Subhankar Zac said:
Do evolution and bigbang always have to be in conflict with religion/spirituality/Philosophies?
In my opinion, there are some beliefs, cultural beliefs and practices that are in tune with science.
Religion always isn't anti science.
The Big Bang and Evolution are never in conflict with any religion, because each respective theory make any mention of religion, spirituality or philosophy. Both theories don't mention any of deities, angels, demons, Jinns, spirits or fairies; none of the modern scientific theories do.
If none of the other theories do, why should theory on the expanding universe model, or on biodiversity?
I don't think the problem is with science.
The problem is with some religions, or more specifically with some religious people, who can't accept that their religions get ignored, particularly with their deities. They want to force others to believe in their superstitions of some mythological and unsubstantiated powerful beings.
Primitive superstitions are still embedded in living religions.
Philosophies are whole different propositions. Some philosophies accept religious or spiritual teachings, as well as the presences of gods or spirits, while others don't. It depends on the philosophy's position.
The thing is that philosophy is not always logical or wise. It would rationalise anything and everything, and in many cases don't have any substance other than rationality of what they teach to be "true". The "logic" presented by the philosophers is only true, if they can back them up with more than just playing word game or mind game; logic alone, is not enough, especially when they venture into the supernatural, as religions do.
Many of the philosophies are just nothing more than an exercise of sophistry.
Although I do find some of philosophies to be fascinating to read about, I don't think a whole lof of them holds substance.
I think the only philosophies that are close to science, is when epistemology works with empiricism, like logical empiricism or logical positivism, where the truth is verified through tests or evidences.
Science don't work on logic alone; it required any statement to be tested, and have several different steps to verify what is objectively true, like falsification (testability and refutability), scientific method (the actual process of testing, quantifying, or evidence gathering), hypothesis being reviewed by peers.
Science allows for correction of error in any statement, theory or hypothesis, and thee conclusion are based on data, tests or evidences, and not on some personal beliefs.