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Do Pictures of Nude People Lead to Immoral Behavior?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Morality consists not just of sexual continence. There is violence, covetousness, malevolence, vengence, & alia

Could images of violence or ads for luxury items be just as obscene as naked pictures -- and perhaps more deleterious?

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
So if you look at porn with the mindset that you're going to masturbate, you're going to. Now as to whether or not thats immoral, well....

Let's be honest here - if masturbation is immoral, the only people that will make it to heaven are the people born with no arms.

The rest of us are simply jockeying for position at the head of the table.


Well-Known Member
Let's be honest here - if masturbation is immoral, the only people that will make it to heaven are the people born with no arms.

The rest of us are simply jockeying for position at the head of the table.

LOL, the worst thing is to be brought up thinking masturbation is immoral, or maybe it's the best.


Well-Known Member
wel lets look at the facts most nude pictures are on the internet and i never saw anything immoral on the internet:D


Well-Known Member
Do pictures of nudes lead to immoral behavior? Why or why not?
Too simplistic a connection.

eg the smell of fried chicken leads to over-consumption of KFC which leads to obesity (immoral result).

Your premise does not facilitate an occasion to act, "immorally". (see Skinner theory)

Acceptance of your premise - conclusion implies strict behaviourism as a norm in humans.


It depends on the context in which you are viewing them.

my mother was an artist and we had books that contained "the human form" from all different kinds of angles. This is important when taking art as a major because you need to know about the human form and how to draw it.

I'm from an LDS household. But i come from a family where nudity is not a "big deal." It's only when it's used in conjunction with inuendo or is in a pornographic nature is it immoral.

Like "Ero Art" It's erotic and is supposed to cause you to become Amorous or aroused. this is on the same level as Porn to me. This is the same to me as Playboy.

Same thing with Maxim, though they aren't nude it is the intent of the magazine to degrade women's bodies to mere objects of lust.


Let's be honest here - if masturbation is immoral, the only people that will make it to heaven are the people born with no arms.

The rest of us are simply jockeying for position at the head of the table.

I have perfectly good arms and do not participate in this immoral behavior.

peopel dillude themselves into thinking "everyone else does it" just because the people they associate themselves with do.

Studies have shown there have been a high number of people from puberty till death who have engaged in this behavior. But, not all.


Free Thinker
Do pictures of nudes lead to immoral behavior? Why or why not?

The images themselves may lead to what is largely considered immoral behavior, such as objectifying the human body, but a large part of this issue appears to be biblically based. It was in the book of Genesis, after Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge that they became aware of the fact they were nude, and that to me is the prime reason it is "shameful" to expose oneself. So from a social standpoint, nude images lead to immoral behavior as they instill lust upon many viewers.
Personally, I think it is sad that we are told to cover ourselves. After all, we enter the world this way, as "God made man in his image" or through the process of evolution (depending on your beliefs), so what is there to be ashamed of? Personally, I would love to see the day that public nudity is the norm and not a punishable offense, simply because it seems to me that this would lead to a huge decrease in other, considerably more dangerous activities. And there are some days where it's just too hot for clothes, ya know? :D


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
It was more the impoliteness with which you answered for him that is the issue here. Just because this is a debate forum does not mean we may degrade to petty insults when somebody has a different belief than us.

Thanks. I was just about to say that.:D


Free Thinker
Thanks. I was just about to say that.:D
No problem. The sooner we can engage in civilized conversations about our beliefs, hard as that may be, the sooner we can end all these trivial differences we have with one another. Remarks like that serve only to fuel aggression between opposing belief systems.