Veteran Member
Hallelujah. I am really tired of the false dichotomy that some non-believers (read, atheists) seem to put people into....anybody believing in a Creator MUST be a young earth literal 7-24 hour day creationist and all the arguments and criticisms are assuming that....OR, if the person they speak to actually figures that the earth is 4 billion (or thereabouts) years old and evolution is real, MUST be an atheist; no god involved.
At least, those who talk to ME seem to do that.
There are those....MOST Christians, actually...who do believe that "God is Who, evolution is how".
For crying out loud, the Catholic church accepts evolution as 'how,' officially...and since it was a Catholic monk who did the definitive work on inherited characteristics (heard of Gregor Mendel? BTW, he was not only NOT criticized for his work, he was made an Abbot).
Ah, well.
This is not an accurate representation.
A "creationist" is someone that explicitly rejects evolution theory and instead believes some god created everything as-is.
A theist that accepts evolution and believes perhaps that some god "kickstarted" it, or "guided" it or what-have-you, isn't typically called a creationists but rather a "theistic evolutionist".
Creationism includes the explicit rejection of evolution theory.
Theistic evolution accepts the science of evolution and adds an undetectable "hand of god" or something.
This is what the catholic church does. Eventhough I've literally heared vatican cardinals state that if someone we could push the "reset" button and turn back time 3 billion years to let evolution unfold once more, that it would be extremely unlikely that we'ld end up with homo sapiens again, considering lots of random variables that (at least) co-determine evolutionary outcomes.
So, to summarize, calling someone who adheres to "theistic evolution" a "creationist", is just confusing / ambiguous terminology.
Creationism as a term, implies the explicit rejection of the science of evolution.