil.
No, they were Baptists and used the Old Testament just as you have in the post above.
If they are not Jews, why do they think rules for Jews apply to them? Isn't that irrational and extremely stupid?
Yet you think it's not good to be a witch, where did that unloving attitude come from?
Is it unloving to tell the truth?
What does it mean to be righteous?
Bible tells a lot about righteousness, not enough room to copy all of it here. But, I think this is one good scripture about it:

…He who does righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. To this end the Son of God was revealed, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever is born of God doesn't commit sin, because his seed remains in him; and he can't sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are revealed, and the children of the devil. Whoever doesn't do righteousness is not of God, neither is he who doesn't love his brother.
1 John 3:7-10
I don't think anyone would bother being a Christian if they didn;t think they were righteous and saved, yet so many Christians violate the basic teachings of Jesus.
Jesus asked also:
Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and don’t do the things which I say?
Luke 6:46
I think it is a good question, because:
Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Matt. 7:21
How did so many Christians believe they could get away with the Holocaust unless the religion itself is flawed in how it teaches believers? A few odd people here and there, sure, but a whole nation of Christians commit genocide in the 20th century?
Why do you think they were Christians? By what is said in the Bible, a Christian is a disciple of Jesus. And a disciple remains in word of Jesus. If they didn't do so, I don't see how they can be called Christians.
So you don't think mental illness exists. Why not?
Could you give one example first of a mental disease, and why it is a disease? Or, maybe if we take the bipolar disorder, why do you think it is the result of chemical imbalance and not that the chemical imbalance is the result of the "bipolar disorder"?
As we observe being a "Christian" can mean anything a person wants. It can be a person who feeds hungry people as a service to humanity, or it can be members of the KKK who harrass black people, and even kill them. Anything goes under Christianity.
Many may call themselves a Christian. And I can understand that it is confusing. That is why I think it would be better that disciples of Jesus would not call them selves Christians anymore, all though that is what Christian originally meant.

A disciple of Jesus is clearly defined in the Bible. And it is more difficult for evil person to call himself a disciple of Jesus. Ecpecially when it can be easily pointed out, if he is not really, by this:

Jesus therefore said to those Jews who had believed him, “If you remain in my word, then you are truly my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
John 8:31-32
Where does the Bible teach how to avoid this? Seems most Christians fall short and don't work to improve their state. Look how many on this forum reject and ignore science. Is that righteous?
If science is not telling the truth, it is righteous to ignore or reject it.
I will agree with that. But where in the Bible does it offer a path and set of lessons how to be a better person? I don't see it.
It begins from here:

Jesus answered him, “Most certainly, I tell you, unless one is born anew, he can’t see God’s Kingdom.” Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?” Jesus answered, “Most certainly I tell you, unless one is born of water and spirit, he can’t enter into God’s Kingdom. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Don’t marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born anew.’
John 3:3-7
But as many as received him, to them he gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in his name: who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
John 1:12-13
It is the spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life.
John 6:63
He who does righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. To this end the Son of God was revealed: that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever is born of God doesn’t commit sin, because his seed remains in him, and he can’t sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are revealed, and the children of the devil. Whoever doesn’t do righteousness is not of God, neither is he who doesn’t love his brother.
1 John 3:7-10


Well-Known Member
Your reasoning as to the events of the Noah Flood are impossible based on simple high school physics.
Only if you don't understand how it happened.
What you proposed concerning the energy produced in the actions involved in the Flood of Noah would melt the earth to a cinder.
No good reason to think so. There was obviously heat, because it caused the vaporizing and rain, but not too much.


Premium Member
Only if you don't understand how it happened.
There is no objective evidence that it ever happened. An impossible event cannot have a scientific explanation of how it happened.
No good reason to think so. There was obviously heat, because it caused the vaporizing and rain, but not too much..
Not too much!?!?!?! The heat involved in your scenario in a short period of time would vaporize the earth and turn it into a cinder.

You need to get your basic high school physics right as referenced. Ancient tribal scripture cannot be justified by your intentional ignorance of basic science.
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Veteran Member
It is not "murder" to "kill in self-defense". "Murder" is unjustifiable killing.
And how any Christian (or group of Christians like the KKK) justifies the killing is up to their interpretation of the Bible. Notice how Christians justified torturing and executing thousands for witchcraft, for owning slaves, for committing the Holocaust. It's a serious flaw in Christian faith that so many Christians justify their acts because they interpret the Bible a certain way that is immoral.
My English bible reads "thou shalt not kill", which is a perversion of the original language.
So you admit the Bible language is perverted, then how can you trust any of it? Who told you Christianity is true in the first place, and how did they interpret the Bible?

Is there any chance you could be mistaken in your beliefs?


Premium Member
Your conceptions seem to be born of unreal narratives, whether from comic books, or from the Progressive left. I think the original superman died from a bullet in the head. Apparently, he couldn't fly faster than a speeding bullet.
Your beliefs in dangerous bizarre covid vaccine conspiracies is 'born by unreal paranoid narratives.

The real story behind Robert Malone's bizarre conspiracy theories, likening covid vaccines to mass psychosis.



Well-Known Member
Your beliefs in dangerous bizarre covid vaccine conspiracies is 'born by unreal paranoid narratives.
Google and YouTube are part of the canceling of real information, versus the pushing of the Progressive narratives. The Pharmaceutical companies pays for the propaganda, and the Justice department does their bidding in giving false information to the Tech companies. Pharma has the money to pay the CDC employees bonuses and buy propaganda, such as pay Travis Michael Kelce 20 million, which is more than his base salary and indorsements from companies like Nike, for an ad, influencing young people to get two jabs instead of one. This despite many young, vaccinated athletes dying of heart seizures during their games. I don't know, I think someone has blood on their heads. Easy Health Options® :: The CDC is in bed with Big Pharma


Well-Known Member
And how any Christian (or group of Christians like the KKK) justifies the killing is up to their interpretation of the Bible. Notice how Christians justified torturing and executing thousands for witchcraft, for owning slaves, for committing the Holocaust. It's a serious flaw in Christian faith that so many Christians justify their acts because they interpret the Bible a certain way that is immoral.
The KKK was the political arm of southern Democrats, and apparently did not represent the north, which probably had many of your "Christians". As for religions such as Atheist, represented by Marxist/socialist/communist, China alone killed up to 80 million people, which puts the number of witch killings to shame. As for the interpretation of the bible, or of Karl Marx, or Lenin, or even the made up on the fly Koran, some of the problems is with the source, and some with the interpretation, and some a combination of both. As for the bible, the canon was put together by the non-holy Athanasius in 367 A.D. and represents, according to Yeshua, a "message" of the "enemy"/"devil", combined with the "message" "of the son of man", and those who follow the "message" of the "devil" will apparently receive their just deserts (Matthew 13:24-48). As for the "justification" of your acts, you apparently use your own subjective supposedly superior morality, based on Darwin's theory of evolution, whereas you are the product of a single cell bacteria developing into a "perfect" person. The record has increased to the volume, where it now undermines Darwin's theory.


Premium Member
Google and YouTube are part of the canceling of real information, versus the pushing of the Progressive narratives. The Pharmaceutical companies pays for the propaganda, and the Justice department does their bidding in giving false information to the Tech companies. Pharma has the money to pay the CDC employees bonuses and buy propaganda, such as pay Travis Michael Kelce 20 million, which is more than his base salary and indorsements from companies like Nike, for an ad, influencing young people to get two jabs instead of one. This despite many young, vaccinated athletes dying of heart seizures during their games. I don't know, I think someone has blood on their heads. Easy Health Options® :: The CDC is in bed with Big Pharma
It is a given you reject science. All the major academic universities support the sciences of evolution and 95% of all scientists in the related fields,This post clearly reveals your extreme anti-science agenda based on an ancient tribal agenda rejecting evolution which is based on the foundation of all the related sciences, such as geology, biology, genetics, organic chemistry, and physics. It carries over to your paranoid conspiracies concerning covid vaccines.

Your education was no help in understand the real world information in terms of the objective verifiable evidence of science,
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Well-Known Member
It is a given you reject science. All the major academic universities support the sciences of evolution and 95% of all scientists in the related fields,This post clearly reveals your extreme anti-science agenda based on an ancient tribal agenda rejecting evolution which is based on the foundation of all the related sciences, such as geology, biology, genetics, organic chemistry, and physics. It carries over to your paranoid conspiracies concerning covid vaccines.

Your education was no help in understand the real world information in terms of the objective verifiable evidence of science,
There is no "verifiable evidence" of Darwin's theory, that is why it is called a theory. Emphasizing the depths of the Progressive education system embedded biases to old theories, is even taking it further down the rabbit hole. I would have thought the recent rejection of the president of Harvard would have clued you into how deep down the left's hole, the education system has gotten. I graduated from an engineering school in 1970, when "wokeism" wasn't even on the radar, and only 10% got in, and only 1/3 of them were able to graduate. Back then, we didn't have quotas, nor did we have pass/fail. Believe it or not, two plus two was allowed to be four. Here is a 5 minute of the mathematician's view of the Darwin theory.
Here is a link to 100 top scientists who disagree with the Darwin theory. Ranks of Scientists Doubting Darwin’s Theory on the Rise

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
There is no "verifiable evidence" of Darwin's theory, that is why it is called a theory.
There is examinable evidence that the earth is some 4.5 billion years old. There is examinable evidence that early life forms existed on earth some 4 bn years ago, quite possibly earlier. There is evidence of the Cambrian explosion, the arrival of larger and more complex critters and plants, which appears to coincide with the increased oxygen levels on the earth, released by the action of microorganisms using photosynthesis in the oceans over billions of years. There is fossil evidence of the sequences of development of life after that time, including extinction events. We find the great apes (our section of the taxonomy) something like 30 million years ago, and genus Homo about 2.5 million years ago. Modern humans appear something like 150,000 - 250,000 years ago.

Why would you want to swap the search for real knowledge for a magical story which of course provides no explanation at all as to how it all happened.

Or are you able to back your own view with more than stories, and put some hard evidence on the table? Perhaps you can explain to us the process by which God created the heaven and the earth, and bring us up to date on church research into the techniques involved and how we might ourselves perform miracles?

Oh, and I'm still interested to hear from you about your attitude to those deeds which the bible attributes to God and which I pointed out to you in an earlier post.
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Premium Member
There is no "verifiable evidence" of Darwin's theory, that is why it is called a theory.
No it is not the reason. Your intentional ignorance is without limits. ALL theories and hypotheses in science require objective verifiable evidence. If not the theories and hypotheses would not be accepted theories and hypotheses.

This was covered in the science you supposedly took in college.
Emphasizing the depths of the Progressive education system embedded biases to old theories, is even taking it further down the rabbit hole. I would have thought the recent rejection of the president of Harvard would have clued you into how deep down the left's hole, the education system has gotten. I graduated from an engineering school in 1970, when "wokeism" wasn't even on the radar, and only 10% got in, and only 1/3 of them were able to graduate. Back then, we didn't have quotas, nor did we have pass/fail. Believe it or not, two plus two was allowed to be four. Here is a 5 minute of the mathematician's view of the Darwin theory.
Here is a link to 100 top scientists who disagree with the Darwin theory. Ranks of Scientists Doubting Darwin’s Theory on the Rise

I have seen this list before and it is truly bogus as a three dollar bill. Your source is bogus by far most of the scientists on the list are not really scientists and in a valid search the number is actually less than twenty.

Go back ro your engineering and design sky hooks, left handed monkey wrenches, and three sided squares.
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Veteran Member
The KKK was the political arm of southern Democrats,
This makes no sense. But let's remember these Democrats were conservatives, and today are republicans.
and apparently did not represent the north, which probably had many of your "Christians".
I pointed out how many Christians over the millennia have behaved in ways that are contrary to what Jesus taught, but somehow the instututions of Christians have been corrupted. How about your type of Christianity? I don't see anything that suggests you follow Jesus in your posts.
As for religions such as Atheist,
"Atheist" is a person who insn't convinced that any of the many gods exist. Atheism is probably what you meant to write, but it still isn't a religion. Atheism literally means "no theism". Atheism as a perspective does have excellent arguments against belief in gods and other religious ideas.
represented by Marxist/socialist/communist, China alone killed up to 80 million people, which puts the number of witch killings to shame.
Atheism is not the same as these political philosophies. What China, Soviet Russia, and other nations like Christian Germans, have done did so for their own self-interests. Let's note what these nations did are things that Christians have done. Ideology doesn't make people good, including Christianity.
As for the interpretation of the bible, or of Karl Marx, or Lenin, or even the made up on the fly Koran, some of the problems is with the source, and some with the interpretation, and some a combination of both. As for the bible, the canon was put together by the non-holy Athanasius in 367 A.D. and represents, according to Yeshua, a "message" of the "enemy"/"devil", combined with the "message" "of the son of man", and those who follow the "message" of the "devil" will apparently receive their just deserts (Matthew 13:24-48). As for the "justification" of your acts, you apparently use your own subjective supposedly superior morality, based on Darwin's theory of evolution, whereas you are the product of a single cell bacteria developing into a "perfect" person. The record has increased to the volume, where it now undermines Darwin's theory.
None of this is relevant to my points.

Can you admit that many Christians through history were criminal, and give Christianity a bad name? What do you do to give Christianity a good name? Citing your beliefs only tells us you are willing to believe what others told you to believe.


Well-Known Member
There is no objective evidence that it ever happened.
Objective evidence is:
1) modern continents
2) marine fossils on high mountain areas
3) oil, gas and coal fields
4) Orogenic mountains and other vast sediment formations
5) Ice age
6) Developed human societies are about as old as if they begun from after the flood.
7) Stories of a great flood in almost all nations.
The heat involved in your scenario in a short period of time would vaporize the earth and turn it into a cinder.
That is a ridiculous claim, based on nothing substantial.