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Do Pictures of Nude People Lead to Immoral Behavior?


What is it, in your opinion, that makes masturbation immoral?

Regardless of religious reasons i believe it is wrong.

It's a self-centered behavior. It's all about you and nobody else, It promotes isolation. Those who practice it generally have a skewed perception of members of the opposite sex. It trains your brain to think of members of the opposite sex as merely sexual objects rather than intelligent human beings with emotions. It disconnects you from emotional attachment.

people, Children especially, who practice it naturally have an instinct to "hide it" as part of a "guity conscience". It's rationalization that makes people think that it is okay.

It's physically addictive. as with any physically addictive substance it causes the user to need it more. for isntance, those who do it more frequently, cause thier organs to create more hormones that cause sexual arousal. especially in males, the testes compensate and produce sperm more rapidly. Those who have highly addictive personalitites have a very big problem with this ebcause they tend to do it more frequently 5-6 times a day. Causing minor dehydration, and an overexertion of the sexual organs. granted the reproductive system is extremely fast at compensating for stress or healing from trauma, You are still damaging those organs.

Anyoen that says "Oh it's not addictive" and does participate in this practice shoudl try and stop completely and juse see how hard it actually is to quit.

Granted, this is from a logical standpoint rather than an emotional or moral standpoint.

Morally or religiously, for me, it has to do with the Law of Chastity which i abide by. No seual relations outside of marriage and only with your spouse. this includes masturbation because it is a mockery before God of the powers of procreation.

Emotionally it is damaging to my spouse. if you have a healthy sexual realtionship with your spouse, why shoudl you even need this recourse of action? Generally speaking, Pornography and masturbation go hand in hand, and that get's into the whole pornography debate. To me, viewing pronography is not only breaking the laws of chastity but modifying the way your brain views women. Kind of like Pavlov's Dogs. Conditioned responses. you then loose your free will and become a slave to either A) pornography, or B) the affects of pornography to the way you view Women (or men, i'm using women as an example because it;s from my male perspective)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
:rolleyes: How 1600's of you.
So, can you cite any credible medical studies or provide some substantial evidence to back your creepy claims that sexual repression is somehow actually healthy, or just nonsensical religious gobbledygook? As with homosexuality, I bet you would like for The State to ban masturbation while we're at it, too. Perhaps you could convince a museum to sell you some of these for your unfortunate children.


Do pictures of nudes lead to immoral behavior? Why or why not?

Let me ask you a question first: What is considered "immortal behavior" and who sets the standards?

If you mean treating women as mere sex objects, then that can happen as a result but is that "immoral"? If a man views a woman as a sex object, is he immoral? Face it, sexually-inclined men are going to want to have sex with a woman. There's no getting around that one. The same goes for sexually-inclined women. So, does having sex about a man/woman make it immoral if they want to have sex anyways? It's healthy to masterbate, so I'd think that an idea of stopping masterbation would be the immoral idea as it jepordizes health.

Now, there is another variable to consider. Are we talking about looking at a picture of a nude person only once? If that's the case, probably not. It's likely that immoral behavior will result from the mind of the viewer, usually before they viewed the porn. There is a correlation at best between watching porn, particularly aggressive porn and a change in behavior to a certain sex but the porn hasn't been proven to be the culprit.

"It's a self-centered behavior. It's all about you and nobody else". What about a single, childless person who works purely to pay the bills? They're serving only themselves. If they stop, the economy of that country isn't going to collapse, the change will be microscopic. Do you suggest they either stop working or immediately find someone? What about someone with a schizoid personality disorder (people tend to want to be by themselves)? In both cases, both are self-serving, yet neither are harmless. Would you rather have them go about and find someone? What if they work over 40 hours a week, let's say 60 or even 80. They're working quite a bit so dating may screw them over. Should they do this anyways and put themselves in jepordy?

I'm not disagreeing masturbation usually is self-centered as it is quite self-centered. But also consider a few more situations that are less complex. Such as sleeping. We sleep, perhaps by ourselves, promoting isolation. Should we all try to not sleep and impair our cognitive function? That would make it less self-centered, would it not? Also, what about studying? That's pretty self-centered; going somewhere to be alone.

Naturally, you could argue the above 2 things tend to be fairly important, however, what is wrong with some time alone just to make ourselves happier, relaxed or whatever else? Ok, maybe more than a few, how about 30-45 minutes? We sleep for hours on end usually, so if anything, sleeping is more selfish. Same with studying. Most tend to study for a few hours, especially for a test.

I haven't taken anything out of context. I'm asking questions about your claim.

"if you have a healthy sexual realtionship with your spouse, why shoudl you even need this recourse of action?", well, what if you don't have a healthy sexual relationship with an individual? Granted, if you do than chances are, you probably don't.

Lastly, regarding masturbation, you've suggested that not masturbating is healthier than masturbation. Do you have any empirical evidence?


Citizen Mod
Madhatter writes: It's a self-centered behavior.
No matter how you judge it 'hatter, masturbation is still sex with someone I love.

Madhatter writes: It's all about you and nobody else, It promotes isolation.
When one is alone and there is no one else around to share sexual behavior with, this kind of promotion can become quite effective. You seem to perceive that one shouldn’t be trusted by themselves.

Madhatter writes: Those who practice it generally have a skewed perception of members of the opposite sex.
The people who are actually involved in the business of pornography make no such judgments or assumptions on their clientele. Let us be honest for a moment; The majority of women who pose for men’s magazines know exactly who their audience is and what their photographs will be used for. It is this simple and truthful understanding that has kept the business thriving for over half a century.

Madhatter writes: people, Children especially, who practice it naturally have an instinct to "hide it" as part of a "guity conscience".
Masturbation is a solitary achievement, it is not something that is performed in public or an event that is announced to parents so that they can watch or supervise.

Madhatter writes: It's rationalization that makes people think that it is okay.

And it is usually religion that brings the connotations of guilt. If one is faithful, one is told that God is offended and that there is a punishment or retribution for such human behavior, one is less likely to attempt or enjoy masturbation.

Madhatter writes: It's physically addictive. as with any physically addictive substance it causes the user to need it more. for isntance, those who do it more frequently, cause thier organs to create more hormones that cause sexual arousal. especially in males, the testes compensate and produce sperm more rapidly.

I do not see a downside to the above statement.

Madhatter writes: Those who have highly addictive personalitites have a very big problem with this ebcause they tend to do it more frequently 5-6 times a day. Causing minor dehydration, and an overexertion of the sexual organs. granted the reproductive system is extremely fast at compensating for stress or healing from trauma, You are still damaging those organs.

Nothing a glass of water, a healthy diet and an active lifestyle couldn’t fix.

Madhatter writes: Anyoen that says "Oh it's not addictive" and does participate in this practice shoudl try and stop completely and juse see how hard it actually is to quit.

For how long? And once this experiment is completed, then what?

Madhatter writes: Morally or religiously, for me, it has to do with the Law of Chastity which i abide by. No seual relations outside of marriage and only with your spouse. this includes masturbation because it is a mockery before God of the powers of procreation.

I believe that it is a thoughtful extention of GOD’s wisdom and love for us. This deity has actually considered the fore sight that humans may find themselves alone at some time and may prefer not to participate or rely on the stages that lead to sexual behavior with other humans. This Supreme BEing has kindly provided a method for humans who do not want to participate in the creation of children or do not have the means to encourage a family to achieve the same pleasure that an orgasm affords to sexually active couples.

Haven’t you ever wondered why all the parts still function during a masturbation session?

Haven’t you ever questioned why GOD has allowed the process of orgasm to happen even though only one person is achieving it?

Do you think that if GOD was seriously offended by masturbation that he would swiftly punish the offenders or would promptly incorporate fail safes to prevent humans from masturbating again or at least have corrected this design flaw before letting humans lead a physical existence?

Do you think that the temptation or process of masturbation was implemented just to test humans faith or free will? Do you actually believe that masturbation is a biological procedure or an emotional practice to see if one sides with a God or a devil?

One of the first degrees of sexual awareness are usually performed on oneself, do you think that GOD would not have considered that we would make this discovery on our own?

Madhatter writes: Emotionally it is damaging to my spouse.

My wife enjoys watching me masturbate. And with a little encouragement and understanding your spouse could too-er, I mean- you know, you both could share in the experience-I mean in the privacy of your own home, by yourselves of course.

Madhatter writes: if you have a healthy sexual realtionship with your spouse, why shoudl you even need this recourse of action?

Reality usually reveals that a two-income household sometimes never affords couples to connect. If a couple cannot find the time and the means to achieve a “healthy sexual relationship” they should all be understanding that masturbation and the consideration of pursuing their own personal sexual well-BEing will take place in their absence. There is no need to hide or be ashamed of pleasing one self.

Madhatter writes: Pornography and masturbation go hand in hand,

No pun intended.

Madhatter writes: To me, viewing pronography is not only breaking the laws of chastity but modifying the way your brain views women.

Do you mean viewing women au naturel with the possibility of finding them attractive? God forbid.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Hatter, do you believe all pleasant individual activities are wrong, then?

Yes, you must live in strict adherence to the rigid norms of some bronze age goat herders' tribal society. With homosexuality and masturbation out of the way, I'm waiting for them to denounce shrimp eating and wearing mixed fabrics next.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you must live in strict adherence to the rigid norms of some bronze age goat herders' tribal society. With homosexuality and masturbation out of the way, I'm waiting for them to denounce shrimp eating and wearing mixed fabrics next.

Mixed fabrics are an abomination!

Oh I know they are cheap and durable, that is the corruptor, but what of your soul Father Heathen, what of your very soul!!!


Admiral Obvious
Morally or religiously, for me, it has to do with the Law of Chastity which i abide by. No seual relations outside of marriage and only with your spouse. this includes masturbation because it is a mockery before God of the powers of procreation
So any sexual behavior that does not have the intention of pregnancy is mocking God?
If this is true, then why did God not make this proclamation himself?

Emotionally it is damaging to my spouse. if you have a healthy sexual realtionship with your spouse, why shoudl you even need this recourse of action?
Interesting how you seem to think your spouse is the standard by which all spouses should operate.

Generally speaking, Pornography and masturbation go hand in hand, and that get's into the whole pornography debate. To me, viewing pronography is not only breaking the laws of chastity but modifying the way your brain views women. Kind of like Pavlov's Dogs. Conditioned responses. you then loose your free will and become a slave to either A) pornography, or B) the affects of pornography to the way you view Women (or men, i'm using women as an example because it;s from my male perspective)
Generally speaking, this sounds like personal justification for something you have little to no understanding of.

One wonders why, if masturbation were to truly be as immoral as you claim, the Bible says absolutely nothing about it.
Do you perhaps believe that no one back then masturbated?
Or would it make more sense that God, the same God that had 613 rules and regulations and did not have any problem declaring what is good and bad, did not have a problem with masturbation?


Sorry but my opinions are not up for debate, i showed you why i believe the way i do, that should be the end of it. thanks.

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
... Anyoen that says "Oh it's not addictive" and does participate in this practice shoudl try and stop completely and juse see how hard it actually is to quit.
For someone that does "not participate in this immoral behaviour", you seem to have a very keen insight on just how hard it is to quit.

Personally, I'm on the patch.


Well-Known Member
What's really hypcritical to me is the level of violence we allow in movies (catch the latest Rambo, pretty much the most violent film ever made), compared to the level of nudity. The taboos against nudity seem to be much stronger than those against violence. The same is true of our perception of crimes, we consider sex crimes to be worse than crimes of violence.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Sorry but my opinions are not up for debate, i showed you why i believe the way i do, that should be the end of it. thanks.

So you're saying your opinions are rock-solid and will never, ever, ever, even if God told you to personally, change?

I grow up a bit more every year, or even every month these days, and I'm only 20. Every time I grow up, many of my opinions of how the world works change based on newfound knowledge. Masturbation, viewing porn, and other sexual activities are among them. When I was younger, I felt the need to not only hide them, but deny them altogether, even though I was engaging in them. I was looking at porn and masturbating, but if anyone asked, I said I wasn't. But nowadays, now that I know it's perfectly natural, I admit to it. And by the way, I masturbate all the time and now and then look at porn. I hold women on a higher regard than men. Not as sexual objects, far from it. If I worshiped anything, it would be the Divine Feminine.


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
Sorry but my opinions are not up for debate, i showed you why i believe the way i do, that should be the end of it. thanks.

If that's the way you feel then you should stick to the discussion forums. When your in a debate forum your opinion will always be up for debate just like everyone else's. That is the nature of debate. So if you post your opinions and beliefs in a debate forum and then expect no one to question them, to debate them, your going to be sorely disappointed.


Sorry but my opinions are not up for debate, i showed you why i believe the way i do, that should be the end of it. thanks.

No, it is up for debate as this is a debate section. You presented your case for your opinion and others can present their cases against your opinion. I could also go for a bit of a stretch here and say you want others to listen to your opinions, perhaps obey and not disagree with them. Sorry, but that's not going to happen here. Or, perhaps, you may debate the opinions of others. Either way, you've put yourself in a debate and the debate will continue.


What's really hypcritical to me is the level of violence we allow in movies (catch the latest Rambo, pretty much the most violent film ever made), compared to the level of nudity. The taboos against nudity seem to be much stronger than those against violence. The same is true of our perception of crimes, we consider sex crimes to be worse than crimes of violence.
I think it's a combination of two things: our vapid stigma that sex is dangerous for children and the obsession with self-indulgence in the current, irresponsible "sex culture" on television and in music.


Well-Known Member
I think it's a combination of two things: our vapid stigma that sex is dangerous for children and the obsession with self-indulgence in the current, irresponsible "sex culture" on television and in music.

What does this have to do with our glorification of violence in movies?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
What's really hypcritical to me is the level of violence we allow in movies (catch the latest Rambo, pretty much the most violent film ever made), compared to the level of nudity. The taboos against nudity seem to be much stronger than those against violence. The same is true of our perception of crimes, we consider sex crimes to be worse than crimes of violence.

Whereas you go to Europe, it's the complete opposite.

Makes ya think, doesn't it?