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Do you believe in aliens?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
If God can create us, then he can create others.

If life/intelligence is mathematically possible here, then what would prevent it happening elsewhere? The concept that we are "alone" is extremely specio-centric. Man ain't all that, though we would like to be.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
cmotdibbler said:
Then I do think there is intelligent life out there.
May I ask why? Are you suggesting, as does Pussyfoot Mouse, that there exists some logic, math, or science that precludes the unique?


Reality Checker
With hundreds of thousands of galaxies and hundreds of millions of planets out there, who is to say that there won't be at least A SINGLE planet with conditions and enviroments similar to that of Earthwhich can support and sustain life.


Active Member
there are some pretty stange things documeted in ancient writings that hint at intellegent life outside of this sphere called earth. not to mention how the ancients were so obsessed with the skies to the point of making monuments on the ground mirror the heavens. giza and ankor watt are good examples of this. all of the great civilatizations claim that the "gods" were here teaching the people about the fine art of civilization and then gone as soon as we got it down. they all claimed that these "gods" would indeed return one day, and what is strange is that these "gods" were all spoken of in the excat same way in the stories. modern peoples also claim to have seen aliens who are superior to us. me i am a true believer in the idea of intellegant life being out there and that these beings have been here before. i also believe that some out there supress this truth. anyone who thinks that we are as intellegant as it gets are like those who believe the earth is flat.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
Fluffy said:
I think there is intelligent life out there.
Again, may I ask why? Are you suggesting, as does Pussyfoot Mouse, that there exists some logic, math, or science that precludes the unique?

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
aunggu2002 said:
With hundreds of thousands of galaxies and hundreds of millions of planets out there, who is to say that there won't be at least A SINGLE planet with conditions and enviroments similar to that of Earthwhich can support and sustain life.
And given such a planet, you insist that intelligent life is the inevitable result? Why?

How many billions upon billions of micro-events unknowingly conspired to produce hominds? We are a butterfly effect.

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
almifkhar said:
there are some pretty stange things documeted in ancient writings that hint at intellegent life outside of this sphere called earth.
There are some pretty stange things documented in ancient writings that hint at all manner of absurdity, but thanks for sharing.


A fool
Again, may I ask why? Are you suggesting, as does Pussyfoot Mouse, that there exists some logic, math, or science that precludes the unique?
Ah no. If there is some logic, math or science which supports my belief I am certainly unaware of it. I merely believe it because I want to. As far as I am aware, the chances of such a belief being accurate are not exactly great.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Pussyfoot Mouse said:
Sure, why not? Just because they supposedly haven't contacted us doesn't mean anything. We supposedly haven't contacted them now, have we? I figure if we exist then surely there must be some intelligent life form out there somewhere. Maybe they just don't want to communicate with us, afterall, look at this place! :bonk:
Just one question, Pussyfoot; do you regard Mankind (as a whole) intelligent life ?:biglaugh:

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
Fluffy said:
Ah no. If there is some logic, math or science which supports my belief I am certainly unaware of it. I merely believe it because I want to. As far as I am aware, the chances of such a belief being accurate are not exactly great.
I consider that to be an exceptional response. Frubals!


Reality Checker
Deut. 32.8 said:
And given such a planet, you insist that intelligent life is the inevitable result? Why?

How many billions upon billions of micro-events unknowingly conspired to produce hominds? We are a butterfly effect.
Why do you assume that the "micro-events unknowingly conspired to produce hominds" is the only possible way that life can originate?

Jayhawker Soule

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Premium Member
aunggu2002 said:
Why do you assume that the "micro-events unknowingly conspired to produce hominds" is the only possible way that life can originate?
There are three fundamental possibilities:
  1. Theistic - God did it. All the talk about the presumed size of the universe and number of planets is superfluous. The existence of extra-terrestrial intelligent life depends entirely on God.
  2. Naturalist - Intelligent life is the unintended consequence of descent with modification. Under such a scenario, extra-terrestrial intelligent life is, in my opinion, qualitatively less likely, simply because terrestrial intelligence is the result of a near unimaginable string of seemingly irrelevant events. No Panama - no homo sapiens!
  3. Teleological - evolution is goal-driven, with intelligence the inevitable and intended result. But I know of nothing that supports such a teleological view, hence the rhetorical question: "How many billions upon billions of micro-events unknowingly conspired to produce hominds?"
I hope that was clear.
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Gnostic too

Gnostic thinker
If you can believe in a talking snake, one man can build a boat and take two of every creature into it (feed and all, including cleaning up the poop), God is actually Jesus, and God died but yet is omnipotent (knew all along people would be bad but gave them free-will knowing they'd sin), had to go to hell (see Greek Diaglot translation of the Holy scriptures), still didn't get it right so will now have to destory the world with fire, AND still have to make some people burn forever and ever in hell (somewhere deep inside the earth,I guess), and put wings on the backs of others to spend eternity just walking up and down gold streets wearing sandals and white sheets (heard that somewhere else one time) HECK YEAH I BELIEVE IN ALIENS. Hopefully, I AM ONE!!!!


I want to believe that their is life beyond this world,and because of that,I do.
When I look up at the stars at night....I see a countless many of them.And the thought that of all of them,only one has produced life seems unlikely,and almost...pointless.

If there is no God:
Then random chance would support life throughout the Universe because of the probability of Earth-like worlds.
If there is a God:
Why create an entire universe with only one small race to gaze at it?