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Do atheist's believe in psychic abilities?

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
I don't concern myself with "proof", or the "real / unreal" dichotomy. (Are your dreams real? Is love real? I see the line as quite fuzzy.) Instead I accept empirical evidence (ie. my own experience and the occasional bit of research or testimonial) until the probability is weighted far enough to justify an opinion.

I believe that love or thoughts for that matter are real. Electric impulses that our brains manifest to inform us of our envirornment.

So what has been proven to my satisfaction is that there is an element of my awareness that is not subject to the constraints of time and space as they are currently understood, and is not pinned to a specific location. (When I say "as they are currently understood" I mean by the skeptical layman, not the quantum physicist, as quantum physics, IMO, allows for this assertion.)

The element that you speak of could be construed as that paranormal guide some call God. I'm not trying to convert anyone, but there is something out there that is making us aware of the unexplainable and that is undeniable.


As a Christian I feel that I need to provide proof of something that is tough to describe. The things I look for are stories that all side of the issue agree to be true. For example: the Romans, Jews and other people of other nations all agree that Jesus actually lived.

Hi, Jeremy, unfortunately I haven't found the case for Christ particularly convincing, as the evidence one way or the other is scant and unreliable. I actually read a book called "The Case for Christ" and found it to be riddled with errors, inconsistencies and false assertions.

I have an open mind about the whole issue though. If I were interested in miracle-working spiritual celebrities who believe they are the son of God, though, I would focus on Sai Baba though, as there is no doubt or controversy that he exists or that his followers (millions of people) believe they witness miracles.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Hi, Jeremy, unfortunately I haven't found the case for Christ particularly convincing, as the evidence one way or the other is scant and unreliable. I actually read a book called "The Case for Christ" and found it to be riddled with errors, inconsistencies and false assertions.

Really, I thought his book was very through. I liked how he went to different scholars on different subjects and thought he proved each position quite eliquently.

I have an open mind about the whole issue though. If I were interested in miracle-working spiritual celebrities who believe they are the son of God, though, I would focus on Sai Baba though, as there is no doubt or controversy that he exists or that his followers (millions of people) believe they witness miracles.

An open mind should lead you to the right conclusion. I doubted the this, thats, and the other for some time, but when I read the Bible for the first with an open mind, I began to see the wisdom and the proof of things that I had not understood before. I think maybe that the whole idea. What do you think?


An open mind should lead you to the right conclusion. I doubted the this, thats, and the other for some time, but when I read the Bible for the first with an open mind, I began to see the wisdom and the proof of things that I had not understood before. I think maybe that the whole idea. What do you think?

IMHO, an open mind does not lead to conclusions. If there is no room left for alternative possibilities, doubt, or new information the mind is no longer "open".

The thing about "the Case for Christ" is that it is only eloquent and convincing if you are already convinced. I still maintain the book is full of logical fallacies, misrepresentations and historical inaccuracies. I don't have it any more - it was loaned to me by a Christian friend in the hope of saving my hellbound soul. I gave it back after I read it, filled with sticky notes directing him to academically credible sources refuting nearly every claim in the book.

For his part, he didn't follow up on any of these, instead choosing to believe that I hadn't read it after all. :)

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
IMHO, an open mind does not lead to conclusions. If there is no room left for alternative possibilities, doubt, or new information the mind is no longer "open".

The thing about "the Case for Christ" is that it is only eloquent and convincing if you are already convinced. I still maintain the book is full of logical fallacies, misrepresentations and historical inaccuracies. I don't have it any more - it was loaned to me by a Christian friend in the hope of saving my hellbound soul. I gave it back after I read it, filled with sticky notes directing him to academically credible sources refuting nearly every claim in the book.

For his part, he didn't follow up on any of these, instead choosing to believe that I hadn't read it after all. :)

Sorry the book wasn't for you.

What unexplainable events have you seen?


Knowing who is calling before picking up the phone, prophetic dreams, remote viewing, synchronicity and a "ghost" encounter.


wow, you saw a ghost. What did it look like?

I didn't see one, I heard one. It sounded like the creak of someone sitting in an empty wicker chair (quite a distinctive sound for those who've heard it), followed by the sound of someone getting up again out of the empty wicker chair, followed by very clear footsteps ringing down the empty hallway of an old hotel I used to work in. I make no claims as to what that was myself, but it would ordinarily be interpreted as a "ghost encounter".

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
I didn't see one, I heard one. It sounded like the creak of someone sitting in an empty wicker chair (quite a distinctive sound for those who've heard it), followed by the sound of someone getting up again out of the empty wicker chair, followed by very clear footsteps ringing down the empty hallway of an old hotel I used to work in. I make no claims as to what that was myself, but it would ordinarily be interpreted as a "ghost encounter".

That sound very interesting. What do you think a ghost is? Is it a spirit?


That sound very interesting. What do you think a ghost is? Is it a spirit?

There's not enough information available to have an opinion on what causes "ghost" phenomena. I'm happy enough to be relieved of the urge to doubt other people's "ghost stories", and I'm comfortable telling my own and using the word "ghost" with all it's connotations for ease of communication. As to the possible causes... *shrug*. I'm not convinced it means there are dead people wandering the earth without their bodies, and lean more toward there being a strong psychological component.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
There's not enough information available to have an opinion on what causes "ghost" phenomena. I'm happy enough to be relieved of the urge to doubt other people's "ghost stories", and I'm comfortable telling my own and using the word "ghost" with all it's connotations for ease of communication. As to the possible causes... *shrug*. I'm not convinced it means there are dead people wandering the earth without their bodies, and lean more toward there being a strong psychological component.

I feel our minds are the gateway to psychic abilities. I'm starting to learn more about meditation and from what I've learned people can use their minds like a movie screen of sorts and can use this for many purposes. Some people have even diagnosed medical problem of other people and come up with cures and seen the future. For about six months, every day, I had these dreams about strange scary waves and then the tsunami hit. After it hit the dreams stopped. After that I had a dream about tornadoes while a bad storm was in Colorado. The next day or so several tornadoes that were spawned from that very same storm devastated the mid-west.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
As a Christian, I can't speak for (atheists, tho I was raised amongst them).

I do know "psychic abilities" exist :yes: if that's what you're really wanting to know more about.

Thank you for sharing. As Christians and people in general, psychic awareness is a tool we should all learn more about. Do you have any events you would like to share?


What are psychic abilities?
Psychic abilities, or "Para-psych" consists of Mind-skills any person can learn
- oobe/Astral projection
- Clar - everything
- Tele - everything
- remote viewing
- remote influence
- retro influence

These are *safe* :yes: skills to learn and practice.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Psychic abilities, or "Para-psych" consists of Mind-skills :yes: any person can learn
- oobe/Astral projection
- Clar - everything
- Tele - everything
- remote viewing
- remote influence
- retro influence

These are *safe* :yes: skills to learn and practice.



Psychic abilities, or "Para-psych" consists of Mind-skills :yes: any person can learn
- oobe/Astral projection
- Clar - everything
- Tele - everything
- remote viewing
- remote influence
- retro influence

These are *safe* :yes: skills to learn and practice.

That's funny,
because back when I was a christian
all of these practices were shunned as "unsafe".

I guess there is as much dissent between christians on these issues,
as there is on just about everything else then? :shrug:

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
That's funny,
because back when I was a christian
all of these practices were shunned as "unsafe".

I guess there is as much dissent between christians on these issues,
as there is on just about everything else then? :shrug:

The Jesus in the bible wouldn't have it any other way. He wants true power, not just talk.


Originally Posted by Sk8Joyful
Psychic abilities, or "Para-psych" consists of Mind-skills any person can learn
- oobe/Astral projection
- Clar - everything
- Tele - everything
- remote viewing
- remote influence
- retro influence

These are *safe* :yes: skills to learn and practice.

As a "christian", you do know unsafe realms also exist;
the kind the Bible warns us about, namely: "entities, spirits, ghosts, & magical enchantments."
The obvious difference being, this last group
depends on other entities, the nature of which can be deceptive :eek: so that's why they're best avoided, like the plaque.
The 1st group of skills, are actually this: *skills*... you can learn using your own sub-conscious mind.

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sk8Joyful
Psychic abilities, or "Para-psych" consists of Mind-skills any person can learn
- oobe/Astral projection
- Clar - everything
- Tele - everything
- remote viewing
- remote influence
- retro influence

These are *safe* :yes: skills to learn and practice.

As a "christian", you do know unsafe realms also exist;
the kind the Bible warns us about, namely: "entities, spirits, ghosts, & magical enchantments."
The obvious difference being, this last group
depends on other entities, the nature of which can be deceptive :eek: so that's why they're best avoided, like the plaque.
The 1st group of skills, are actually this: *skills*... you can learn using your own sub-conscious mind.

Some say that Solomon got carried away in these areas, so yes, as with everything, understanding is paramount.


That's funny,
because back when I was a christian
all of these practices were shunned as "unsafe".

I guess there is as much dissent between christians on these issues,
as there is on just about everything else then?
Most christians, cycling back & forth between varying states of anxiety, depression, fear,
rejection, & shunning of all kinds of beliefs, & practices
does not mean that all of us, with the bathwater, throw-out the baby too.

Some of us Christians, choose living *safely...open-minded* to PRAISE :yes: GOD.