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Disproving god with the laws of logic


Rogue Theologian
Hey Mesty....
You should be aware by now....

You are trying to support a premise that several of your own, know to be ....illogical.

The premise requires you to disprove God....by logic.

That you reject my previous offerings is expected.
And of course you are displaying the atheist viewpoint rather poorly.

You cannot support your belief (or lack of it) with belligerence.

Try focusing on the material offered, and rebuttal the material.
Nay saying is insufficient.

Have you taken the time to read about Einstein?


Rogue Theologian
Hey Beaudreaux...
Faith by definition does not require proving.
So yes it is fair to put God before all argument.

This one facet should clearly show the futility to make argument against God.
As I have pointed out....repeatedly.....for each offering of contrariness, the response will be....God did it.

People who believe in God place Him as the source of all things....Creator.
Arguing to the contrary can only be redundant.

To take away the Creator....demonstrate the universe without the Source.

Of course this cannot be done. There are no chalk boards large enough.
(hence the reference to Einstein).

Science cannot be used to take away any belief in God.
It can only support the belief.....God did it.

This thread should have died at the very beginning.


Rogue Theologian
No fair to you Venatoris.

You arrive late to the immediate discussion and then claim to be offended.

Are you here to disprove God with logic?

And apparently your two minute research was shallow.


Well-Known Member
That's the best you've got? Your mom jokes? :facepalm:

I know you can't use logic to prove God, and as I have maintained, you can't use logic to disprove God. In fact, logic makes a note that you don't have to disprove anything.

I'm not even going to make a response to your other comment about me. Let's just say I find it hilarious that you think you have a grasp of spirituality.


Too late for that genius! And Btw since your saw fit to barge in and express your opinions about me:p, I in turn done the same right back to you, you should have expect it, an individual that believe that he/she is nothing but an animal cannot have an insight into spiritual matters and those that spire to live such kind of animalistic life styles have no logical stand. It is a matter of rationality.:shout


Just me
Premium Member
First of all, Einstein was a physicist, not a philosopher, and I would bet Einstein would tear your view of god apart. So what's wrong with you?
Physics necessarily has a philosophy backing it up, as it is the latter, not the former, that gives us our image of the world.


Just me
Premium Member
Type the question....did Einstein belief in God ....into a search bar...and you will get a variety of sites that will keep your ignorance busy for hours.
Maybe if you spelled it right you'd better hits that appeal to other parts of your mind. :)


Active Member
I seem to have mistakenly deleted my previous post. Seeing as most of it was just a joke I'll just put the Einstein quote back up.

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. (Albert Einstein, 1954) http://www.spaceandmotion.com/albert-einstein-god-religion-theology.htm


Well-Known Member

Oh, and emiliano, seriously? so, god must give me this faith, hmmm...
Wow, he got it (I may have to change my opinion of this guy)

but apparently i'm to horrible a person to have it given to me

That I don’t know, but God surely does, He is the omniscient not I.

i mean it's not like god is particularly choosy.

Wrong! He is very, very choosy and demanding He created you and know you better that you know yourself.

i've heard of many murderers convert to christianity while in jail.
Yes they do and are transformed into a new creation that does and pursues what is good

but apparently i, a person who has done no real wrong,

I have no way to know that either, you could be advertising.

am not worthy. pathetic. i'm tired of your elitist attitude emiliano

Well as I already told you “bugger off then"

i think you just say this cause you know we will never believe, not without proof, so you just word it like we can never get it, cause we are bad people. “

What part of you cannot believe because God has not given you the gift you do not understand?

you add nothing to any debate.
Well just that it is impossible for you to achieve this unaided by God, Think of that for while, but if you want to follow my request, it will be Ok with me, as you are starting to annoy me a little


Rogue Theologian
Hey Williamena...
I found what was needed ....but seem to have difficulty coaxing others to follow.

Einstein did believe in God....just not a personal God.
As he wrote his famous equation, the concept of an expanding universe played against him.
The expansion indicated a point of beginning, and he was not comfortable with that.

Mathematics is best served with numbers only. But when approaching the concept of a singularity....the perspective begins to shift.
For the singularity to be truly singular....no secondary point can be allowed.
Without a secondary...no lines...no height...no width...no length...no time...no movement....no light....no darkness....no voice...no echo.

Only the void.

Numbers don't work here.
Of course, Genesis comes to mind.


Admiral Obvious
You are trying to support a premise that several of your own, know to be ....illogical.
And what, pray tell, is this premise you claim I am trying to support?

The premise requires you to disprove God....by logic.
Not my premise.
Perhaps this is true of the premise you have dictated to me.

That you reject my previous offerings is expected.
And of course you are displaying the atheist viewpoint rather poorly.
You assume to much.

But on the other hand, you are attacking your strawman rather effectively.

You cannot support your belief (or lack of it) with belligerence.
Why not.
You are.

Try focusing on the material offered, and rebuttal the material.
Nay saying is insufficient.
Rebuttal what material?
You haven't provided anything but your beliefs and opinions.
And you have not supported them with anything other than "I don't have to".

Have you taken the time to read about Einstein?
Thus I understand, seemingly better than you, why your appeal to authority tactic is pathetic.


Rogue Theologian
Hey Mesty....

I've been trained in formal rebuttal.

If it seems a bit strained it's for dragging people like yourself along to a better perspective.

Obviously.....your rebuttal....would be you....trying to make yourself feel better. There's a word for that.

Picking a post line for line has only a shallow appearance of rebuttal.
The premise today is....disproving God with logic.

There won't be any equations. There won't be any photographs.
And because faith does not require proving....I can say...
God is.

I get to say it....repeatedly...without proof.


Active Member
Thief- Sorry dude, you fail at debating. If you were truly trained in formal debate format you would know that the same restrictions apply to both sides. If you wish for someone to try to disprove the existence of god using logic , you must in turn use logic to try and prove he exists. Blind faith is in no way logical and cannot be reused against all arguments presented by your opponent. If you countered his statements by using logic to point out flaws in his logic instead of saying you don't need proof you might actually gain some credibility. I can think of a few ways to use logic to argue in favor of gods existence and I'm sure if you tried hard enough you could too. You can't win by sticking your head in the sand.

P.S.- Don't ever resort to insults in a debate. Use your words like a 'big boy'.


Rogue Theologian
Venatoris...you are incorrect.

When I use faith as an argument there can be no disallowing.

Using the definition of faith......an item that requires no proving...you cannot insist I prove....what does not require proving.

The weight bears to the nay sayers.
Someone must step up....and beyond all shadow of doubt....make some display there cannot be a god....any god.

And I'm not worried over insults.
Many insults have been dealt toward me.
But...I'm a big boy...and I consider first from whom the insult was dealt.
I really don't care the name calling.
And if I see your rebuttal to be shallow or ignorant I will say so.
How else would you know?
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Active Member
Well if you don't want to play by the rules it's not really a debate, it's denial. I think your confused as to what rebuttal means as well. A rebuttal is when you present evidence that nullifies your opponents argument. You have not presented an initial argument to be rebutted nor have you provided evidence against the logic of others. Why should the burden of proof fall on the nay sayers when you can't even give one argument to support your claim? Just saying someone is wrong doesn't make it so. That's the definition of ignorance.This thread is about using logic to disprove the existence of god not use logic to prevent Thief from having faith in god. And if you really don't care about the insults why do you bother retaliating?

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
Thief said:
Apparently atheists are lazy and can only offer sarcasm as rebuttal.

This coming from a guy who claims his belief requires no proving because he has "faith".

I tell you what, Thief. I have faith, too. I have faith God doesn't exist. Let the debate begin.

...My faith is stronger than yours....


i'm starting to annoy you? i'm pretty sure you annoy just about everyone everytime you post, i think most people in here are just used to you, so they try to ignore you. you know, don't feed the troll, that little thing.