Question Everything
OK. the first two are completely irrelevant. The third is relevant, but missing the point. It's not that we're saying that God controls us. It's that He knows what's going to happen. He decided that we could make our own decisions from the start, but, if he can see the end result, then it doesn't matter much. For instance, if He already knew for a fact, not your version of "knowing", that you would make those PBJs and you and the kids would eat them, then you effectively had no choice. You had to make the PBJs. You couldn't chane your mind and make grilled cheese, or go out to lunch or something because that's not part of the future God knows. If you did change things like that, then God didn't know the future in the first place, because the future couldn't be known in advance.
I think I am still not able to explain the concept - I am not a lib arts person, equations are easier for me to work with than words - Free will does not require indeterminancy. It only requires self-determinancy. It does not matter if the future is set in stone or not - the point is who sets it in stone - what is the cause. If you are your own cause, you set it in stone, then it is your will.
Everyone has a hard time getting themself out of the dominos game - causality.
What was the first cause? - for naturalists and theologists - and if you can answer that one, what was the cause of the first cause? - Do you see - it is impossible to have a first cause, meaning that there is none. Everything is eternal with no beginning and no end - no beginning = no first cause -
one eternal round
Take the dominos, place them in a circle. Allow the dominos to move of their own accord with no outside influence - one domino in the circle tpoples itslef (not toppled by an outside influence) the circle of dominos contains it's own causality. It topples around and around without an external cause - internal causality, self-causality. That is free will. Different times different numbers of dominos are standing - the circle is transformed over time - but it is not transformed from an outside entity, it is transformed from within - that is free will.