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Do you accept the Bible? If not, explain why.


Well-Known Member
It's not a sect. illumination is God's personal revelation. illumination means you can call me an agnostic. Are you denying that the word atheist was invented by Romans to use against Christian converts?
Why would I? I have no specific knowledge as to the invention of the term "atheist" Seems to be reinvented every day. This part I took as challenge:
If we were allowed to do what you do to the christian idol scriptures to the pagan ones than all the arguments the christians used against the pagans would be false.
And addressed here:


non-existential luminary
So first: Interpretation of Jesus the Agnostic.
Eucharist ~ Jesus said "this is my body" upon the bread, likely trying to explain that his body was physical like the bread and that the bread was sustanence for his body. he had a normal human body not a godly body. Jesus said "this is the new testament in my blood" upon the wine, meaning that the alcohol would soon increase his B.A.C. level. his blood was also not godly.
Bible ~ the Bible was not WRITTEN by men...it was "compiled and edited" by a select group of Bishops and later persons. No evidence that the idol is devine, that is correct.
Gospels ~ writen many years after Jesus died. perhaps that is only the earliest versions still in existance or that the apostels kept writing and rewriting them, or their up comming death gave them inspiration to note the occurances... maybe its like alien abductions and they didn't want to be ridiculed while they lived. The Inconsistencies of the Gospels could be their old age or that they are actually perfectly consistent and are some how ment to be read together, even though its assumed that the four writers didn't decide with eachother to write them.
Scribes ~ tried very hard not to make errors.

Accuracy of Gospels Granted ~
jesus said his followers can drink poison without ill effects: perhaps he meant it metaphorically, as in that true christians can hold their anger and hatred in without physical symptoms, or they can ponder non-christian even satanic ideas without being corrupted. or perhaps people these days don't have enough faith for the challenge...though they seam to have enough faith to spread their unfaithful believes around. or perhaps the quote means that faithful christians can't get accidently poisoned, or can't be poisoned by their enemies.
jesus said to cut off your hand or eye if it causes you to sin: again, perhaps it was metaphorical...as in "separate yourself from the causes of your sin". however this metaphor would demonstrated that there are visual sins...such as envy.
jesus said don't plan for the future: maybe he thought it was the end of the world at the time...after all he never seamed to be par-en-par with "his fathers" knowledge of the future. or maybe he meant you should live life like their no tomorrow. or maybe he meant don't plan for the very very long run future. or maybe he meant that the future is uncertain, and one shouldn't rely on one's assumptions.
jesus said to be a true follower of his you must sell everything you own and give the money to the poor: when did he ever say one HAD to be a "true" follower. maybe only very faithful christains need to follow this commandment.
jesus said the end of the world was going to happen during their life time: maybe he meant the life time of the reader even though there were readers 1500 years ago. maybe that quote is only supposed to be read by people in the "real" endtimes. maybe he meant their humanly deaths were the end of the world for them.
jesus said everything you ask for in prayer with faith will be granted (NO Restrictions): maybe people don't have enough faith...though again they seam to have enough to spread their faulty ideas. Or maybe the people WITH enough faith just don't care or shouldn't pray to end the problem of evil.

Eucharist again ~ maybe only jesus can perform the necessary alchemy.
hell ~ maybe jesus doesn't send you, but merely allows you to fall...or is not strong enough to fight your desire to fall..or prefers to allow you to burn yourself.

no idol scripture can support itself against agnostic truth.


non-existential luminary
well i suppose you think the bible is read a certain way while others read a different way. if you look at it from a historical POV then you will notice each gospel tells a different story...

the gospel of mark has jesus saying “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
but the gospel of luke has jesus telling the other guy next to him
"Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”
so here we have one story contradicting the other...

each gospel was written for a certain audience. consider the gospel of mark, most scholars believe was the 1st gospel written and was for the jews that were unsure about their future, since the temple had been recently destroyed a second time...(notice how the gospel ends.."Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid." then funny enough
you see this disclaimer about the following verses...[The earliest manuscripts and some other ancient witnesses do not have verses 9–20.])

luke however was written later and it was written for a greek and roman audience... hence why the other person in the luke account of the crucifixion was promised a place in heaven just for saying what he did...and says this "... repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem"

i would guess the ones that do not accept the bible as the word of god have considered these types of irreconcilable differences and rejected the idea of taking the bible at face value...
ahahah no silly! he said one, and then the other!
*end sarcasm.


non-existential luminary
See? Now, yer talking theology. The only "creation of hell," that I have heard of; is a special place that had to be "without god." That is because the people needed to believe that god was good; and god could not be good, if something of god was evil.

So, let's back away from the rhetoric, think of a few simple terms. Almighty. Now, creation of hell makes god less than Almighty, no? It's simple math. So, let us consider what was mentioned above, namely; "without god," and there's you're hell. No bs, no massive Technicolor production of burning and screaming; hell is "without god." Are you in hell? Well, you have these questions... :D

But no. Erase that "eternal damnation" crap from your conception space.

And I don't do "god's plan." You know why? Because I'm dang intelligent, have done a pile of research, have put it to the scientific method; and have concluded beyond a reasonable doubt - god is too cool for mere "plan," especially something a mortal could figure out. So, if you're an atheist, wondering about "god's plan," you're doubly jacked. :D

If one wishes to consider, "god, with plan," one must get to know god. If one doesn't know god, then one is listening to what? Worldly ministers, who ain't gonna have your best interests in mind. That's up to you, to have your best interests in mind; to know you for the person you are, regardless of the past. That is the true spirit behind being "born again," that none of us are entirely glorified by our pasts, regardless. If nothing else, we were all once students; where "born again" is mastery.

As far as I'm concerned (I'm sure this is not official Christian dogma ;)), one can be "born again" into atheism; and never look back.
the true spirit behind being "born again" is killing yourself. the second christian unforgivable sin that Jesus, in his glory, forgot about.
The Problem of Evil still remains...as i'm sure you know.


Well-Known Member
the true spirit behind being "born again" is killing yourself. the second christian unforgivable sin that Jesus, in his glory, forgot about.
The Problem of Evil still remains...as i'm sure you know.

There ain't no problem of evil, there's predation and entropy. "Born again" sounds corny and stupid but it happens. There is Holy Spirit; whether or not this is someday found to be a form of insanity, a threshold level of endorphin production, or something else is for history to decide. And Jesus was agenda.


Do you accept the Bible? If not, explain why.

Do you define "accept" as a credulous, unquestioning, faith in a bronze age barbaric text filled with genocide, murder, misogynism, racism and silly superstition? If so then can you "accept" that I am the God Poseiden? AHHH...You can't? Now all of a sudden you are a rational skeptic?


Well-Known Member
Do you define "accept" as a credulous, unquestioning, faith in a bronze age barbaric text filled with genocide, murder, misogynism, racism and silly superstition? If so then can you "accept" that I am the God Poseiden? AHHH...You can't? Now all of a sudden you are a rational skeptic?

You accept the Bible as a "bronze age barbaric text filled with genocide, murder, misogynism, racism and silly superstition," that means yer already on the road to redemption. What I wanna know, is what kinda compy you running, underwater and all... ;)