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Dixie Chicks movie


Wonder Woman
Awesome! That's my opinion. I never saw anything wrong with what Natalie said or how they felt about the president and the war, I felt the same way. Now after time has passed and things have gone the way they have and everyone else is feeling pretty much the same way, the Chicks are big again. I think the way they were treated over the whole thing was stupid and monstrous and I'm happy they are getting this movie. They deserve so much more for simply standing by their stance when so many others were chickens**t to do so.


Working-Class W*nch.
I second Draka's post. I'm glad that they've done this movie, and applaud them for standing firm in their convictions. The whole fiasco reminds me of John Lennon's 'bigger than Jesus' comment. Folks had a field day over that one too, and in my opinion, the fuss is just as stupid now as it was then.


Religious Headbanger
I love free speech so what she said I had no problem with. It's when she realized everyone was paying attention to her she went into full-bore-media-whore mode. They used their free speech and everyone around them used their own freedoms to not listen to them, throw away their CDs and voice their displeasure with them. Then the Chicks come back and play the wounded bunny and whine and cry as if they had been unfairly treated. Puleeze!

I think the fact this movie couldn't even make it at the theaters and went straight to DVD is a good inicator as to who cares about the whole thing now.


No Texan should see this movie.

Or any other folks. :D


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
There's a big difference between simply boycotting a certain product (like their CD's) and threatening them with bodily harm. The fact that Natalie was threatened with her life was evident that they WERE treated much differently than others who'd voiced dissent with the administration.

I'd like to see the whole movie. I'm certainly not a fan of the Dixie Chicks (in fact, I never was even when they were huge coming off their release "Sin Wagon"), but I support their underlying political stance. They want to merely be free to voice their dissent without THAT kind of public response.

How many people threaten Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, or Paul Newman and Joanna Woodward because of their outspoken criticisms, too? Not even Madonna received these kinds of threats and her opinions have oftentimes been more harsh than what the Dixie Chicks have made public.



Following Christ
NoahideHiker said:
...They used their free speech and everyone around them used their own freedoms to not listen to them, throw away their CDs and voice their displeasure with them. Then the Chicks come back and play the wounded bunny and whine and cry as if they had been unfairly treated. Puleeze!...
:clap Most excellent point that a lot of people do not seem to understand.

Those blasting the Dixie Chicks critics are essentially saying that the Chicks have a right to free speech but the critics do not. That is a most inconsistant and unjust position to take.

For the record...I do listen to country music from time to time, but I did not care for the Chick's lastest CD. Their early music was much better. I realize a lot of anti-Bush folks inflated sales of their latest CD, and they were given Grammys so the music industry could show support for their comeback, but I wonder how well they will do after the hoopla dies down a bit more.

They are getting a bit more airplay in some cities, but not in Hot'Lanta GA. I think one of our pop stations played "I'm Not Ready To Make Nice" when it came out, but I don't think it stuck on their play list. Our country stations keep testing them in market research, but the negative response from prospective listeners is still like 75-80%.

Anyway...the punchline is that free speech works both ways. When you are in the public eye, you can say whatever you want, but you have absolutely no right to expect that those listening to you message should forfeit their free speech and not disagree with you.

Also for the record...I hope the people who made death threats against Natalie Maines are caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Just because you disagree with someone does not give you the right to breach that person's life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness.

As for the movie....I don't have a strong burning desire to see it. Last time I checked...I still have that right.


MysticSang'ha said:
There's a big difference between simply boycotting a certain product (like their CD's) and threatening them with bodily harm. The fact that Natalie was threatened with her life was evident that they WERE treated much differently than others who'd voiced dissent with the administration.

Almost all celebtrities get death threats. I don't think that this is a convincing argument that they were being treated differently than others...


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
angellous_evangellous said:
Almost all celebtrities get death threats. I don't think that this is a convincing argument that they were being treated differently than others...

Really dad? I'm sure you can come up with at least 10 celebrities that had the kind of threats against them that Natalie had after speaking out against the Iraq war and the Bush administration. Most often they were simply villified in the public eye.

This is much more like Lennon's "bigger than Jesus" media tirade than Sean Penn's banter. I don't disagree with the right to respond to the Dixie Chicks nor boycotting their products. But the kind of vitriol that continued made them a target LONG after the comments were made.

And, hey. For the record. I loved Texas when I was there. :)



MysticSang'ha said:
But the kind of vitriol that continued made them a target LONG after the comments were made.

Not all death threats get media attention...

Never stop hating the Chicks!!! :yes:

EDIT: I don't think that they should be killed... just not purchased or supported by any red-blooded American.


It's exactly the opposite in Europe. Here they were largely unknown before the anti-Bush controversy, and now they're practically a group of heroes. When you have radio stations everywhere from Lisbon to Moscow playing American country music (which is, in Europe, considered more or less worthless - shameful to listen to, and I should know because I love some - lol), then that's a big deal.

I hope they'll pack up their bags and move to Paris or some such place. We've stolen so many from America's upper classes already, we might as well have the Chicks too. :D


People still call in and complain here when the Chicks are played on the radio... I am one of them...


Djamila said:
I hope they'll pack up their bags and move to Paris or some such place. We've stolen so many from America's upper classes already, we might as well have the Chicks too. :D

Both of us would be happy with that.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
CaptainXeroid said:

I do listen to country music from time to time, but I did not care for the Chick's lastest CD. Their early music was much better. I realize a lot of anti-Bush folks inflated sales of their latest CD, and they were given Grammys so the music industry could show support for their comeback, but I wonder how well they will do after the hoopla dies down a bit more.

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers got ROBBED! Stadium Arcadium was a FAAAAAAAR better album. My girlfriend and I own both albums and we both agreed the Stadium Arcadium should have won album of the year.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
angellous_evangellous said:
Not all death threats get media attention...

Never stop hating the Chicks!!! :yes:

And not all voices of dissent get that targeted, either. I don't see George Carlin's opinion receiving this kind of attention, and his stance against Bush is FAR more hateful and spiteful than Natalie's. I won't throw out the likelihood that celebreties get death threats, but hardly any of them were condemned in the manner that the Dixie Chicks were.

EDIT: I don't think that they should be killed... just not purchased or supported by any red-blooded American.

Ironically, this is where you and I agree (sort of). I don't find their music at all appealing. :D



angellous_evangellous said:
People still call in and complain here when the Chicks are played on the radio... I am one of them...
You're just bitter because you're getting shafted by this little arrangement we have. ;)

You get our "tired, poor, huddled masses of wretched refuse" and we get your celebrities. :D


Veteran Member
NoahideHiker said:
I love free speech so what she said I had no problem with. It's when she realized everyone was paying attention to her she went into full-bore-media-whore mode.
That never happened. The media jumped all over the story, but that has nothing to do with the DCs becoming "media whores". In fact, the DCs tried to play it down, and even appologized, but the media wouldn't leave it alone. And most of that media attention was being stirred up by the right-wing muck-rackers like Limbaugh and O'Rieley and that ilk. If anyone deserves to be called "media whores" in this story it's them, not the Dixie Chicks. As the right wing blowhards kept up their diatribes against the DCs daring to speak out against Bush, the country radio stations felt they needed to jump on the band wagon to show everyone how righteous and patriotic they were, too. It was a media frenzy, alright, but not one run by the Dixie Chicks, it was one fueled by conservative talk radio and played on by country music radio as they all tried to out-do each other at playing the "we're so patriotic" game.
NoahideHiker said:
They used their free speech and everyone around them used their own freedoms to not listen to them, throw away their CDs and voice their displeasure with them.
Not everyone, just a bunch of ignorant red-necks outraged that someone dared speak out against their ignorant red-neck mascot, George Bush.
NoahideHiker said:
Then the Chicks come back and play the wounded bunny and whine and cry as if they had been unfairly treated.
This also never happened. They were shocked and hurt by the hate-filled letters and comments they received from these ignorant "patriots" who were threatening their lives for daring to speak against their mascot, Bush, but they never wined about it in any way that I'm aware of. And if they had, I'm sure the media blowhards would have plastered it all over the place. We couldn't have missed it.
NoahideHiker said:
I think the fact this movie couldn't even make it at the theaters and went straight to DVD is a good inicator as to who cares about the whole thing now.
Yeah, people tend to want such disgraceful behavior on the part of these american "patriots" to dissappear and be forgotten. Especially people in the south, who seem to have a long history of hatred and violence against anyone who dares express ideas different from theirs.


MysticSang'ha said:
And not all voices of dissent get that targeted, either. I don't see George Carlin's opinion receiving this kind of attention, and his stance against Bush is FAR more hateful and spiteful than Natalie's. I won't throw out the likelihood that celebreties get death threats, but hardly any of them were condemned in the manner that the Dixie Chicks were.

Nobody cares about George Carlin. Also, he's not a best-selling country singer, and you can't sell magazines with naked pictures of him on the cover. He's not popular and he's not sexy.


Djamila said:
You're just bitter because you're getting shafted by this little arrangement we have. ;)

Ha! I'd be upset if ya'll got Doc Watson or Willi Nelson. :D

The door will be hitting the Chicks on the way out... metaphorically speaking. :yes:


Pneumatic Spiritualist
The reason the Dixie Chicks recieved such a backlash over their statement (as opposed to Carlin, Bill Maher, or other political humorists) is because their fanbase at the time was made up of the same people who approved of Bush. People who go to see George Carlin get what they expect and therefore are not insulted by it. I'm not 100% positive, but I believe the concert where the Chicks first made the comment was in Texas, where at that time George Bush's approval rating was higher then Sam Houston's. You have to know your audience. Expecting that crowd to agree with what they said would be like yelling "white power" at an NAACP meeting and not expecting to get your *** beat.