The old fashioned clothing, translucent grey body, deep pits in place of eyes and the fact that it scared me witless.
Ok I think I know what you really meant. What makes me think that this is some left over part of a person who died? In truth I don't know
what ghosts are, I find the argument that they are the souls of the dead to be as plausible as the argument that they're some form of emotional/electrical afterimage.
You find it plausible that not only people's souls survive their deaths, but the souls of their clothes, too?
The only thing I'm certain* of is that what commonly gets called a "ghost" does in fact exist.
My belief in an afterlife is kind of separate from my belief in ghosts (since I don't know for a fact that ghosts are conscious entities). It's based more on my passing interest in Necromancy and the little scraps I've gleaned from that.
My belief in the afterlife is the shakier of the two beliefs. I believe, but I don't know. I also hold that nobody will truly know until they're dead, and even then that's assuming they have a consciousness sufficient to understand their situation (which I'm skeptical of for the most part).
*As certain as I ever am about anything.
I have a memory - as clear as any other memory I have from that age, if not moreso - that when I was 5 years old, I crawled under the fence between my back yard and the yard of the house next door and saw that the whole rear wall of the house was missing. Not collapsed, just removed, and I could see all through the house. Nobody seemed concerned at all - they were having a large party, in fact, and the house was filled with people holding drinks and chatting. My next door neighbour spotted me as I popped out from under the fence, smiled, and said "well, hello there!"
I remember this more vividly than even the school I attended at the time.
Looking back, I recognize that it was probably a dream (except for that day, the house next door always had all its walls) even though it absolutely doesn't feel like one.
I recognize that I can be fooled. Why should I assume that what you saw exists outside your head? It seems to me that the main difference between what you saw and what I saw was that I was able to come back later and try to confirm what I saw.