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Differentiation between the light and the dark?


Well-Known Member
This makes no sense. But let's remember these Democrats were conservatives, and today are republicans
The last prominent democratic KKK leader was recently buried, with Biden and Hilary giving them a last hurrah at their funeral.


Well-Known Member
I pointed out how many Christians over the millennia have behaved in ways that are contrary to what Jesus taught, but somehow the instututions of Christians have been corrupted. How about your type of Christianity? I don't see anything that suggests you follow Jesus in your posts.
Christianity is the church of Peter, the "worthless shepherd" of Zechariah 11:17, and the "false prophet" Paul. I am not a follower of either. And that "house" (church), is about to "fall" (Matthew 7:24-27).


Well-Known Member
Can you admit that many Christians through history were criminal, and give Christianity a bad name? What do you do to give Christianity a good name? Citing your beliefs only tells us you are willing to believe what others told you to believe.
According to Revelation 13, those "who dwell on the earth" are deceived and follow the "dragon"/devil. Those who are "deceived" include the "Christians", who follow the beast of Revelation 13:11, Constantine, the establisher of the Roman church. They constitute the "many" who follow false prophets (Mt 7:12-15). Their "leaders"/kings are the servants of the "devil" (Rev 16:13), and will bring the "nations"/Gentiles upon Jerusalem in the "day of the LORD" whereas they will be judged (Joel 3:2) and "destroyed" (Jeremiah 30:11) and sold into slavery (Joel 3:6). I think your god Marx, the father of communism/socialism, the Progressives, has sold you down the river.


Veteran Member
According to Revelation 13, those "who dwell on the earth" are deceived and follow the "dragon"/devil.
And guess what planet you dwell on. So the text is a trap, and believers thinking they are in some dreamscape instead of earth have been fooled.

The text means nothing. How believers interpret the text is irrelevant. Believers are on planet earth and accountable to laws and social contract.
Those who are "deceived" include the "Christians", who follow the beast of Revelation 13:11, Constantine, the establisher of the Roman church.
Looks like you forgot what Jesus taught, judge not....

That sounds like an interpretation protestants make for their own self-serving ressons. Attack your fellow Christians and wonder why it's seen as the anti-thesis of what Jesus taught. It's odd to see how so many Christians act contrary to Jesus and think no one notices. The only ones who don't notice are the selfish and superficial Christian. That's the danger of following dogma and not Jesus.
They constitute the "many" who follow false prophets (Mt 7:12-15). Their "leaders"/kings are the servants of the "devil" (Rev 16:13), and will bring the "nations"/Gentiles upon Jerusalem in the "day of the LORD" whereas they will be judged (Joel 3:2) and "destroyed" (Jeremiah 30:11) and sold into slavery (Joel 3:6).
Accusing Catholics of being wrong when you violate what Jesus taught is a bad argument. Who is really following false prophets here? What makes Martin Luther correct some 1500 years after Jesus and 1200 years of Catholicism? What makes your version of protestantism correct over other versions? It seems that all of Christians points fingers at every other version, and none can show they are correct over the rest. False prophets is what the diversity of Christianity is built on.
I think your god Marx, the father of communism/socialism, the Progressives, has sold you down the river.
Nice accusation that is false on so many levels. Can you explain why you believe you need to attack me in the is way, and do so making religious, political, and personal assumptions?

What is interesting is that I've actually read the Communist Manifesto and it is remarkably consistent with much of what Jesus taught, that being take care of everyone in your community. Make sure people are fed, have shelter, have clothing, and are treated humanely. Your posts suggests you aren't educated on what Marx said any more than your rejection of evolution is informed. I suggest you read before you take positions on factual matters.


Veteran Member
Atheism is the first principal of these philosophies.
Atheism is a stand alone idea. Theism in politics has a history of human rights violations and a lack of freedom. The founding fathers of the United States realized a secular government was optimal.

Also Communism did not like the influence and authority the Orthodox Church had over the people, and wanted the full influence and power though political authority. Oddly, Stalin reopened the churches in 1943 when the war against the Germans was going so badly, and even he knew he could use the church to calm folks down. So it's not as if preists abd churches didn't still exist, they just weren't allowed to hold services.


Premium Member
Objective evidence is:
1) modern continents
Today's mountains are evidence of continental drift over billions of years. The sudden existence of continents amd the appearance of the mountains in your outrageous scenario is again a violation of basic physics and the energy involved would destroy the earth
2) marine fossils on high mountain areas
The fossils in the mountains on the surface are in formations that extend deep within the mountains and again are evidence of uplift due to continental drift over billions of years. You neglected basic physics in your education.
3) oil, gas and coal fields;
Oil and gas fields are in rock formation millions of years old deep in the earthl
4) Orogenic mountains and other vast sediment formations.
Today's mountains are evidence of continental drift over billions of years. The sudden existence of continents and the appearance of the mountains in your outrageous scenario is again a violation of basic physics and the energy involved would destroy the earth

The vaste rock formations form in orferely cyclic sequences of sandstone, oal, shale and limestone and volcanic deposits that cannot possibly form in the conditions of the world flood.

The presence of lake lamella deposits over 100,000 years with a pollen layer between each layer is impossible to form under flood conditions.
The vase limestone deposits cannot be formed under flood conditions.

Please present evidence of how annual lake deposits with a seasonal pollen layer can be deposited in a world flood.

5) Ice age
There are evidence of many ice ages in the thousands of feet of rock formation. The Bible does not even mention ice ages. Hoe is this remotely evidence for Noah's Flood,
6) Developed human societies are about as old as if they begun from after the flood.
Human existence of primitive settlements date well before the flood in an orderly sequence of the evolution of human culture for over 300,000 years.

The first known large city is 9,000 years old; Human Civilization’s First Cities: 7 of the Oldest

The discovery of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey upended this idea and suggested people started to settle to be near religious monuments. Whatever the truth may be, the Neolithic revolution was a profound time in human history as people gave up their hunter-gatherer lifestyles and settled down, forming villages and towns that would grow into cities. These were the first cities in human civilization.

Overlooking the Konya plain in southern Anatolia in Turkey are the remains of a city that was founded over 9,000 years ago. Possibly the first city in history, Çatalhöyük had no streets nor any identifiable public buildings, yet it had a population that at some point probably reached as high as 10,000 people. The rooftops formed the primary way in which to traverse the city, and all the buildings had ladders leading to the roof. The openings in the roof also served as ventilation.

The city was a collection of mudbrick houses clustered together in a way that promoted an extremely close relationship with one’s neighbors. Most of the buildings had shared walls with the buildings next to them.

Permanent human villages have been dated to 25,000 years old.

7) Stories of a great flood in almost all nations.
These stories have been directly proven to be local floods occurring at different times just as they occur today There is no evidence of a world flood. They are local events like river floods, and Tsunamis.
That is a ridiculous claim, based on nothing substantial.

Yes your view is a ridiculous claim, based on nothing substantial.

A very basic education in science and engineering would demonstrate all the above is false,
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New Member
  • Literally, light is associated with brightness, visibility, and clarity, while darkness represents absence of light, invisibility, and invisibility This distinction is fundamental to our perception which we see in the physical world.
  • Light is often used metaphorically as a symbol of knowledge, truth, light, goodness and goodness. It represents understanding, insight, and spiritual awakening. Conversely, darkness is metaphorically associated with ignorance, falsehood, ignorance, sin and malice. It is a symptom of confusion, ignorance and spiritual blindness.
  • Philosophically, the difference between light and darkness can be understood in terms of binary or opposite concepts. Light can represent concepts such as order, harmony, and transcendence, while darkness can symbolize chaos, chaos, and unpredictability. This philosophical approach is often explored in religious and spiritual traditions.


Well-Known Member
No it is not the reason. Your intentional ignorance is without limits. ALL theories and hypotheses in science require objective verifiable evidence. If not the theories and hypotheses would not be accepted theories and hypotheses.
Your wave theory of light was a theory, which was superseded by a more appropriate theory, including particles, which is still, only a theory. Your "objective verifiable evidence" often leads to faulty "theories". Looking at the covid fiasco, it is a wonder anyone listens to you or your Mr. Science, Mr. Fauci.
Does that include the Republican Party?
Well, there are probably Atheist within the Republican party, and they would be called Rhinos. On the other hand, the new age Progressive Democrats, would top the list with respect to the number of Marxist Atheist.


Premium Member
Your wave theory of light was a theory, which was superseded by a more appropriate theory, including particles, which is still, only a theory. Your "objective verifiable evidence" often leads to faulty "theories". Looking at the covid fiasco, it is a wonder anyone listens to you or your Mr. Science, Mr. Fauci.
Your intentional ignorance remains over whelming. You lack the basic understanding of even what theories and hypotheses are in science you should have learned in college.

Your dishonest abuse of science is appalling.
Well, there are probably Atheist within the Republican party, and they would be called Rhinos. On the other hand, the new age Progressive Democrats, would top the list with respect to the number of Marxist Atheist.

Does not address your confusing contradictory references.
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Well-Known Member
Today's mountains are evidence of continental drift over billions of years.
I think that goes against basic physics.
The sudden existence of continents amd the appearance of the mountains in your outrageous scenario is again a violation of basic physics and the energy involved would destroy the earth
That is not true.
The fossils in the mountains on the surface are in formations that extend deep within the mountains and again are evidence of uplift due to continental drift over billions of years.
I don't think there is any intelligent reason to believe so.
Oil and gas fields are in rock formation millions of years old deep in the earthl
No good reason to believe that.
The presence of lake lamella deposits over 100,000 years with a pollen layer between each layer is impossible to form under flood conditions.
The vase limestone deposits cannot be formed under flood conditions.

Please present evidence of how annual lake deposits with a seasonal pollen layer can be deposited in a world flood.
Please prove first that there is 100,000 annual deposits of a seasonal pollen.

One way to make it look like that is for example several harvest season in a year. Or water has carried deposits from dry land several times in a year.
There are evidence of many ice ages in the thousands of feet of rock formation. The Bible does not even mention ice ages. Hoe is this remotely evidence for Noah's Flood,
The ice age is logical conclusion of long raining period and dying of all creatures on top of dry land.
The first known large city is 9,000 years old; Human Civilization’s First Cities: 7 of the Oldest
If humans have existed over 200,000 years, why do you think the first known large city is just 9,000 years old? Why didn't people develop all that we have now, over 100,000 years ago?


Premium Member
I think that goes against basic physics.

That is not true.
You need to explain how the amount of energy required for mountains to rise, continents to form and ocean floor to form through ocean floor spreading in a short period of time. I gave the basic physics information necessary to determine that. You have only responded with assertions based on an ancient tribal agenda without xcience,
I don't think there is any intelligent reason to believe so.
It is the actual physical evidence that determines this,
No good reason to believe that.
Simple geologic facts of the geology of oil and gas deposits..
Please prove first that there is 100,000 annual deposits of a seasonal pollen.
Each annual layer contains a pollen layer deposited in the spring, We can observe this happening every year in the present.
You have failed to present any evidence of an alternate explanation based on a world flood.
One way to make it look like that is for example several harvest season in a year. Or water has carried deposits from dry land several times in a year.
This does not offer an possible explanation for over 100,000 layers each with a pollen layer directly observed to be deposited every year today.
The ice age is logical conclusion of long raining period and dying of all creatures on top of dry land.

That doe not remotely explain the ixe age. In fact it is nonsense, There is no relationship to creatures deposited on dry land. The actual evidence is directly related to the nature of glaciation today,
If humans have existed over 200,000 years, why do you think the first known large city is just 9,000 years old? Why didn't people develop all that we have now, over 100,000 years ago?
The actual evidence of the gradual evolution of human technology over time. Your foolish myth dors not explain cities existing 9,000 years ago and villages existing 25,000 years ago


Well-Known Member
You need to explain how the amount of energy required for mountains to rise, continents to form and ocean floor to form through ocean floor spreading in a short period of time. I gave the basic physics information necessary to determine that. You have only responded with assertions based on an ancient tribal agenda without xcience,
The claim that mountains rise is against basic physics, except in the case of volcanoes. There is no natural force that would rise mountains. Mountains seem to rise, because water level is going down.

In nature things go like this:

If you try to push it around, it still levels up. Because of that example, I think, if earth would be as old as you believe, it would be smooth, without any mountains.
Each annual layer contains a pollen layer deposited in the spring,
It can be true. Yet, it can also be true at the same time that there are several "spring times", or that on spring time can cause several "annual" layers if rains drag it partially several times. For example, 10 think layer of annual pollen on dry land and after that first rain takes 1 on part of that, and forms the first "year", then second rain takes second part of the pollen and forms another year and so on. It is possible to form many "annual" layers in a year, even if today we don't see it happening.
Your foolish myth dors not explain cities existing 9,000 years ago and villages existing 25,000 years ago
I would first need some good reason to believe they are that old. However, 25,000 is relatively new, in comparison to 200,000 years. And I am bewildered how you can believe in over thousands of years without any good evidence.


New Member
The light is the good the dark is the bad. The light is the truth the dark is the lies. The light is knowledge the dark is sloth, the light is the strength to continue, the darkness is the weakness, the light is the courage to do what is right, the darkness is following what everyone else does. The light does not give up. The darkness is the easy path that fools you, the light is doing great things in secret, the dark is doing horrible things for pride and ego in the open

Eli G

Well-Known Member
Light has to do with right and truth, and the mental ability to discern what those two things are, without adjacent aspects clouding judgment.

It is said metaphorically that when a person thinks well, he thinks clearly, that is, his mind is influenced by light. The same idea can be applied to people who act evilly without even thinking about the harm they do to others and ultimately to themselves; they are dark minded.

It is normal for people who are mentally darkened to not be able to reason correctly and therefore act accordingly with their lack of good sense; They practically live by instinct and have no control over their own emotions.

Between both extremes there is not much gray area, those who are on the dividing wall in the middle of both territories at some point in their lives will have to cross to one side or the other of that border.