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Do any non-Christians go to heaven?


Are there any denominations in Christianity that believe that there is a way a person can go to heaven without accepting Jesus as the son of God?

I know the NT makes it fairly clear that Jesus is the only way to get to the Kingdom of Heaven, but do all denominations take this to be literal or are there any that believe all people who are basically good will go to heaven, they just might not get some of the perks that Christians get etc.?

Or are there any denominations that believe that generally good people who aren't Christian go to a place such as limbo for example, while good Christians go to Heaven and bad people go to hell?


Admiral Obvious
Does one have to claim the title Christian to be considered a Christian?

I mean, if someone meets all the requirements, passes all the tests, etc. to be a Christian, but does not claim the title, do they go to heaven or do they rot in hell for not claiming a title that Jesus himself never used?


Well-Known Member
I think the entire point of Christianity is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior thus you are forgiven and go to heaven. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Done here.
Are there any denominations in Christianity that believe that there is a way a person can go to heaven without accepting Jesus as the son of God?
St. Gregory of Nyssa believed that ultimately, all creatures will be reconciled to God. Unfortunately, that teaching didn't catch on.

The Eastern Orthodox generally hold that Orthodoxy is the true faith, and better conduces to union with God than any other religion or any other form of Christianity, but don't make any blanket statements about the fate of non-Christians or heterodox Christians. I remember my priest once asking me if I had heard of these fundamentalists who "really think that people who don't believe as they do will go to hell." He thought it was an odd and somewhat amusing belief.

It is the opinion of Father George Papademetriou that "the non-Christian may be saved in spite the religion he practices, but only through the mercy of God." St. Theophan the Recluse, asked whether it was possible for the heterodox to be saved, answered, "Why do you worry about them? They have a Saviour Who desires the salvation of every human being. He will take care of them. You and I should not be burdened with such a concern. Study yourself and your own sins." Bishop Kallistos (Ware) wrote, "It is heretical to say that all must be saved, for this is to deny free will; but it is legitimate to hope that all may be saved."

In the Catholic Church, at least three of the last four popes have affirmed that it's possible for non-Christians to be saved. (I don't know about John Paul I.) The Catholic Catechism says:
1260 "Since Christ died for all, and since all men are in fact called to one and the same destiny, which is divine, we must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made partakers, in a way known to God, of the Paschal mystery." Every man who is ignorant of the Gospel of Christ and of his Church, but seeks the truth and does the will of God in accordance with his understanding of it, can be saved. It may be supposed that such persons would have desired Baptism explicitly if they had known its necessity.
That seems to imply that people who are ignorant of Christianity have an advantage over people who have heard of Christianity but reject it, which reminds me of the story of the missionary and the Eskimo.
"If I didn't know about God," asked the Eskimo, "would I go to hell?"

"No," said the missionary, "not if you didn't know."

"Well then, why did you tell me?"
I don't know what Luther thought about it. Zwingli thought it was possible for non-Christians to be saved, and Calvin (predictably) did not. There is, however, a small group of Calvinist Baptists in the Appalachian region, the Primitive Baptist Universalists, popularly known as the "No-Hellers," who believe everyone will be saved. They believe that Christ died for the sins of all mankind, and so you will be saved whether you like it or not. :)

Or are there any denominations that believe that generally good people who aren't Christian go to a place such as limbo for example, while good Christians go to Heaven and bad people go to hell?
I don't know of any Christians who believe that anyone goes to heaven for being "good." In Christianity, anybody who is saved is saved through the mercy of God.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Are there any denominations in Christianity that believe that there is a way a person can go to heaven without accepting Jesus as the son of God?

I know the NT makes it fairly clear that Jesus is the only way to get to the Kingdom of Heaven, but do all denominations take this to be literal or are there any that believe all people who are basically good will go to heaven, they just might not get some of the perks that Christians get etc.?

Or are there any denominations that believe that generally good people who aren't Christian go to a place such as limbo for example, while good Christians go to Heaven and bad people go to hell?
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) does not believe in making such a disctinction.


Its only a Label
Heaven & hell.
Reality is that there are no such places.
When the Going and coming stops that one IS for the first time, till then the individual is only in the mind /maya/ illusion.
Love & rgds


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Are there any denominations in Christianity that believe that there is a way a person can go to heaven without accepting Jesus as the son of God?

The Catholic Church teaches that someone can be saved through desire to become a Christian (i.e. "baptism of desire") or by dying for the Church (i.e. "baptism of blood"), even if not otherwise considered a "Christian".

A number of churches don't make doctrinal statements about what happens to non-Christians or about who's going to Heaven and/or Hell, so their members may have a range of beliefs on the matter.

Edit: to me, the writer of the Epistle to the Romans seems to be down on the whole idea of trying to figure out who's going where in the next life - see Romans 10:6-7.


Not your average Mormon
Are there any denominations in Christianity that believe that there is a way a person can go to heaven without accepting Jesus as the son of God?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka Mormonism) believes that most people will go to Heaven.

I know the NT makes it fairly clear that Jesus is the only way to get to the Kingdom of Heaven, but do all denominations take this to be literal or are there any that believe all people who are basically good will go to heaven, they just might not get some of the perks that Christians get etc.?
We believe that Heaven is not a one-size-fits-all kind of place, so your suggestion that maybe non-Christians might end up in Heaven but without all of the "perks" is more or less along the lines of our doctrine. Of course, that's a generalized statement. I can elaborate if you'd like.

Or are there any denominations that believe that generally good people who aren't Christian go to a place such as limbo for example, while good Christians go to Heaven and bad people go to hell?
We believe that the only people who will go to Hell (we call it "Outer Darkness") are those who committed "blasphemy against the Holy Ghost." Because of what we understand this phrase to mean, we don't believe that there are all that many people who are even in a position to be able to commit this sin.


Well-Known Member
The real question is why anyone would burn in Hell for eternity for simply not believing in something.

Presumably the flames would be the final argument in favor of belief. But by then it would be too late. People love to say "See I told you so" and this is not possible if there is not a cut-off deadline after which no one can change their mind and believe.


New Member
Hi! I'm new here...

I have heard different responses on this from a variety of individuals. Their beliefs may or may not be sanctioned by the denomination they attend.

But, the answer I have heard most, among those who say anyone can go to Heaven, is that Jesus will appear to everyone after they pass, and in the light of His glory will recieve proof that Jesus is God. Then, they can decide to accept this go to Heaven or not.

While this 'theory' is not easy to point out from scripture, I have been assured by a Methodist minister that it is what he believes.

Of course, this is only the short version...

Another thing that swayed me was reading, of all things, a humorous novel called Lunch With God. That's in my estimation, the best explanation I've ever heard of how the process works. And, it's dern funny.


Are there any denominations in Christianity that believe that there is a way a person can go to heaven without accepting Jesus as the son of God?

I know the NT makes it fairly clear that Jesus is the only way to get to the Kingdom of Heaven, but do all denominations take this to be literal or are there any that believe all people who are basically good will go to heaven, they just might not get some of the perks that Christians get etc.?

Or are there any denominations that believe that generally good people who aren't Christian go to a place such as limbo for example, while good Christians go to Heaven and bad people go to hell?
No man knows, only God knows whos name is written in the book of life the most we can do is pray for all people. I am sure even the man born mute who could not profess to those around him the name Jesus Christ may appear unsaved. yet God can see within his heart a place no man can see only God. We will be judged by what is within our hearts not within four walls of a church not by all the lip service in the world by our heart alone shall we be judged.


Well-Known Member
I believe the catch-phrase used in apostolic churches is:

We know where The Church is. We do not know where The Church is not.

But, I can kind of sympathize with the Eskimo in the story up there. I think the Catholic Church calls that Invincible Ignorance.


Please no sarcasm
Are there any denominations in Christianity that believe that there is a way a person can go to heaven without accepting Jesus as the son of God?

I know the NT makes it fairly clear that Jesus is the only way to get to the Kingdom of Heaven, but do all denominations take this to be literal or are there any that believe all people who are basically good will go to heaven, they just might not get some of the perks that Christians get etc.?

Or are there any denominations that believe that generally good people who aren't Christian go to a place such as limbo for example, while good Christians go to Heaven and bad people go to hell?

To really answer this you have to define heaven and hell, and where we go immediately after death, before the judgement. What I DON'T believe is that God would send good people, Christian or otherwise, to hell. What kind of God would do that? Some people never even heard of Christ, much less accepted him.

Our God is fair and just, and above all loves each of us, and will give all people an opportunity to learn of and accept Christ, whether in this life or the next.


Not your average Mormon
I do know that the Church of Christ believes they are the only ones going to heaven.
And the Jehovah's Witnesses not only believe that they are the only ones going to heaven, but that only 144,000 of them are going to make it! Sounds like pretty crappy odds to me.