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Disproving god with the laws of logic


Rogue Theologian
Will a more exact quote help you?
"firm or unquestioning belief in something for which there is no proof".

So, of course, I can say...God is.


Admiral Obvious
Faith by definition is belief in a supreme Being...Webster's.
The definition continues to say .....proving is not required.
Main Entry: 1faith
Pronunciation: \ˈfāth\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural faiths \ˈfāths, sometimes ˈfāthz\
Etymology: Middle English feith, from Anglo-French feid, fei, from Latin fides; akin to Latin fidere to trust — more at bide
Date: 13th century
1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs <the Protestant faith>
synonyms see belief
— on faith : without question <took everything he said on faith>
Source: faith - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Nice pick and choose job you did there......

The statement that faith can be used in the same way to say god does not exist is false.
Now you are just flat out wrong.

Replace the word 'faith' with it's definition.....
"I have belief in a supreme Being, that there is no supreme Being."
and now you can see why the argumentative ploy doesn't work.
Only if you throw out all the definitions of the word you do not like.

I cannot change the definition of faith to satisfy the objection, and the objection won't accept the proper use of the noun.
Now you just flat out lieing, because that is EXACTLY what you are doing.
Don't believe me?
Please see the Websters dictionary definition I provided at the beginning of my reply to your blatant bull ****.

An atheist would be at liberty to say he does not believe in God.
But cannot use the concept of 'faith' to say there is no God.
Yes he can.
In fact, the atheist can even take the same dishonest route you have taken and deny you the "ability" to use faith to say that god does exist.

By definition....an atheist cannot possess 'faith'.....a belief in a supreme Being.

again you are just plain flat out wrong.
Or you are just plain flat out lieing.

So, which is it?

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
I must have made this next argument in some other thread....

Faith by definition is belief in a supreme Being...Webster's.
The definition continues to say .....proving is not required.

The statement that faith can be used in the same way to say god does not exist is false.

Replace the word 'faith' with it's definition.....
"I have belief in a supreme Being, that there is no supreme Being."
and now you can see why the argumentative ploy doesn't work.

I cannot change the definition of faith to satisfy the objection, and the objection won't accept the proper use of the noun.

An atheist would be at liberty to say he does not believe in God.
But cannot use the concept of 'faith' to say there is no God.

By definition....an atheist cannot possess 'faith'.....a belief in a supreme Being.

Not only are you wrong (as Mestemia notes) about the definition of faith, you haven't even addressed any of the arguments I've put forth against you. How can you expect anyone to take your belief seriously?


Rogue Theologian
You guys are just trying to be stubborn.
Of course it is allowed to use the application of the word 'faith' to the context of the discussion (not required to use every application...all at once.)

It remains as is.....
Faith is a belief in a higher Being.
I need not demonstrate proof to do so.

It is well and good that someone took hold of a common reference and presented it.
It demonstrates a willingness to try.

But is it not obvious?...I think one of you guys did make note of it already...
For every objection, science experiment, theory,.....etc.etc.etc.
Faith is offered, in saying "God did it",.... and it repeats.

Of course, such recurrence is frustrating to non-believers.

I'm getting old and gray. I've been around this sort of thing a long time.
I take the time to find cause to say "nay".
Haven't found it yet.
If I find a science, philosophy, or some intellectual argument.....that actually takes away "faith"....I will write down....get a copyright...
and die rich and happy for the money the book will bring.
And the world will end without God.

If you find such an item, you should do the same.

In the meantime, my faith remains intact.
Cause and effect....from singularity to the stars above....God did it.

Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
You guys are just trying to be stubborn.
Of course it is allowed to use the application of the word 'faith' to the context of the discussion (not required to use every application...all at once.)

It remains as is.....
Faith is a belief in a higher Being.
I need not demonstrate proof to do so.

It is well and good that someone took hold of a common reference and presented it.
It demonstrates a willingness to try.

But is it not obvious?...I think one of you guys did make note of it already...
For every objection, science experiment, theory,.....etc.etc.etc.
Faith is offered, in saying "God did it",.... and it repeats.

Of course, such recurrence is frustrating to non-believers.

I'm getting old and gray. I've been around this sort of thing a long time.
I take the time to find cause to say "nay".
Haven't found it yet.
If I find a science, philosophy, or some intellectual argument.....that actually takes away "faith"....I will write down....get a copyright...
and die rich and happy for the money the book will bring.
And the world will end without God.

If you find such an item, you should do the same.

In the meantime, my faith remains intact.
Cause and effect....from singularity to the stars above....God did it.

Then respond to my argument.


Well-Known Member
It remains as is.....
Faith is a belief in a higher Being.
I need not demonstrate proof to do so.

You are absolutely correct, you do not need to demonstrate proof of your faith.

Unless you are trying to debate your faith.

In a debate forum.

Where people argue and present evidence for their beliefs.

In a debate forum.

Where you are now.

In a debate forum.


Which means you present proof of your argument.

In a debate forum.

Which is what you are in now.

A debate form.

Where you debate things.

Does this clear things up a little more.

In a debate forum.

That's where you are.

A debate forum.

So debate.

Provide evidence.

In this debate forum.


Vile Atheist

Loud and Obnoxious
You are absolutely correct, you do not need to demonstrate proof of your faith.

Unless you are trying to debate your faith.

In a debate forum.

Where people argue and present evidence for their beliefs.

In a debate forum.

Where you are now.

In a debate forum.


Which means you present proof of your argument.

In a debate forum.

Which is what you are in now.

A debate form.

Where you debate things.

Does this clear things up a little more.

In a debate forum.

That's where you are.

A debate forum.

So debate.

Provide evidence.

In this debate forum.


With all due respect, I don't think you were explicit enough that this is indeed a debate forum where people debate their ideas.


Active Member
I still don't see the 'logic' that disproves God.

That's because there isn't any evidence that can prove or disprove god. As such, I can logically deduce that neither the theist view or the atheist view is more valid than the other. That's all you can get from logic on the subject.


Well-Known Member
I must have made this next argument in some other thread....

Faith by definition is belief in a supreme Being...Webster's.
The definition continues to say .....proving is not required.
By definition....an atheist cannot possess 'faith'.....a belief in a supreme Being.
You are misinformed. Faith, like many words, has several usages. From Merriam-Webster.com, your source. (faith - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)
1 a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
2 a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
3 : something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs <the Protestant faith> synonyms see belief

Your definition is the second of three. Also note that it does NOT "continue to say....proving is not required." It says "belief is something for which there is no proof".


Rogue Theologian
Thank you Beaudreaux

The distinction you note has already been made.
The subtleties don't really influence my perspective.

God is still God. Do you really think I'm going to prove it?
At least one other has commented that proving God is unlikely.
Shall I perform what is unlikely?
What do you think?
Could the singularity be a creation?

Or perhaps the premise is easier for you.
How about an undeniable line of logic, showing there can be no God?


Active Member
Thank you Venatoris.

May I ask of you...
Could it be, the singularity is a creation?

If by singularity you mean the single event(god or otherwise) that birthed the universe, then yes it is a creation. However, creation of the universe itself does not prove the existence of a conscious omnipotent god. In my view it is equally likely that the universe was created by the combination of unknown cosmic forces(similar to gravity) that exist but have yet to be proven.


I'm sorry, but i gotta call you out on that one venatoris. to say that believing in a god for which there is no evidence is not less valid than not believing in a god for which there is no evidence is just.... not thinking. you must feel this way to an extent, being agnostic. cause after all, being agnostic is just one short step from being athiest. oh snap, i said it!:D