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Do you believe in a literal devil?

Is there a literal Devil?

  • The Devil is literal (I’m an Abrahamic monotheist)

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • The Devil is literal (I’m of Left Hand Path belief)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Devil is literal (Other religion)

    Votes: 3 9.1%
  • The Devil is not literal (Abrahamic)

    Votes: 4 12.1%
  • The Devil is not literal (LHP)

    Votes: 1 3.0%
  • The Devil is not literal (other)

    Votes: 18 54.5%

  • Total voters

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I’ve recently heard that 65% of American Christians believe the Devil is a literal entity and not a symbol. So I’m curious…

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
In order to answer the question, I would need more information. What do you mean by "a literal entity"?

Jack and Diane are literal entities, but, I don't think that's what you mean.

As in an existing being with its own will, and perhaps a form of some sort (even if not physical). As opposed to a symbol or metaphor.


I’ve recently heard that 65% of American Christians believe the Devil is a literal entity and not a symbol. So I’m curious…
According to Jewish teachings Satan is a living spiritual entity.

Only 65% of American Christians? I honesty thought that number was much higher. I have observed that Jews and Christians have a drastically different perspective regarding Satan, that is, compared to Christians who do believe in a literal Satan. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that these Christians blame all the bad in the world on Satan. Amongst Jews, Satan certainly influences the bad in the world, but, after all said and done, it is humans who are to blame.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
No, I don't believe that the devil is an actual being who actually exists


Well-Known Member
I’ve recently heard that 65% of American Christians believe the Devil is a literal entity and not a symbol. So I’m curious…
I believe the Devil exists but not in the Classic Hollywood sense. The Devil derives from knowledge and law of good and evil. I picture the Devil is more like a form of organic AI; artificial intelligence. It is neural subroutine within the human brain, that makes use of all the dark side data connected to law and knowledge of good and evil.

If we fed a computer generated AI, just the dark side of law and also cultural knowledge of good and evil, such beauty is good and ugly is evil, or light is good and darkness is evil, etc., and allowed it to express a dynamic character to epitomizes this data set you would get versions of the Devil in action and deeds.

When the human and animal brain writes to memory, a feeling tag is added to sensory content. Our memory has both sensory content and feeling tags. Our memory is designed to use both side of the brain at the same time. Law and knowledge of good and evil games the natural animal memory, since law, although one thing, is composed of two things like good and evil. This requires two conflicting emotional tags, one for the good; rest/love and one for the evil; fear/hate. Since we are required to know the law and we are told to be good, the evil side of law is repressed. This repression builds potential, with the potential release expressed via the organic AI called Satan or Devil.

Let me give some examples of the effect. Transgender people seem like basically good people. Most are law abiding. However they are being compelled from within to mutilate their natural body in favor of a medical illusion. These two behavior seems contradictory. It appears to be an example of the Devil or Satan AI attempting to lower the potential, but is doing so in a way that appears to bring out a contradiction to nature as well as the darkness in others. Now, otherwise good people, start to be angry and compelled with a similar inner compulsion to destroy that which contradicts their own outer expression of good.

The Devil or Satan AI can also network; war and conflict, and appears to be the potential behind the Israel and Palestinian demonstrations, where what are assumed are just causes, on both sides, use the power of the dark side, and see no contradiction since the lowering of potential feels proper; lowering potential is healthy. However, the methods of darkness prevail.

I discussed how the memory was gamed by law, in more detail under the topic; Humanity would be better off without emotions. Our emotional nature is gamed by law of good and evil. This binary conflicting tagging, and the desire to be good, causes the repression of the dark side of law which consolidated as an AI effect we call the Devil or Satan. If you do unconscious research on yourself you eventually reach this AI or shadow side, and have to figure out how to deal with it. Fighting fire with fire does not work since this gives the AI more power which can suck you in. The best you can so is not fight or fear so you can pass by, and deal with it on solid ground.

Being an unconscious phenomena the Satan AI can project. Like a movie projector it can appear to overlay the external world. But this is an illusion since the AI projector is inside of you or each of us; original sin was the original gaming of emotions. Images of the Devil as seen in literature and movies is the from the AI defining itself within the context of different times of history and what they saw as the dark side to be repressed by law; data set of the AI. The two horn are good and evil coming from the frontal lobe or imagination. Black is the opposite of white; good, while red is the color of fire which symbolized emotions.



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I believe it’s a superstition but used as a fear mechanism to control followers. Any thinking person knows that we alone are responsible for our own actions.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member

Do you believe in a literal devil?​

No, my view, it's a religious device to frighten followers into not straying

I've been to the gates of hell (Solfatara) and knocked, no one home

Though I've spent time in hell it was nothing to do with Satan but a really nasty human being.

Edit for spelling
Last edited:


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I can't really respond in the poll because my answer is both and neither.

Both, because one can consider that humans occupy an infinitesimally small corner of an incomprehensibly vast universe. Then consider that this incomprehensibly vast universe is quite possibly but one of an incomprehensibly vast number of multiple universes and dimensions whose rules and laws can differ dramatically from our own. And here I sit, a pathetic speck of basically nothing, somehow presuming that just because "the devil" doesn't seem to literally exist within my teeny tiny sphere of awareness that it doesn't literally exist anywhere else in all universes and dimensions? Bah! I can't muster that level of hubris.

But one must also be practical, and know who one is and isn't. I'm a Pagan Druid. The "Devil" (an Abrahamic thing) has no place within my religion. In that sense, my answer is neither.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes, you’re own worldview
The Devil is irrelevant to my own worldview and therefore has impact in my life only to the extent that another actions are influence by such an entity. However, the Devil manifests for or appears to those that believe in such an entity, as is evidence by the impact the entity has on their actions.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I’ve recently heard that 65% of American Christians believe the Devil is a literal entity and not a symbol. So I’m curious…
A study (follow the link) showed 56% of those surveyed agreed with this: "Satan is not merely a symbol of evil but is a real spiritual being and influences human lives." According to section 1 of the 2020 results "AWVI was undertaken in January 2020 among a nationally representative sample of 2,000 adults." This is according to George Barna of Arizona Christian University and American Worldview Inventory 2020.

To see the report look at the 2020 results at this link and specifically the subsection "Perceptions of God": Research - Arizona Christian University

There are also more recent reports right up to 2024.


Active Member
In the Abrahamic sphere, Satan is any adversary (Ex The Devil's Advocate film), but I know the Devil; do I need to describe him for you?


Nothing my eye, Something for sure
A devil in my definition is a conscious false accuser, and a tale bearing liar, filled with unjustifiable hatred bent on destruction of what's good for personal power and gain. A stealer of what don't belong to such. That kind of devil exists if anyone goes down that road. One who masters these things is rather dangerous and oppressive, disgusting and depraved.

It's an archetype. An angel is one who defends the innocent without ceasing; the contrary opposite of a devil.


Active Member
Please do!
The "devil" is an entity that manifests with an appearance not much different from that of a human, albeit more robust. He is a universal semi-eternal warrior-priest and the ruler of an intermediary realm between angels and humans. Rarely, perhaps in the proportion of 1 in a billion, does he reveal himself to a human being. He knows all the priests of the past and the present world. He possesses limited power, governed by certain rules, over the human race, allowing him to cause disabilities, diseases, wars, etc., when it suits his interests. He persecutes the true children of light around the world. Generally, he does not interfere with humanity, leaving this task to other inferior beings.


The Revealer
I do not recognize the existence of any devils, in the sense of supernatural entities. What I do recognize are emanations and facets of two forces; one which defines and sustains life and the other which consumes it. Consider it like most are looking through a keyhole at the divine, so they can only see a fraction of what it is. Devils are simply what some see through their keyhole.