I have an eye for Antiquities myself. In the sense that I can pick out the 12 worthy pieces buried among the mounds of other shiny, distracting repro tat. The town I was born in, has a 1500 year old Church. It was lost for 800 years. How can you lose an actual Church? Beats me.
The other week I acquired a set of about 20 1896 Maps of the Ancient World by Edward Weller. So next time I'm lost on the borders of Bronze age Illyria, I'll be able to find Apollonia, and get right out of Dodge. Dodge right out of Greece. Shoot through, like a greased Aechean, maybe settle in Vindalia again. I know it's unlikely, but old Maps are way too cool not to put a bit of imagination into.
We lost the whole of Cornwall for over a century because of ''creative Mapping' once.. It was believed to have "fallen off the bottom", and sunk into the Sea. But what really happened was the King's maker of Maps, got as far as Bodmin, then thought to himself
"Buggyre thys for a Larke, I shalle not steppe 'pon yonder hungrye bog, lest I get swallowed downe to Annwyn". Turned back East, and drew in a fake *** coastline in that roughly followed the River Tamar. It's not like anyone was actually going to want to go any further SW than that. And they didn't.
Not for about a century anyway. It was rediscovered in the early 1300's, and quietly added back onto the official list of British dry bits. This was well before the Empire, all we had were a few dry bits, lots of soggy bits, and a giant tidal puddle called "The East Angles". No wonder all we ever wanted to do, was get the hell off of here, and steal other people's countries. In case they had some cool stuff for us to rip off.
Would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for those pesky World Wars.
Anyone want to buy a "Cornwall"? I'll chuck in the Sciliy Islands, and the IoW too for the price. (But you have to take David Icke along with the IoW. No negotiation there)
Sealed bids only please, by PM. No haggling. One bid per username. So get proxying people. And in a few short *******s, you could be the proud keeper of a few dry bits. Surrounded by some wet soggy bits. Attached firmly to the arse end of England, Britain.